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Department of Education
National Capital Region

Personal Development
Quarter 1 – Module 2:
Thoughts, Feeling and Behavior

Writer Jovita Consorcia F. Mani

Illustrator Roxanne Reyes
Cover Illustrator: Clarissa A. Familara


What I Need to Know
This module will discuss your thoughts, feelings and behaviours and how they
are linked .

After going through this module, you are expected to:

● evaluate his/her own thoughts, feelings, and behaviors

● show the connections between thoughts, feelings, and behaviors in actual

life situations
● identify the connections between thoughts, feelings, and behaviors in actual
life situations
- Identify different life situation
- Describes/ explains the connection between thoughts, feelings and

What I Know

In your previous module, you discussed your limitations and strengths.

How well do you know yourself? Write your five (5) strengths, five (5)
limitations and five (5) ways on how to make your limitations your strength. Write
them in your notebook.


Lesson Thoughts, Feelings and
1 Behavior
Look at the figure below, then analyze it carefully. Answer the questions that

1. What are depicted inside the triangle?

2. Describe each word that you have given.
3. Based on your experiences ,define the words thoughts, feelings and
4. Give examples of thoughts, feelings and behavior.

What’s In

When was the last time you felt the following ;


excited envy



Do you still remember the reason why you felt that way? Try to recall it and write
your answer in the notebook.
Time Feeling Reason

Last Sunday Excited for the new laptop given by my



What’s New
What do you feel today, that you are studying your lesson by your own .No teacher
to teach this lesson, no classmates and friends to collaborate and most of all no
allowance from your parents.

Today and in the days to come is totally different from the usual classroom
set up you were used to. We cannot have face to face sessions unlike before. You
don’t have a chance to immediately ask questions because your teacher for the
meantime is this module. Thus, you really need more patience in dealing with
this.You have to read carefully in order to understand the topic.

Try to look at this picture. make a short story and write it in your notebook
or in an intermediate pad.

Have you experienced the situation of the people in the pictures? When? How did
you handle it? Your experiences may have caused you several thoughts and
feelings that triggered your behavior. This brought you to a realization that life is
full of ups and downs.
“Life is full of ups and downs, twists and turns, love and loss. And life would not
be worth experiencing if it weren't just that. You can't have the good without the bad,
you need to somehow learn to accept the bad and adjust it in a way that you can
endure and overcome.We cannot control the ups and downs in our life, thus the only
things we can control are our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. If we can manage
those, we can achieve our goals and gain success in life.


Read “ The Two Wolves” , an old Cherokee Indian’s story .Find out how you can
relate in this fable and how this article can help you in discussing the topic in this

The Story of The Two Wolves

(Lifted From Personal Development)
One evening, an old Cherokee told his grandson about the battle that goes
inside people. He said “my son, the battle is between two wolves inside us all.”

“It is terrible fight and it is between two wolves. One is evil- he is anger, envy
,sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority and ego.” He
continued, “ The other is good, he is joy, peace ,love, serenity, humility, kindness,
benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion and faith, The same fight is
going on inside you-and inside every other person, too.

The grandson thought about it for a minute and asked his grandfather,

” Which wolf will win?”

The old Cherokee simply replied “ The one you feed”.

Read the questions ,write the answers in your notebook.

1. What is the story all about?
2. Who are the characters in the fable?
3. Compare the two characters.
4. Which of the two do you want to be like? Why?
5. Do you agree with grandfather’s belief that “ the same fight is going on
inside you and inside every other person’? Explain your answer or give
6. Explain the meaning of the following :
● “the battle is between two wolves inside us all.”
● The same fight is going on inside you-and inside every other person, too.
● “ The one you feed”.

What is It

Knowing which wolf to feed is the first step towards recognizing you
have control over your own self. Have you ever had thoughts, feelings and
acted in ways that were unacceptable to yourself but felt powerless to control?
The story of the two wolves help you find ways to manage your mind so that
you can live your life more in accordance with what your own judgment says
is best for you.

