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A machine learning based help desk system for IT service management

Feras Al-Hawari a,⇑, Hala Barham b
Computer Engineering Department, German Jordanian University, Amman, Jordan
Information Systems and Technology Center, German Jordanian University, Amman, Jordan

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: A help desk system that acts as a single point of contact between users and IT staff is introduced in this
Received 10 January 2019 paper. It utilizes an accurate ticket classification machine learning model to associate a help desk ticket
Revised 12 March 2019 with its correct service from the start and hence minimize ticket resolution time, save human resources,
Accepted 1 April 2019
and enhance user satisfaction. The model is generated according to an empirically developed methodol-
Available online xxxx
ogy that is comprised of the following steps: training tickets generation, ticket data preprocessing, words
stemming, feature vectorization, and machine learning algorithm tuning. Nevertheless, the experimental
results showed that including the ticket comments and description in the training data was one of the
Machine learning
Text classification
main factors that enhanced the model prediction accuracy from 53.8% to 81.4%. Furthermore, the system
Help desk system supports an administrator view that facilitates defining offered services, administering user roles, manag-
Software engineering ing tickets and generating management reports. Also, it offers a user view that allows employees to report
IT service management (ITSM) issues, request services, and exchange information with the IT staff via help desk tickets. Moreover, it
Business process supports automatic email notifications amongst collaborators for further action. Yet, it helps in defining
business processes with well-defined activities and measuring KPIs to assess the performance of IT staff
and processes.
Ó 2019 The Authors. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of King Saud University. This is an
open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (

1. Introduction In that regard, building a successful help desk system requires

meeting the following basic requirements:
An IT help desk system has become a vital need for large insti-
tutions that rely heavily on IT services and resources. This is due to  In-house development to offer a cost-effective, fast and flexible
the fact that it serves as a Single Point of Contact (SPOC) between custom solution to all ongoing IT service needs.
the IT staff and users regarding the requested services and reported  Integration with the employee portal to allow accessing all
issues. Moreover, it facilitates the management of IT tickets and online services from a single point with same login credentials
enables the automation of day-to-day IT tasks (e.g., assignment and less system setup.
of tickets to service agents, email notifications for related parties,  Support all activities in an incident management process such
etc.). Furthermore, it can help define and minimize the activities as opening, classifying, prioritizing, assigning, resolving, docu-
that comprise the different business processes. In addition, it menting, archiving and closing an IT incident.
allows the evaluation of the overall IT department performance  Enable collaborators to exchange comments and files regarding
based on generated reports and assessed key performance indica- an incident, which makes users happy as they can interact with
tors (KPIs). Not to mention, the use of such software in an organi- IT agents to clarify the problem or understand the resolution.
zation leads to increased productivity, better quality of service and  Provide email notifications to keep all respective parties
improved customer satisfaction. informed upon every ticket update.
 Automatic classification and routing of tickets to the responsi-
⇑ Corresponding author. ble IT agents in order to minimize the ticket resolution time
E-mail address: (F. Al-Hawari). and enhance user satisfaction.
Peer review under responsibility of King Saud University.  Generate reports to measure the KPIs needed to evaluate the
health of the IT processes.

Accordingly, this paper has three main contributions: the first

Production and hosting by Elsevier contribution is related to the features of an online help desk
1319-1578/Ó 2019 The Authors. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of King Saud University.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (

Please cite this article as: F. Al-Hawari and H. Barham, A machine learning based help desk system for IT service management, Journal of King Saud
University – Computer and Information Sciences,
2 F. Al-Hawari, H. Barham / Journal of King Saud University – Computer and Information Sciences xxx (xxxx) xxx

