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i would like to talk about the renewable sources of energy

Nuclear energy is a very powerful type of energy which is used to create

The only clean, safe energy source capable of ensuring the continuation of our
industrial civilization while protecting the environment.
It is the only source of energy that can replace a significant part of the fossil
(coal, oil andgas) which massively pollute the atmosphere and contribute to the
greenhouse effect.

The energy we get from the sun is called solar energy.

This amazing resource radiates energy and provides us both heat andlight
Solar energy is also pollution-free because there are no
harmful gases or chemicals produced. ...The production cost of solar energy is
Our future clearly depends on our ability to utilize solar and other renewable
sources of energy.

There are many pros and cons of energy, and it is important to understand.
both sides to get an idea of what this energy resource is capable of.

lets look at some of the advantages and dis advantages
1.While some energy sources are dependent upon weather conditions,
nuclear energy has no such constraints as it is a reliable source of energy.
3.One of the main advantages of energy technology is that people can meet
their basic needs and more while also benefitting their environment
4.Now human activities are dependent on the usage of several forms and
sources of energy to perform work such as Better transportation system and more
comfortable forms of travel.

dis adv-
1. Many people are anxious about releases of radioactive materials into the
environment and their possible
consequences for humanity
for egThe Chernobyl inccident in 1986 was the result of a flawed reactor design
resulting steam explosion and
fires released at least 5% of the radioactive reactor core into the environment consumption can also cause air pollution results from the burning of
fossil fuels, such as coal, oil, natural gas
and gasoline to produce electricity and power our vehicles
5. its is also quite expensive There are many reasons that energy consumption cost
so much: for eg the cost of the equipment.
Producing solar pannels require advanced manufacturing as well as expensive raw


when we talk about artificial intellegence we refet to the simulation of human
in machine tht are programmed to think and act like humans
During the last five years, the rise of Artificial intelligence has been truly
seemingly overnight, artificial intelligence has moved from a plot point in science
movies to core technology for companies such as google amazon Microsoft or
but the idea of artificial intelligence of machines that can sense learn.
and predict has been around for decades.
while the more obvious examples such as robotics, driverless cars, and intelligent
agents such
as Apples Siri Amazons and Alexa trend to dominate the news.
The goal of AI is to create systems that can perform tasks that would.
otherwise require human intelligence.

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