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Grade ONE

Vocab Grammar Teacher’s Sign.

ENGLISH Assessment 9*
Topic: Books and Writers
8 15

Name: _______________ Class: _______ Date: _____________________


A. Complete the sentences.

Write a word from the box on each line. (4 x 1 point)

was read after write

1. We rest we play.

2. I can my ABC’s.

3. I like to books.

4. Fred on time .

B. Read the words in the word box.

Write the correct word under each picture. (4 x 1 point)

stick sled step smell

English 1/3


C. Circle the noun that matches the picture. (5 x 1 point)

1. dot dots

2. block blocks

3. dog dogs

4. egg eggs

5. hen hens

D.Read the sentence and circle the correct answer. (5 x 2 points)

1. There are three in the hall.

piano / pianos

2. Al can feed each elephant one .

English 2/3
apple / apples

3. She sees two on the table.

ant / ants

4. I have four in my bag.

comb / combs

5. The monster has eight .

eyes / eye

Check your spelling and capital letter, please.

English 3/3

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