system that has been developed in-house to keep meeting the agement process, allows measuring KPIs to evaluate the IT
ongoing IT needs of the German Jordanian University (GJU), the processes and provides an automated solution to the ticket classi-
second contribution focuses on the methodology that has been fication challenge.
empirically identified to generate an accurate machine learning The analysis, design and implementation of help desk systems
model for classifying help desk tickets to their correct services that allow adding only a simple ticket description were discussed
from the beginning and therefore reduce ticket resolution time in (Ismaili et al., 2018; Akinnuwesi et al., 2014; Tehrani and
and boost user satisfaction, and the third contribution deals with Mohamed, 2011). Moreover, a multimedia chat services architec-
the ability of the system to facilitate the definition of clear-cut ture for help desk that is applicable to call centers was introduced
activities in a business process as well as measure the different in (Shae et al., 2008). Yet, a web-based help desk system that uses
KPIs needed to evaluate the performance of the IT staff and pro- rule-based reasoning for fault diagnosis and video conferencing for
cesses. The introduced system also enables GJU employees to enhanced customer support was introduced in (Foo et al., 2000).
report issues, request services and exchange information (e.g., Besides, a help desk system that supports peer-help amongst stu-
videos, files and comments) with the IT staff through help desk dents in a university course was shown in (Greer et al., 1998). In
tickets that are managed from the MyGJU portal (Al-Hawari, addition, visual dashboards for help desk tickets monitoring were
2017, Al-Hawari et al., 2017). Furthermore, it allows the IT personal illustrated in (Zhu et al., 2017; Ilieva et al., 2016). In that regard
to define the offered services, administer user roles, manage tickets and unlike the prior systems that only addressed some aspects
and generate reports that help in decision making from the admin- related to IT service management, the proposed help desk system
istration portal. Moreover, it supports automatic email notifica- supports various features that facilitate IT process management
tions to all respective parties upon every ticket update for as well as ticket service classification. Specifically, it supports
further action. managing ticket basic information, comments, CC list and files.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows: a comparison to Moreover, it allows managing services and user roles. Also, it sup-
related work is considered in Section 2; the in-house help desk sys- ports rich text editing, email notifications and reports generation.
tem and its capabilities are discussed in Section 3; the experiments Similarly to this work, several help desk systems such as those
that were performed to develop a methodology to generate a in (Jan et al., 2015; Wongsakthawom and Limpiyakorn, 2018; Zhou
machine learning ticket classification model are presented in Sec- et al., 2016; Silva et al., 2018; Agarwal et al., 2012; Son et al., 2014)
tion 4; the validation and results of using the help desk system also explored the use of text classification techniques (Kintsch and
to define an IT business process and measure needed KPIs to eval- Van Dijk, 1978; Aggarwal and Zhai, 2012; Joulin et al., 2017;
uate the performance of IT staff and business processes are illus- Joachims, 1998) to automatically categorize and route tickets to
trated in Section 5; and a summary as well as conclusions are the right IT group for handling. For instance, a probabilistic text
provided in Section 6. analytics framework for IT ticket annotation and search based on
ticket title and description was presented in (Jan et al., 2015). In
addition, in (Wongsakthawom and Limpiyakorn, 2018), the The-
2. Literature review saurus API was used to obtain a proposed category for a help desk
ticket based on its title. Moreover, a multi-stage technique that
The importance, requirements, advantages and challenges of combines ticket title (summary) pre-processing, grafting and
using a help desk system in an organization were explored in machine learning for bug report classification was discussed in
(Serbest et al., 2015; Cater-Steel et al., 2016; Keller and Midboe, (Zhou et al., 2016). In (Silva et al., 2018), a machine learning model
2010; Cusick and Ma, 2010; Tang and Todo, 2013; Tanovic and based on Support Vector Machines (SVM) and K-Nearest Neigh-
Mastorakis, 2016; Tanovic et al., 2016; Harcenko et al., 2010; bours (KNN) was explored to automate incident categorization
Jäntti, 2012; Robles, 2018). Specifically, the Information Technol- using ticket description and other attributes such as ticket id,
ogy Infrastructure Library (ITIL) framework of best practices for owner, contact source and severity. Likewise, a tool that combines
delivering IT services (Cater-Steel et al., 2016; Keller and Midboe, SVM and discriminative term-based classification approaches to
2010; Cusick and Ma, 2010; Tang and Todo, 2013; Tanovic and automate the dispatch of a ticket to the correct resolution group
Mastorakis, 2016; Tanovic et al., 2016; Harcenko et al., 2010; was introduced in (Agarwal et al., 2012). Another tool that uses
Jäntti, 2012) emphasized the positive influence of a help desk sys- either Multinomial Naive Bayes (MNB) or Softmax Regression Neu-
tem on the implementation of the incident management process. ral Network (SNN) text classification approaches to categorize user
For example, according to (Keller and Midboe, 2010; Cusick and tickets was illustrated in (Son et al., 2014).
Ma, 2010; Tang and Todo, 2013; Tanovic and Mastorakis, 2016; A key features comparison between the proposed classification
Tanovic et al., 2016), a successful help desk system needs to sup- model in subsection 4.3 and its aforementioned counterparts in
port key activities for the ITIL incident management process such (Jan et al., 2015; Wongsakthawom and Limpiyakorn, 2018; Zhou
as identification, logging, categorization, prioritization, assign- et al., 2016; Silva et al., 2018; Agarwal et al., 2012; Son et al.,
ment, diagnosis, resolution and closure. Besides, it was shown in 2014) is shown in Table 1. Accordingly, the model used in the help
(Tang and Todo, 2013; Tanovic and Mastorakis, 2016; Tanovic desk system is the only model that uses a combination of ticket
et al., 2016) that help desk systems facilitate the measurement title, description and comments to construct the training values
and improvement of the KPIs for the IT business processes. Some and hence it should be more accurate than all the other models
important KPIs to measure in that regard as discussed in (Tang in Table 1 according to the empirical results discussed in subsec-
and Todo, 2013; Tanovic and Mastorakis, 2016; Tanovic et al., tion 4.2. Furthermore, applying text pre-processing, stop words
2016; Harcenko et al., 2010) are: percentage of incidents fixed at removal and stemming techniques on the training data ahead of
first level, average number of incidents per day and incident aver- generating the model similarly to (Jan et al., 2015; Son et al.,
age lifetime. Nevertheless, it was identified in (Jäntti, 2012) that 2014) further improves the generated model accuracy relatively
incident classification is always a challenge to many help desk to (Zhou et al., 2016; Silva et al., 2018; Agarwal et al., 2012).
users and thus it must be addressed to minimize the ticket resolu- Furthermore, unlike this work, several other help desk systems
tion time. Furthermore, the importance of resolving discourse dur- such as those in (Aggarwal et al., 2016; Walek, 2017; Wang et al.,
ing problem resolution in help desk interactions was highlighted in 2008; Mr and Kavitha, 2017; Wang et al., 2011) used some sort of
(Robles, 2018). Accordingly, this paper introduced a help desk sys- classification models that utilized help desk tickets for purposes
tem that supports the needed activities in the ITIL incident man- other than categorization (e.g., prioritizing tickets, duplicate tickets

Please cite this article as: F. Al-Hawari and H. Barham, A machine learning based help desk system for IT service management, Journal of King Saud
University – Computer and Information Sciences,
F. Al-Hawari, H. Barham / Journal of King Saud University – Computer and Information Sciences xxx (xxxx) xxx 3

Table 1
Comparison of classification model to related work.

