Impedance Matching Techniques For Microstrip Patch Antenna: Sonia Sharma, C. C. Tripathi and Rahul Rishi

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ISSN (Print) : 0974-6846

ISSN (Online) : 0974-5645

Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Vol 10(28), DOI: 10.17485/ijst/2017/v10i28/97642, July 2017

Impedance Matching Techniques for Microstrip

Patch Antenna
Sonia Sharma1*, C. C. Tripathi1 and Rahul Rishi2
Department of ECE, University Institute of Engineering and Technology, Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra –

136119, Haryana, India; sonia,

Department of CSE, University Institute of Engineering and Technology, Maharshi Dayanand University, Rohtak –
124001, Haryana, India;

Objective: To present a concise and comprehensive summarization of various impedance matching techniques for mi-
crostrip patch antennas. Method: Designing an impedance matching network is a central issue for optimum performance
in every part of RF systems like transceiver, amplifier and antenna to ensure maximum power transfer. Various design for-
mulae to calculate the input impedance of patch antenna and techniques to design a matching network should be known to
RF designer. Finding: In this paper various impedance matching techniques along with their design equations are present-
ed that utilize quarter wave transformer, taper lines, open or short stubs and lumped elements etc. Methods to calculate
the input impedance for various antenna structures like rectangular, circular and triangular patch antenna are described.
Application: This paper concisely covers some of the existing techniques to design an impedance matching network that
can be used to solve the impedance matching problem encountered during antenna design.

Keywords: Impedance Matching, Input Impedance, Lumped Circuit, Patch Antenna, Quarter Wave Transformer, Stub,
Taper Lines

1.  Introduction and overheat the RF device because of increased peak

power level. Other advantages of proper termination of
Impedance matching is an emerging arena of research in load are reduction in amplitude and phase error, reduction
almost every aspect of technology1 viz. communication, in power loss and improvement in the signal to noise ratio.
electronics, electrical, sound, optical etc. In communica- Impedance matching is a challenging step in the
tion area for the transmission of different types of signal; antenna design to achieve optimum performance param-
proper termination is important to reduce reflections eters4–6 like return loss, efficiency, gain etc. Impedance
and to preserve signal integrity with higher throughput matching also helps in tuning the antenna frequency with
of absolute data2. As impedance mismatch in RF network a much easier and faster way than modifying the antenna
causes power to be reflected back to the source from the geometry7–12. Proper impedance matching also helps in
impedance mismatch boundary. This reflection creates improving the bandwidth of antenna because imped-
a standing wave, which leads storage of power instead of ance matching circuits add some additional resonances.
transmitting it to the load3. Hence, there will be less power Impedance matching circuits also allow incorporating last
delivered from the input to the load or other parts of the minute design change by allowing freedom in choosing
system. Along with this, standing waves may damage the values of discrete components, independently. Mostly,

*Author for correspondence

Impedance Matching Techniques for Microstrip Patch Antenna

impedance of antenna is matched by 50Ω feed line because C

of the fact that almost all the microwave sources and lines Patch width: W = (2)
ε +1
are manufactured with 50Ω characteristic impedance. 2f 0 r
Therefore, impedance matching has a great impor-
tance in antenna designing application but there is a c
Patch length: L = (3)
huge shortage of literature detailing the case specific dif- 2 f 0 ε re
ferent methods for calculating the input impedance of
microstrip antenna. This paper review the different meth-
ods used to calculate the input impedance of microstrip
patch antenna along with different impedance match-
ing techniques. Section-2 describes the introduction to
microstrip antenna and different impedance matching
techniques. In section-3 input impedance of rectangular
microstrip patch antenna is calculated by various methods
so that after getting the input impedance; any matching
technique can be applied. In section-4, complete descrip-
tion of various matching techniques is presented. In the
last section as a case study, the design equation for the
calculation of input impedance of triangular and circu- Figure 1.  Basic Rectangular Patch antenna.
lar patch antenna is described which can be extended
to design of antenna structure of particular interest. Extended length of patch due to fringing field:
Complete study form the calculation of input impedance
( ε re + 0.3)  h + 0.264
on the patch antenna and to match this input impedance
∆L = (4)
with the feed impedance using different matching tech-
( ε re − 0.258)  h + 0.8
niques are tried to cover in this review article. 

Effective patch length: Leff = L + 2ΔL (5)

2.  Theory
Due to many considerable advantages like lightweight, The input impedance4–6 of an antenna is the impedance
conformable to planar and non-planar surfaces, simple presented by an antenna at its terminals and can be writ-
and inexpensive to manufacture using modern printed- ten as: Zin= Rin+ jXin where Zin is the antenna impedance at
circuit technology, compatible with MMIC designs; the terminals, Rin is the antenna resistance which consist-
microstrip antenna is the best choice for modern wire- ing of radiation resistance Rr and the loss resistance RL. The
less and mobile applications4–6. The shape of microstrip imaginary part Xin is the antenna reactance and represents
antenna can be rectangle, square, ellipse, circle, triangle, the power stored in the near field of the antenna. The power
ring, pentagon, or their variations4–6. More complex vari- associated with the radiation resistance is the power actu-
ations on the basic shapes are frequently used to meet ally radiated by the antenna, while the power dissipated in
particular design demands and in terms of polarization, the loss resistance in the form of heat is due to dielectric or
bandwidth, gain, etc. conducting losses.
A rectangular microstrip patch antenna of length L, To study the impedance distribution over a patch it is
width W printed on a substrate with dielectric constant necessary to study the electric and current distribution.
and height h is shown in Figure 1. The CAD formulae5 Patch antenna shown in Figure 2 consists of ground plane,
for the dimension (L, W) calculation at resonating fre- dielectric substrate and radiating patch. The feed probe
quency f0 are listed below: couples electromagnetic energy in and or out of the patch.
Effective dielectric constant: The electric field is zero at the center of the patch, maximum
εr + 1 εr − 1  h2
(1) on one edge and reverses its direction on opposite edge.
ε= + 1+ 12 
2  W  This field distribution continuously reverses its direction