As we grow up, we gradually become aware of the many things in the

external world which are largely beyond our ability to control, like people in
general and most events in our life. But a more sad realization is that there


are sometimes, many things in ourselves that we seem powerless to control.
Some of these are our own thoughts, feelings and actions which unfortunately
can be the source of much distress. But are we indeed really powerless to
control our own thoughts, feelings and actions ? The grandfather’s answer”
The one you feed” is deceivingly simple. Having made a choice “You” can
decide specifically how to “feed” or nurture the selected wolf.

It is helpful to keep track of our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors,

especially if we are feeling down and want to feel happier. If we can pause and
identify our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, we might learn important
information that could help us move forward. I will give you a situation where
you can evaluate your own thoughts, feelings and behavior.

“ My Girlfriend/ Boyfriend Left Me”

So if I were keeping track of my thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, I

might write down the following:

● Time: Saturday night

● Thought: I’m alone. I’m out of step with my friends.
● Feeling: Sadness
● Behavior: Isolating. Not calling friends. Not picking up the phone.

But you can have an option to your behavior, you can ask somebody to
talk to, you can pray silently to ask for strength, you can write a poem
or a song or any other positive things that will keep you busy or divert
your feelings.

If you feel that you are like the negative wolf in the story , write down
your feelings, thoughts and your behavior. Try to do this once in the
morning, once in the afternoon, and once in the evening. Ask yourself ; “did I
learn anything about myself”? What thoughts and behaviors are associated with
each of your feelings.

Now that you’re done studying the topic, you are now prepared to answer the
activities that will help you understand more what you have learned.

A. Write the negative and the positive characteristics of the wolf. Write them
in the table

Negative Positive

ex. envy happy


B. Classify the given words whether they are thoughts, feelings behavior.
Write them in their proper column.

I am good I will sing i’m complete I’m an achiever

I can finish all I’m in pain I’ll call a doctor I’m better now
I’m confused I’m disappointed I want to sleep I want to cry
I’m proud I want to shout I want to dance I’m decided

Thoughts Feelings Behavior

(Thinking) (Emotions) (Actions)

C. Track your thoughts, feelings and actions. Complete the table

Situation Thought Feelings Behavior

1. Received
unexpected money
from “Ninong”

2. Teacher not giving

just grade

3. Victim of

4. Betrayed by best

What I Have Learned

Based on our discussions and activities in this lesson, write your understanding on
how to evaluate thoughts, feelings and behavior.

What I Can Do

Write a two-paragraph essay reflecting your thoughts, feelings and behavior on

what is happening in our education system amidst the coronavirus situation.



Write your reflection in one whole intermediate paper .

Given the situation: Your parents want you to take a vocational course but you
want to take a degree course.

Use the rubric below to guide you in doing this activity correctly.

Skills Excellent Very Satisfactory


Explains the
between thoughts,
feelings and

The reflection is

Reflective Thinking

Making analysis

Additional Activity
Share an experience that challenged your thoughts, feelings and behavior as an
adolescent.Write your answer on a piece of paper and include it in your portfolio.


Connections Between Thoughts,
Feelings and Behaviors in
Actual Life

What I Need to Know

This lesson is part of the module on thoughts, feelings and behaviors. Here you will
learn the connections between thoughts, feelings and behaviors in actual life.

What I Know

A. How do you create a connection between thoughts, feelings and behaviors in

actual life? Use the graphics below to formulate your answer

B. Give corresponding thoughts, emotion and action with the following


Situation Thoughts Emotion/ Action/ Behavior


Ex. Getting Injured/ just a reminder determined have rest and take
Falling Sick medicine medicine


What’s In
1. How do you define thoughts, feelings and emotions?
2. What are examples of thoughts, feelings and emotions?
3. What made you happy? Sad? Disappointed? jealous? angry?

What’s New

Are you familiar with this picture? What comes to your mind when you first
see or learn about this? How do you feel? What action did you make?
You can write the answer in your notebook.


