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Joshua Miguel Bairan


Film Analysis: On The Basis of Sex

The main character from the film “On the Basis of Sex” is Ruth Bader Ginsburg. She was born in
Brooklyn and married to Martin Ginsburg. She was a lawyer who was additionally sitting on top of her
group both in Harvard and Columbia Law School. Ruth has a convincing feeling of herself as a profound
being who is the searcher and the seeker of truth. One of the strengths of Ruth is she is exceptionally
dedicated and drive forward with regards to her work. On the other hand, I can only think of her weakness
when there is an issue or argument within her family, she fails to keep a grip of her emotions.

In the wake of moving on from graduate school, she promptly began applying to various law
offices. Nonetheless, regardless of her exceptional qualifications, she battled in getting a position since a
few law offices turned her down due to her gender. I absolutely think that her plight was that society was
made to accept that men are a lot of proficient than ladies in view of the current laws in those days. When
Ruth began educating "Sex Discrimination and the Law" at the Rutgers Law School, a few occasions drove
her to be and advocate correspondence in protected laws. Aside from her past encounters, a few factors
rose one of them is when her students at Rutgers Law School are sufficiently vigorous, which made her
think that this peer group is more active and resolved to advance gender equality. Another explanation is
the point at which her better half's supervisor uncovered to her that she was only a shrewd woman since
she wedded her significant other. And lastly, when her daughter, Jane, caused her to understand that time
had effectively changed, and ladies should be adequately brave to battle back against any type of misuse
and shameful treatment. I personally agree with Ruth’s advocacies, I likewise want to eliminate gender
stereotyping and gender roles in the society. On the off chance that the actual laws, promote
discrimination among men and women, at that point there will be inconsistent treatment between the

By taking a gander at the Philippine setting, I believe that there are inequalities in social policies
in terms of gender. One issue for me is with regards to the measure of pay a lady can have varied from
the measure of compensation a man can get. Another issue is about the sexual harassment in work or
public places against women. Expressed above are a few circumstances that I can call attention to with
regards to sexual orientation disparity in the Philippines.

I cherished the film, it instructed me a great deal of things. The first thing is that I should pay more
attention to my studies, I should stay motivated and persevered that by one way or another I may have
an effect in the public society soon. Second is the significance of the family, that even though there is a
great deal of awful occasions inside the family, they will consistently be there to help you and cheer us up
at whatever point we feel down. They are the ones who will continue having confidence in us and take us
back to the top. Lastly, I found out about reality that everyone is made in the picture of God regardless of
how well they reflect that image at some random time necessitates that we approach everyone with
deference and honor. That I need to promote gender equality that starts within the society I belong to.

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