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EXERCISE 2. Noun practice.

Directions: Look at the italicized words. Underline the noun. Is it count or

1. He sits on a chair. noncount
2. He sits on furniture. count
3. She has a coin. count noncount
4. She has some money. count noncount
5. The street is full of traffic. count non count
6. There are a lot of cars in the street. count noncount
7. I know a fact about bees. count noncount
8. I have some information about bees. count non count
9. The teacher gives us homework. count noncount
10. We have an assignment. count noncount
11. I like music. count noncount
12. Would you like some coffee? count noncount
13. Our school has a library. count noncount

Count and Noncount Nouns 181

14. We are learning new vocabulary every day. Cou noncount
15. I need some advice. Coun Noncount
16. Tom has a good job. noncount
1 7. He likes his work. noncount

18. Maria wears a lot of bracelets. non count

EXERCISE 3. Let's talk: small groups.

Directions: Work in small groups.List the noncount nouns. Then find the count
nouns that are close in meaning. Use a/an with the count nouns.
advice furniture money
assignment homework music
bracelet information song
cloud jewelry suggestion
coin job weather
desk ./ letter work
fact ./ mail

1. Mail letter
2. Advice assigment
3. Furniture bracelet
4. Homework cloud
5. Money coin
6. Information desk
7. Jewelery fact
8. Music song
9. Weater suggestion
10. work
D EXERCISE 4. Let's talk: class activity.
Directions: Most nouns are count nouns. Complete the sentences by naming things
you see in the classroom.

1. I see a LETTER 5. I see five stationery

2. I see a table 6. I see some chairs
3. I see a blackboard and a marker 7. I see a lot of books on the shelf

4. I see two lights 8. I see many VEHICLE

7-2 USING AN vs. A

(a) A dog is an animal. A and an are used in front of singular count nouns.
In (a): dog and animal are singular count nouns.

(b) I work in an office. Use an in front of words that begin with the vowels a, e,
i, and o: an apartment, an elephant, an idea, an ocean.
(c) Mr. Lee is an old man. In (c): Notice that an is used because the adjective (old)
begins with a vowel and comes in front of a singular
count noun (man).

(d) I have an uncle. Use an if a word that begins with "u" has a vowel
COMPARE sound: an uncle, an ugly picture.
(e) He works at a university. Use a if a word that begins with "u" has a /yu/ sound: a
university, a usual event.

(f) I need an hour to finish my work. In some words that begin with "h," the "h" is not
pronounced. Instead, the word begins with a vowel
COMPARE sound and an is used: an hour, an honor.
(g) I live in a house. He lives in a hotel. In most words that begin with "h," the "h" is
pronounced. Use a if the "h" is pronounced.

D EXERCISE 5. Sentence practice.

Directions: Complete the sentences. Use a or an.
1. Bob is eating apple.

2. Tom is eating banana.

3. Alice works in office.

4. I have an idea.

5. I have a good idea.

Count and Noncount Nouns 183

6. Sue is taking an class.

7. Sue is taking an easy class.

8. Cuba is a island near the United States.

9. an hour has sixty minutes.

10. an healthy person gets regular exercise.

11. an horse has a long nose.

12. Maria is a honest worker.

13. Mark needs an math tutor.

14. an university is a educational institution.

15. Ann has a unusual job.

O EXERCISE 7. Noun practice.
Directions: Look at the noun and circle the correct word (a, an, or some).
Then decide if the noun is singular count, plural count, or noncount.

1. a an s o m e letters ( pl. count)

2. a a some Mail ( noncount)
3.a some Letter ( sing. Count)
4. a a some Table ( sing.count)
5. a a some Tables (pl. count)
6. a a some Furniture ( noncount)
7. a a some Car (sing.count)
8. a a some Automobiles (pl. count)
9. a a some Buses (pl.count)
10. a a some Traffic ( noncount)
11. a a some Advice (noncount)
12. a a some Egg (sing. count)

D EXERCISE 9. Sentence practice.

Directions: Use a, an, or some with the nouns in these sentences. Are they singular
count nouns or noncount nouns?
1. I need some money. ~ money = a noncount noun

2. I need a dollar. -) dollar= a singular count noun

3. Alice has some mail in her mailbox. Mail = a count noun

4. Alice has a letter in her mailbox. Letter = a singular count noun

5. I'm hungry. I would like some fruit. Some = a noncount noun

6. I would like an apple. Apple= asingular count noun a banana

7. Jane is hungry. She would like some food. A noncount noun

8. She would like a sandwich. A singular count noun

9. I'd like to have some soup with my sandwich. A noncount noun

10. I'm thirsty. I'd like some water. Water= a

count noun noun
D EXERCISE 13. Sentence practice.
Directions: Use the word in italics to complete the sentence. Add -s to a count noun
(or give the irregular plural form). Do not add -s to a noncount noun.
1. money I need some money _

2. desk I see some desks in this room.

