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Class 3


Set B

Year 2015
logical Reasoning

1. How many possible combinations of 1 chocolate and 1 ice-cream can be formed from
the given chocolates and ice-creams?

A. 9 Chocolate Ice cream

B. 12

C. 10

D. 14

2. Find the odd one out.

A. B. C. D.

3. Which of the following options will complete the pattern in Fig.(X)?

A. B.
C. D. Fig. (X)

4. Find the number of fruits to the right of the fruit called as "King of fruits".

A. 2 B. 3 C. 1 D. 4

5. If 'Star' is called 'Sun', 'Sun' is called 'Moon', 'Moon' is called 'Earth' and 'Earth' is
called 'Comet', then man lives on ______.
A. Star B. Moon C. Earth D. Comet

Space for Rough Work

2 | 9th IMO | Class-3 | Set-B | Level 1

6. Which of the following is the correct mirror image of Fig.(X), if the mirror is placed along
Fig.(X) N
A. E B. A C. A D.

7. Some letters which are numbered are given. Find the combination of numbers so that
letters are arranged accordingly to form a meaningful word.
1 2 3 4 5
A. 2, 3, 1, 5, 4 B. 4, 1, 2, 3, 5 C. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 D. 3, 1, 2, 5, 4

8. How many groups of 6 boys can be formed from children given below?

A. 2 B. 6 C. 0 D. 1

9. In which of the following figures, Fig.(X) is exactly embedded as one of its part?

Fig. (X)

A. B. C. D.

Space for Rough Work

9th IMO | Class-3 | Set-B | Level 1 | 3

10. There are _____ circles, _____ straight lines
and _____ squares in the given picture.
A. 2, 48, 4
B. 2, 47, 4
C. 2, 46, 4
D. None of these

mathematical Reasoning

11. Which of the following sets of numbers are arranged in descending order?
A. 9021, 9847, 9854, 9694 B. 9021, 9478, 9694, 9485
C. 9694, 9485, 9021, 9478 D. 9946, 9854, 9847, 9201

12. 27 hundreds ÷ 3 ones = _______ tens

A. 9 B. 900 C. 90 D. 9000

13. Which of the given abacus shows the number greater than 2000?

A. B. C. D.

Th H T O Th H T O Th H T O Th H T O

1 4
14. Which of the following figure sets shows < with respect to shaded part?
6 6

A. < B. < C. > D. >

15. Rahul has ` 120. He wants to buy a Robot that costs ` 180.
How much more money does he needed to buy the Robot ?
A. ` 150
B. ` 50
C. ` 60
D. ` 90

Space for Rough Work

4 | 9th IMO | Class-3 | Set-B | Level 1

16. What is the weight of ?
A. 60 g
B. 30 g
C. 40 g
D. 20 g

17. Latika left her home at 7:00 a.m. and she took 2 hours 10 minutes to reach office.
Which clock shows the time when she reached office?

A. B. C. D.

18. The table shows the heights of 4 boys.

Name Mohit Amit Raj Varun
Height (in cm) 140 131 124 102
Who among is the tallest boy?
A. Mohit B. Amit C. Raj D. Varun

19. How many more squares in the figure must be drawn so that P
the figure becomes symmetric along the line PQ?
A. 1 B. 3
C. 6 D. 8

20. If = 42. What is the value of ?

A. 7 B. 14 C. 28 D. 35

Everyday mathematics

21. A lion eats 875 kilograms of food in 5 days. If the lion is fed with the same amount of
food each day, how many kilograms does the lion eat per day?
A. 165 B. 170 C. 175 D. 180

Space for Rough Work

9th IMO | Class-3 | Set-B | Level 1 | 5

22. A table costs ` 560. What will be the cost of 3 such tables?
A. ` 1,680 B. ` 1,240 C. ` 960 D. ` 1,560

23. Jyoti wants to distribute 875 marbles equally in 7 groups. How many marbles are there
in each group?
A. 125 B. 175 C. 126 D. 176

24. Piyush is 167 cm tall. His sister is 29 cm shorter than Piyush. What is the total height
of Piyush and his sister?
A. 1 m 38 cm B. 1 m 96 cm C. 3 m 5 cm D. 3 m 50 cm

25. Ravi bought 7 cans of paint and used 4 cans. What fraction of the paint did he use?
A. 1/7 B. 4/7 C. 3/7 D. 6/7

26. In the year 2009, there were 198 working school days. How many days were holidays?
A. 165 B. 167 C. 200 D. 205

27. Akshat collected 352 old coins. His friend collected 212 old coins. How many old coins
do they both collected altogether?
A. 564 B. 566 C. 664 D. 666

28. 46 children from class III contributed ` 25 each for some relief fund. How much money
did the class contribute in all?
A. ` 910 B. ` 920 C. ` 1,050 D. ` 1,150

29. A teacher wants to stand 50 children in rows of 7 each. How many rows did they
make? How many children were left?
A. 6, 3 B. 8, 2 C. 7, 1 D. 9, 1

30. Rohan has .

One-third of the balloons burst. How many balloons burst?

A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4

Space for Rough Work

6 | 9th IMO | Class-3 | Set-B | Level 1


31. The bar graph shows the number of children who wear glasses in four sections of
class 3. Which class has the greatest number of children who wear glasses?
Boys Girls

Number of children

Class 3A Class 3B Class 3C Class 3D

A. 3A B. 3B C. 3C D. 3D

32. Which of the following statements is needed to solve the given problem?

Deepika buys 27 sheets of stamps.

How many stamps does she buy in all?

(i) A sheet contains 100 stamps.

(ii) Each stamp costs ` 5.

A. Only (i) B. Only (ii) C. Both (i) and (ii) D. Neither (i) nor (ii)

33. × = 18, – = 2 and + = 6.

Find the value of .

A. 8 B. 2 C. 9 D. 4

34. Find the value of X × Y. 7 X 1

A. 1 B. 2 – Y 6 4
3 5 7
C. 3 D. 6

Space for Rough Work

9th IMO | Class-3 | Set-B | Level 1 | 7

35. Study the statements carefully.
 The length of Rod P is 4 cm less than the length of Rod Q.
 The length of Rod R is 5 cm more than the length of Rod P.
 The length of Rod Q is 10 cm.
Find :
(a) the length of Rod P.
(b) the length of Rod R.
(a) (b)
A. 4 cm 10 cm
B. 6 cm 15 cm
C. 14 cm 11 cm
D. 6 cm 11 cm

Space for Rough Work

8 | 9th IMO | Class-3 | Set-B | Level 1

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