2 Vol 10 (28) | July 2017 | Indian Journal of Science and Technology
Sonia Sharma, C.C. Tripathi and Rahul Rishi

according to the instantaneous phase of the RF signal. Impedance Matching for Antenna
Figure 3 shows the current, voltage and impedance behav-
ior in the radiating patch; the current (magnetic field) is
maximum at the center of patch and minimum on the
Distributed Method (by structural Lumped Element Method (by
opposite sides of patch, while the voltage (electrical field) is modification via stubs, transformer inserting matching network
zero in the center and maximum on one edge and reverses i.e. inductor, capacitor)
its direction (minimum) on opposite edge. Hence the
distribution of impedance is minimum at the center and
maximum on the both edge of patch. So there is a point Narrow Band Matching Broad-Band Matching
(quarter wave (multisection transformer,
lie inside the surface of radiating patch where the imped- taper lines etc.)
transformer, stubs etc.)
ance is 50Ω; the simplest method for impedance matching
is to locate the position of 50 Ω points and connect the feed Figure 4.  Impedance matching techniques.
probe at this point. In distributed13–17 impedance matching method,
antenna can be matched by doing some structural modi-
fications through the use of stubs, single and multi section
quarter wave transformer, tapered line, balun and active
components as shown by Figure 5. The main advantage
of distributed impedance matching method is that there
is no requirement to modify the geometry of radiating
structure. Therefore, radiation performance of the radiat-
ing structure is independent to the matching network and
results in easy design optimization. However, this method
increases the size of antenna and not recommended for
the design of practical array systems. Also system effi-
Figure 2.  Patch antenna showing electric field distribution. ciency degrades due to the increase in spurious radiation
losses from extra circuitry of matching network. The
distributed method can match the impedance in narrow
band as well as in broadband. Narrow band impedance
matching is achieved by Quarter wave transformer18–19
and Stubs20–23. Whereas for broadband impedance match-
ing is done by multisections quarter wave transformer
and taper line24–25. These techniques are describes in detail
in the section 4.

Figure 3.  Voltage (V), Current (I) and Impedance (Z)

distribution along patch resonant length L.

Impedance matching can also be done by cal-

culating the input impedance then applying some Figure 5.  Distributed Impedance matching techniques by
impedance matching techniques. Impedance matching Quarter wave transformer and Stubs etc.
techniques can be categorized in two broad categories
i.e. Distributed Method and Lumped Element Method A lumped networkis introduced to realize impedance
as shown in Figure 4. matching between antenna and feed structures. Lumped

Vol 10 (28) | July 2017 | Indian Journal of Science and Technology 3
Impedance Matching Techniques for Microstrip Patch Antenna

element method can be implemented either by inserting a technique used. Therefore, next part is divided in two
separate network without changing the antenna structure or parts as detailed below.
by etching slots or notch in the antenna geometry as shown
in Figure 6. The main advantage of placing the impedance 3.1.1  For Microstrip Fed Patch Antenna
matching network between antennas and feeding structure The Transmission Line model to represent the microstrip
is the enhancement in the impedance bandwidth. fed rectangular patch4–6 as shown in Figure 7 which con-
In both approaches, extra losses are introduced in the sists of a parallel-plate transmission line connected with
antenna structure. In the distributed approach to impedance two radiating slots (apertures), each of width W and height
matching, loss can be due to spurious loss within the dielec- h, separated by a transmission line of length L. Each radi-
tric material. The losses in the lumped element approach are ating slot of microstrip patch antenna is represented as a
due to the inclusion of finite quality factor components like parallel equivalent admittance Y=G + jB.
inductors and capacitors.

Figure 7.  Transmission line model for rectangular patch

antenna as radiating slot [7].

Since both slots are identical, the total resonant input

Figure 6. Lumped element Impedance matching impedance26–29 becomes Zin=1/2G. Conductance G of sin-
techniques by matching network.
gle radiating slot1 it is associated with the power radiated
and is given by eq (6).
In order to apply any specific matching technique,
input impedance at the edge of antenna, must be known.
Therefore, next section presents the different approaches 1/ 90(W 2
adopted by the researchers to calculate the input imped-  λ) W  λ
G= (6)
ance at the edge of patch antenna. 1/ 120(W W  λ
 λ)

3.  Input Impedance Calculation Where W = patch width and λ= resonant wave length,
of Rectangular Microstrip B is susceptance due to energy stored in the fringing field
near the edge of the patch and given by eq (7)
Patch Antenna
In this section input impedance of rectangular microstrip k0 ∆l ε eff
patch antenna is calculated by (A) Transmission line B=
model, (B) Cavity model, (C) Radiation Resistance calcu-  (7)
lation Method and (D) Quality factor calculation method. If G12is the mutual conductance between two slots, Jo
is Bessel function of first kind then
3.1 Calculation of Input Impedance by   k0W cos θ  
 sin  
Transmission Line Model G12 = ∫   2
π 2   J k L sinθ sin3 θdθ
0  0( 0 ) (8)
120π cos θ 
The calculation of input impedance by Transmission line  
model is case specific depending upon the kind of feed   

