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Taibah University College of Engineering

Mechanical Engineering Final Exam - 26/4/2021

Heat transfer (ME-372) Time Allowed: 90 minutes

 Be neat and organized. Make sure your answers are legible.

 This examination consists of SIX pages. Point values and time for each problem are indicated to the right.
 If you think that something is missing with one of the problems below, please state your concern in your exam
books. Please circle your final answer.

ID: Section:

Please Attempt the Following Questions: (40 points)

Question # 1 (5 points), 5 minutes

1. Define the effectiveness of heat exchanger? How is the maximum heat transfer rate obtained?
(2 points), 2 minutes

2. Explain the properties; transitivity, emissivity, and absorptivity. When are these properties
“equal” and “differ” to each other? (3 points), 3 minutes

Dr. K. Harby 1-6

Taibah University College of Engineering
Mechanical Engineering Final Exam - 26/4/2021
Heat transfer (ME-372) Time Allowed: 90 minutes

Question # 2 (27 points), 65 minutes

1. Water with 120 °C is flowing through a 17-m long section of a 2.5 cm thickness stainless-
steel pipe and 4 cm inner diameter. The pipe is covered with 3 cm-thick glass wool insulation
(k= 0.05 W/m·K). The thermal contact conductance at the interface between the pipe and
insulation is measured to be 12,000 W/m2·K. The outer surface of the pipe, whose emissivity is
0.7, is exposed to the cold air at 12°C in the basement, with a heat transfer coefficient of 15
W/m2·°C. The heat transfer coefficient at the inner surface of the pipe is 120 W/m2·°C. Taking
the walls of the basement to be at 12°C. Determine: (7 points), 17 minutes
a) Draw the thermal resistant circuit,
b) The rate of heat loss from the hot water,
c) The average velocity of the water in the pipe if the temperature of the water drops by 5°C as
it passes through the basement.

Dr. K. Harby 2-6

Taibah University College of Engineering
Mechanical Engineering Final Exam - 26/4/2021
Heat transfer (ME-372) Time Allowed: 90 minutes

2. Water vapor in a boiler of steam generator pass through bank of tubes. Each tube has 50 mm
diameter and 180°C wall temperature. A 250 pure aluminum circular fins (186 W/m·°C) with 1
mm thickness are used as shown in the figure. Calculate the increment rate in heat transfer per
unit length of tube when using fins. (8 points), 13 minutes

Dr. K. Harby 3-6

Taibah University College of Engineering
Mechanical Engineering Final Exam - 26/4/2021
Heat transfer (ME-372) Time Allowed: 90 minutes

3. Hot gas used to heat water in a small plant by crossing the hot gases over a tube bank of
through which water is flowing at 6 kg/s. The tube bank consists of 16 rows with 8 tubes in
each row. If we consider the properties of hot gases as air, determine: (5 points), 17 minutes.
a) The heat transfer rate per 1 m length of tubes,
b) The pressure drops across the tube bank, and
c) The temperature rises of water per 1 m length of tubes.
Hot gas properties: k = 0.0411 W/m-K,  = 0.674 kg/m3, Cp =1.03 kJ/kg-K, Pr = 0.695,  = 2.7710-5 kg/m-s,
Prs = Pr@ Ts = 0.716)

Dr. K. Harby 4-6

Taibah University College of Engineering
Mechanical Engineering Final Exam - 26/4/2021
Heat transfer (ME-372) Time Allowed: 90 minutes

4. A condenser of thermal power stations as shown in the figure is used to handle 35,000 kg/h of
dry and saturated water vapor at 50°C. The water flows in the condenser at 2 m/s. The
condenser tubes have 22.5 mm inside diameter with 2.5 mm thickness. The convection heat
transfer coefficient on steam side is 5000 W/m2.K. Neglect the thermal resistance of wall
material. (7 points), 17 minutes
(i) The water mass flow rate.
(ii) The heat transfer area of the condenser
(iii) The total number of tubes.

Dr. K. Harby 5-6

Taibah University College of Engineering
Mechanical Engineering Final Exam - 26/4/2021
Heat transfer (ME-372) Time Allowed: 90 minutes

Question # 3 (8 points), 13 minutes

1. A copper pipe contains hot water as shown in figure. Calculate: (3 points), 5 minutes
a) The heat loss by convection per meter length of the pipe
b) Assuming black body radiation, what is the heat loss by radiation?

2. A steam pipe passes through a hall with wall temperatures of 30oC as shown in the figure. (5
points), 8 minutes
a) Draw the thermal resistant circuit.
b) What is the surface emissive power and irradiation?
c) The rate of heat loss from the surface per unit length of pipe?

Good luck
Assoc Prof. Khaled Harby
Dr. K. Harby 6-6

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