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Version: 21 June, 2021

Concept Note
ASEAN Region Consultation on the
Zero Draft of the Asia-Pacific Action Plan 2021-2024

The current regional Action Plan (2018-2021) of the Asia Regional Plan for Implementation
of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030 is coming to a close and
work is underway to develop a new action plan, the Asia-Pacific Action Plan (2021-2024) for
Implementation of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030 with the
continued aim to accelerate action to manage disaster and climate risk more effectively and
ensure the achievement of the Sendai Framework in the Asia-Pacific region, while protecting
development gains.

The new Action Plan will be launched in December 2021, at a virtual Special Session of the
Asia-Pacific Partnership for Disaster Risk reduction (APP-DRR).

Current Status
The current zero draft of the plan is grounded in a review of the current state of
implementation of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030 in the
region. This review is sourced from the deliberations at the APP-DRR Forums in November
2019 and December 2020, Sendai Framework and SDG Monitors, consultations with
governments, inter-governmental organizations, stakeholder groups and international
organizations, a survey conducted with national governments and secondary and other
information sources.

It is important that the new Action Plan is relatively short, focused on key priority actions
which are of particular importance in this conjuncture, in the recovery and Building Back
Better and after COVID, and its recommended actions are sharp, concise and actionable as
well as apt to enhance regional cooperation.

Expected Outcomes
In order to further develop and finalize the new Action Plan, online consultations are being
organized with Member States, United Nations entities and stakeholder groups to ensure
their views and suggestions are incorporated into the plan. 

In this context, ASEAN through its leadership in the region can assist with convening an
online consultation with the ASEAN Member States in South-East Asia to ensure their
feedback is received on the zero draft (see attached).

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Version: 21 June, 2021

It is expected to have the participation of at least two officers from National Disaster
Management Agencies or relevant ministries of ASEAN Member States who would be in the
position to give feedback on the new Action Plan with the aim that the action plan
addresses key priorities and accelerates action to manage disaster and climate risk more
effectively in the ASEAN Region.

Opening Remarks
The opening remarks will be delivered by Mr. Marco Toscano-Rivalta, Chief, UNDRR
Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific and Co-Chair of ASEAN Committee on Disaster
Management Working Group on Global Leadership. The Government of Australia will also
be invited to deliver opening remarks as host of the next Asia-Pacific Ministerial Conference
on Disaster Risk Reduction (APMCDRR).

Participants are required to register through the following link by Monday, 28 June 2021:

For further information, please contact:

ASEAN Secretariat
Ms. Yudit Puspitarini
Project Officer, Disaster Management and Humanitarian Assistance Division
Email:, cc:

Mr. Tejas Tamobhid Patnaik
Disaster Risk Reduction Officer (Asia and Pacific)

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