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Chemical Engineering Science 107 (2014) 1–12

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Quantitative kinetic inhibitor comparisons and memory effect

measurements from hydrate formation probability distributions
Eric F. May a, Reuben Wu a,b, Malcolm A. Kelland c, Zachary M. Aman a, Karen A. Kozielski d,
Patrick G. Hartley b, Nobuo Maeda b,n
Centre for Energy, School of Mechanical & Chemical Engineering, The University of Western Australia, M050, Crawley WA 6009, Australia
CSIRO Materials Science and Engineering, Ian Wark Laboratory, Bayview Avenue, Clayton VIC 3168, Australia
Department of Mathematics and Natural Science, Faculty of Science and Technology, University of Stavanger, N-4036 Stavanger, Norway
CSIRO Earth Science and Resource Engineering, Ian Wark Laboratory, Bayview Avenue, Clayton VIC 3168, Australia


 Quantitative analysis method for gas hydrates nucleation probability distributions.

 Quantitative assessment methodology of the efficacy of kinetic hydrate inhibitors.
 Quantification of the amount of the memory effect in each sample.

art ic l e i nf o a b s t r a c t

Article history: In contrast with conventional experiments for ranking the performance of kinetic hydrate inhibitors (KHIs),
Received 26 August 2013 the high pressure automated lag time apparatus (HP-ALTA) is not limited by the stochasticity of hydrate
Received in revised form formation because it can make large numbers of formation measurements rapidly. An improved procedure
12 November 2013
for analysing HP-ALTA data is presented here in which formation probability density histograms with
Accepted 26 November 2013
Available online 10 December 2013
uniform temperature bin widths are constructed. Operations such as numerical integration and subtraction
can then be applied to entire formation distributions without the need to regress the data to model
Keywords: analytic functions. This approach enables apparatus effects on the measured formation distributions to be
Gas hydrate quantified and mitigated. Using analogue natural gas mixtures, a demonstration of the improved method is
reported here for six KHIs that were also tested using a conventional rocking cell. The cumulative
formation probability distribution functions determined by numerical integration of the histograms were
Probability distribution
Kinetics used to quantitatively (1) assess the performance of the KHIs, (2) study the memory effect in pure water,
Inhibitor and (3) assess its impact on the performance of each KHI. The rankings of the KHIs obtained from the
various performance metrics accessible through the HP-ALTA data were generally consistent with the
rocking cell rankings, with the average absolute deviation in net subcooling for the two apparatus being
2 to 3 K. In the quiescent HP-ALTA samples, the three worst performing KHIs still had expected subcoolings
of about 14 K unless the memory effect was present, in which case the expected net subcoolings of the
three worst performing KHIs ranged from 0–6 K. In contrast the memory effect reduced the expected
subcoolings of the three best performing KHIs by only 1–2 K. Using the new method of analysis, hydrate
formation distributions measured with the HP-ALTA can also be used to identify regions of good and poor
performance for a given KHI, which might aid in the determination of improved inhibition strategies or
assist the development of improved hydrate inhibitors.
& 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction carbon dioxide) are trapped in water cages at low-temperature and

high-pressure conditions (Sloan, 2003). Such conditions are often
Gas hydrates are non-stoichiometric ice-like compounds formed encountered in oil and gas pipelines and blockages due to hydrate
when certain guest molecules (e.g., methane, ethane, propane and formation can lead to major safety and economic concerns. Tradi-
tionally, hydrate problems were addressed using thermodynamic
hydrate inhibitors (THIs) such as methanol or monoethylene glycol,
Corresponding author. Tel.: þ 61 3 9545 2388. which shift the hydrate equilibrium phase boundary away from the
E-mail address: (N. Maeda).

0009-2509/$ - see front matter & 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
2 E.F. May et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 107 (2014) 1–12