Two of the new artists express their feelings through song. Please listen/ read
the lyrics of the song.

click this link

Every Life Counts

(Hank Valencia & CM Rosal)

Chorus (Hank):
Every life counts here. We ain’t got nothing to fear
Somehow it’s sheer

Verse I (Hank):
Ladies and gents
Open your eyes
Someone just died seeking help yelling “Mama” not just once, but twice
Day after day
Protests all the way
Whimpering, groaning and crying ‘til dying that made us dismay
Supervision corrupted
Noises at dawn
Don’t matter you judge ‘em,
‘cause we still accept them inside our lawn
Ghosts in the town
People go roam
We ain’t playing games, this is real life, he just wanted to go back home

Refrain (Hank):
Hurts like hell Can’t really tell
But my heart speaks itself Love exists
When someone dies It’s time to speak yourself
(Repeat Chorus 2x)

Verse II (CM):
Superman, where are you at? This is injustice
I don’t wanna turn the TV off, kids watch this
Let’s stop play pretending this sh*t exist on a daily basis
Keep the comfort of your bed ‘cause ignorance is bliss

He was black so they pretend they don’t see him, uh

Same sh*t happened with the kid called Kian, uh
He was a kid in school, he was a human being
He was the vulnerable and it’s the open season

From the three-star land to overseas

We’re all screaming pretty please, pretty please
It was very obvious in the camera, very scary like the military
Shot dead, warshocked officer, the family said



He was my son, know he’ll never see the sun
The last thing he saw was a flash of gun Like a pig on a cage
All this time we’ll remember all their name
But this time it ain’t gonna be the same

For the comfort of my safety I just need to dial three

But who do you call when they’re the ones on killing spree
Officer, I did nothing, let me free
Officer, I can’t breathe, I can’t breathe, no

Momma come and help me

This was never my choice
It was only me versus some four boys
This is the reality as much as you wanna avoid
Repeat after me:
His name was George Floyd

Final Chorus (Hank):

Every life counts here We ain’t nothing to fear
Somehow it’s sheer Please save me (save me)
Please save me I just wanna be alive again
Every life counts here Someday it’ll be so clear

● Who wrote the song?

● What is the song all about?
● Who is the person referring in the verse 1 of the song?
● Do you know Kian in stanza 2 of verse II by CM? What is the story of Kian
Delos Santos?
● Analyze the song by answering the question.( in a table )

Guess the thoughts, feelings and the action of the following character
Situation Thoughts Feelings/ Behavior/
Emotion action
Hank Valencia Watching G. Floyd in
the news
CM Rosal
Kian cops drag him to a
George Floyd When he was
handcuffed and lying
face down
Police While keeping his
knee on G. Floyd’s
You Watching G.Floyd
Reading the news
about Kian



Our experiences may affect our thoughts, feelings and behavior. These thoughts,
feelings and behaviors trigger our corresponding action. Our corresponding actions
are the results of how we were nurtured or molded to apply or put to action the values
we learned at home, in church and in school.

We’re often not aware of the impact our feelings and behaviors have on each other,
and because of this relationship, changing our behaviors can have a very big effect
on our feelings or emotions
people/0/steps/36858. Thought, feelings and behavior are all connected and influence
one another. For example, if we are feeling sad or depressed, we might have thoughts
like we aren’t worth much of anything, and we might do behaviors like stay in bed
all day. On the other hand, if we are feeling happy or excited, we might have thoughts
like the future is bright, and we might do behaviors like call a friend or go see a

When a situation arises, and we have thoughts about the facts of that situation;
those thoughts trigger feelings, and based on those feelings we engage
in behaviors which in turn impact the situation (either positively or negatively), and
the cycle continues.

In the case of Hank Valencia and CM Rosal when they watched the video of George
Floyd and Kian maybe , they thought that there was racism or injustice, they felt
sad / mad about it, they expressed their feelings through song. But to the others in
whom they knew these two, they thought that there was a bias , so they felt very
angry that caused them to have a protest and eventually led to a riot. To my relatives
in America they thought the same , they felt the same as what American do but they
did it in an opposite way, the whole family prayed to God sincerely. They talked to
God and lifted all to Him. Everyone has a right of expressing his/her own opinion
and doing his/her own action. We only need to understand and respect each other's
rights, But everyone should be guided that in every right, has a corresponding
responsibility or responsibilities.