4 Vol 10 (28) | July 2017 | Indian Journal of Science and Technology
Sonia Sharma, C.C. Tripathi and Rahul Rishi

So, the total input impedance is given by eq (9). 3.2 Calculation of Input Impedance by
Cavity Model
Z in = (9) To calculate the input impedance at the edge of patch using
2(G ± G12 )
cavity model, the interior region of the patch antenna is
 modeled as a cavity bounded by electric walls on the top
So using formula given in eq (9) input impedance for and bottom, and a magnetic wall along the periphery4.
microstrip patch antenna can be accurately calculated. Input impedance in this model is calculated as:
This is more reliable method to calculate the input imped-
ance of a rectangular patch antenna. Vin
Z in = (13)
3.1.2  For probe fed patch antenna where Vin is the RF voltage at the feed point
Transmission line equivalent circuit of probe fed patch
antenna is shown in Figure 8. The microstrip antenna can Vin = − Ez ( x0 ,y 0 ) h (14)
be modeled4–6 as a length of transmission lineof charac-
Now to calculate the electric field at center of probe
tersitc impedance Z0 and propagation constant γ = α + jβ . (x0, y0)the following computations should be done9–11. The
Where a is attenuation constant and b phase constant. electric field in the patch cavity can be expressed in terms
The input impedance of the patch based on this model of various modes of the cavity as:
can be obtained as:
Ez ( x , y ) = ∑
m ∑n
Amnϕ mn ( x , y ) (15)
Z in jX L + Z1  (10)
Where ϕ mn is the an electric field mode vector or
ortho-normalized eigenfunctions which must satisfy the
homogenous wave equation boundary conditions and is
given by:

εm εn
ϕ mn ( x , y ) = cos ( km x ) cos ( kn y ) (16)
mπ nπ
= km = , kn

km2 + kn2 wherem,n =
0,1,2, p,…
Figure 8.  Transmission line model for probe feed
rectangular patch antenna [7].
ε p =1 for p = 0 and ε p =0 for p ≠0. Amn are the ampli-
Where XL is the probe reactance and given by eq (11). tude coefficients corresponding to the electric field mode
vectors and eigenfunctions ϕ mn
h  
ωL L ) η0 µ r
X L (=
 −γ + ln   (11)
λ 0   µ r ε r k0a 
 jωµ0 J 0 εm εn (17)
Amn = cos ( km x0 ) cos ( kn y0 ) Gmn 
k 2 kmn
Z1 = 1/ Y1
 Y + jYs tan ( βL1 ) Y0 + jYs tan ( βL 2 )   nπ Dx   mπ D y 
Y1 Y0  0 +  where Gmn = sinc  sinc   (18)
 Ys + jY0 tan ( βL1 ) Ys + jY0 tan ( βL 2 )   (12)  2L  
 2W 

Where Y0=1/Z0 ,Ys = self admittance, β= phase Dx, Dy equal to the cross-sectional area of the probe
constant, Euler constant γ = 0.5772, η0 = free space centered at (x0, y0). For a microstrip line feed connected
impedance =377. along the width of the patch, we should set Dx=0 and Dy

Vol 10 (28) | July 2017 | Indian Journal of Science and Technology 5
Impedance Matching Techniques for Microstrip Patch Antenna

equal to the effective width of the feed line. On solving eq. V02 Z2
(15) by substituting the value of Amn, gives: Rr = = ε re 0 (27)
2Pr 120I 2

ϕ mn ( x , y ) ϕ mn ( x0 , y0 )
Ez ( x , y ) = jωµ0 J 0 ∑ m ∑ n = 0
∞ ∞
Gmn (19) Where Z0 = characteristic impedance, V0= applied
k 2 − kmn

voltage, ε re =effective dielectric constant, Pr is power
By calculating the value Ez(x0, yo)(from eq.19) by put- radiated by the antenna and can be calculated by integrat-
ting x0, y0 and solving eq (14) ing the real part of pointing vector over the hemisphere
ϕ 2mn ( x0 , y0 ) above the patch. The power radiated by antenna can be
Vin = − jωµ0 hJ 0 ∑ m ∑ n = 0
∞ ∞
Gmn approximated by eq (28).
k 2 − kmn
Therefore, the input impedance becomes (eq.13): ( E0 h) 2 Aπ 4   A A 2  B2  A A2  
=Pr (1 − B)  1 − +  + 2− +  (28)
23040   15 420 5  7 189 

Zin = − jωµ0 h∑ m ∑ n = 0
∞ ∞ ϕ 2
mn (x , y ) G
0 0
k − kmn
Radiation resistance Rr also calculated by substituting
the value of characteristic impedance and approximate
Where value of ϕ mn ( x0 ,y 0 ) ,k2 is given in eq (22) and (23):
value ofI2value in eq. (27). For ε r ≤ 5 I2 is given by eq (29)

2   k W   0.03553
εm εn
ϕ mn ( x0 , y0 ) = cos ( km x0 ) cos ( kn y0 ) (22) I 2 = ( k0 h ) 0.53 − 0.03795  0   − (29)
LW   2   ε re

= (
k 2 k02 ε r 1 − jδ eff ) (23) If 5 < ε r ≤ 10 than I 2 = I L / I 1

∆ P 
δ eff= tanδ + + r ε 
h ωWT I 1 = ( ε r − 1) / 9 1.29 − 3.57h r  (30)
(24)  λ0 

ϕ 2mn ( x0 , y0 )
Zin = − jωµ0 h∑ m ∑ n = 0
∞ ∞ 2
 4 0.53   k0W   0.08856 0.03795 
Gmn ( k0h )