pipeline operating condition. Typical concentrations of THIs used are shorter induction times and/or lower subcooling temperatures
around 15–50 wt% (Sloan et al., 1998). However, in deep water because the water sample has previously formed a hydrate phase
production, which is becoming increasingly common, even higher and not been subject to significant superheating (Vysniauskas and
concentrations are needed to prevent hydrate formation leading to Bishnoi 1983). Tohidi et al., (2012) used a rather extreme version of
increased operating costs. Hence, alternative methods of avoiding the memory effect by re-cooling the system prior to complete
hydrate blockages, such as kinetic hydrate inhibitors (KHIs) and anti- dissociation of the methane hydrates to characterise the inhibi-
agglomerants (AAs) are being investigated. Unlike THIs, KHIs function tion effect of PVCap (Lederhos et al., 1996) based solely on the
by delaying hydrate nucleation and/or growth while AAs prevent inhibition of hydrate growth (as opposed to nucleation). However,
agglomeration of hydrate particles (Kelland, 2006). The use of KHIs a KHI can inhibit both nucleation and growth and a complete
and AAs is increasing because they can be used in much lower assessment of its inhibition performance should characterise both
dosages (about 0.5–1 wt%) (Kelland, 2006), which increasingly makes aspects. The improved repeatability of KHI testing achieved
them a more cost-effective inhibition option in comparison with through use of the memory effect comes at the expense of weight-
traditional THIs. ing the KHI performance test towards growth only rather than
A key stage in the development of new kinetic inhibitors is nucleation plus growth.
laboratory testing, which is used to screen KHI performance and While it is obviously not a thermodynamic effect, the exact
identify which inhibitors may be suitable for field deployment. cause of the memory effect is unclear. One hypothesis is that
Probably the most common apparatus used for KHI screening is a the presence of residual hydrate structures in the water after
rocking cell (Lederhos et al., 1996). This apparatus is usually made incomplete dissociation provides a framework for easier hydrate
up of a number of test tubes, each filled with a hydrate-forming reformation. (Sloan et al., 1998; Sefidroodi et al., 2013). However,
solution and containing a small stainless steel ball. The sample Buchanan et al., (2005) reported not finding any evidence of
cells are continually rotated and hydrate formation is recorded as residual hydrate structure upon melting. Rodger, (2000) hypothe-
having occurred when the stainless steel balls are no longer able to sised that the memory effect was caused by the supersaturation of
move freely through the sample cells. Another method of testing the gas in the water after the hydrate had melted. Clearly more
KHIs is the high-pressure cell or autoclave (Svartaas et al., 2000; quantitative study of the memory effect is needed to understand
Chua and Kelland, 2012), where hydrate formation is inferred from its underlying mechanism. If the memory effect is caused by
the time when a sudden pressure drop is observed, caused by the residual hydrate structures, variations in the affinity of different
uptake of gas into the hydrate cages. Daraboina et al. (2011a, KHIs to the hydrate phase could cause the ‘strength’ of the
2011b, 2013) have used both stirred autoclaves and rocking cells to memory effect to vary when all samples are dissociated at the
investigate the impact of KHIs on both hydrate formation and same superheating temperature (Chua and Kelland, 2012; Del
decomposition, as well as the impact of other compounds such as Villano and Kelland 2011). In such cases it is possible that the
NaCl on KHI performance. Recently Daraboina et al. (2013) used inhibitor ranking achieved by using the memory effect would be
nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) microscopy and a stirred significantly different to that found without it.
autoclave to study the formation kinetics of methane/ethane/ Maeda et al. (2011, 2012) recently reported the development of
propane mixed gas hydrate in the presence of KHIs. The KHI a high pressure automated lag time apparatus (HP-ALTA), which
performance ranking from the NMR results were shown to match they used to study the statistics of hydrate formation. The HP-ALTA
the ranking obtained from conventional autoclave experiments. design was based on that of the ambient version originally used by
Ohno et al. (2012) used NMR and in-situ powder X-ray diffraction Heneghan and Haymet (2002). The main advantage of the HP-
to determine the impact of growth kinetics on the structure and ALTA is its ability to perform a large number ( 4100) of experi-
stability of hydrates formed with gas mixtures in the presence mental runs in a relatively short period of time as compared to the
of various KHIs. To enable the use of small samples, they dispersed number viable (  10) with conventional KHI testing methods like
the KHI solution in a silica gel housed in a pressurised but rocking cells or autoclaves. This means that the HP-ALTA can
unstirred autoclave. Linga and co-workers (Linga et al., 2012; access and measure the entire probability distribution for hydrate
Babu et al., 2013; Daraboina and Linga 2013) have found that formation in a reasonable time frame, and collect a sufficient
formation rates in dispersed systems could be higher than in number of measurements that statistical uncertainties can usually
mechanically agitated systems, making them suitable for KHI be reduced in comparison to those of other techniques.
testing: silica sand was found to be even more effective than silica The HP-ALTA was first used to study the probability distribu-
gel. High pressure differential scanning calorimetery (HP-DSC) has tions of the formation of hydrates of pure methane, a gas mixture
been used to study the effect of KHIs on hydrate formation in of 90% methane þ 10% propane and a synthetic natural gas
emulsions (Lachance et al., 2009; Daraboina et al., 2011a, 2011b), mixture. Maeda et al., (2012) and Wu et al., (2013) used the HP-
while Yang and Tohidi (2011) used an ultrasonic testing technique ALTA to investigate probability distributions measured either in
to study the inhibition characteristics of two commercial KHIs. terms of an induction time at constant subcooling or in terms of a
Kvamme et al. (2005) employed molecular dynamics simulations subcooling achieved at a constant cooling rate. They showed that
to investigate the likely performance of several KHIs in a multi- the two distributions are equivalent representations of the same
phase hydrate-water system with a rigid hydrate interface. On a information, which is important for KHI testing, particularly when
larger scale, KHI testing can be carried out in high-pressure flow- measuring relative performance. Lou et al., (2012) used the HP-
loops Talaghat et al., (2009a, 2009b). Visual studies of the effect of ALTA to investigate the performance of six novel polymer-based
KHIs on the morphology of methane hydrate formed on water KHIs. However, the concentrations of the novel KHI solutions used
droplets have been carried out by Bruusgaard et al. (2009). by Lou et al., (2012) were only 0.05 wt%, due to the low solubility
Hydrate formation is stochastic (Kashchiev and Firoozabadi, limit of some of the KHIs. As a result of this low concentration the
2002), and consequently the results of KHI screening tests usually inhibitive effect of the KHIs was comparable to or smaller than the
show some scatter. Duchateau et al., (2009) proposed a method stochastic uncertainty of the measured formation temperatures,
that used the memory effect (Vysniauskas and Bishnoi, 1983) to despite the large number of data measured with the HP-ALTA.
increase the repeatability of results in KHI tests and allowed a In this current work, we used the HP-ALTA to assess quantita-
ranking of KHI effectiveness based on the degree of subcooling tively the performance of six KHIs with greater concentrations
achieved in the system prior to hydrate formation. The memory (0.5 wt%) for which the effectiveness of inhibition was signifi-
effect is a phenomenon whereby hydrate reformation occurs at cantly greater than the measurement uncertainty. To achieve the
E.F. May et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 107 (2014) 1–12 3