Model Type Ticket Ticket Ticket Text Pre Stop words Stemming
Title Description Comments Processing removal
Help desk model Machine Learning Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Jan et al. (2015) Probabilistic Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes
Wongsakthawom and Limpiyakorn Thesaurus Database Yes No No No No No
(2018) API
Zhou et al. (2016) Machine Learning Yes No No No Yes Yes
Silva et al. (2018) Machine Learning No Yes No No Yes Yes
Agarwal et al. (2012) Machine Learning No Yes No No Yes Yes
Son et al. (2014) Machine Learning Yes No No Yes Yes Yes

identification). For example, in (Aggarwal et al., 2016), a system a 3-tier client–server architecture in which the client (where the
called ReAct was illustrated to easily identify a set of possible user interface is presented), application (where the application
actions to resolve an issue mentioned in the ticket description. logic is processed), and data (where the data is managed) tiers
Moreover, an expert system to evaluate the importance of inci- are physically separated (i.e., executed on different devices or ser-
dents based on fuzzy IF-THEN rules was introduced in (Walek, vers). Moreover, it supports viewing information in both the Eng-
2017). Finally, several methods to identify duplicate tickets/bugs lish and Arabic languages. In addition, it is integrated with the
were also explored in (Wang et al., 2008; Mr and Kavitha, 2017; Human Resources (HR) system to access all the needed employee
Wang et al., 2011). data and with the MyGJU portal (Al-Hawari, 2017, Al-Hawari
et al., 2017) to make the help desk services available to all GJU
employees. Besides, it communicates with the Microsoft Active
3. Help desk system Directory (AD) (Iseminger, 1999), in which the login credentials
of all employees are stored, for user authentication purposes.
The help desk system is a web-based Java EE (Juneau, 2013) The system supports the following four user roles: super admin,
application that enables GJU employees (i.e., customers) to request service admin, service agent and customer. A super admin has
services online from the IT center (i.e., IT service provider) at the access to all features of the system including managing services,
university. It has been developed in-house for continual cus- subservices and user roles as shown in the use case diagram in
tomization to meet the ongoing requirements of both the GJU Fig. 1. On the other hand, as shown in the use case diagram in
employees and IT staff. Furthermore, it is implemented based on Fig. 2, a service admin can manage the respective service tickets,

Fig. 1. The use case diagram for the super admin user role.

Fig. 2. The use case diagram for the service admin, service agent and customer user roles.

Please cite this article as: F. Al-Hawari and H. Barham, A machine learning based help desk system for IT service management, Journal of King Saud
University – Computer and Information Sciences,
4 F. Al-Hawari, H. Barham / Journal of King Saud University – Computer and Information Sciences xxx (xxxx) xxx

whereas a service agent is mainly responsible for responding and Subservices button in Fig. 3. According to Fig. 4, the Technical Sup-
handling the designated tickets. Finally, a customer may open tick- port service is subcategorized into 13 subservices. Correspond-
ets from the MyGJU portal to report a technical issue or request IT ingly, the GJU employees may seek support from their IT
services. colleagues in any issue related to the defined services and
Accordingly, the system has two main views: Admin and Cus- subservices.
tomer. The Admin view is accessible to any user who is granted a
super admin, service admin or service agent role. Whereas, the
Customer view is available as a service from the MyGJU portal to 3.2. Managing user roles
any employee with an active account in the HR system. The sup-
ported capabilities in the system are discussed in the following The different user roles (i.e., super admin, service admin or ser-
subsections. vice agent roles) of the IT staff in the system can be administered
(i.e., defined, granted and revoked) by only super admins from
3.1. Managing services the Admin view using the Manage Users screen shown in Fig. 5.
User roles are granted to IT employees relevant to their responsi-
The offered IT services in the system can be managed (i.e., bilities and positions in the organizational structure of the IT cen-
defined, edited, deleted, activated and deactivated) by only super ter, which is managed by a director and is divided into several
admins from the Admin view using the Manage Services screen divisions each supervised by a division head. The director and each
shown in Fig. 3. Based on Fig. 3, the number of defined IT services division head may have assistants to help them in their daily work.
is 22 including the other services not shown in the Figure which Each division is responsible for at least one service and contains a
are: Information Display System (Al-Hawari et al., 2017), Library group of employees who actually perform the related tasks.
Systems, MyGJU Portal, Networks, Office 365, Phones, Projectors, Accordingly, the super admin role is typically granted to the direc-
Sound Systems and Surveillance Cameras. Furthermore, a service tor and the assistants to the director so they can administer ser-
can be subcategorized into more specific subservices for better vices and user roles, as well as monitor all help desk tickets.
management from the Manage Subservices screen shown in Besides, a service admin role is granted to the head and the assis-
Fig. 4, which can be accessed upon selecting the respective service tants to the head of the division responsible for the respective ser-
(e.g., the Technical Support service) and then clicking the Manage vice to assign its tickets to the available service agents. Finally, the

Fig. 3. The manage IT services screen.