( ) (25) =IL 1.3 − + 2  −  0.08856 − + 

k02 ε r 1 − jδ eff − kmn
 3ε r ε r   2   εr ε r2 
  0.248714 0.373071 0.159887  (31)
− − + 
 εr εr εr
2 3
On solution of the eq (25) gives the input impedance 

of rectangular antenna. This is investigative approach and After selecting the patch dimension L, W for a given
it is quite complicated to implement as a lot of complex substrate the next point is to calculate the 50 Ω feed loca-
calculation are needed to be performed. tions (x0, y0). It is observed that with the change in feed
location the input impedance of the patch changes hence
3.3 Radiation Resistance Calculation it provides a simple method for impedance matching.
Method So by calculating the Radiation resistance and radiated
power; input impedance can be calculated.
If a patch is fed at a distance xf from one of the radiating
edges, then the input impedance can be calculated15–17 by
eq (26): 3.4  Quality Factor Calculation Method
The input impedance of the patch at resonance fre-
 πx  quency f0depends upon edge resistance which is further
Rin = Rr cos2  f 
 L  a function of quality factor, length, width and operating
frequency of the patch4–6.An approximate expression for
Radiation resistance Rr decreases with the increase R is given in eq. (32) which is simply computed by calcu-
in substrate thickness and patch width because of the lating the value of total quality factor.
increase in radiated power. Approximate formula for  πxe 
radiation resistance is given by eq. (27). R = Redge cos2  0  (32)
 Le 

6 Vol 10 (28) | July 2017 | Indian Journal of Science and Technology
Sonia Sharma, C.C. Tripathi and Rahul Rishi

Where the input resistance Redge when fed at the edge Psp is the power radiated into the space and Psw power
(x0=0) is: launched into the surface wave. Dielectric quality factor is
 4L hQ 
Redge = η0µ r  e  (33) simply given by Qd =1/tanδ where tanδ ε″/ε′ loss tangent
 πWe λ 0   of the substrate:
Conductor quality factor is given by eq. (38):
The effective feed locations are x0e= x0 + ∆L ,
y 0e= y 0 + ∆W accounting for fringing field. Where η0 hk0
Q c = µr (38)
free space impedance =377, µ r =permeability constant, 2Rsave

Q= total quality factor, Le and We are effective length and
Where Rsave denotes the average of ground plane and
width of the patch.
patch metal surface resistances Rsg and Rsp. The surface
Total quality factor is given by eq (34):
resistance is related to the conductivity of the metal and
1 1 1 1 1 the skin depth by the eq (40):
= + + + (34)
Q Q sp Q sw Q d Q c

2 (39)
σδ ωσµ 0
Qsp, Qsw, Qd, and Qc denote the space-wave, surface- 
wave, dielectric, conductor quality factors. A microstrip This section covers almost all the method by which
antenna has dielectric and conductor and surface-wave input impedance of rectangular patch antenna can
loss. The surface-wave loss depends on the environ- be calculated. From the above calculation it is clearly
ment surrounding the patch. If there is a substrate observed that impedance is not 50Ω at the edge of
that surrounds the patch and the surface-wave power antenna. So, it is essential to implement some imped-
launched by the antenna is gradually dissipated by an ance matching techniques so that antenna can be
absorber, then the power launched into the surface properly matched with feed line impedance. The next
wave by the patch is a loss. Now mathematical expres- section gives the complete design sketch of different
sion to calculate total quality factor is calculated as matching techniques.
below. Qsp accounts for the desired radiation into the
space given by eq (35):
3ε r Le λ 0
4.  Impedance Matching
Q sp = (35) Techniques
16pr c1We h

Where effective length of patch antenna Le= L+ 2ΔL, As explained earlier in Section-2 the impedance matching
effective width of antenna We= W + 2ΔW, fringing width techniques can be broadly classified in to two categories:
 ln 4  distributed method and lumped element method. In this
∆W = h and the terms pr and c1 are geometry
 π  section the detail of each method is extended for broader
terms constant. Substrate absorb the surface wave so sur- understating.
face wave power Qsp is a loss from the antenna radiation
point of view and given in eq. (36).
4.1 Distributed Impedance Matching
 esw  (36) In this method antenna impedance is matched by doing
Q sw = Q sp  r sw 
 1 − er  some structural modifications through the use of stubs,
double stubs, open or short circuit stubs, quarter wave
ersw is the radiation efficiency of the patch when transformer, tapered lines etc. Single section quarter
accounting only surface loss and given in eq (37). wave transformer and single stub is used to match the
 Psp  antenna impedance with feed line at a single frequency
ersw =   (37) (narrow band matching), but in many application there is
 Psp + Psw 
 a immense need to match the antenna over a large band-

Vol 10 (28) | July 2017 | Indian Journal of Science and Technology 7
Impedance Matching Techniques for Microstrip Patch Antenna

width (broadband matching)18–19 for which multi section

transformer and taper lines are used.
In this section complete design rules and design equa-
tion for following matching techniques are explained in
1. Impedance matching through Quarter-Wavelength (a)
transformer consists of
a) Narrow band matching through single
b) Broadband matching through multisection
transformer consisting of chebyshev type and Figure 9.  (a) Single section quarter wave transformer (b)
binomial type depending upon the response in the Multisection quarter wave transformer
pass band.
2. Broad band Impedance matching through tapered line
uses the design equation of  Single Quarter Wave Transformer
a) Exponential Taper The microstrip patch antenna can be matched to feed line
b) Triangular Taper (Z0 Ω) by using a quarter-wavelength transmission line18-
c) Klopfenstein Taper 19
(Zq Ω) as shown in Figure 10.
3. Impedance matching through Stub
a) Shunt Stub matching through open and short
circuit stub
b) Series Stub matching through open and short
circuit stub
c) Double Stub matching

