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Journal of Dermatological Treatment

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Exogenous ochronosis

Pa Burke & Hi Maibach

To cite this article: Pa Burke & Hi Maibach (1997) Exogenous ochronosis, Journal of
Dermatological Treatment, 8:1, 21-26, DOI: 10.3109/09546639709160504

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Journal of Dermatological Treatment (1997) 8, 21 -26 (' 1997 Journalof Dermatological Treatment. All rights reserved. ISSN 0954-6634 21

Exogenous ochronosis: an overview

PA Burke' & HI Maibach2 Exogenous ochronosis/colloid milium hydroquinone concentrations to-

in Blacks is a relatively unknown gether with other preparations con-
'Sara Lee D/E, Household and Personal condition in the USA, but a relatively taining ochronotic agents such as
Care Division - Americas Region, high incidence has been observed in phenol and resorcinol provided the
PA, USA South Africa. Physicians reporting basis for the high incidence of ochro-
'Department of Dermatology, School of adverse reactions, observe these effects nosis (pre-1984) in South Africa.
Medicine, University of San Francisco, almost exclusively in the facial areas Thirdly, the use of hydroalcoholic
CA, USA exposed to sunlight. These effects can lotions in South Africa permitted
Downloaded by [Orta Dogu Teknik Universitesi] at 13:40 20 April 2016

be attributed to several causative formulations with higher hydroqui-

factors to explain the striking differ- none concentration and increased the
ence in the incidence between the USA bioavailability of hydroquinone rela-
and South Africa. Prior to 1984, tive to normal oil-in-water emulsion
neither the type nor concentration of creams. Therefore, the high incidence
skin lightening compounds sold in of exogenous ochronosis in South
general commerce in South Africa Africa may be directly related to
were regulated. Therefore, it was not higher concentrations of hydroqui-
uncommon for products to contain none, combination with other drugs,
G - 8% hydroquinone as opposed to and increased bioavailability as a
the 2% hydroquinone level utilized in result of the predominance of hydro-
over-the-counter skin discoloration alcoholic lotions. (J Dennutol T r m
fade creams available in the USA. (1997) 8: 21 - 2 6 )
Secondly, the combination of higher

Received 25th March 1996 Keywords: Exogenous ochronosis - Colloid milium - Hydroquinone
Accepted 4th October 1996

Background seen a case.'3-'s It is clear that while a problem existed

relative to skin toning creams in South Africa, it is largely
Exogenous ochronosis/colloid milium in Blacks is a absent in the USA due to the regulatory restrictions on
relatively unknown condition in the USA; there have been hydroquinone concentration as well as limitation of
only 17 reported domestic cases outside the Republic of active ingredient combinations. Furthermore, the vehicle
South Africa associated with the use of products containing effect upon percutaneous absorption and bioavailability
hydroquinone (Table I).' - l 2 Most clinical cases have been may play a role in the concentration gradient of
reported in South Africa which, up until 1984, did not ochronotic agents in the dermis leading to ochronosis.
regulate the type or concentration of skin lightening
compounds sold in general commerce.
The physicians reporting adverse reactions have Epidemiology and safety
observed these effects almost exclusively in the facial
areas exposed to sunlight. These effects are attributed to Hydroquinone-containing skin preparations have been sold
the unrestricted utilization of products containing G - 8% for over 50 years without any significant indications of
hydroquinone. Additionally, three panels of Board adverse reactions concerning hyperpigmentation. Approxi-
Certified dermatologists in the USA with predominantly mately 10 - 15 million skin tone creams are sold annually
black patient populations have stated that ochronosis is in the USA. Since limited quantities are utilized by the
rare with none of the dermatologists having personally consumer, this equates to more than 550 million potential
exposures annually and billions of exposures over the years.
HI Maiboch MD, Department of Dermatology, School of Medicine, University of However, in spite of this rate of exposure, only 17 cases of
California, Son Francisco, Surge 770, Box 0989, Son Francisco, CA 941434989, USA ochronosis have been reported in the USA.
22 PA Burke & HI Maibach Exogenous ochronosis: an overview

