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Provincial Youth Assembly of Sindh

Political Party Preference Form

You are requested to select any one of the two political parties below that you would like to represent in
the Provincial Youth Assembly of Sindh. Write below the name of the party clearly you want to be part
of. To help you in choosing a party, the stand of each party on key issues is described below. These
positions are stated to initiate the process. It is obligatory for member of the Provincial Youth Assembly
to choose a party the one that is closest to his/her views.

Liberal party of PYA

The Liberal Party with a liberal Political ideology, this party explains that the failure of previous support
of US government to Pakistan should be kept in mind, and therefore wary of close ties with the US. It is
important to cultivate historical allies of good standing, such as China. It believes in adopting “Morocco”
style of approach towards Israel that will encourage talks but withholds official recognition till the
resolution of the Palestinian dispute. It believes that the age for candidates for MNAs & MPAs should
remain 20 years. Student Union Elections in colleges and universities should take place as soon as
possible. There should be no more privatisation of state enterprise while workers are given protection
against low wages; Minimum salary should be Rs. 9000. Liberal party also believes in heavier direct
taxes on higher-income persons. This party supports current quota for women in the Senate, National and
Provincial Assemblies. Efforts should be made to increase representation through direct elections. The
party believes that no party should be allowed to use the name of a religion to contest election or to use it
to project its identity. This party says that greater co-operation should be between SAARC countries on
security and energy issues, but does not support greater political integration in the EU style in the
immediate future. The Liberal Party Encourages speedy resolution of the Kashmir Dispute. Also believes
in awarding AJK a Provincial status and due Constitutional recognition, The Liberal Party supports
reduction in defence spending to the maximum extent, Supports revamping of armed forces on modern
lines, with more focus on technology, and less focus on manpower and also Supports creation of national
fuel reserve of at least 100 days, in order to allow maximum strategic flexibility in times of conflict. This
party believes in supporting an effective and welfare-oriented public healthcare system. The party
believes in a strong role of Government in providing education and supports a uniform system of
education for all students up to 12th grade (No madrassahs, No elitist schools; all to have uniform
curriculum). This party opposes faith-based public education. Considers religious education a private
affair while it demands for compulsory reproductive-health education from class 5 onwards. Believes in a
uniform system of education for all students up to 12th grade; uniform curriculum. The Liberal Party
supports greater Parliamentary Democracy, greater liberalisation of media in terms of freedom of speech
and expression, believes in nuclear weapons as deterrent, and in adopting stringent international standards
of environment protection while it supports further Land Reforms to facilitate Kisans, Tenants and Farm

Nationalist Party of PYA

The Nationalist party, nationalist in its outlook, believes that the age for candidates for MNAs & MPAs
should remain 25 as is the case at present. Students Unions in Colleges and Universities should be
allowed with constraints such as no public expression of political party affiliation by candidates while
canvassing etc; strict action against violence in campuses. This Party believes a hybrid needs to be
developed between private and public sector. An utmost effort to improve indigenous industry over
imports. Workers to be given protection against low wages; Minimum salary to be Rs 9,000 (as opposed
to Rs 7,500 at present) Believes in heavier direct taxes on higher-income persons and reduction in taxes
for wagers earning less than Rs 9,000. There should be quota for women and support the current quota in
the assembly. It believes that there should be no bar on projecting Islamic ideology by parties in elections.
This Party insists on an honourable settlement of all disputes including the Kashmir dispute before
normalisation of relations with India. Kashmir dispute to be resolved on the basis of UN resolutions, it
believes. This Party strongly deplores US policy in Iraq and Afghanistan and also opposes the presence of
US troops there. The Nationalist Party Oppose drone attacks and operation against extremists, but suggest
a dialogue process. The party opposes recognition of Israel until resolution of Palestine issue. It supports
strong and special ties with Muslim Countries and believes in strengthening of OIC. Attaching
importance to national defence, this Party believes in strong national defence and increased spending to
bolster defence while it supports privatisation of healthcare system. The party believes in high quality
education with a role of private sector in it and considers free education idealistic while advocating for
reasonable charges of education. The party has no objection to diversity in education system and believes
that people should have the right to choose the type of education they like. The party also supports public
faith-based education system. The party supports compulsory reproductive-health education beyond
secondary school. The party supports parliamentary form of governance provincial autonomy without
harming the spirit of federalism. It believes that media should be more mindful of the cultural sensitivities
of the country and supports the Ministry of Information’s presence and continuity. This party believes in
Nuclear Weapons as deterrent. This party wants to impose Islamic laws in their true essence.

Name: _________________________

Father’s Name: __________________

N.I.C #:________________________

Party Selected :__________________

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