4.1.1 Impedance Matching through Quarter-

Wavelength Transformer
Impedance transformer allows perfect matching of Figure 10.  Quarter wave transformer.
two different in a system. If the load in the system is
not match with the source, then due to reflection from The aim of adding Quarter wave transformer is to match
load; standing wave pattern are generated and complete the input impedance of antenna Za exactly with imped-
power is not transfer to the load instead it get stored. This ance of the feed line (Z0). The input impedance at the
stored power can damage and overheat the system when beginning of the quarter-wavelength lineis given by eq
delivered back to the input source18–20. Simple imped- (40)
ance transformer is the quarter wavelength transformer
which is suitable for matching two real impedances at Z=
in Z=
a single frequency18. The quarter-wave transformer pro- (40)
vides narrow-band impedance matching by giving zero By calculating impedance30 of quarter wave trans-
reflection at the operating frequency as shown in Figure former Zq such that Zin=Z0; input impedance Zin can
9(a). However, broadband matching is strongly desired be matched at a particular operating frequency. The
in many applications. This problem can be solved by impedance of quarter wave transformer Zq inversely
multi-section matching transformer and Tapered lines. proportional to W1 width of strip. Input impedance of
Multi-section matching transformer increases the antenna is approximated by eq.(41 and 42)
impedance bandwidth with the increase number of sec- 45λ02
Za = (41)
tions shown in Figure 9(b). W2 

8 Vol 10 (28) | July 2017 | Indian Journal of Science and Technology
Sonia Sharma, C.C. Tripathi and Rahul Rishi

90ε 2r  L  1  1 

Za = Z
  (42) secθm = cos h  cosh −1  ln L  (49)
εr − 1 W   2Γ m
  N z0  

Zq = 50* Za Also Chebyshev transformers are symmetric, i.e.
Width of quarter wave transformer can be calculated
Γ 0 =Γ nand Γ 1 =Γ n−1
by putting the value Zq in eq (44) and solving it for W1
3. Determine all Γnby equating terms with the symmetric
60  8d w 
=Zq ln  + 1  (44) multisection transformer expression given in eq (50)
ε r  w1 4d 
 Γ 0 cos Nθ + Γ1 cos ( N − 2) θ + 
Γ (θ ) =
2e − jNθ   (50)
Γ n cos ( N − 2n ) θ + G (θ )  
Length L1 quarter wave transformer L1 = .  1 
4 ε re
 2 Γ N 2 for N even 
G (θ ) =  
Width of 50Ωmicrostrip feed4–6 can be found eq (45):
Γ ( N −1) cos θfor N odd 
 2  (51)
Z0 = (45) 4. Calculate all Zn using the approximation
 W 2 W 
ε eff  1.393 + + ln  + 1.444 
 h 3  h  1 Z n +1
 Γ (θ ) = ln (52)
2 Zn  Multisection Transformer λ0
5. Determine section length l =
Multisection transformer method is used for designing 4
Broadband matching networks. Multisection transformer (ii) Binomial Type Multisection Transformer
uses more than one quarter wave transformer and Reflection coefficient approximation for the N section
Binomial typematching transformer31–32 is written according
depending upon the response in the operating region it
to binomial series as given in eq (53)
can be divided into two types i.e. equiripple (chebyshev
type) and maximally flat (binomial type). 
Γ ( βl ) = A 1 + e −2 jβl )
= A∑ n = 0 CnN e − j 2nβl
(i) Chebyshev Type Multisection Transformer
A Chebyshev multi-section transformer offer larger
bandwidths compared to binomial multi-section trans- A = amplitude coefficient and Cn is the binomial coef-
former for the same number of sections31–32. But the
increment in bandwidth of the Chebyshev transformer is ficient given by C nN =
( N − n)! n!
at the cost of larger ripple in the operating band. The impedance of cascaded multiple section can be
Note that the bandwidth defined by Γm increases calculated using eq (54):
as the number of sections N increases. The function
TN (cosθ secθm ) is a Chebyshev polynomial of order N. Z n +1 − Z n 1 Z n +1
We can determine higher order Chebyshev polynomials =Γn ≈ ln (54)
Z n +1 + Z n 2 Zn

using the recursive formula:
In practice, there is no need to design N section; two
Tn ( x ) 2xTn−1 ( x ) − Tn−2 ( x ) 
= (46) or three section transformer is sufficient. To save timein
Steps to design a Chebyshev multisection transformer: solving complex design equations, simple design equa-
1. Determine the value N required to meet the bandwidth tions are used and illustrated below.
and ripple Γmrequirements.
(a) Two Section Quarter-Wave Transformer
2. Determine the Chebyshev function.
If Z1 source impedance is to be matched with Z2 load
Ae − jNθ TN ( cos θ secθm ) (47)
Γ (θ ) = impedance by two section quarter-wave transformer as
For maximally flat Γ m =A shown by Figure 11 then characteristic impedance of two
quarter-wave transformer ZA,ZB are given by eq (55a and
Z L − Z0 1
Γm = A = (48) 55b).
Z L + Z 0 TN secθm