detailed, quantitative measures of inhibitor performance described the gas composition and pressure using Multiflashs 4.1 with the
here a new more comprehensive framework for analysing cubic plus association model set, (Multiflash for Windows 4.0
and interpreting formation probability distributions measured 2011) as well as the experiment cooling rates and maximum
with the HP-ALTA is presented. While the data analysis approach durations. The operating pressure of the HP-ALTA experiments
described previously (Maeda et al., 2012) is satisfactory for con- was chosen to ensure that the differences between the pressures
structing survival probability curves, the new method facilitates an and equilibrium temperatures of the two sets of experiments were
extended quantitative analysis of the measured distributions that small. The results obtained from the two sets of experiments
was not previously achievable. The new method starts by con- indicate that the differences caused by variations in gas composi-
structing a histogram that is a discretised approximation to the tion and pressure were negligible in comparison with the effects
probability density distribution function (PDDF) for hydrate associated with stochastic formation.
formation and which can be numerically integrated to obtain the The details of the six KHIs studied in this work are provided in
cumulative probability distribution function (CPDF). The new Table 2. The KHIs were chosen to give a variety of structures, some
method allows various numerical operations to be performed known to be primarily anti-nucleators, and some which were good
directly on the measured distributions without recourse to fitting at both inhibiting nucleation and crystal growth. Another objective
the data to an analytical model. was to demonstrate the HP-ALTA method using a set of KHIs which
The new method for analysing HP-ALTA data is demonstrated had exhibited a range of performance levels during the rocking cell
through the comparison of the hydrate formation distributions tests. The KHIs were tested by preparing aqueous solutions with
measured for six kinetic inhibitors with and without the memory an inhibitor concentration of 0.5 wt% using 18 MΩ de-ionised
effect. The six KHIs were also ranked using a conventional rocking water. The change in hydrate equilibrium temperature caused by
cell, allowing comparison of two very different techniques. this concentration was assumed to be negligible. Although this
Explaining the reasons for the differences in KHI performance is assumption is very likely to be robust given the low KHI concen-
not the purpose of this paper: for this the reader is referred to trations, testing it experimentally can be difficult because many
references (Chua and Kelland, 2012; Duchateau et al., 2010; Lone KHIs also retard the kinetics of hydrate dissociation. Consequently,
and Kelland, 2013; Reyes and Kelland, 2013; Nakarit et al., 2013). equilibrium temperatures inferred from dissociation measure-
The rest of the paper demonstrates how the rocking cell results ments in the presence of KHIs can be systematically high
can be obtained from a subset of the information measured with (Duchateau et al., 2010). Table 2 also lists the results of the rocking
the HP-ALTA and how additional insight about the KHI per- cell experiments. Kelland and co-workers (Chua and Kelland,
formance can be obtained through analysis of the complete 2012; Lone and Kelland, 2013; Reyes and Kelland 2013) present
formation distributions. Methods for identifying and mitigating pictures of the rocking cell and the details of the procedures used
apparatus effects, quantification of the memory effect and ways to for the rocking cell tests. Briefly, each test comprised of having a
potentially improve inhibition strategies and KHI development are sample of the KHI solution in five cells that were rocked at a rate of
also presented. 20 times per minute. The onset temperature of hydrate formation,
To, in each cell was determined from the location of the slope
change in the pressure–temperature curve measured as the cell
2. Materials and rocking cell results was cooled at a rate of 1 K/h. Each test was conducted twice, with
a fresh solution, so that a total of at least 10 onset temperatures
The performance of six KHIs was tested using both a conven- were measured for each KHI. The ranking of the inhibition
tional rocking cell approach to measure onset temperatures and, performance of each of the KHIs listed in Table 2 was determined
subsequently, using an HP-ALTA to measure the formation prob- using the average To from the tests (the lower the average To, the
ability distributions associated with each inhibitor. Both sets of more effective the KHI). The standard deviation of the measured To
experiments used gas mixtures, with mole fraction compositions values was about 1 K and the p-values determined from statistical
listed in Table 1, to ensure that sII hydrates would form. t-tests of the measurements were all lower than 0.05.
The rocking cell experiments used a multi-component synthetic The results of rocking cell tests using pure water indicated that
natural gas. Unfortunately this mixture was not available for use in a subcooling of only 2.1 K was required to initiate hydrate forma-
the HP-ALTA experiments, which instead used a binary mixture tion in this apparatus, which reflects the significant mixing of the
with a mole fraction composition of 0.9 CH4 þ0.1 C3H8. Table 1 sample that occurs in rocking cell experiments. The KHIs in Table 2
also lists the operating pressure utilised in the two sets of are listed in order of their inhibition performance, with subcool-
experiments, the hydrate equilibrium temperature calculated for ings of 17.8 K and 3.3 K achieved by KHI-1 and KHI-6, respectively.
Given the standard deviations of the T0 measurements, the
Table 1 difference between KHI-2 and KHI-3 is likely smaller than the
Gas compositions, operating pressures, and hydrate equilibrium temperatures for
resolution of the rocking cell experiments. This resolution could in
the mixtures used to rank KHI performance in the rocking cell and HP-ALTA
experiments. Cooling rates and maximum run duration are also listed for both principle be increased by conducting more tests but given the time
methods. required per run the practicality of doing so is limited.

Component Rocking cell HP-ALTA

Mol% Mol%
3. HP-ALTA measurements and results
CH4 80.67 90
C2H6 10.2 0 A schematic of the HP-ALTA used to measure the hydrate
C3H8 4.9 10 formation probability distributions is shown in Fig. 1. Detailed
i-C4H10 1.53 0
descriptions of the apparatus and the method followed to obtain
n-C4H10 0.76 0
N2 0.1 0 the raw data used to construct the formation probability distribu-
CO2 1.84 0 tions have been given previously (Maeda et al., 2011; Maeda
Pexpt 7.6 MPa 7.2 MPa et al., 2012) so only a brief summary is given here together
Teqbm at Pexpt (Multiflash for Windows 4.0 2011) 293.2 K 293.9 K with a description of any differences in the method followed.
Cooling rate 0.0003 K s  1 0.025 K s  1
Maximum run duration 18.5 h 0.6 h
About 150 μL of the sample solution to be tested was placed in a
custom-made glass ‘boat’ about 30 mm in length and 4 mm in
4 E.F. May et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 107 (2014) 1–12

Table 2
Details of the kinetic hydrate inhibitors (KHIs) studied in this work and results of rocking cell experiments. The rocking cell ranking of the KHIs is based on the average onset
temperature, T0, measured for at least 10 runs with the corresponding subcooling ΔT below the calculated equilibrium temperature also listed.

Label Sample name To ΔT Reference and comment

(K) (K)

KHI-1 Polymer: synergist blend 275.4 17.8 Duchateau et al., (2010)

KHI-2 Low molecular weight PVCap (Lederhos et al., 279.7 13.5 Average of 15 tests: five by Lone and Kelland (2013) (with average of 279.6 K) and 10 by
1996) in Butyl Glycol Ether (BGE) solvent Duchateau et al., (2010) (with average of 279.8 K).
KHI-3 Luvicap 55 W 280.1 13.1 Lone and Kelland (2013)
KHI-4 Polyaspartamide 282.3 10.9 Chua and Kelland (2012)
KHI-5 Polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP 15k), 15k Mw 284.8 8.4 Reyes and Kelland (2013)
KHI-6 Polyvinylimidazole 289.9 3.3 A T0 of 290.1 K was reported by Nakarit et al. (2013) for a 0.25 wt% solution. This value was
obtained for a 0.5 wt% solution of that KHI with the same rocking cell.
Water 291.1 2.1 Average of more than 30 tests

