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Founded 1928
Recognized by the Government
Candelaria, Quezon

Module for:

Grade 11
Founded 1928 | Recognized by the Government | Candelaria, Quezon 4323

Learning Area: EMPOWERMENT TECHNOLOGIES Grade Level & Section: Grade 11

Semester: First Semester Quarter: Second
Teacher: Ronn Deano M. Ramos/Nelson Tapales Teaching Date: December 1-4, 2020 (Week 5)

A. Content The learners demonstrate an understanding of:
Standards • the key learnings from the previous weeks, which they will synthesize into an integrated ICT content through collaboration with classmate and teacher as both peer and
B. Performance The learners shall be able to:
Standards • at the end of the 2-week period and quarter collaboratively develop an online portal or website to showcase and share existing and previously developed content
C. MELC The learners
• evaluate the quality, value, and appropriateness of peer’s existing or previously developed ICT content in relation to the theme or intended audience/ viewer of an ICT
• share and showcase existing or previously developed material in the form of a collaboratively designed newsletter or blog site intended for a specific audience or viewer
A. Textbook and
Empowerment Technologies, Rex Bookstore, pp. 149-158
A. Introduction Background of the Lesson/ Chapter

Collaboration came from the Latin word collaboartus, past participle of collaborare meaning “to labor together”. Merriam-Webster defines collaborate as “to work with another person or
group in order to achieve or do something.”

The advent of ICT tools has also paved the way for collaboration using the machine itself and its applications. It influenced most especially the workplace, companies, and other institutions in
the society.

Once you are in the world of work, there will be a lot of adjustments and experiences that will change your perspective in teamwork and collaboration. Within the concept of ICT, teamwork
and collaboration with the use of its tools became an emerging aspect in the workplace. The proper utilization of ICT tools will help organizations prepare and achieve its goals.

The following are common principles of collaboration applied to most organizations and other institutions.
1. Participation. Encourage participation from across your organization wherein they belong as one.
2. Collective. Each needs to help the group reach a concensus and then take action collectively on the decisions to make.
3. Transparency. Feedback and trust are essential elements of collaboration. Being transparent with information is crucial.
4. Independence. Ensure that group-think does not emerge and that people are thinking for themselves.
5. Persistence. You need to be persistent in your application of these principles, to ensure that all content is kept within the community and easily accessible to all members.
6. Emergence. You need to ensure that you focus on the end goal rather than worrying about how it is achieved. The collaborative community should set their own goals and objectives.

Empowerment Technologies | Chapter No. 4 Page 2|4

RA 8293: Intellectual Property Code of the Philippines

Founded 1928 | Recognized by the Government | Candelaria, Quezon 4323

Based on the article of Team Technology, there is a little difference between team and group dynamics. It explains that groups are a social community, consisting of two or more people who
have something in common white a team is a special instance of a group in which the commonality is a shared goal. The term group dynamics describes the way in which people in a group
interact with one another. The group works well together when there is a positive group dynamics.

To strengthen your team’s dynamics, use the following strategies:

1. Know your team.
2. Tackle problems quickly with good feedback.
3. Define roles and responsibilities.
4. Break down barriers.
5. Focus on communication.
6. Pay attention.

Source: Empowerment Technologies, SIBS Publishing

B. Development a. Pre-assessment (10-item test) Empowerment Technologies, Rex Bookstore, pp. 150

b. Discussion (key concepts)

✓ Web Portals
✓ Online Collaborative Tools

C. Engagement Week 5
What’s more? Read and study pages 149- Hands-on Activity:
What can I do? 158 tackling on
Enrichment Tasks Collaborative ICT 1. Form a group of three with the same interest.
Creation of Product/ Development The group must consist of either:
a. One modular learner/one e-learner/one online learner

b. Two modular learners/one online learner

2. Create a messenger group chat to be used as your collaborative tool.

3. Search for different examples of infographics about “How to Protect Yourself and Others from Covid-19”
4. Collaborate on an “INFOGRAPHICS” that persuade others to practice the safety precautions in this time of pandemic.
5. Create a list of tasks to make sure that no task is left undone.

For example:

Member 1 is the leader

Member 2 is the researcher
Member 3 is the designer

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RA 8293: Intellectual Property Code of the Philippines

Founded 1928 | Recognized by the Government | Candelaria, Quezon 4323

6. Make sure to apply the principles of design to your work.

7. Submit your output on our Edmodo class.
8. The online learner will be the one to submit the output on Edmodo.

D. Assimilation a. I have learned that _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __


b. Post-Assessment (page 159)

I have realized that _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________
_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________
_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________
_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________
_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________

SELF CHECK: Have I accomplished the following?

1. Pre-test
2. Post-test
3. Hands-on Activity
4. Reflection and assimilation

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RA 8293: Intellectual Property Code of the Philippines

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