3. man Some men are working in the street.

4. music I want to listen to some m u s i c

5. flower Andy wants to buy some flowers for his girlfriend.

6. information I need some information

7. jewelry Fred wants to buy some jewelery _

8. child Some children are playing in the park.

9. homework I can't go to the movie because I have some homework to do.

10. advice Could you please give me some advice?

11 . suggestion I have some sugestion for you.

12. help I need some help with my homework.

13. sandwich We're hungry. We want to make some sandwhices


14. animal I see some animals in the picture.

15. banana The monkeys are hungry. They would like some bananas _

Count and Noncount Nouns 189

16. fruit I'm hungry. I would like some fruit

17. weather We're having some hot weather right now.

18. picture I have some pictures of my family in my wallet.

1 9. rice, bean I usually have some rice and bean for dinner.

D EXERCISE 14. Sentence practice.

Directions: Change the italicized noun to its plural form if possible, changing a to
some. Make other changes in the sentence as necessary.

1. There is a chair in this room. PLURAL FORM -+ There are some chairs in this room.

2. There is some furniture in this room. PLURAL FORM -


3. I have a coin in my pocket. I have some coins in my pocket

4. I have some money in my wallet. none

5. There's a lot of traffic on Main Street. noun

6. There's a car on Main Street. There are some cars on main street
7. Our teacher assigns a lot of homework. none

8. I like rock music.none

9. Hong Kong has a lot of hot weather. none

10. I need some information and some advice from you. none

11. There's a dictionary on the shelf. There are a dictionaries on

the self
12. I hope you do well on your exam. Good luck! none

13. Here is a flower from my garden. There are flowers from my garden
14. Be careful! There's some water on the floor. none

15. I need an apple for the fruit salad. I need some apple for the fruit salad

16. The soup needs a potato and some salt. The soup needs some
potatos and some salt

D EXERCISE 21. Sentence practice.
Directions: Change a lot of to many or much in these sentences.

1. Tom has a lot of problems. - Tom has many problems.

2. I don't have a lot of money. - I don't have much money.

3. I want to visit a lot of cities in the United States and Canada. I want to visit many cities
united estates and Canada .

4. I don't put a lot of sugar in my coffee. I don’t puut much sugar in my coffe
5. I have a lot of questions to ask you. I have many questions to ask you

6. Sue and John have a small apartment. They don't have a lot of furniture. They don’t
have much

7. You can see a lot of people at the zoo on Sunday. You can see much people at the zoo on
8. Dick doesn't get a lot of mail because he doesn't write a lot of letters. Dick doesn’t get
much mail

9. Chicago has a lot of skyscrapers. Montreal has a lot of tall buildings too. Chicago
has many skyscrapers

10. Mary is lazy. She doesn't do a lot of work. Mary is lazy. She doesn’t do much work

11. I don't drink a lot of coffee. I don’t drink much coffee

12. Jeff is a friendly person. He has a lot of friends. Jeff is a friendly person. He has many

13. Do you usually buy a lot of fruit at the market? Do you usually buy much fruit at the

14. Does Andy drink a lot of coffee? Does andy drink much coffee?

15. Do you write a lot of letters? Do you write many letters

D EXERCISE 26. Sentence review.

Directions: Complete the sentences with these words. If necessary, use the plural form.

bush glass ./ match strawberry

centimeter homework page thief
dish inch paper tray
edge information piece valley
fish knife sex weather
foot leaf size woman
1. I want to light a candle. I need some matches
2. leaf fall from the trees in autumn.

3. There are two thief : male and female.

4. There are some dish , forks, and spoons on the table.

5. I want to take the bus downtown, but I don't know the bus schedule. I need some
Information about the bus schedule.

6. I want to write a letter. I have a pen, but I need some paper _

7. Plates and bowls are called dish

8. Married sex are called wives.

9. There are a lot of trees and bush in the park.

10. Bob is studying. He has a lot of homework to do.

11. My dictionary has 437 pages

12. This puzzle has 200 size _

13. A piece of paper has four centimeter

14. Mountains are high, and valley

are low.

15. When the temperature is around 35°C (77°F), I'm comfortable. But I don't like
weather very hot _
16. thief steal things: money, jewelry, cars, etc.
17. strawberry are small, red, sweet, and delicious.

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