ranged between 75 and 293: as discussed below, one advantage of

the new analysis method presented here is it allows an assessment
of whether the number of trials conducted is likely to be sufficient.
The choice of the two dissociation temperatures used here was
6 mm diameter
based on the results of Duchateau et al. (2010) who reported that
cross bore the memory effect was discernible at superheating temperatures
of less than 5.6 K for experiments involving the KHI PVCap
(Lederhos et al. 1996). In the current work, the clear differences
between the hydrate formation distributions measured at the two
dissociation temperatures (Fig. 2) demonstrate that the memory
effect was significant in all cases (water and each KHI) when the
superheating temperature was only 6 K. To distinguish between
the two sets of HP-ALTA measurements, we denote those mea-
sured with a superheating of 6 K as “ME” and those measured with
a superheating temperature of 16 K as “NME” where we have
assumed that the latter were not influenced by the memory effect.
The results of this work indicate that the HP-ALTA could be a
useful tool for future quantitative studies of the memory effect.
An improved method of analysing the data acquired with the
HP-ALTA and using them to construct formation probability
distributions was developed in this work, which has some advan-
tages over the method described previously by Maeda et al., (2012)
The information content of the data is of course unchanged and
both methods produce formation probability distributions; how-
Fig. 1. Schematic of the HP-ALTA used for measuring hydrate formation probability ever the new method allows a more extensive analysis of the data
distributions. and, thus, a more comprehensive and generalised interpretation of
the results. The first step in the new method is to construct from
the HP-ALTA data a histogram of formation events as a function of
width. The gas pressure in the sample chamber was set and subcooling, ΔT. This is achieved by selecting a bin size, δTf, and
maintained using a pneumatically-driven, non-lubricated gas converting the number formation events recorded within the
booster and measured using a capacitance diaphragm type trans- interval (ΔT to ΔTþ δTf) into a fraction of the total number of
ducer. The sample was cooled at a constant rate of 0.025 K/s using formation events measured over the range 0 o ΔT r ΔT(max),
two Peltier modules located on either side of the stainless steel where ΔT(max) corresponds to the lowest temperature at which a
pressure vessel that housed the boat. Temperature was measured formation event was observed. The resulting histogram is a
using a platinum resistance thermometer located about 5 mm discretised approximation to the probability density distribution
from the sample boat on the outside of the pressure vessel. function (PDDF) of hydrate formation in the system being studied.
The transmission of light through the sample from an LED was The NME-PDDFs and ME-PDDFs measured in this work are shown
monitored using a photodetector. The formation of a solid phase in in Fig. 2(a) and (b), respectively.
the boat was detected when the photodetector signal dropped The choice of δTf is important and can impact the shape of
below a certain threshold as a result of the increased light resulting histogram. For a continuous variable such as subcooling,
scattering. The temperature resolution with which solid formation the bin size should be as small as justifiable given the measur-
could be measured was 0.1 K. Following the detection of solid ement's resolution. Following de Podesta et al. (2010) we selected
formation, the sample was heated to a specified superheating δTf on the basis of the Nyquist theorem related to sampling.
temperature where it was held for 300 s to ensure the solid was Usually, the Nyquist theorem is expressed in terms of critical
completely dissociated. In this work the superheating temperature frequency for data sampled at discrete time intervals, with a
was set to either 6 K or 16 K (absolute temperatures of 300 or critical sampling rate of two samples per cycle. In this work since
310 K, respectively) so that the impact of the memory effect the hydrate formation temperature in a given HP-ALTA run could
(Vysniauskas and Bishnoi, 1983) on the measured formation be measured with a resolution of 0.1 K, we took δTf ¼ 0.2 K.
probability distributions could be investigated. The number One advantage of the new method over the one described by
of measurements made to construct the formation probability Maeda et al. (2012) is that a common set of values for δTf and
distributions for a given sample and superheating temperature ΔT(max) can be chosen for use in the data analysis for each KHI. As
E.F. May et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 107 (2014) 1–12 5

0.25 1.0
KHI-2 Water
0.20 KHI-4 0.8 KHI-2
Fraction of Total Runs

Formation Probability
0.15 0.6 KHI-6

0.10 0.4

0.05 0.2

0.00 0.0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35

0.25 1.0
KHI-2 Water
0.20 KHI-3 KHI-1
KHI-4 0.8
Fraction of Total Runs


Formation Probability
0.15 KHI-5



0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Subcooling, T/K
Subcooling, T/K
Fig. 2. Probability density distribution histograms for hydrate formation estimated
from the HP-ALTA experiments with pure water and each of the KHIs. (a): Fig. 3. Cumulative probability distribution functions for hydrate formation
Distributions obtained from measurement with no memory effect (NME). (b): obtained by numerical integration of the histograms shown in Fig. 2. (a): Distribu-
Distributions obtained from measurements influenced by the memory effect (ME). tions obtained from measurement with no memory effect (NME). The ice formation
curve for the apparatus, which was determined from N2 measurements to occur in
the temperature range 263 to 269 K, is also shown. (b): Distributions obtained from
a result, the histograms derived from each data set are of the same measurements influenced by the memory effect (ME).

length and have the same spacing, which means that subsequent
numerical operations on the data sets, such as integration and formation probability). However, the choice of a consistent δTf in
subtraction, can be performed in a straightforward manner. In the the histogram construction combined with the integration of the
previous method, cumulative probability distribution functions histograms to produce the CPDF means that the formation
(CPDF) were constructed directly from the measured data, distributions obtained with the new method are smoother and
by-passing the PDDF histograms and the spacing of the data have a higher point density than the survival curves constructed
within the so-constructed CPDFs was determined by the (varying) previously.
difference between each measured formation event. Each resulting In addition to allowing the performance of the various KHIs to
CPDF would consequently have non-uniform spacing and the total be evaluated and the impact of the ME to be quantified, the
number of points in the vector representing the CPDF would vary. measured distributions allow some limitations of the experimen-
The only way numerical operations such as subtraction or integra- tal measurements themselves to be identified, particularly at the
tion of the entire distribution could then be conducted was lowest subcoolings. For the NME experiments, all of the KHIs
through the use of model analytic functions that could be tested enabled subcoolings of 28 K to be achieved in more than
regressed satisfactorily to each data set. The new method of data half of the experiments; in comparison, the hydrate formation
analysis still permits such an approach but does not require it and probability with pure water in the HP-ALTA was over 98% at this
is thus more flexible and convenient. subcooling. However, for an increase in subcooling of only 2 K, all
Fig. 3 shows the cumulative probability distribution functions of the KHI distributions for the NME experiments reach a forma-
for hydrate formation obtained by numerical integration of the tion probability of over 90% and none of those distributions extend
PDDF histograms shown in Fig. 2. These CPDFs contain the beyond a subcooling of 33 K. Such an increase in formation
equivalent amount of information to that contained the survival probability over a small range of subcooling indicates that the
curves produced using the method described by Maeda et al. hydrate formation distribution measurement was being limited
(2012) (a survival curve is the complement of the formation by the formation of ice. To confirm this, an experiment was
distribution, i.e. the survival probability is 1 p, where p is the conducted using N2 gas at 7.3 MPa and pure water. The hydrate
6 E.F. May et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 107 (2014) 1–12