We too have an option of what will be our action in a certain situation, no matter
how bad the circumstances are there is always an alternative to be good . Choose to
be good at all times if not, just stay calm, silent , and pray unceasingly. There is no
harm in trying these.

What is It

Were you able to understand the discussion and do the activities correctly? Did
you find it easy or were you confused on how to create a connection between
thoughts, feelings and behaviors in real life situations?

A. You can set two or more different thoughts, feelings and actions, Complete the
table by writing negative and positive thoughts, feelings and action. Put them on
the table below. Base your answer on the situation given

Situation Thoughts Emotions/ Feelings Behavior or Actions

Negative Positive Negative Positive Negative Positive
Example : Somethin It's Alarmed, determin Lay down on Manage the
Flare up of g is another scared ed to go the couch pain,
pain when terribly flare up, to school and stay continue
getting ready wrong but a level home from with plans
for school with me I've had to school for to go to
deal with the day school, drop
before. I by the clinic
can still go and proceed
to school to the
You are
walking alone
one very dark
evening, in a
suddenly you
rustling noise
You are
bullied in
your social
You read an
article about
killing of
You got
failing grade



in the
You are
walking down
the hallway
at school
when you
notice a
group of girls
glance at you
and start
you have
many paper
works to
submit and
you are
running out
of time

What’s More

Now you’re almost done with this module, Go to the next activity assessment
. Read carefully and follow the direction.

A. Give 3 challenging situations you recently experienced. Write what you

thought, felt and action you made . Write it in a paragraph with not less
than 5 sentences.

B. In a poem, song, artwork, or a report. Explain how thoughts,

feelings/emotion and actions are connected to each other.

What I Have Learned

Complete the thought of the paragraph below.

I Have learned that ________________________________________________________

Thought _____________________________________________________emotion ______________
______________________and action ______________________________. The three are connected
I further learned that ____________________________________________________________



What I Can Do
Fears about COVID-19 can take an emotional toll, We’re in the midst of a worldwide
pandemic, with many places at least partially shut down, others struggling to reopen
safely. Some of us are in areas where the coronavirus infection rates are getting
worse. Others are bracing for what may come next. And all of us are watching the
headlines and wondering, “When is this going to end?”
With these situations write down your thoughts, feelings and behavior . Write your
answer in your notebook.

Write thoughts, feelings and behaviors with the given situation

Situation Thoughts Emotion/ Behavior/ Effect on you

feelings Action

Graduated with
high honors

The separation of
parents happens

Your best friends

left for abroad

You experienced
winning again

Provision of tablet
to all students by
City of Marikina

Additional Activities
A. Think of situations that you/ your family experienced during this time of
pandemic ( Negative or positive) Write them in your notebook . Explain how
you handle the situation.

B. Explain the quote from Mahatma Gandhi

“Your beliefs become your thoughts,

Your thoughts become your words,
Your words become your actions,
Your actions become your habits,
Your habits become your values,
Your values become your destiny.”





Personal Development ny department of education



Development Team of the Module

Writer: Jovita Consorcia F. Mani (EPS)

Editors: Elisa O. Cerveza (Chief,CID/OIC-ASDS)
Internal Reviewer: Emily G. Santos (PSDS)
Nida P. Andrada (PSDS)
Remia L.Ricabar (PSDS)
Nancy E. Suegay (PSDS)
Zenaida S. Munar (PSDS)
External Reviewer: Ronal Gaime (PNU Professor)
Illustrator: Roxanne R. Tamayo
Cover Illustrator: Clarissa A. Familara
Layout Artist: Roxanne R. Tamayo
Management Team:
Sheryll T. Gayola
Assistant Schools Division Superintendent
OIC, Office of the Schools Division Superintendent

Elisa O. Cerveza
Chief, CID
OIC, Office of the Assistant Schools Division Superintendent

Jovita Consortia Mani


Ivy Coney A. Gamatero


For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:

Schools Division Office- Marikina City

Email Address:

191 Shoe Ave., Sta. Elena, Marikina City, 1800, Philippines

Telefax: (02) 682-2472 / 682-3989



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