Please cite this article as: F. Al-Hawari and H. Barham, A machine learning based help desk system for IT service management, Journal of King Saud
University – Computer and Information Sciences,
F. Al-Hawari, H. Barham / Journal of King Saud University – Computer and Information Sciences xxx (xxxx) xxx 5

Fig. 4. The screen to manage the subservices of a selected service; specifically the subservices of the selected Technical Support service in Fig. 3 are shown in this example.

Fig. 5. The manage users screen.

service agent role is granted to the specialized employees within 3.3. Managing and routing tickets
the responsible division to handle their assigned tickets.
According to the example shown in Fig. 5, the service admin A help desk ticket is the mechanism that enables an employee
user role on the Technical Support service is granted to two to report an issue, submit a service request and communicate with
employees (e.g., the Technical Support division head and assistant an IT agent via the help desk system. It contains a basic informa-
head) and revoked, possibly due to change in responsibilities, from tion section as shown in Fig. 7 that consists of a ticket number
another employee. Furthermore, the selected employee in the Add (i.e., unique automatically generated identifier), creation date, pri-
User Role screen in Fig. 6 will be granted a service admin role on ority (either Emergency, High, Normal or Low), service name (e.g.,
the ERP Systems service upon clicking the Save button. It is worth Systems Services), subservice name (e.g., Data Center), assigned
noting that, the Add User Role screen can be reached by clicking agent name, status (either Open or Closed) and close reason (either
the Add button in the Manage Users screen in Fig. 5. Moreover, a Fixed or Void). Additionally, its description can be edited via a rich
granted (i.e., active) user role can be revoked (i.e., deactivated) text editor (see Fig. 8) to format text, check spelling, embed videos,
by unchecking the Active checkbox in its respective row in the insert images and add web links. Besides, it includes the contact
Users table in Fig. 5. information of the employee who opened the ticket. Moreover, it

Please cite this article as: F. Al-Hawari and H. Barham, A machine learning based help desk system for IT service management, Journal of King Saud
University – Computer and Information Sciences,
6 F. Al-Hawari, H. Barham / Journal of King Saud University – Computer and Information Sciences xxx (xxxx) xxx

The ticket state diagram and automatic email notification sce-

narios are shown in Fig. 13. Accordingly, when a user opens a ticket
it will be in the Open/Unassigned state and automatically associ-
ated (i.e., routed) with its respective service admin. In addition,
automatic email notifications will be sent to its owner as a confir-
mation and to its respective service admin for further action. Next,
the service admin may assign the ticket to the responsible service
agent for handling when it is valid and correctly categorized (i.e.,
changes its state to Open/Assigned) or modify its service name to
associate it (i.e., transfer it) to the correct service admins when it
is erroneously categorized (i.e., keeps it in the Open/Unassigned
state, but under a different service). Respectively, the designated
service agent may decide to close the ticket in case it is void (i.e.,
modify its state to Closed/Void) or mark it fixed upon resolving
Fig. 6. The add user role screen. the issue or completing the service (i.e., change its state to
Closed/Fixed). Not to mention, automatic email notifications will
might be associated with a CC list (see Fig. 9) of additional agents be sent to the ticket owner, service admins, assigned agent and
who need to have edit ticket privilege similarly to the assigned all agents on the CC list (if any) to keep all of them informed upon
agent so they can all work together to resolve the ticket. Further- every assigned ticket update.
more, it can be linked with a group of uploaded documents (e.g.,
IT User Guide) to be shared amongst its stakeholders (see 3.4. Generating custom reports
Fig. 10). Finally, it incorporates a comments section (see Fig. 11)
that allows collaborators to interact with each other by exchanging The help desk system supports the generation of comprehen-
ticket related messages. sive and customizable ticket reports that can be utilized to evalu-
Most of the aforementioned ticket attributes are editable by all ate the IT staff performance, estimate the needed IT resources,
users, except for the Assigned To, Status and Close Reason fields, as measure the business processes KPIs and help in decision making.
well as the CC list. As assigning a ticket to one of its respective Based on Fig. 14, the tickets report filtering criteria enables a user
agents for handling is exclusive to super admins and service to filter out tickets according to basic attributes such as: service,
admins, whereas editing the CC list and changing the ticket status subservice, priority, status, close reason, creation date, service
from Open to Closed (i.e., closing a ticket) or vice versa (i.e., admin, service agent, etc. Furthermore, the columns to show in
reopening a ticket) are restricted to super admins, service admins the report are customizable according to the user preferences,
and assigned agents. Not to mention, super admins can manage hence a user may customize the report to either include the default
all tickets, while service admins may only administer their service columns, all columns or a group of desired columns. Yet, the cus-
tickets. On the other hand, agents can only view and handle their tomized report can be generated by clicking the Search button in
assigned tickets. Fig. 14. Not to mention, the produced report may also be exported
The IT center staff may administer (i.e., view, open, transfer, to an Excel file for further analysis or archiving upon clicking the
assign, update, and close) their tickets via the Manage Tickets Export button in Fig. 12.
screen shown in Fig. 10 and available from the Admin view,
whereas other GJU employees may only open, view and edit their
tickets from a similar screen in the Customer view accessible from 4. Machine learning based ticket classification
the MyGJU portal. Furthermore, a service agent could navigate to
the Add/Edit ticket screen in Fig. 7 to open/update a ticket upon The association of a ticket with the correct service and subservice
clicking the Add/Edit button in Fig. 12. in the first step (i.e., while opening the ticket) is critical to quickly
route it to the responsible service admin for handling and thus min-

