Abu Bakr

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classworkweekend 15 Abu Bakr (R): First Khalifa oie - sper Rasillidh (8) passed away, Abii Bakr became the first Khaliah. In this less oF re es on, students will » ‘gam about Abi Bakr as a friend, guide, and constant companion of Rasiluliah S). 3 ©) bit Bakr (R) was born into in the Quraish tribe, ‘The word “R” fter his name stands for RadiAllahu anhu—which means “may Allih be pleased with him.” Whenever we mention the name of any of the companions of Rasiilullah (S), we say RadiAllahu anhu. This is similar to when we say “sallAllahu alaihi wa sallam” after saying Rasilullah’s ($) name. Aba Bakr (R) wasa few years younger than our Nabi Muhammad (8). After Rasilullah (S) received revelation from Allah, the first person to become a Muslim was his wife Khadijah (ra). After Khadijah (ra) the next adult to accept Islam was Abi Bakr (R). Thus, he was the first man to accept Islam. He was a lifelong partner and a good friend of our Prophet (S). Honest and generous: Abii Bakr was a rich person. He used his wealth to help those who became Muslim. He spent his money to free many slaves. Once Rasiilullah (S) needed money to fight the Romans. Aba Bakr donated all his wealth. Rasiilullah (S) asked him if he kept anything for himself, He replied that he kept only Allah and the messenger of Allah. He was fondly named as- Siddig, or “the honest one.” Hijrat: When Rasalullah (S) decided to migrate to Madinah, Abi Bakr accompanied efor aocepting Isa him. Together they hid inside a cave nai med as Abdul Ka’bah, whict Thawr while the Makkans searched for the Ka’bah.” them. They stayed in the cave for thre days prophet Muhammad and then secretly moved to Madinah. He ame to Abdullah, was the first person to migrate to Madinah along with Rasilullih (8). |The title “Abd. Bakr" was fond of camels. Bakr m ay Close companion: During all the important battles, Abi Bakr fought in the Muslim army. People respected him. Rasilullah (S) liked him for his kindness and good-natured heart. When Rastilullah (S) was very sick and could not lead the prayers, he asked Abi Bakr to lead the prayer. Such was his respect and position among the Muslims. [Aba Bakr had two daughters, Asma and J ‘ishah, Rasilullah (6) martied ‘Nishah (ra). Thus, Aba Bakr became his father-in-law, Appointmentas a Khalifah As long as Rasilullth (6) was alive, he was the leader of the Muslims {All the Muslims followed his command. But after Rasilullah (S) passed away, the Muslns needed a new leader. They thought that if a leader was not chosen quickly, the community would have problems. The companions discussed among themselves and decided to appoin [Aba Bakras the leader of the Muslims. ‘The leader is called Khalifah, Abit Bakr became the first khalifah of the Muslims. Thee were four such khalifahs, These khalifahs were appointed by the Muslims and they were guided by the teachings of Allah and the Messenger. Therefore, they were called Khulafa-e Rashidun ‘This means “Rightly Guided Khalifahs.” Abii Bakr’s rule: As a Rightly Guided Khalifah, Abi Bakr ruled for only two years beloe he passed away. During these two yeats, Abii Bakr completed many important tasks. The most important task was to save the Muslim community from breaking apart. Soon afer Rasilullah’s (S) death, many Muslims thought there was no need to follow Islam. Many of them gave up the religion. Many of them plotted against Islam. Aba Bakr brought them bick to Islam and punished those who plotted against Islam. Soon aftr the death of Rasalllh (9), few people claimed that they were new prophets Allah, But there cannot be any new prophets of Allah. These were false claims. Howe's pes eae i eal eae ee vo were able f0 attract quite afew followers, le and © ed them for saying such things akr sent armies against these peop th pu soon afer the death of Rasiullah (8), mani tribes in faraway places declared themselves free gayns: Aba Bak sen armies against these tribes to bring them back to Islam or fight hem fatheir wrongdoing, Soon he made all of Arabia a strong Muslim country. The boundaries © Tam continued co expand during his rule, ‘Another important thing that Aba Bakr did was to compile the entire Qur’én into a single book. Until that time, the Qur'an was not formally compiled into a book. He compiled the Quran and placed the copy under the care of one of the wives of Rasilullah ©). End of an era: Abi Bakr passed away in 634 C.E. Before his death, he was able to strengthen the position ‘of Muslims. His personality, leadership qualities, and vision kept Muslims united. “Abit Bakr will be forever remembered in the history of Islam as a great companion. None of the four khalifas names are mentioned in the Quran. If the Qur'an was written by Nabi Muhammad (S), would he not have included the names of his near and dear companions? The fact that the names of these companions are not in the Quran indicates that it was not written by Muhammad (S). | | | | | | | a If Aba Bakr had not consolidated the position of Islam after the death of| Rasiilullah (6), what would have possibly happened co Islam?

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