equilibrium temperature calculated for N2 þ water at 7.3 MPa is method in which either a threshold cumulative probability, pt, is
248.3 K, (Multiflash for Windows 4.0 2011) which corresponds to a set and the CPDF is used to determine the subcooling, ΔTt,
subcooling of 48 K in Fig. 3 whereas the equilibrium ice tempera- corresponding to pt or, equivalently, a threshold subcooling is
ture for this system (273.15 K) corresponds to a subcooling of selected and the corresponding cumulative probability is deter-
20.8 K. The cumulative formation distribution measured with the mined. The physical interpretation of this method is that the KHIs
HP-ALTA for N2 þwater at 7.3 MPa is shown as a dashed curve in are being compared on the basis of the probability that they will
Fig. 3(a) and had absolute temperature bounds of 267.3 K–263.9 K allow hydrates to form for a selected subcooling. For a given
(subcooling range of 26.6 K–30.0 K). This confirms that in the NME threshold, the higher the corresponding subcooling or the lower
experiments the formation probability distributions measured for the probability determined from the CPDF, the better the perfor-
the KHIs at subcoolings of 26 K and below were corrupted by ice mance of the KHI. Of course, the probability of achieving that
formation: for KHI-1 and KHI-3, hydrate formation had occurred in subcooling is specific to the quiescent HP-ALTA measurement and
less than 5% of the runs at this subcooling. will not necessarily correspond to the probability of achieving that
Another limitation present in several of the current measure- subcooling in a turbulent system. Nevertheless, the measurements
ment sets is that at the highest subcoolings the histogram values provide a clear indication of the comparative performance of
are not close to zero (e.g. KHI-3 in the ME experiments). This is several KHIs under the same conditions.
also reflected by the corresponding CPDF not approaching p ¼ 1 In previous HP-ALTA studies, Maeda and co-workers (Maeda
asymptotically and indicates that, in those cases, a significant et al., 2012; Wu et al., 2013) used the median of the measured
fraction of formation events were still occurring at the highest distribution as the basis of comparison. This approach is a specific
subcoolings, implying that the full-width of the distributions may case of the SPT method in which a threshold probability of 0.5 is
not have been completely sampled. Future measurements with the selected. This choice of threshold is, however, somewhat arbitrary
HP-ALTA should therefore construct the histogram as soon as and other reasonable choices may be made: for example, a ΔTt
possible to establish whether additional measurements are neces- corresponding to the ice point might be considered (20.8 K in
sary to completely map the formation PDDF (it may be in some these experiments). In different contexts, others have proposed
cases that ice formation means that extending the HP-ALTA (Klomp, 2008) that pt should be chosen to be as small as possible
measurements will not be effective). (e.g. 0.01); the level chosen would presumably reflect not only an
These limitations are, however, only apparent because of the engineering risk tolerance but also the resolution of the measure-
significant increase in information about each hydrate formation ment technique.
distribution produced by the HP-ALTA. Such information is gen- However, the choice of threshold to be used in the SPT method
erally inaccessible through conventional methods of testing KHI can have a significant effect on the ranking likely to be obtained.
performance because it requires execution of a much larger For example, in the case of the NME experiments, the use of
number of formation measurements than is usually feasible with the median method with pt ¼0.5 as the ranking criteria leads to
those methods. The HP-ALTA allows a much more extensive the result that all six KHIs are essentially equivalent because the
comparison of KHI performance because in general it allows the difference between their ΔTt values is less than 1 K at an average
entire formation distribution associated with each inhibitor to be subcooling of 29 K. This reflects the fact that the efficacy of all of
measured. The entire formation distribution can then be used to the KHIs was sufficient to reach the ice-formation boundary of the
compare the performance of each KHI on a quantitative basis and, present HP-ALTA measurements, beyond which any resolution to
furthermore, various weighting criteria can be used to determine hydrate inhibition performance was lost. Similarly use of the
the inhibitor's quantitative ranking in accordance with the user's equilibrium temperature for ice formation (ΔTt ¼20.8 K) provides
requirements. little useful discrimination as the cumulative formation probability
at this condition was still zero for four of the KHIs.
By first considering the entire range of each measured forma-
4. KHI Performance quantification tion distribution, it is possible to choose thresholds for which the
SPT method provides a quantitative discrimination between the
The CPDFs shown in Fig. 3 can be used in several ways to rank inhibitors. Table 3 shows quantitative measures of each KHI's
quantitatively the performance of KHIs. The most straightforward performance for both the NME and ME experiments, which
of these may be called the subcooling-probability threshold (SPT) includes measures based on the SPT method for several different

Table 3
Quantitative measures of inhibitor performance in terms of either net subcooling (K) or formation probability (%) of the six KHIs measured in this work. For the HP-ALTA
experiments, the non-memory effect (NME) and memory effect (ME) experiments were assessed using either the integrated quantile function (IQF) method to determine the
expected net subcooling 〈ΔT ðnetÞ 〉 from the measured formation distribution, or using the subcooling-probability threshold (SPT) method, to determine the net subcoolings
corresponding to chosen probability thresholds, pt, of 50% or 1%, or to determine the formation probabilities corresponding to (absolute) subcooling thresholds, ΔTt, of 26 K
or 16 K.

Label Rock. Cell ΔT ðnetÞ HP-ALTA


IQF, SPT: ΔT ðnetÞ for SPT: ΔT ðnetÞ for SPT: p for IQF, SPT: ΔT ðnetÞ for SPT: ΔT ðnetÞ for SPT: p for
〈ΔT ðnetÞ 〉 pt ¼ 0.5 pt ¼ 0.01 ΔTt ¼ 26 K (%) 〈ΔT ðnetÞ 〉 pt ¼0.5 pt ¼0.01 ΔTt ¼ 16 K (%)

KHI-1 15.7 14.3 15.4 14.8 2 12.1 12.7 12.9 0

KHI-2 11.4 13.6 15.2 11.8 21 11.4 12.1 9.7 3
KHI-3 11 14.3 15.7 15.8 0 13.9 15.3 8 2
KHI-4 8.8 13.6 14.9 10.8 15 6 6.5 7.6 39
KHI-5 6.3 13.4 15.1 8.2 15 3.8 4.5 3.9 95
KHI-6 1.2 13.1 15.4 7.2 27 -0.9 -0.2 2 100

Water 0 0 0 0 99 0 0 0 97
E.F. May et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 107 (2014) 1–12 7