Vol 10 (28) | July 2017 | Indian Journal of Science and Technology 9
Impedance Matching Techniques for Microstrip Patch Antenna

tion Z1(z). Depending on the behavior of taper function

(55a) Z1(z); taper line can be classified in three category: expo-
Z A = Z1   4
 Z1  nential taper, triangular taper and Klopfenstein taper24–25
as shown in Figure 13.
3 (55b)
Z B = Z1   4
 Z1 

Figure 13.  Exponential, Triangular and Klopfenstein taper

Figure 11.  Two section quarter-wave transformer.  Exponential Taper Transformer
(b) Three Section-Quarter-Wave Transformer In the exponential taper line, the natural logarithm of
If Z1 source impedance is to be matched with Z2 load taper line’s characteristic impedance varies linearly from
impedance by three section quarter-wave transformer ZL to Z0. The exponential taper has the form given in eq
as shown in Figure 12 then characteristic impedance of (57):
three quarter-wave transformer ZA , ZB , ZC are given by
eq (56a-56c): ( z ) Z0 eaz 0 < z < l (57)

Z C = Z 2 e −2Γ1 (56a)
1 ZL
where a = ln
(56b) L Z0
Z B = Z1 Z1 Reflection coefficients are given by eq (58):

Z A = Z1e 2Γ1 (56c) ln Z L / Z 0 − iβl sin β L

Γ= e
2 β L (58)
 Z  (56d)
Γ1 =0.125 0.5ln  2 Z  
  1  The bandwidth of a tapered line will typically increase
as the length L is increased.  Triangular Taper Transformer

Characteristic impedance of Triangular Taper lines varies
from ZL to Z0 according to the taper function as given by
eq (59).

Figure 12.  Three section quarter-wave transformer.

 
 z
2  Z 
4.1.2 Broad Band Impedance Matching through  Z 0 e  L  ln  L  for0 ≤ z ≤ L 
  Z0  2 
Tapered Line Z ( z) =   (59)
 ( 4z/L − 2z /L −1)  Z L  
2 2
ln   for0 ≤ z ≤ 
Instead of having an impedance matching network Z 0 e  Z0  2
which have step change in characteristic impedance  
(i.e., a multi-section transformer), another matching
Reflection coefficient for the triangular taper are given
structure can be implemented which has continuous
by eq (60):
varying impedance along its length (function of distance
z). A tapered impedance broadband matching network
depends upon length L of taper line and taper func-

10 Vol 10 (28) | July 2017 | Indian Journal of Science and Technology
pointt  (d  from  lo oad)  such  th hat  it  offers  capacitive  or  �
− ���−
inducctive  reactan nce/  suscepttance  which  is  same  in n  � � � ���
� �
magn nitude  but  op pposite  in  siggn  to  that  of  load  at  same  � −�
pointt.  Thus,  the  reeactive 
Sonia part  o stub 
Sharma, imped dance 
C.C. Tripathi and and 
Rahul load d 
Rishi Distance of stu
impeedance  cancels  to  provide  impedance  matching. 
m   Figg.  �
14.    shows  a  micrrostrip  patch  antenna  matcched  by  single  � tan
� � � ���

( )
2 stub and double sttub on the sidees of patch.   � �� � t
sin β L
  ��
− βL
 ZL   2  (60) Where t iis give
Γ =0.5e ln    
 0 β L / 2 
   �� ±������
� �
�� � ��
�−��  Klopfenstein Taper Transformer �    ���
� ���
R.W. Klopfenstein presented equations which can be Fig.14: Single st
Figure tub and Double
14.  Single stub ande stub matching
double stub of microstrip 
matching of (b)  Series St
used to design transmission line taper which represents patch anttenna 
microstrip patch antenna. In this meth
an improved alternative to the exponential taper. This a  distancce  d  f
A  single  stub  will 
w only  achieeve  a  perfect  match  at  one 
structure can either achieve better match on the same total  stubb  inp
A ific 
speci single stub y 
frequency will only achieve
because  as  the  a perfect
t frequency match atthone
y  changes,  e 
imaginarry  pa
length, or comparable match on the shorter length than wave elength frequency
specific changges  which 
c as the frequency to  change  in

changes, primarily y  pre
the exponential taper24–25. Compared to the exponential react
thetance  at  the  point 
wavelength pchanges of  attac
whichhment  of  thee  stub 
corresponds to [14‐15]
change]. in types of ttrans
taper, Klopfenstein design has one more degree of free- For wwideband mattching, several stubs may be used, spaced
reactance at the point of attachment of the stub26–28. For

series  too  m
dom in the taper definition, represented by the variable alongg the main traansmission lin ne. The resultin ng structure is 
wideband matching, several stubs may beare  used, spaced preferablly  d
r‐like  and  fiilter  design  techniques  applied
A in the relation I1 is a modified Bessel function and Γ 0 along the maining technique
transmission line. Theplified by using
resulting struc- impedance  YL
Impe edance matchi  may be simp g 
length  l dow
is the maximum reflection coefficient at the zero fre- ture
the S is filter-like
MITH chart fo and filter design
or calculations techniques are applied.
s and design.  
impedance is 
quency. A bbrief overview
Impedance w to design of 
matching short or open
technique may be simplified s by
n stub in serie
series stuubs is
and sshunt connect tion is given as s below. 
using the SMITH chart for calculations and design.
A brief overview to design of short or open stub in
(a)  Shunt Stub: 
lnZ ( z ) 0.5ln Z 0 Z L +
cosh A
A2φ 2 z L − 1, A
( ) series
 In and shunta open or sho
n this method,  connectionort circuit stub
is given as below:
b is attached aat 
a disttance d from  the load (as sshown in Fig.  15.) and given n 
in eqq.(41) so that t  Shunt Stubtotal stub inpu ut  admittance e j�C or 1/j�L L 
I1 A 1 − y 2 ) dy forx < 1 canceel  the  imaginaary  part  of  load  admittance.  Shunt  stubs 
pthis method, a openfor 
or mic
short circuit stub 20–23
is attached
φ ( x , A) ∫ (62) are  prefferred  crostrip  and  s
stripline  types 
0 ( A 1− y )2