Review of the toxicology and pharmacology of hydro- resorcinol with hydroquinone while limiting the maximum
quinone took place during the examination by the US Food permissible concentration in skin lightening products to 2%
and Drug Administration (FDA) Miscellaneous Panel prior and requiring incorporation of a sunscreen. However, cases
to publication of the 1982 Tentative Final Monograph. of ochronosis were still occurring in substantial numbers in
Examination of the adverse reactions file of the FDA from South Africa in 1986 as reported by Phillips.'"-2" In a 1-year
1961 through 1995 reveals less than 30 experiences since period, 395 patients with ochronosis were presented to a
1961 with only case which is referred to as hyperpigmenta- dermatology outpatient clinic in a Johannesburg hospital.
tion. The remaining cases were either minor irritations or This equated to 7.7% of the total patient population. In all
possibly allergic reactions. Statistically, this equates to an cases, skin lightening preparations were being utilized. The
incident rate of approximately one case for every one billion continued presence of ochronosis after only 2 years of
exposures. restrictive measures might not be unexpected owing to
several factors such as undiagnosed ochronosis, continued
use of restricted combination drugs, i.e. combining antiacne
Depigmentation agents preparations with hydroquinone products by consumers,
Downloaded by [Orta Dogu Teknik Universitesi] at 13:40 20 April 2016

and slow reversal of the pigmentary disorder of the dermis.

Several reports emanated from South Africa in the late The position in the USA regarding ochronosis and
1370s describing the presence of exogenous ochronosis/ hydroquinone was stated in 1983 by O'Donoghue who
colloid milium in the black population.'6- Allegedly, served on the FDA Miscellaneous Panel. The panel
these adverse reactions resulted from utilization of recommended that hydroquinone be sold over-the-counter
products containing 6 - 8% hydroquinone. Engasser and in concentrations below 2%.
Maibach pointed out that a cause and effect relationship
was never established." However, as late as 1986, the The Panel took into consideration Findlay's original
hazardous depigmentation agents t-butyl catechol and article in 1975 in which he stated the concentration of
mercuric compounds which are capable of irreversible hydroquinone was 5% or greater, and the people
depigmentation were still in the marketplace. The extent using the products used them for 6 months to 3
and degree of distribution is hard to pinpoint. years.2
These reports led the South African government to ban
combinations of many compounds including phenol and Hence, there appears to be a substantial difference
between the South African and USA market with respect to
the development of ochronosis. To explain this difference,
the development of ochronosis is discussed below in terms
of: climatic conditions, effects of phenol and resorcinol, and
Anti-Acne Products vehicle effects.

Development of ochronosis
Climatic conditions
1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986
Findlay et a1 suggested that the reason for the difference in
Year exogenous ochronosis between South Africa and the USA is

Percent of Hydroquinone Versus Time in Hours

Skin Liahteners for Alcoholic Lotions and Oil-in-Water Cream

40 +Alcoholic

10 4
I 30

--C Alcoholic

1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986

Million Year 10 20 30 40
Packs Time in Hours
Figure 1 Absorbed
South Afican sales of skin products (Nielsen Media Research, Market Figure 2
Trend Data for 1981 - 1386 as reported to Nicholas Laboratories, South In vitro penetration of hydroquinone across guinea pig skin of three
Africa) commercial South African skin lighteners
PA Burke & HI Maibach Exogenous ochronosis: an overview 23

First Age (years)

author race Reported
year State sex exposure Treatment Outcome

Hoshaw Arizona 75 2% HQ No treatment for multiple Four years after the first visit,
1985 B/F 2 years pigmented papules on cheeks, improvement was in the size and
(1 976 case) and lateral to eyes number of forehead, pigmented
Cullison Georgia 58 2% HQ 2.5% HC 18 months (twice daily) for sooty Remarkable clearing of the
1983 B/F 2.5 years blue-black, hyperpigmentation except for some
(1979 case) 5-6 x/d relatively uniform residual changes
hyperpigmentation of cheeks
Hoshaw Arizona 49 OTC skin Sunscreen and avoid sunlight No change several months
1985 B/F lightening for black-blue post-visit
(1982 case) creams hyperpigmentation of cheeks,
Downloaded by [Orta Dogu Teknik Universitesi] at 13:40 20 April 2016