thresholds. For a threshold formation probability of 1%, the best relationship f ¼dp/dΔT, where p is the CPDF, to write
performing KHIs (KHI-1 and KHI-3) achieve subcoolings 7 K larger Z 1  
than the worst performing KHIs (KHI-5 and KHI-6). One problem 〈ΔT〉  ΔT d ΔT ð2Þ
0 d ΔT
with this choice of threshold, however, is that its proximity to the
start of each inhibitor's CPDF maximises the sensitivity of the The variable and bounds of the integration can then be changed
results obtained to the stochastic nature of hydrate formation. Z 1
This stochastic sensitivity is present and affects measurements of 〈ΔT〉  ΔTdp ð3Þ
formation at all subcoolings equally; it is an implicit uncertainty in
the level of the PDDF histogram at any given subcooling. Never- To evaluate Eq. (3) it is therefore convenient to calculate the
theless, in terms of the CPDF, the relative size of this statistical inverse function of the CPDF, which is known as the quantile (or
uncertainty decreases with increasing cumulative probability, and percentile) function, QF, to express the subcooling as a function of
therefore the further removed the chosen threshold is from the probability. The SPT method implicitly uses the QF if a cumulative
low probability limit of the CPDF, the more robust the measure of probability threshold is specified.
performance obtained with the SPT method will be. The expected subcooling value of each KHI may be calculated
A better threshold choice, therefore, for use with the SPT from HP-ALTA experiments by converting numerically the mea-
method is the subcooling at which the best performing KHI sured CPDF to a QF and integrating it over the full range of
achieves a non-zero (but appreciable) formation probability. With formation probabilities. The expected subcooling for each KHI
this choice the corresponding cumulative formation probabilities then provides a quantitative means of ranking their performance
for many of the KHIs will have a reduced statistical relative that does not require a choice of a particular threshold. We call
uncertainty. A potentially even better choice is to select a sub- this the integrated quantile function (IQF) method and, assuming
cooling threshold at which the worst performing KHI achieves a sufficient data are obtained in the measurement of the probability
cumulative formation probability of nearly 100%, which would be distribution, it is the most robust method of quantifying inhibitor
an improvement if the best performing KHI had a formation performance with the least stochastic sensitivity. The rankings of
probability significantly greater than zero at this subcooling. the KHIs obtained via the IQF method for both the NME and ME
Two such subcooling thresholds are shown in Table 3: ΔTt ¼26 K experiments are listed in Table 3.
for the NME experiments and ΔTt ¼16 K for the ME experiments. In Geometrically, the IQF method calculates the area between the
the former case, the formation probabilities for KHI-1 and KHI-3 are probability axis and the CPDF over the probability bounds 0 to 1:
0% and 2%, respectively, and thus stochastically sensitive with the for the CPDFs shown in Fig. 3 the expected subcooling for each KHI
formation probabilities for the other KHIs ranging from 15% to 27% corresponds to the area between the left vertical axis and the
at this threshold subcooling, with pure water having a formation corresponding CPDF. As discussed in Section 6 below, additional
probability of 99%. Choice of a higher subcooling threshold for these quantitative insight into the performance of the different KHIs can
NME experiments is not helpful because of the ice formation also be obtained by integrating over a sub-domain of probability
boundary that starts from 26.6 K; it is likely that the anomalous from 0 to pmax o1, which corresponds to the area between the
ranking via this metric of KHI-2 as the second worst perform- vertical probability axis and the CPDF up to a horizontal stripe at
ing inhibitor, (compared with any other of the ranking methods the chosen pmax.
considered here) was a result of ice formation affecting the
measured distribution. For the ME experiments it was possible to
choose ΔTt ¼16 K at which the worst performing KHI-6 had a 5. Net subcoolings and memory effect quantification
cumulative formation probability of 100%. We note that ME experi-
ments with pure water had a formation probability of 97% at this The HP-ALTA is a quiescent system which results in formation
subcooling, which suggests that the statistical uncertainty of any occurring at higher subcoolings than is found in rocking cell or
given probability might be about 3–5%, and/or KHI-6 may act as a autoclave tests of KHI performance. The effects of apparatus
hydrate promoter in the presence of the ME. At ΔTt ¼16 K for the artefacts can be reduced in a straightforward way if the perfor-
ME experiments the best performing inhibitors, KHI-1, -2 and -3 mance measure is a single temperature, such as T0 in rocking cell
have formation probabilities between 0% and 3%, while KHI-4 and tests, by simply subtracting the average onset temperature mea-
KHI-5 have formation probabilities of 39% and 95%, respectively. sured in the control experiment with pure water from the average
This ranking is very similar to that obtained in the rocking cell onset temperatures obtained for each KHI. However, the correction
experiments. of apparatus effects is not as straightforward when the entire
However, while a judicious choice of threshold can enable the formation distribution is measured as occurs with HP-ALTA
SPT method to produce robust rankings of the inhibitors, that experiments. A second advantage of the new method of analysing
choice will inevitably involve a degree of subjectivity and possibly the HP-ALTA data presented in this work over that reported
be somewhat arbitrary. Furthermore, a judicious threshold selec- previously is that because the CPDFs obtained with it have the
tion requires consideration of the entire CPDFs measured for all of same length and uniform spacing, they can be subtracted from one
the KHIs being ranked, which means that the chosen threshold another in a straightforward manner. The additional, or net
may need to shift when a subsequent batch of KHIs is tested. subcooling, that is achieved due to the KHI only can therefore be
A better approach would be one that utilises all of the information determined by subtracting its CPDF from that obtained with pure
available about the KHI's performance that is available through the water. The net integrated subcooling achieved by that KHI is
entire CPDF in a systematic way. equivalent to the area between the CPDFs for pure water and for
The most statistically robust method of evaluating KHI perfor- that KHI and evaluation of this area by integration gives its
mance is to calculate the expected (or mean) subcooling value, expected net subcooling, 〈ΔT ðnetÞ 〉. Fig. 4(a) illustrates this geome-
〈ΔT〉, for each KHI using trical interpretation using the CPDFs measured for KHI-5 and pure
Z 1 water in the ME experiments.
〈ΔT〉  ΔTf dΔT ð1Þ Fig. 5 shows calculated net subcoolings, ΔT(net) ¼ ΔT(KHI) 
ΔT (water)
for the NME and ME experiments, plotted as a function
where f is the PDDF for hydrate formation and the integration is of cumulative formation probability. In making the abscissa the
over all possible subcoolings, ΔT. To evaluate Eq. (1), we use the cumulative probability, the curves shown in Fig. 5 correspond to
8 E.F. May et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 107 (2014) 1–12

1.0 20

0.8 15

Formation Probability

0.6 10

Net Subcooling,
0.4 5

0.2 0


0.0 -5
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35

1.0 20

0.8 15

Formation Probability

Net Subcooling,

Memory Effect
No Memory Effect


0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Formation Probability
Subcooling, T/K
Fig. 5. Net sub-cooling curves plotted as a function of cumulative formation
Fig. 4. Quantification of (a) the inhibitive effect of KHI-5 and (b) the memory effect probability (i.e. net quantile functions) for each of the KHIs. (a): Net subcoolings
in pure water by calculation of the net integrated subcooling shown as the shaded obtained from measurements with no memory effect (NME). (b): Net subcoolings
areas between the CPDFs. In (a) the distributions for pure water and KHI-5 obtained from measurements with the memory effect (ME).
measured during the ME experiments are shown. In (b) the distributions shown
are for pure water as measured in the ME and NME experiments