at ansmission lin
of traa distance d nes [20]. As th
shun in eq
t  to 
from the load
main  so that
as shown ins connected in
he stub here i
therefo stubthe 
Figure 15 and

e  Fig.16: SSeries 
prefeerably done in n admittance.    
and jωL cancel the imaginary part of load admittance. �
− jβ z
cos ( β L) 2
−A 2
(63) When n the load imp
Shunt stubs arepedance Z
primarilyL= RL+ jXL is conne
preferred forected by a shu
− tan−
microstrip ut 

�� and �
Γ = Γ 0e for β L > A �� �
mittance  at  thiis  point  is  Y=G+  jB.    Length
stub  then  the  adm h 
cosh A strip line types of transmission lines. As the stub here is � tan−�
Drawback of the Klopfenstein taper is that an connected in shunt to main line, therefore, the calcula-
impedance discontinuity or step occurs at the ends of tions are preferably done in admittance.
the taper.

4.1.3  Impedance Matching Through Stubs

Impedance matching using stub is one of the most
widely used method. In this technique, the stub is
positioned at a specific distance (‘d’ from the load)
where the real part of the normalized load impedance/
admittance becomes unity20–23. Then the stub of length
l is connected at the point (d from load) such that it Figure 15.  Shunt stub matching using open and short
offers capacitive or inductive reactance/ susceptance circuit stubs.
which are same in magnitude but opposite in sign to
that of load at same point. Thus, the reactive part of When the load impedance ZL= RL+ jXL is connected
stub impedance and load impedance cancels to provide by a shut stub then the admittance at this point is Y=G+
impedance matching. Figure 14 shows a microstrip jB. Length for open and short circuited shut stubs is given
patch antenna matched by single stub and double stub by eq (64) where B is stub susceptance.
on the sides of patch.

Vol 10 (28) | July 2017 | Indian Journal of Science and Technology 11
Impedance Matching Techniques for Microstrip Patch Antenna

 1  B  1 −1
 2π tan t for t ≥ 0
 − tan   for open stub d
l  2π  Y0  (64) = (68)
= λ 1
λ  1  Y
tan −1  0  for short stub  2π
( )
π + tan −1 t for t ≤ 0
 2π  B 
Where t is given by eq (69):
Distance of stub from the load is given by eq (65):
 1 −1
 2π tan t fort ≥ 0
d 
GL (Y0 − GL ) + BL2 
= (65) 
λ 1  
 2π
π + tan −1 t )
fort ≤ 0  BL ±
  0
= t  forGL ≠ Y0
Where t is given by eq (66): 
( G L − Y0)
  − BL
RL ( Z 0 − RL ) + X L2 
    forGL = Y0
 XL ±  2Y0
Z0 (69)
 for R ≠ Z
t= (66)

( RL − Z0 ) L 0

 − XL  Double Stub Matching

 for R = Z
 2Z 0 L 0
The single stub tuner is very flexible at matching any

load impedance to a given transmission line. However,
if the load impedance varies, an adjustable tuner is nec-  Series Stub essary. For the single stub tuner, the position of the stub
In this method, a open or short circuit stub is attached at must be varies, to match the variable load impedance.
a distance d from the load as shown in Figure 16. So that However, double stub tuner allows an adjustable match-
total stub input impedance jX=1/jωC or jωL cancel the ing at a fixed position by varying the length of stubs.
imaginary part of load impedance. Series stubs are primar- Thus, matching over a wide range of load impedance
ily preferred for slotline and coplanar waveguide types of and frequencies can be achieved at the cost of increased
transmission lines21. As the stub is connected in series to circuit size.
main line, therefore, the calculations are preferably done
using impedance. When the load impedance YL= GL+jBL 4.2 Impedance Matching by Lumped
is connected by a series stub of length l down a distance
Element Method
d then the at this point is impedance is Z=R+ jX. Length
for open and short circuited series stubs is given by eq (67) In this approach instead of modifying the antenna geom-
where X is stub reactance. etry a passive network attempts to equalize the impedance
mismatch between the source and the antenna33–34.
 1  X
 − tan   for short stub Lumped elements like Capacitor: chip capacitor, MIM
l  2π  Z0  (67)
= capacitor, inter digital gap capacitor; Inductor: chip
λ  1 Z  inductor, loop inductor, spiral inductor; Resistor: chip
tan −1  0  for open stub
 2π  X
  resistor, planar resistor are used to match the antenna
impedance with the feed. For frequencies near to 1 GHz,
matching networks through lumped elements can be
done easily because the size of lumped element is small
enough relative to wavelength of operation. Smith chart is
the best tool to analyze the L-networks.
Here two cases to determine the value of lumped ele-
ment are given. Circuit arrangement of lumped element
for both case RL >Zoand RL<Zo are shown in Figure 17.
Figure 16.  Series stub matching using open and short
circuit stubs. Also the necessary design equations to calculate value of
Distance of stub from the load is given by eq (68): susceptance B and reactance X are given35–37.