Fig. 7. The basic ticket information section in the edit ticket screen.

Please cite this article as: F. Al-Hawari and H. Barham, A machine learning based help desk system for IT service management, Journal of King Saud
University – Computer and Information Sciences,
F. Al-Hawari, H. Barham / Journal of King Saud University – Computer and Information Sciences xxx (xxxx) xxx 7

Fig. 8. The ticket description section in the edit ticket screen.

imize its resolution time. On the other hand, a wrong ticket service
classification leads to routing the ticket to the wrong service admin,
which might cause it to take a longer route with multiple erroneous
stops (i.e., irrelevant service admins) and extra delay (i.e., the time
wasted while trying to reassign the ticket to an accurate service)
at each stop until it reaches its correct destination (i.e., particular
resolution group). Hence, the ticket service misclassification leads
to longer ticket resolution time, wasted human resources and dis-
content customers. Therefore, a machine learning based ticket clas-
sification model needs to be developed and used in the help desk
system to assist users in selecting the right service from the start.
Associating a ticket with one service out of several possible ser-
vices is basically a multiclass document classification problem (Jan
et al., 2015; Walek, 2017) and hence is best solved using super-
vised machine learning algorithms (Walek, 2017) such as: SVM,
Fig. 9. The CC list section in the edit ticket screen.

Fig. 10. The ticket files section in the edit ticket screen.

Please cite this article as: F. Al-Hawari and H. Barham, A machine learning based help desk system for IT service management, Journal of King Saud
University – Computer and Information Sciences,
8 F. Al-Hawari, H. Barham / Journal of King Saud University – Computer and Information Sciences xxx (xxxx) xxx

Fig. 11. The ticket comments section in the edit ticket screen.

Fig. 12. The manage tickets screen.

Naïve Bayes, Rule-based and Decision Tree. A supervised learning Accordingly, the process to generate a custom machine learning
algorithm learns a classification model based on sample input–out- model suitable for ticket service classification is quite involved as it
put training data (e.g., tickets pre-labeled with the correct respec- depends on several factors such as: training data, text preprocess-
tive service) as shown in Fig. 15. Consequently, the trained ing, feature vectorization, machine learning algorithm and algo-
classification model acts as a function (i.e., classifier) that maps rithm parameters. Therefore, the WEKA1 version 3.8.3 tools
(i.e., classifies) an input (e.g., ticket description) to an output (Witten et al., 2011) were used in several experiments to identify
(e.g., service). It is worth noting that a Vector Space Model (VSM) the needed steps to build an accurate ticket classification model that
is initially needed to transform the training text data to feature
vectors to be fed into the machine learning algorithm. 1

Please cite this article as: F. Al-Hawari and H. Barham, A machine learning based help desk system for IT service management, Journal of King Saud
University – Computer and Information Sciences,
F. Al-Hawari, H. Barham / Journal of King Saud University – Computer and Information Sciences xxx (xxxx) xxx 9

Fig. 13. The ticket state diagram and automatic email notification scenarios.

can be used in the help desk system. The training data, conducted
experiments and adopted methodology to produce the required
model are discussed next.

4.1. Training data Fig. 15. The machine learning method for ticket classification.

The training data is built from the ticket information that is

stored in the help desk database. The ticket’s basic information
(entered via the screen in Fig. 7) and description (added via the ticket title is entered via a text field and hence it is saved in the
screen in Fig. 8) are stored in the TICKET database table that is database as specified. On the other hand, the ticket description
included in the ER diagram shown in Fig. 16. The TICKET table is and comments are composed using a rich text editor and thus their
also associated with a TICKET_COMMENT table to save the ticket stored text usually contains automatically generated (by the edi-
related comments that were exchanged by collaborators through tor) html tags and attributes (in bold) as shown in the sample
the screen in Fig. 11. Each ticket is identified by a unique ticket_id tables in Fig. 17. The TICKET table in Fig. 17 contains 3 tickets with
and is associated with a service_id and subservice_id. Whereas, a identifiers (i.e., ticket_id) 101, 200 and 354 respectively. In addi-
ticket comment is identified by a comment_id and is related to its tion, ticket number 200 has a comment (with a comment_id equal
ticket via the foreign ticket_id key. A reply comment is related to 1) and a reply to that comment (with a comment_id equal 2) in the
its parent comment via the foreign parent_comment_id key. The TICKET_COMMENT table.

Fig. 14. The filtering criteria for generating a tickets report.

