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Report on study ooff customer’s behavior related to

Investment in Equity

Submitted By,

Prabhat Gautam



This is certify that Mr.Prabhat Kumar Gautam, has completed his

Summer internship at GEPL and, has submitted a report on Study of

consumer’s behavior related to investment in Equity.

This report is the result of his own work and to tthe

he best of knowledge

no part of it has earlier comparised any other report,monograph,thesis or

book.This project was carried out under supervision of Mr. Alok Nangalia,

Assistant Vice President-Sales

Sales and Marketing

Date- -----------------

Mumbai Alok Nangalia

AVP,Sales and Marketing


I would like to thank my internship program Mentor of ITM-IFM

Prof. Niranjan Subramanian from the bottommost part of my heart for
his careful guidance, teaching me and giving me instructions which
actually helped me to accomplish the internship report successfully.

I would like to thank my External mentors Mr. Alok Nangalia and

program manager Mr. Sanjay Biswas for giving me the opportunity to
perform my internship program under their supervision in Product
management and Sales.

I would also like to express my humble gratitude to all the colleagues

in the organization and specially my department for showing exceptional
belief in my capabilities and trust me with different important tasks and
helped me with their guidance and sharing their valuable knowledge.
Colleagues of my department also helped me incredibly in preparing this
Table of contents

1-Company profile


3-Target Markets

4-Client base

5- My assigned job/role

6-Objectives of study

7-Research methodology




1. Company Profile

GEPL CAPITAL is a dynamic financial services firm offering broking

services in Equities,Commodities,Debt,Currency derivatives,Insurances %
Mutual funds. Over the past decade, it has been expanded its services
offering, and increased its geographical reach as well as the number of
clients it serves, based on its integrity, its ability to consistently offer the right
advice, and deliver the level of service to their customers expect.

It is an One Stop Investment Avenue established in 1997 and based in

Colaba,Mumbai. It has reached Pan India with over 350+ locations.It has
strategic tie up with BOI to offer Online trading to its customers strengthens
its distribution with access to over 3200+of their branches.

It has special teams to serve a wide cross section of clients including

high net worth individuals, young as well as senior retail investors and NRI
clients. Its institutional desk offers services to several financial institutions.
Clients access its services in a variety of ways including its website, via e-
mail, live chat, dial and trade, speaking to their individual relationship
manager, or by visiting one of its various branches spread across the
Investments in;

a) Equites
b) Commodities
c) F & O
d) IPOs
e) Mutual funds
f) Bonds
g) Currency derivatives

Services like;

a) Depository services
b) Insurances
c) Portfolio management
d) Wealth management
e) NRI Services
f) Financial Planning
g) With best Research Team who gives trading calls with reports
absolutely free
3-Target markets

a) Hospitals
b) Malls
c) Companies
d) Colleges
e) Local big shops
f) APMC market in Mumbai
g) Restaurents
h) Others markets
4-Client Base

a) Doctors
b) Lawers
c) Jwellers
d) Retailers
e) Bank employees
f) All other employees
g) Individual investors
h) Shopkeepers
i) Relations
j) Friends & Colleagues
5-My assinged job/role

Among various products and services I was given the opportunity

to work in the sales department of GEPL for five months. During my
period as an intern, I have been assigned to work on sales. So among
all the products, I was given the responsibilities to work on Equity as well as
Mutual Funds.

My key responsibilities were;

a) Make a client base

b) Call that clients and fix meeting if possible
c) Tell them about products
d) Find whether he/she is Trader or Investor
e) Convince them for permanent customer

My Achievements;
During this five month internship my achievements were;

a) How to pitch
b) What to pitch
c) 2 SIP
d) 4 Trading account
e) How to behave in corporates

6-Objectives of study;

The objectives of the study are following;

1. The main objectives of this project report is to do a survey and find out
the reasons behind small market share of GEPL Capital and measures that
can adopted to increase the sales.
2. To study latest trends in investment.
3. To identify the issues.
4. To add up new customers.
5. To study GEPL Capital positioning in the mind of the consumers vis-a vis
6. To find out the factors that affect customer’s decision why/why not join
with GEPL Capital.
7-Research methedology

Purpose –

The basic purpose of this research is to find out the factors affecting the

Decision of the customer to invest into stock market.


Because of many brokerage firms some people don’t know much about

GEPL Capital and also people fears from investment.


a) By doing survey.
b) By organising events.
c) By direct visit.
d) By phone calls.

In this research I found that ;

a) Most of the people are not aware about different types of financial products.
b) Most of the people know about LIC Policy only.
c) People who know about some products they don’t want any investment in
stock market.
d) Because people who invested before 2008 had lost their money in the
Financial crisis 2008. They lost trust from stock market so they fear to make
new investment.
e) Also people who know about products they have already invested and don’t
want new investment.

After getting an opportunity to do the internship in this firm has been a

great experience. It was a great honor for me to work in such a professional
company where everything is so organized and perfect. The corporate
culture that I learned from GEPL Capital, is a thing to be mention especially
and adapting to it was a big challenge in such an early stage of my career.
The things I learnt from real time work experience for the first time has
indeed been a privilege. Being actively involved in the development of
products and services has definitely increased my corporate knowledge
about broking industry. After completion of my work tenure as an intern, I
feel blessed to have learned so many things in such a short span of time.
New learning’s and helpful attitude of colleagues is a thing to be
remembered for a long time. I certainly believe this experience of working in
GEPL will help me to be a successful professional in life and also work as
an added advantage for the years to come. Thanks to GEPL for giving me a
head start in my career.

As per study in this five month I would like to suggest ;

a) Initially needs little bit more marketing and advertisement.

b) If possible reduce brokerage slab.
c) There should be some plans like “Dream Plan” where maximum brokerage
would be this or that.
d) I think there should be no account opening charge because first mentality of
people is “charges” not services.Mentioned services are giving by
(Sharekhan,Reliance securities)
11 Reference


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