level either slightly worse or equal to them depending on the

chosen method.
the net subcooling quantile functions. These were integrated Any further analysis of the quantitative differences between the
directly to determine the expectation values of net subcooling methods should include an estimate of their respective uncertain-
for each KHI listed under the IQF method in Table 3. The threshold ties. Such estimates are difficult to make because of the significant
subcoolings obtained using the SPT method for pt ¼0.5 and impact that each technique's systematics can have on the mea-
pt ¼0.01 are also listed on a net-basis in Table 3. surement, such as the differences between quiescent and agitated
Calculation of the net subcoolings allows a direct comparison of systems or the impact of the memory effect on an inhibitor's
the rankings achieved from the rocking cell tests with those performance. Given these differences it is interesting that across
obtained by the IQF and SPT methods from the HP-ALTA data all the experiments considered (rocking cell, HP-ALTA with and
that is both qualitative and quantitative. Qualitatively, there is a without ME) both the inhibitor performance rankings and the
reasonable similarity between the rankings derived from the measured net subcoolings are so similar. Estimating the statistical
rocking cell onset formation tests and those obtained via the uncertainties associated with the various methods is a more
various methods of analysing the HP-ALTA distributions: all tractable problem because these are essentially determined by
methods ranked KHI-4, KHI-5 and KHI-6 as the fourth, fifth and the resolution of the measurement to a formation event, the
sixth best inhibitors, respectively, except when the method number of measurements that are made with that technique and
applied to the HP-ALTA data focussed on measurements affected the extent to which further averaging occurs during the analysis
by ice formation (SPT with pt ¼ 0.5 or ΔTt ¼ 26 K for the NME used to a quantitative performance metric. According to these
experiments). For the three best performing inhibitors, the rocking criteria, the precision of the rocking cell net subcoolings should be
cell results indicate that KHI-1 performed significantly better than lower than the HP-ALTA net subcoolings because of the order of
KHI-2 or KHI-3, which had performed similarly. The HP-ALTA magnitude fewer measurements, and the IQF method should have
experiments found that KHI-1 and KHI-3 were effectively the the highest precision of the HP-ALTA analysis methods because it
equal best performers for all methods, with KHI-2 performing at a is obtained by a double integration of the measured histogram.
E.F. May et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 107 (2014) 1–12 9

Inspection of the PDDFs indicates that the statistical uncertainty of retained structure theory of the underlying mechanism (Sloan
a particular probability threshold is about 70.03. The slopes of the et al., 1998; Sefidroodi et al., 2013). However, this assumes that the
quantile functions shown in Fig. 5 indicate that near the beginning of diffusion rate of dissolved gases that have formed upon dissocia-
the distribution (i.e. p-0) the net subcooling is most sensitive to tion of the gas hydrates remains unaffected by the presence of the
uncertainties in the probability. This contributes a statistical uncer- KHI. Future work to elucidate the underlying mechanism might
tainty of about 1 to 2 K to the net subcoolings obtained by the SPT attempt to combine HP-ALTA measurements of the memory effect
method with pt ¼0.01, which decreases at larger formation probabil- with a method that could monitor the dissolved gas concentra-
ities to a level approximately equal to that of the histogram bin size tion; Raman spectroscopy as described by Subramanian and Sloan
(0.2 K). The statistical uncertainty of the expected net subcooling (2002) may be suitable for this purpose.
calculated using the IQF method is estimated to be about 0.05 K given
the further averaging associated with the integration of the entire
distribution (which was constructed from about 100 formation 6. Improving KHIs and inhibition strategies
Four of the six HP-ALTA estimates of net KHI subcoolings in The IQF-method of ranking of a KHI produces a performance
Table 3 have an average absolute difference (AAD) from the rocking metric that is weighted to penalise failures (i.e. formation) at
cell net KHI subcoolings of between 2 and 3 K: the IQF and SPT: lower subcoolings, even when the CPDF indicates that the KHI
pt ¼0.5 methods for the NME experiments have AADs of 5.1 and can achieve higher subcoolings at greater formation probabilities.
6.3 K, respectively, but these two measures are known to be affected The relative impact of the penalty for failures at low subcoolings
by ice formation because they are both strongly influenced by the depends on the choice of integration limit. This understanding
formation events that occurred at temperatures below 267 K. Com- can be used to obtain additional quantitative insight into the
parison of the rocking cell results with the NME HP-ALTA results performance of a KHI by integrating the QF over a sub-domain of
indicates that certain inhibitors that are very effective in quiescent probability from 0 to pmax (i.e. changing the upper integration
systems are far less effective in systems with significant agitation (i.e. bound in Eq. (3) from 1 to pmax). We distinguish performance
KHI-4, KHI-5 and KHI-6). Interestingly, the impact of the ME on the metrics calculated from the formation probability distribution
performance of those KHIs in the quiescent HP-ALTA system appears using a restricted domain 0 op ox using the notation IQF:
to be like that of agitation. The IQF and SPT: pt ¼0.5 methods for the pmax ¼ x. To illustrate the aspect of inhibitor performance that
ME experiments both had AADs from the rocking cell net subcoolings the restricted domain IQF method can quantify, it is useful to apply
of only 2.3 K, and maximum absolute deviations of 3.6 and 4.3 K. and compare the methods SPT: pt ¼ 0.4 and IQF: pmax ¼ 0.4 to the
Comparison of the subcoolings obtained by HP-ALTA experi- distributions obtained during the ME tests of KHI-1 and KHI-3,
ments for NME and ME experiments allows quantification of with key results shown in Fig. 6.
memory effect under the quiescent conditions. Fig. 4(b) shows the Fig. 6(a) shows an expanded view of the data plotted in
integrated loss of subcooling caused by the memory effect in pure Fig. 3(b), but represented as the quantile functions for formation
water. Table 4 lists the differences between the subcoolings deter- probabilities ranging from 0.1 to 0.5, that were obtained for the
mined by the IQF and SPT: pt ¼0.5 methods for water and each KHI three best inhibitors during the ME experiments. Upon application
in the ME and NME experiments. The size of the numerical shifts of the SPT method, the performance of KHI-3 is determined to be
caused by the ME is similar for the IQF and SPT: pt ¼0.5 methods, better than KHI-1 for threshold probabilities larger than 0.17
which reflect the similarities in the means and medians of each or, equivalently, subcooling thresholds of 20.2 K or greater.
distributions and also indicates that stochastic effects have been Fig. 6(b) shows the functions produced using Eq. (3) from all the
minimised. The shift in the subcoolings achieved with pure water is distributions measured during the ME experiments if the upper
about 4 K, which provides a baseline for comparing the impact of integration bound is set equal to p and varied from 0 to 1: the
the memory effect on the performance of the KHIs. It has the least maximum numerical values on the plot at p¼ 1 correspond to the
impact on KHI-3 (0.4 K subcooling decrease) while KHI-1 and KHI-2 expected subcooling 〈ΔT〉 for each KHI and for pure water. These
are affected less than pure water by about 2 K. The memory effect integrated quantile functions are used to determine the numerical
has a significant impact on the three worst performing KHIs, values that will be obtained from the IQF method (which penalises
reducing the subcoolings achieved by between 2 and 3.5 times formation at low subcoolings more severely than the SPT method)
the shift observed by pure water. As shown in Fig. 5(b), the 14 K for any sub-domain of formation probability. Fig. 6(c) shows an
reduction in subcooling caused by the ME for KHI-6 causes it to no expanded view of the IQF functions for the three best inhibitors
longer have any inhibitive effect, with the data indicating that over the range 0.4 op o0.5 in which, according to this metric, a
hydrate formation with this KHI present may even be more likely to transition occurs between the relative ranking of KHI-1 and KHI-3.
occur than is the case for pure water. For subcoolings of 20.2 K or less and formation probabilities of
The quantitative changes in the inhibition performance of the 0.17 or smaller, KHI-1 is the best inhibitor based on an analysis of
different KHIs caused by the memory effect appear to support the the formation probability distributions with either the SPT or IQF
methods. However, if pt and pmax are set equal to 0.4, the two
methods differ in the assessment of the ranking order of the two
Table 4 best inhibitors. The SPT: pt ¼0.4 method leads to the ranking of
Quantification of memory effect through the difference in subcoolings KHI-3 above KHI-1, as indicated by Fig. 6(a), whereas the IQF:
ΔT ME  ΔT NME measured with the HP-ALTA using the integrated quantile function
pmax ¼ 0.4 method produces a ranking of KHI-1 above KHI-3. There
(IQF) and subcooling probability threshold (SPT) methods.
is a difference in the physical meaning of pt ¼0.4 and pmax ¼0.4
Label IQF SPT: pt ¼0.5 with the former being the subcooling corresponding to a forma-
tion probability of 0.4 and the latter being the most likely
Water  4.0  3.8
subcooling that the inhibitor will achieve if the system is allowed
KHI-1  2.2  2.7
KHI-2  2.2  3.1
to sample the first (or worst) 40% of the formation distribution.
KHI-3  0.4  0.4 Inspection of Fig. 6(c) indicates that the IQF metric ranks KHI-1
KHI-4  7.6  8.4 above KHI-3 until a formation probability of 0.42 (with a statistical
KHI-5  9.6  10.6 uncertainty bound of about 0.03). At this probability threshold, the
KHI-6  14  15.6
CPDF for KHI-3 has a subcooling about 2 K greater than that of
10 E.F. May et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 107 (2014) 1–12






