Eng102 Term Paper

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Term paper on

Behavioural and lifestyle changes among Bangladeshi people due to Covid-19

Submitted By
1. Name: Kashfia Jabin ID: 2020-1-10-166
2. Jannatul Nayme Saroar ID: 2020-1-80-060
3. Joy Datta ID: 2020-3-60-042
Course: English 102
Section: 20

Submitted To
Syeda Shabnam Mahmud
Assistant professor
Department of English
Date of Submission: 6th April 2021

Table of Content

Content Page no

Introduction 2

Abstract 3
Research questions 3
Objectives 2
Methodology 4

Chapter 01 4

Chapter 2 5

Chapter 03 6
Chapter 04 7

Thee term lifestyle often refers to the chosen aspects of a person's material life. This includes
what they eat, out of the range of foods available to them; what kind of house they buy; what
appliances and toys they buy; personal behaviours such as driving habits or turning
appliances on and off; and more. Lifestyle can refer to the non-chosen aspects of life as well.
Lifestyle is the interests, opinions, behaviours and behavioural orientations of an individual,

group, or culture. On December 12th 2019, a new coronavirus emerged in Wuhan, China,
sparking a pandemic of acute respiratory syndrome in humans (COVID-19). On the 24th of
April 2020, the number of COVID-19 deaths in the world, according to the COVID-Case
Tracker by Johns Hopkins University, was 195,313, and the number of COVID-19
confirmed cases was 2,783,512. The COVID-19 pandemic represents a massive impact on
human health, causing sudden lifestyle changes, through social distancing and isolation at

In this present Coronavirus situation, our main purpose of the study was to get to know about
the changes that are happening due to Covid-19 and its consequences. Firstly, we have tried
define the basic points and noticeable changes due to coronavirus. Also the effect of those
changes. If the changes are positive or negative. Then we have used quantitative methods to
create a survey and get a clear idea of the major changes. And we were able to acquire some
data related to our topic through our research.

1. What changes have been brought among during covid 19?

2. The impacts of changes among the people are in a good way or bad way?

3. How below paygrade people surviving during covid 19?

After reviewing our term paper people can evaluate the impacts of the changes, can
understand the sufferings of the public. Getting to know about how people are adapting the
changes. To define and compare the life before and during Covid-19. To organize better and
help the crisis.

We have used quantitative method in this term paper. A survey was conducted among 55
people of different occupations & ages. They were asked to fill in the form. Which was our
primary data. Secondly, we have picked some factors that are having impact because of the
changed of Covid-19. We have also attached some secondary data from different articles and
newspaper regarding the changes of Covid-19.


Economic fall
Like every other country Bangladesh had a recession in economy too. During the first
lockdown on 17th March 2020, everything was shut down. There were no import/ export. All
the borders were shut down.
RMG and Remittance is our biggest source of money. Large ready made garments which buy
from Bangladesh was literally closing doors to reduce costs Stores like H&M, Zara, GAP
which were all our major buyers. We were losing buyers and there was a huge recession in
Bangladesh economy.


Students are very much frustrated & have lost the pace of their study

Pie chart 01

In our survey when we asked people to mention 3 major changes regarding Covid-19
situation, 46% people who were students have written about 'Downfall of their study’

 Job holders are losing job

The seconds most answer was about ‘Job crisis’ and people ‘losing their job’ which led to
many suicidal thoughts on people’s mind

 Suicidal cases are rising

Graph 01
Bangladesh reported 70% more deaths Frim suicide than Covid-19. Suicide claimed 14436
Between March last year till February 2021. According to the study 49% Of suicide victims
were between the ages of 20-35. Also, from our survey when people were asked about the 3
major changes, most of them answered that


In this pandemic Situation Delivery, people are at risk. Home delivery service apps like
‘PATHAO’ ‘FOOD PANDA‘ make our life easy during Covid-19. But these people are
roaming around the city. Going places to places to deliver the products. So they are at high
health risk.

Business leaders also agreed on making stores as safe as possible for shoppers by sanitizing
both shop interiors and products.

“The new normal is sanitization... Safety is the first priority, be it the customer or our staff.
They won’t compromise on that.”

Speakers at the webinar also shed light on the health safety of delivery people as they are at
high risk of getting infected.

Meena Bazar was flooded with online orders and the company had to hire around 200
delivery people to meet buyer demand.

Few ride-sharing companies like Pathao, Uber, and Shohoz also partnered with grocery
stores, helping them deal with the shortage of delivery people.

"They make sure these delivery people get enough safety equipment when they are on duty.”

CHAPTER 04: Positive changes regarding Covid-19 part 1

Pie chart 02
From the survey that we have done. From there we got to know that 92.7% people are
following the safety measures before going out. They are following the protocols properly.
Which proves that people are still conscious about the pandemic.
People are wearing masks and it is becoming a habit. So, it will affect the people in a long
run. Also, washing hand and sanitizing make people stay clean and germ free. These are
undoubtedly a positive change that has happened among Bangladeshi people.

Positive changes regarding Covid-19 part 2

After Coronavirus situation, we got to notice that people not only in Bangladesh but also the
whole world started shopping online more than before Which is a good change.
Majority of people are now buying groceries/ survival food from online. As there is a on and
off lockdown going on.
Also, people are becoming used to shop online although most Bangladeshi citizens like to
shop in traditional way.
Also there are a rise of women entrepreneur & start-up businesses. People who have lost their
job due to Covid have started small business to run the family
After analysing all the collected data, we could see some remarkable changes due to Covid 19
in Bangladesh. We also got a clear idea of the changes.

Fear and anxiety about the pandemic are causing overwhelming stress to everyone. While

Receiving mixed messages piles up Sharing the real facts And understanding the actual risk
reduces the stress. There are always positive and negative sides of everything. Moreover, this
research helps to organize better& manage the crisis. Social activists, television and print
media, social workers, and religious and political leaders should come forward to help in the
dissemination of scientifically factual information on COVID-19 among the mass population
of Bangladesh. For instance, the Imams (a Muslim leadership position) of each mosque could
play a vital role in fighting this extraordinary crisis in Bangladesh.

1. [ CITATION SMN21 \l 1033 ]https://www.aa.com.tr/en/asia-pacific/bangladesh-suicide-
2. [ CITATION Fah20 \l 1033 ]
3. https://www.who.int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019
4. [ CITATION Zis \l 1033 ]
5. [ CITATION Wor \l 1033 ]https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/
6. https://tradingeconomics.com/bangladesh/gdp-growth

Here are the survey questions: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1Nztb-
1. How old are you? Yes/No
2. What is your occupation?______
3 Has your lifestyle changed after Covid 19? Yes/No
4. What are the 3 major changes that you are experiencing? ____
5. How is your financial situation? Good/ Medium/ Poor
6. What difficulties are you having adapting the changes? ___
7 .How difficult for you to accept the changes during covid 19? Answer in one line
8 .Are you following the protocols properly regarding covid 19? Yes/No
9. Are there any change in your eating habit? Yes/No

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