2 months nose and chin

Penneys FIorida NC NC NC NG
Lawrence Louisiana 62 1% HQ 2.5% HC for bilateral speckled Lost to follow-up
1988 B/F 2 - 3 years hyperpigmentation on malar
(1985 Case) regions of cheeks
Lawrence Louisiana 46 1% HQ 2.5% HC plus sunscreen for "The treatment resulted in some
1988 B/F duration hyperpigmentation macular decrease in the pigmentation of the
(1985 case) unknown eruption of nose, forehead and forehead, but the periorbital and
periorbital areas cheek hyperpigmentation remained
prominent." Note: the time at
which this assessment was made
was not given

Connor Maryland 72 1 month of Treatment not discussed, "In most cases the
1987 B/F darkening confluent hyperpigmented blue- hyperpigmentation will fade
after using black macular and patches on dramatically over a period of
skin forehead malar and temporal years, if the bleaching agent is
lightening regions discontinued."

Fisher New 47 4% HQ 500 mg tetracycline for discrete "After one month decided
1988 York B/F 18 months nonpruritic papular eruption of improvement was apparent and in 3
"dark spots" on cheeks months, the lesions had entirely

Carey All 3 NG NC NC
1988 cases in NG NC NG
(3 cases) North NC NG NC

Howard Texas 36 2% HQ 1% HC; 0.1% retinoic acid; "Only minimal lightening of the
1990 MEX 4 months 5% BP; sunscreen for hyperpigmentation." Note: the
(1989 case) F symmetrical blue-black macular time at which this assessment was
hyperpigmentation of cheeks, made was not given.
chin, and forehead

Diven Texas 53 2% HQ Dermabrsion and C 0 2 laser for "The patient was pleased with the
1990 B/F 2 - 3 months "sooty blue-black macules and final result."
prior Hx patches," especially in malar
unknown and periorbital areas

Table 1
Reports published in the USA of exogenous ochronosis reportedly associated with use of hydroquinone-containing skin lightening preparations
24 PA Burke & HI Maibach Exogenous ochronosis: an overview

First Age (years)

author race Reported
year State sex Exposure Treatment Outcome

Davis Texas 40 NC NC
1990 Cajun

Martin Puerto 44 2% HQ 1% HC and suncreens No change eight months

1992 Rico BIF 3-4 Years post-visit
(2 cases)
Puerto 56 OTC skin Sunscreens Lost to follow-up
Rico BIF lightening
creams -30
1993 South 59 2-4% HQ NG
Downloaded by [Orta Dogu Teknik Universitesi] at 13:40 20 April 2016

Carolina BIF many years

HC, hydrocortisone; HQ, hydroquinone; NC, not given; OTC, over-the-counter; MEX, Mexican-American; BP, Benzoyl Peroxide; Hx, History

Tuble 1 continued

attributable to climatic conditions.''-'" However, this has products, namely 'HE MAN Skin Lightening Cream' and 'HE
not been substantiated, since parts of southeastern United MAN Supamel Skin Clearing Cream' (the latter containing
States are analogous to South Africa. Furthermore, Olumide resorcinol) are examples. Hence, many consumers mis-
reported in 1987 that over a 10-year period at Lagos takenly or intentionally used a known ochronotic agent
University Teaching Hospital, only 15 cases had been (resorcinol) o n hyperpigmented areas.
observed (0.1% of dermatologic cases)."'-" The climatic This hypothesis is supported by market data showing a
conditions of Nigeria are similar to those of South Africa and decline in sales of skin lightening compounds with a sharp
hydroquinone can be sold with virtually no restrictions. The increase in sales of antiacne products following the
majority of preparations in Nigeria contained 4 - 8% hydroquinone concentration restrictions in 1983 (Figure
hydroquinone. Patel confirmed a low incidence in Kenya I ) . The consumers were switching brands in an attempt to
(letter to Nicholas Kiwi on ochronosis in Nairobi). If climate find a more effective product. There was a growth of
were a factor, then the equatorial climate of Nigeria and products containing ingredients associated with ochrono-
Kenya would be expected to result in even a higher incidence sis, namely resorcinol, oxyquinoline and phenol. It is
of ochronosis. Therefore, one could conclude climatic therefore not surprising that there are reports of
conditions do not contribute significantly to the disease ochronosis allegedly with 2% hydroquinone-containing
process. products.