12 Vol 10 (28) | July 2017 | Indian Journal of Science and Technology
Sonia Sharma, C.C. Tripathi and Rahul Rishi

5.  Input Impedance Calculation

of Triangular Microstrip Patch
The triangular geometry of the microstrip patch antenna
appears to be a better option than its rectangular coun-
terpart as it is physically smaller and consequently the
weight and volume of antenna structure are reduced.
Interestingly, triangular patch is typically a narrow imped-
Figure 17.  Lumped Element Matching Network for (a) RL ance bandwidth structure which may limit its operations,
>Zo (b)RL<Zo. yet it may be used profitably in many applications such as
designing microstrip band pass filters, for use in compact
arrays with reduced coupling between adjacent elements
4.2.1 Lumped Element Matching Network for and for being used on curved surfaces because of its con-
RL> Zo formability.
For equilateral triangular patch antenna shown in
Any combination of capacitors (X < 0, B > 0) or inductors
Figure 18 resonant frequency is given by38–39 eq (72).
(X > 0, B < 0) is used to realize the reactance jX and sus-
ceptance jB. For a matched network, the input impedance 2c
=f r , nm n 2 + m 2 + nm (72)
Zin must be equal to Zo which gives 3aeff ε reff

 1 
Z in =Z 0 = jX +  jB + (70)
 Z L 

Now by equating the real and imaginary terms on

both sides of the eq (70), unknowns X and B can be evalu-
ated. Hence lumped circuit can be designed by inserting
the calculated value of X and B.

4.2.2  L
 umped Element Matching Network for
RL< Zo
For a matched network, the input admittance Yin must be
equal to 1/Zo.which gives:

in 1/ Z=
0 jB + (71)
RL + j ( X + jX L )

Now by equating the real and imaginary terms on Figure 18.  Triangular microstrip patch antenna.
both sides of the eq (71), unknowns X and B can be evalu-
ated. Hence lumped circuit can be designed by inserting c = velocity of light in free space; aeff = effective length
the calculated value of X and B. of triangular side; ε reff = effective relative permittivity; m,
The above techniques can also be applied on trian- n, and l are integers which should fulfill this condition
gular and circular shaped patch antenna, by calculating m+n+l=0
the input impedance of these shapes. In the next section;
different design equation for triangular and circular = a (1 + p ) (73)
microstrip patch antenna is given and various formulae Due tofringing fields at the edge of the patch p is equal
to calculate the input impedance is also discussed. to:

Vol 10 (28) | July 2017 | Indian Journal of Science and Technology 13
Impedance Matching Techniques for Microstrip Patch Antenna

  a  ε r , eff − 1   
  0.3849 + 0.5879 + 0.1093  2 +  
h  h  ε reff     ε reff + 0.3  1  (81)
p=   − 0.3849    (74) Qd =
 a  ε r , eff + 1   1.9346 + 1.33 ln  0.2887 a + 0.94      ε reff − 0.258  tanδ
  2πε r , eff      
 h    
    The quantity Qcis given by eq (82).
Accurate calculation of input impedance of the patch
antenna is necessary for achieving the optimum perfor- Qc = h πσ f r , nm µ0
mance. Input impedance from cavity model of a coaxial
fed triangular patch antenna with side length a is given 6.  Input Impedance Calculation
by eq (75).

of Circular Microstrip Patch
f 
 R r QT r,nm − f
 
 f

f r,nm  
Z in =R + jX = 2
+ j 2

 f r,nm f   
2 f r,m f   The resonant frequency (fnm) of a circular patch antenna40–42
1 + QT2  −  1 + Q −  (75)
 f f r,nm  
 f f r,nm   shown in Figure 19 having radius a and printed on a sub-
strate with relative permittivity substrate thickness h
Where radiation resistance Rr when the feed is located
for each TM mode is given by eq (83)43.
at a distance ρ from the edge of the triangle given in eq
(76). (83)
Amn .c
2ηaε reff Plnm f nm =
Rr = (76) 2π aeff ε r
(1 + π ) aeff ε re

Where the term f rnm ae , ε reff are the resonant fre-

quency effective radius and effective dielectric constant.
The field factor Plmn written by eq (77).
  2π lρ   2π lg   2π nρ   2π ng   2π mρ   2π mg  
Plmn = cos   j0   + cos   j0   + cos   j0  
   3a   3a   3a   3a   3a   3a  

QT is the total quality factor depends upon quality
factor due to radiation loss (Qr), quality factor due to
dielectric loss (Qd) and quality factor due to conductor
loss (Qc) and is given in eq (78).
 1 1 1 
QT =  + +  (78)
 Qr Qd Qc  
The quantity Qr can be computed as Qr =
4Gr Z r Figure 19.   Geometry of Circular patch antenna.
where radiation conductance (Gr) and characteristics
impedance (Zr) is given by in eq (79) and (80) respectively. where Anm = mth derivative of the n order Bessel
function. aeff = effective radius of the patch and given by
a 7.75 + 2.2hk 0 + 4.8 ( hk 0 )  ( ε r − 2.45) ( hk 0 ) 
2 3
1 + 
eq (84).
Gr (79)
3 3000λ0  1.3  1
   2h   a  h  2
aeff =a 1 + In   + (1.41ε r + 1.77 ) + ( 0.268ε r + 1.65)   (84)
π a ∈r   2h  a 
2h0  
Zr =
ereff éê a + 2.494 + 0.556 ln a + 1.333 ùú
ë h h û
( ) The input resistance at resonance [9] is given by eq (85).
J12 ( k11 ρ0 )
The quality factor due to dielectric loss Qd is given
= eq Rin R= where k11a 1.84118
J12 ( k11a ) (85)

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16 Vol 10 (28) | July 2017 | Indian Journal of Science and Technology

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