0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5

Formation Probability

10.0 KHI-1

Subcooling integrated from p = 0 / K





8.5 5

Water KHI-1 KHI-2

0.40 0.42 0.44 0.46 0.48 0.50 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Formation Probability

Fig. 6. Illustration of the difference in performance metrics obtained by the SPT : pt ¼0.4 and IQF: pmax ¼ 0.4 methods using distributions from the ME experiments.
(a) Expanded view of the data in Fig. 3(b) (axes swapped) for the three best performing KHIs over the range 0.1 o po 0.5, which can be used for the SPT method. (b) Integrals
of the quantile functions over a restricted domain (i.e. Eq. (3) with varying upper integration bound) for all measured distributions (KHI and pure water). (c) Expanded view
of integrated quantile functions for the three best performing KHIs over the range 0.4 o p o 0.5.

KHI-1. However, KHI-3 failed to completely inhibit hydrate forma- conventional techniques produce measures of performance that
tion for subcoolings greater than about 13 K whereas KHI-1 do not encapsulate much of the complex, stochastic information
completely supressed hydrate formation for subcoolings up to pertinent to the kinetic inhibition of hydrate formation. A first step
18 K. Effectively, the IQF method weights KHI-1's 2 K lower in being able to do so is the acquisition of sufficient data to allow
subcooling at a formation probability of 0.42 as equivalent to the the construction of a statistically meaningful representation of the
larger number of failures that occurred for KHI-3 at subcoolings formation probability distribution. Automated lag time apparatus
between 13 and 18 K. are ideal measurement tools for this task, and in this work an HP-
The IQF: pmax method provides additional insights on the ALTA was used to test the performance of six KHIs that had
measured hydrate formation distributions that could lead to more previously been screened using a conventional rocking cell appa-
effective/advanced inhibition strategies or improved KHI develop- ratus. The next challenge is to interpret the measured probability
ment. More effective inhibition strategies could be based on the distributions so that the entire suite of newly available information
selection of a KHI that has an expected subcooling slightly below can be used in the most effective way. The two key questions are
that of other KHIs but is far less likely to fail at low subcoolings. (1) how does one compare multiple formation probability dis-
Potentially, blends of KHIs that perform well according to different tributions that may overlap one another to determine which
metrics may be tested in a second phase of screening, although it performs “best”, and (2) how does one define “best”.
would be fortunate if the inhibitive effects turned out to be additive. In this work a new approach to the analysis of HP-ALTA data
Alternatively, the IQF: pmax may help researchers identify which was developed that has significant advantages over previous
attributes of two KHIs that have different IQF: pmax scores give rise approaches because it allows operations such as integration and
to this difference, so that an improved KHI which achieves high- subtraction to be applied directly to the numerical data represent-
subcoolings but does not fail at low ones might be developed. ing the PDDF for hydrate formation. This allows the impact of
apparatus effects to be subtracted from the data measured for a
KHI, the CPDF to be calculated by integration of the PDDF
7. Conclusions histogram, and the expected net subcooling for the KHI to be
calculated by integration of the quantile function. Geometrically,
While inhibitors can be ranked qualitatively or in general terms this second integration is a calculation of the area between the
through several different approaches, even the most quantitative inhibitor's CPDF and that of pure water and physically it represents
E.F. May et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 107 (2014) 1–12 11

the most probable subcooling, beyond that achieved in tests with boundary. Ultimately the quiescent nature of the current HP-ALTA
pure water, which the KHI sample will achieve when subjected to experiments gives rise to this ice formation problem and places a
a linear cooling ramp in a quiescent system. limit on the extent to which its measurements of KHI net
Once the CPDF and integrated quantile function are constructed subcooling can be translated to turbulent systems. To address this
for a KHI, two methods are available for interpreting the full extent it would be desirable to incorporate a means of agitation into a
of the information about the formation distribution. A threshold future HP-ALTA system. Although implementation would be far
subcooling can be chosen and the corresponding formation prob- from straightforward, one possibility for achieving adequate mix-
ability can be determined (or vice versa) to quantify the efficacy of ing in the HP-ALTA may be through the integration of a bubble
the KHI. The threshold chosen might reflect, for example, a supply into the liquid.
criterion based on an acceptable level of risk. Alternatively, the
IQF method can be used to determine more than just the most
probable subcooling; by integrating over a reduced probability
domain, performance metrics which give a penalty weighting to Acknowledgement
formation at low subcoolings and can thus be used to assess worst
case scenarios can be calculated. The IQF method could potentially This work was supported by NM’s Australian Research Council
help identify which functional groups of a KHI molecule are Future Fellowship (FT0991892) and CSIRO’s Petroleum and
responsible for failures at low subcoolings. These methods may Geothermal Research Portfolio.
also help develop improved inhibition strategies, for example, by
trading-off higher expected subcoolings with fewer failures at low
or even through the development of KHI blends in which the References
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