Effects of phenol and resorcinol Vehicle effects

There is a well-established relationship between exogenous Hydroalcoholic lotions containing hydroquinone were a
ochronosis and chronic exposure to phenol or resorci- predominant formulation type in South Africa and may
14.2-3 The presence of these compounds in many skin further explain why ochronosis is largely limited to that
lightening products prior to 1983 was largely responsible country. This vehicle not only increases penetration but
for the outbreak of ochronosis as a consequence of long- importantly allows higher concentrations of hydroquinone
term use of skin lighteners. Following the banning of to be incorporated into the formulations. These hydroalco-
combinations containing these drugs in 1983, it is possible holic lotions accounted for 46% of the South African
that skin lightening products were mixed with antiacne market while they are not generally sold over the counter in
products. In South Africa, it was common practice to use most countries. For instance, the only lotion in the LISA is
antiacne preparations (containing resorcinol) in conjunc- Melanex (Neutrogena Corp.), available only by prescription.
tion with skin toning preparations to try to achieve a more Studies performed in vivo have demonstrated that the
rapid and enhanced lightening. Many South African bioavailability profile depends upon the vehicle base and
companies marketed antiacne and skin lightening prepara- species. Basically, it can be said that hydroquinone in an
tions under the same brand names. The marked leading aqeuous solution is poorly absorbedL4 but alcoholic
PA Burke & HI Maibach Exogenous ochronosis: an overview 25

vehicles significantly increase skin penetration of hydro- hydroalcoholic lotions in South Africa is largely contribu-
quin0ne.j‘ Bucks et al have reported that the bioavailability tory to the high incidence of exogenous ochronosis. The
of hydroquinone administered topically to the human amount of hydroquinone in the skin would be enhanced by
forehead reaches levels of GO - 70Y0.’~ the combination of higher hydroquinone concentrations
Snell et al studied the penetration through guinea pig and increased bioavailability in hydroalcoholic lotions.
skin in vitro of hydroquinone from two hydroalcoholic Therefore, perhaps the habitual use of hydroalcoholic
lotions and an oil-in-water cream commercially available in lotions leads to a glut not created by cream-based
South Africa prior to the 1384 restrictions of combination formulations from which the hydroquinone penetrates
drugs (Figure 2).’” Chemical analysis of the lotions revealed relatively moderately. The presence of phenol and resorcinol
the presence of salicylic acid, methyl salicylate and phenol, would have exacerbated the condition in pre-1384
and they demonstrated greater penetration of hydroquinone formulations. Therefore, a major reason for this striking
than the cream formulation. Preparations available after the difference in exogenous ochronosis between the lISA and
1384 restrictions did not contain these components, but it South Africa probably can be attributed to the formulation
was shown that the penetration of hydroquinone was five differences.
Downloaded by [Orta Dogu Teknik Universitesi] at 13:40 20 April 2016

times greater over a 24-h period from hydroalcoholic

lotions than from oil-in-water emulsions.
Maibach has demonstrated the bioavailability of ‘‘C- Conclusion
labeled hydroquinone in a 2% commercial oil-in-water
emulsion to be 45.3% with a flux rate of 1.8 pg/h cmz for The extremely high incidence of exogenous ochronosis
the forehead in humans (manuscript in preparation). observed in South Africa may be related to the following
Slower penetration was seen in the same study utilizing factors:
the forearm (1 0 pg/h cmL). This anatomical variation is
consistent with previous reports.” However, since the 1. High hydroquinone concentrations were concomitantly
forearm site was utilized for ipsilateral/contralateral blood used with ochronotic agents such as phenol and
levels, it was not possible to determine the bioavailability resorcinol (pre-1384). This trend continued through
since the skin was washed 8 h following topical adminis- the use of home-made combinations as evidenced by
tration. significant market growth.
Findlay’s hypothesis that ”ochronosis . . . requires an 2. Hydroalcoholic lotions permitted higher hydroquinone
initial glut of the substance in some part of the organism” is concentrations and increased its bioavailability relative
consistent with the suggestion that the habitual use of to the normal creams.

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