Please cite this article as: F. Al-Hawari and H. Barham, A machine learning based help desk system for IT service management, Journal of King Saud
University – Computer and Information Sciences,
10 F. Al-Hawari, H. Barham / Journal of King Saud University – Computer and Information Sciences xxx (xxxx) xxx

Each Weka training input line consists of a value-label pair sep- Operating Systems, Microsoft Software, Other Software, Other
arated by a comma. The training value of a ticket could be a com- Hardware, Labs Setup, Internet Access, Anti-Virus, Copiers, Check
bination (concatenation) of its title, description and comments Phone and Check Projector, which are associated with subservice
with the subservice_id as a label (given that the service_id is fixed). identifiers (Ids) from 1 to 13 respectively. Each ticket was repre-
The ticket training value combinations that were used in the exper- sented with its unprocessed description in this experiment. The
iments in the next section to find an accurate classification model J48 (Tree-based), DecisionTable (Rule-based), NaiveBayes (Bayes-
are as follows: only description (named Description), title com- based) and SMO (SVM-based) algorithms with their default WEKA
bined with description (named Title_Description), and title com- parameters were used in this experiment. In addition, the
bined with description as well as comments (named StringToWordVector VSM with its default parameters was used
Title_Description_Comments). Correspondingly, the 3 possible with the four algorithm runs. Accordingly, the elapsed times to
training values for ticket number (i.e., with ticket_id) 200 are build and test the respective classification models using the previ-
shown on the top of Fig. 18. ous algorithms are shown in Fig. 21. Based on that, the SMO algo-
Another aspect that was researched in that regard is the impact rithm outperformed its counterparts in building and testing the
of preprocessing the tickets training values on the classification ticket classification model.
results. The preprocessing module uses a regular expression Moreover, each generated model was validated using 331 test
method (see Fig. 19) to clean up each ticket value in the training tickets and the prediction results are shown in Fig. 22. Therefore,
data from unnecessary HTML tags, punctuation and special charac- the results of experiment 1 suggest that the SVM-based SMO algo-
ters (e.g., commas, periods, quotes, brackets, parenthesis, etc.). rithm is the candidate algorithm to use when building a ticket clas-
Accordingly, the corresponding 3 preprocessed values for ticket sification model as it is also the most accurate amongst its
number 200 are shown at the bottom of Fig. 18. counterparts. Lastly in experiment 1, in an attempt to improve
the prediction results, the feature vectorization parameters were
4.2. Ticket classification experiments and results fine-tuned by setting the IDF (i.e., inverse document frequency)
and TF (i.e., term frequency) flags to true. In addition, the Lovins
The first experiment was conducted to determine the machine stemmer Witten et al., 2011 was enabled. Then, the four algo-
learning algorithm that produces the most accurate ticket classifi- rithms were revalidated based on the new settings. The results in
cation model. The training data is comprised of 1254 technical sup- Fig. 23 illustrate that the accuracy of the SMO algorithm has
port tickets that were manually labeled with their correct increased from 53.8% to 59.5% and is still considered the best rela-
subservices as shown in Fig. 20. Note that, based on Fig. 4, the tech- tively to its counterparts.
nical support service is categorized into the following 13 subser- The effect of preprocessing (as discussed in subsection 4.1) the
vices: Computers Connections and Parts, Printers, Scanners, ticket description on the classification accuracy was explored in

Fig. 16. The ER diagram for the TICKET and TICKET_COMMENT tables.

Fig. 17. An example TICKET table instance and its related TICKET_COMMENT table instance.

Please cite this article as: F. Al-Hawari and H. Barham, A machine learning based help desk system for IT service management, Journal of King Saud
University – Computer and Information Sciences,
F. Al-Hawari, H. Barham / Journal of King Saud University – Computer and Information Sciences xxx (xxxx) xxx 11

Fig. 18. The three generated unprocessed and processed training values for ticket number 200 in Fig. 17.

Fig. 19. The regular expression method used to preprocess a ticket description.

Fig. 20. The distribution of the technical support training tickets into their respective subservice Ids.

experiment 2. Accordingly, the validation results in Fig. 24 show the unnecessary text that surely has a negative effect on the clas-
that the prediction accuracy of the SMO algorithm jumped up to sification accuracy.
69.9% and remains the best compared to its counterparts. There- In experiment 3, the effect of including more unstructured
fore, the preprocessing step should always be considered in the information in the training and test ticket data on the classification
proposed methodology to clean up the training tickets values from accuracy was explored. Accordingly, in addition to the original data

Please cite this article as: F. Al-Hawari and H. Barham, A machine learning based help desk system for IT service management, Journal of King Saud
University – Computer and Information Sciences,
12 F. Al-Hawari, H. Barham / Journal of King Saud University – Computer and Information Sciences xxx (xxxx) xxx

Fig. 21. The elapsed time to build and test the classification models using the four
machine learning algorithms. Fig. 23. The prediction accuracy of the four generated models when the TF-IDF
feature vector and Lovins stemmer were enabled.

