Olita (2) Activity Sharing

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Olita , Ma. Fornielynza A.

BSN2A Sir. Murillo

While – Task (50 pts.)

Activity 1 - Sharing

Compose a narrative report about your experience in doing outreach activity with
the following guide questions:

Have you joined any civic activities? Outreach activities? When was the last time
you participated? What were the implications of the activities to you as a youth?
Yes, way back on grade 9, I was a club member of "Campus Integrity
Vanguard". The implications of a cleanup also build a sense of
belonging and accountability for keeping our homes and communal
places safe and tidy. Especially, when we roam from streets to the
boundary of river as our last stop, I see garbages that were thrown into
canals, creak and river. Visible outcomes may pique community
members' attention and involvement in garbage and food waste
reduction and environmental preservation.
Are you a member of any civic organization? Why did you join? Why did you not
join? If you are a member, describe the organization you are in, its purpose.
What have you contributed for being a member of the organization?
In grade 9, our advisory teacher was also our adviser in our club so it
was a compulsory to join, the "Campus Integrity Vanguard". What we did
was pick up trash on every street we passed, as far as I remember, that
was my first and last activity as a club member. Volunteers gather at the
school and split out into groups, each with a garbage bag in hand, to clean
up the main street area of litter and waste. Our neighborhood was cleaned,
litter-free place to enjoy as a consequence of our hard work and
All members of the community benefit from a clean, well-kept
neighborhood. With the arrival of summer, we are spending more time
outside, taking in our surroundings. Cleaning up our neighborhood has a
significant influence on both the community and the environment.

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