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NIM : 1202411024

Exercise 1

Construct sentences with the following prepositions:

above up to according to following on the floor
behind into in the middle of concerning on time
below upon in addition to during before the next
for unto in spite of provided by class

from within in regard to in the middle of

under frustrated at
respect to

1. Tina’s pencilcase is above the table

2. There are many flowers behind you
3. There is a bar of chocolate under the table
4. You can make a description below
5. This gift is only for their teacher
6. Up to today, this beach is always crowded with visitors
7. The students came into the class
8. Mother called you from the upon of the stairs
9. I say unto you, be gone
10. He come from Bali
11. I finish assignments within a week
12. They take this job according to their ability
13. I was in the middle of the sea by ship
14. In addition to school he also works
15. In spiet of he was tired he worked hard
16. I want to ask your in regard to for the holidays later
17. He always following me
18. Cindy is worried concerning her boyfriend health
19. During the holidays I visited a lot of tourist attractions in Bali
20. This cake is provided by my grandfather
21. I am frustrated at with my bike which keeps on breaking down
22. I put something on the floor
23. I came to the campus on time
24. The assignment must be before the next class
25. Someone is in the middle of the forest
26. Respect to be better respected

Reading Passage 1
The Digital Divide
The term digital divide refers to the gap between those who have ready access to
computers and the Internet, and those who do not. More precisely, it is an economic and
social inequality with regard to access to, use of, or impact of information and
communication technologies (ICT). This definition includes the skills to make use of ICT
as an important element. Research shows that the digital divide is more than just an
access issue and cannot be alleviated merely by providing the necessary equipment.
More than just accessibility, individuals need to know how to make use of the
information and communication tools once they exist within a community.
The digital divide may exist within the same country or between differing countries or
regions of the world. In fact, within many countries including the industrialized ones,
there are inequalities between individuals, households, businesses, or geographic areas,
usually at different socioeconomic levels. For instance, the marginalized members of
society, like the poor, rural, elderly, and handicapped portion of the population do not
have access to computers or the internet. However, the wealthy, middle-class population
and those living in urban areas are luckier to be digitally active members of society.
At the global level, the digital divide may refer to the divide between differing countries
or regions of the world. This divide is also called global digital divide and it exists
mainly between developing and developed countries on an international scale. In fact,
developing countries are missing a historic opportunity to take a quantum leap forward
to develop their own productive and creative capacities, and become integrated into the
global virtual economy. It is believed that less developed nations could gain quick access
to economic growth if the information infrastructure were to be developed and well
used. By improving the latest technologies, certain countries and industries are able to
gain a competitive advantage.
Finally, it is thought provoking to see that interaction between human and computers
has greatly increased as we enter the twenty-first century. Digital literacy has become of
paramount importance for people who want to be part of the global society and
Kata Arti
Precisely Tepat
Alleviated Diringankan
Handicapped Orang cacat
Divide Membagi
Quantum Kuantum
Exists Ada
Paramount Terpenting
Elderly Tua
Provoking Memprovokasi

Kesenjangan Digital

Istilah kesenjangan digital mengacu pada kesenjangan antara mereka yang memiliki
akses ke komputer dan Internet, dan mereka yang tidak. Lebih tepatnya, ini adalah
ketidaksetaraan ekonomi dan sosial yang berkaitan dengan akses ke, penggunaan, atau
dampak dari teknologi informasi dan komunikasi (TIK). Definisi ini mencakup
keterampilan untuk memanfaatkan TIK sebagai elemen penting. Penelitian menunjukkan
bahwa kesenjangan digital lebih dari sekadar masalah akses dan tidak dapat diatasi hanya
dengan menyediakan peralatan yang diperlukan. Lebih dari sekedar aksesibilitas, individu
perlu mengetahui bagaimana menggunakan alat informasi dan komunikasi begitu mereka
berada dalam suatu komunitas.

Kesenjangan digital mungkin ada di negara yang sama atau di antara negara atau
wilayah berbeda di dunia. Faktanya, di banyak negara termasuk negara industri, terdapat
ketidaksetaraan antara individu, rumah tangga, bisnis, atau wilayah geografis, biasanya
pada tingkat sosial ekonomi yang berbeda. Misalnya, anggota masyarakat yang
terpinggirkan, seperti masyarakat miskin, pedesaan, lanjut usia, dan penyandang cacat
tidak memiliki akses ke komputer atau internet. Namun, penduduk kelas menengah yang
kaya dan mereka yang tinggal di daerah perkotaan lebih beruntung menjadi anggota
masyarakat yang aktif secara digital.

Di tingkat global, kesenjangan digital dapat merujuk pada kesenjangan antara berbagai
negara atau wilayah di dunia. Kesenjangan ini juga disebut kesenjangan digital global dan
terjadi terutama antara negara berkembang dan negara maju dalam skala internasional.
Faktanya, negara berkembang kehilangan kesempatan bersejarah untuk mengambil
lompatan kuantum ke depan untuk mengembangkan kapasitas produktif dan kreatif mereka
sendiri, dan menjadi terintegrasi ke dalam ekonomi virtual global. Negara-negara yang
kurang berkembang diyakini dapat memperoleh akses cepat ke pertumbuhan ekonomi jika
infrastruktur informasi dikembangkan dan digunakan dengan baik. Dengan meningkatkan
teknologi terbaru, negara dan industri tertentu dapat memperoleh keunggulan kompetitif.

Akhirnya, ada pemikiran yang memprovokasi untuk melihat bahwa interaksi antara
manusia dan komputer telah meningkat pesat saat kita memasuki abad kedua puluh satu.
Literasi digital telah menjadi hal terpenting bagi orang-orang yang ingin menjadi bagian
dari masyarakat dan ekonomi global.

Read the passage carefully and define whether the statement below is True or False! Circle
True or False in the given column!

1 Technology always brings advantages to human. True / False

2 There are two types of computer addiction. True / False

3 Computer addiction can lead to social interaction disability. True / False

4 Depression can be caused by computer addiction. True / False

5 Someone can be called a computer addiction if he/she use True / False

computer for two hours in a day.

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