Fig. 24. The effect of the ticket text preprocessing on the prediction accuracy of the
Fig. 22. The prediction accuracy of the four generated models using the default four generated models.
feature vectorization parameters.

set (i.e., the Description combination in subsection 4.1) that combination in subsection 4.1). The validation results shown in
included the tickets preprocessed description, the following two Fig. 25 illustrate that the SVM-based algorithm ranked first in all
data sets were produced: a data set that incorporates the tickets cases, the Title_Description data set had a minor effect on the val-
preprocessed title and description (i.e., the Title_Description com- idation accuracy, and the Title_Description_Comments consider-
bination in subection 4.1) in each ticket instance, as well as ably increased the validation accuracy of the SVM-based
another data set that contains the tickets preprocessed title, algorithm from 69.9% (i.e., when the Description data set was used)
description and comments (i.e., the Title_Description_Comments to 81.4%.

Fig. 25. The effect of considering the ticket title and comments in addition to its description on the prediction accuracy.

Please cite this article as: F. Al-Hawari and H. Barham, A machine learning based help desk system for IT service management, Journal of King Saud
University – Computer and Information Sciences,
F. Al-Hawari, H. Barham / Journal of King Saud University – Computer and Information Sciences xxx (xxxx) xxx 13

Hence, the capability to allow exchanging ticket comments 4.3. Model generation methodology
amongst users proved to be a key factor in improving the valida-
tion accuracy, which can be attributed to the fact that most com- Based on the results of the previous experiments, the steps
ments are initiated by service agents and hence they mostly (shown in Fig. 26) to produce an accurate and fast ticket classifica-
contain service related information that mostly contribute to the tion model are described below:
machine learning process. Moreover, the inability to increase the
validation accuracy further can be due to the following three rea-  Generate training ticket instances that include ticket title,
sons. Firstly, the ticket might describe different types of performed description and comments
services and therefore can be correctly classified to multiple sub-  Preprocess each ticket instance using a regular expression
services. Secondly, the unstructured ticket text may not contain method to remove the html tags and special characters from
any service related information to aid in classifying the ticket. its text
Thirdly, the number of training samples for a certain service might  Use the Lovins stemmer
not be enough to yield an accurate prediction.  Apply the TF-IDF feature vectorization

Fig. 26. The tickets classification model generation methodology.

Fig. 27. The IT Issue Process activity diagram.

Fig. 28. The number of tickets opened each month from the launch of the system until November 25, 2018.

Please cite this article as: F. Al-Hawari and H. Barham, A machine learning based help desk system for IT service management, Journal of King Saud
University – Computer and Information Sciences,
14 F. Al-Hawari, H. Barham / Journal of King Saud University – Computer and Information Sciences xxx (xxxx) xxx

 Run a linear SVM-based machine learning algorithm to generate to Closed and sets the close reason to Fixed. Otherwise, the service
the tickets classification model agent closes the ticket and sets its close reason to Void. In the pre-
vious two scenarios, the customer is also notified regarding the
Moreover, the ticket classification model needs to be regener- ticket status changes via email to confirm the resolution of the
ated at the end of each day to take into account the newly added issue.
tickets information in the machine learning process and hence
incrementally improve the accuracy of the model.
5.2. KPIs measurement

5. Validation and results The help desk system captures and produces a lot of useful data
that enables the measurement of various KPIs that aid IT manage-
The validation and results of using the help desk system to ment and staff in decision making. Examples on some of the mea-
define the IT business processes and measure the KPIs used to eval- sured KPIs are discussed next.
uate the main business objectives of the IT department at GJU are
discussed in the following subsections.
5.2.1. Number of tickets
5.1. Clear-cut business process definition This KPI is used to find the total number of opened tickets dur-
ing a selected period of time. For example, the number of tickets
The help desk system facilitates the definition of business pro- that were opened each month from the launch of the system in
cesses comprised of clear cut activities due to the following rea- February 2018 until November 2018 are shown in Fig. 28. Corre-
sons. First, it serves as SPOC between the IT staff and their in- spondingly, the overall number of tickets logged in the system as
house customers. Second, it supports well defined user roles and of November 2018 is 2664 tickets, the maximum number of tickets
responsibilities, as well as distinct ticket services and states. opened in one month is 447 in October 2018, and the minimum
Finally, it automates the email notifications to the respective par- number of opened tickets in a month is 175 in May 2018.
ties upon every ticket update. For example, the IT Issue Process
was easily defined as shown in Fig. 27 by clearly outlining its activ-
ities based on the roles of their obligated users (i.e., customer, ser-
vice admin and service agent). Furthermore, the related help desk
ticket information and email notifications were the focal point of
contact amongst the IT staff and requestor in most of the process
Specifically, the aforementioned IT Issue Process begins when a
customer opens an issue ticket via the help desk system. Conse-
quently, the in-charge service admin receives an automatic open
ticket notification via email. In response to that, the service admin
evaluates and assigns the ticket to an available service agent via
the help desk. Upon receiving the respective assigned ticket notifi-
cation via email, the service agent verifies whether the issue is
valid. In case it is valid, the service agent performs the following Fig. 30. The number of tickets that were assigned to each of the main technical
activities: fixes the issue, tests the fix, changes the ticket status support service agents in October 2018.

Fig. 29. The total number of tickets opened against the main IT services in October 2018.

Please cite this article as: F. Al-Hawari and H. Barham, A machine learning based help desk system for IT service management, Journal of King Saud
University – Computer and Information Sciences,
F. Al-Hawari, H. Barham / Journal of King Saud University – Computer and Information Sciences xxx (xxxx) xxx 15

Also, the system allows measuring the number of tickets The measurement of the number of tickets per priority over a
opened against each service over a certain period of time. For certain period of time is also supported. For example, the distribu-
example, the number of tickets opened against the main IT services tion of all tickets based on priority as of November 2018 is shown
in October 2018 are shown in Fig. 29. Accordingly, the number of in Fig. 31.
technical support service tickets was much larger than that of its
counterparts, which is expected as this service is subdivided into 5.2.2. Ratio of closed to overall tickets
13 subservices (shown in Fig. 4) that are directly related to the The system allows measuring the percentage of closed to over-
day-to-day tasks of all the GJU employees. all tickets for any service during a selected period of time. The busi-
Moreover, it supports finding the number of tickets that were ness objective for this KPI is to keep its value as close as possible to
assigned to each service agent over a certain period of time. The 100% to make sure that the number of unresolved tickets is mini-
goal of this KPI is to keep its value as close as possible for all mized. For example, the measured values of this KPI for all main
respective service agents to make sure the work is distributed services as of November 2018 are shown in Fig. 32. Based on that,
amongst them. For example, the number of tickets that were each service except the ERP Systems service maintained a KPI value
assigned to the main technical support service agents in October above 92%, which is considered acceptable. However, a KPI value of
2018 are shown in Fig. 30. Accordingly, the reported KPI values 65.83% for the ERP Systems service can be justified as some of its
were about the same for most agents, as desired, except for two tasks require developing new software features that either need
agents (i.e., WS and TH) who turned to be part timers. a long resolution time (e.g., several months) or are postponed
due to the unavailability of developers.
In addition, it is capable of measuring the percentage of closed
to overall tickets for any service agent during a selected period of
time. Based on Fig. 33, the KPI values for the technical support ser-
vice agents OK and ZS are 99.54% and 98.48% respectively, which
are considered excellent.

5.2.3. Average ticket assignment time

This KPI is used to compute the average ticket assignment time
in a selected period of time and thus measures the responsiveness
of the IT staff to the user requests. For example, the average ticket
assignment times for the top six services in Fig. 29 as of November
2018 are shown in Fig. 34. Accordingly, the Projectors service had
the minimum average ticket assignment time of 5 h, whereas the
ERP Systems service recorded a maximum ticket assignment time
of 39.1 h. While the mostly demanded Technical Support service
achieved an acceptable ticket assignment time of 19.6 h (i.e., less
than a day). Accordingly, most teams assigned their tickets in
hours and in less than a day.

5.2.4. Average ticket resolution time

This KPI is used to compute the average ticket resolution time in
a selected period of time. For example, the average ticket resolu-
Fig. 31. The distribution of all tickets based on priority as of November 2018. tion times for the months from February to October 2018 for the

Fig. 32. The percentage of the closed to overall tickets for each of the main services as of November 25, 2018.

Please cite this article as: F. Al-Hawari and H. Barham, A machine learning based help desk system for IT service management, Journal of King Saud
University – Computer and Information Sciences,
16 F. Al-Hawari, H. Barham / Journal of King Saud University – Computer and Information Sciences xxx (xxxx) xxx

Fig. 33. The number of closed vs open tickets for the technical support agents OK and ZS as of November 25, 2018.

achieved results are related to the fact that the resolution of a tech-
nical support ticket might require scheduling an appointment
according to the availability of the requestor or performing multi-
ple visits to repair a hardware part, for example.

6. Summary and conclusions

The capabilities of an in-house help desk system that meets the

ongoing customization IT needs of the GJU were introduced in this
paper. The system enables users to report an issue, submit a service
request and communicate with an IT agent through help desk tick-
ets. It also supports prioritizing a ticket, classifying a ticket, assign-
ing a ticket to an agent, editing a ticket description using a rich text
editor, exchanging ticket comments amongst collaborators, and
changing the ticket status. In addition, it allows managing services,
administering user roles, generating automatic email notifications,
Fig. 34. The average ticket assignment time for the top six services in Fig. 27 as of and producing reports that help management in decision making.
November 2018.
Furthermore, a methodology has been developed to build a
machine learning model that allows the automatic ticket classifica-
technical support service are shown in Fig. 35. Accordingly, the
tion from the start and therefore reduce the ticket resolution time
minimum average ticket resolution time of about 2 days was
and ensure customer satisfaction. The steps to build an accurate
observed in February, whereas the maximum ticket average reso-
and fast ticket classification model are as follows: generate training
lution time of about 4.59 days was recorded in August. The
ticket data that includes ticket title, description and comments;

Fig. 35. The average technical support ticket resolution time in each month from February to October 2018.

Please cite this article as: F. Al-Hawari and H. Barham, A machine learning based help desk system for IT service management, Journal of King Saud
University – Computer and Information Sciences,
F. Al-Hawari, H. Barham / Journal of King Saud University – Computer and Information Sciences xxx (xxxx) xxx 17

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Please cite this article as: F. Al-Hawari and H. Barham, A machine learning based help desk system for IT service management, Journal of King Saud
University – Computer and Information Sciences,

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