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Difference – Deliquescent vs Efflorescent

vs Hygroscopic
Some substances can undergo physical changes when they are kept in an open place. This is
due to absorption or adsorption of water vapor or release of water molecules from their
structure. There is about 0-4% of water vapor in the air, depending on the location and the
time of the day. Deliquescent substances are solids that can get dissolved by absorbing water
vapor. But this absorption depends on the humidity of the environment. Efflorescent
substances are crystals that can lose water molecules that are already present in their
molecular structure. Hygroscopic substances are another type of solid matter that can either
absorb or adsorb water vapor from the atmosphere. But these substances do not dissolve
after the absorption. The main difference between deliquescent efflorescent and hygroscopic
substances is that deliquescent substances form an aqueous solution by absorbing
water vapor while efflorescent substances do not absorb water vapor and hygroscopic
substances can absorb water vapor, but they do not form an aqueous solution.
Key Areas Covered
1. What is Deliquescent
– Definition, Process, Examples
2. What is Efflorescent
– Definition, Process, Examples
3. What is Hygroscopic
– Definition, Process, Examples
4. What is the Difference Between Deliquescent Efflorescent and Hygroscopic
– Comparison of Key Differences
Key Terms: Deliquescence, Deliquescent Substance, Efflorescence, Efflorescent Substances,
Hygroscopic Substances, Hygroscopy, Water Vapor

What is Deliquescent
Deliquescent substances are solid matter that can get dissolved by absorbing water vapor.
The resulting solution is an aqueous solution. This process is known as deliquescence. These
deliquescent substances have a high affinity to water.

The atmosphere has 0-4% of water vapor, depending on the location and the time of the day.
Since there are many other gases and vapors in the atmosphere, water vapor has a partial
pressure. Deliquescence happens when the vapor pressure of the solution that is going to
form is less than the partial pressure of water vapor in the air.
Humid environments are highly concentrated with water vapor. Therefore, deliquescent
substances can easily undergo deliquescence and form solutions by absorbing a high amount
of water vapor when they are placed in a humid environment.

Figure 1: NaOH pellets can absorb water vapor from the air
Most common examples of deliquescent substances include some salts; for example, sodium
hydroxide, potassium hydroxide, ammonium chloride, sodium nitrate, calcium chloride, etc.
These substances can be used as desiccants. When the water vapor inside a container has to
be removed in order to stop a particular chemical reaction, these substances can be kept
inside the container. Then the deliquescent substances will absorb a high amount of water
and prevent the interferences coming from water vapor.

What is Efflorescent
Efflorescent substances are solids that can undergo spontaneous loss of water from hydrated
salts. Hydrated salts are inorganic salts containing water molecules combined in a definite
ratio. These salts can lose these water molecules when kept outside. This process is known
as efflorescence.
Efflorescence occurs when the aqueous vapor pressure of the hydrate is greater than the
partial pressure of the water vapor in the air. Efflorescent substances include most hydrated
salts. Examples include Na2SO4, 10H2O, Na2CO3, 10H2O, and FeSO4. A common example of
efflorescence is drying of cement.

Figure 2: Calcium Sulfate Efflorescence
However, when these water molecules are lost from the hydrated salt, the salt shows a
powdery surface due to the loss of water. Eventually, the salt crystals will remain in the
container. The phase of water is changed to the gaseous phase.

What is Hygroscopic
Hygroscopic substances are solids that can absorb or adsorb water from its surroundings.
When water vapor is absorbed by hygroscopic substances, the water molecules are taken
into the spaces of the crystal structure. This causes the volume of the substance to increase.
Hygroscopy can result in changes in the physical properties of the hygroscopic substances;
such properties include color, boiling point, viscosity, etc.

Figure 3: Zinc Chloride Powder
Most examples of hygroscopic substances include salts. Some examples are Zinc chloride
(ZnCl2), sodium chloride (NaCl) and sodium hydroxide (NaOH). There are also some other
common substances we know as hygroscopic. These compounds include honey, silica gel,
germinating seeds, etc.
Difference Between Deliquescent Efflorescent
and Hygroscopic
Deliquescent: Deliquescent substances are solids that absorb moisture from the
atmosphere until they dissolve in the absorbed water and form solutions.
Efflorescent: Efflorescent substances are solids that can undergo spontaneous loss of
water from hydrated salts.
Hygroscopic: Hygroscopic substances are solids that can absorb or adsorb water from its
Water Vapor Absorption
Deliquescent: Deliquescent substances can absorb a high amount of water vapor.
Efflorescent: Efflorescent substances do not absorb water vapor.
Hygroscopic: Hygroscopic substances can either absorb or adsorb water vapor.
Other Names
Deliquescent: Deliquescent substances are called desiccants.
Efflorescent: Efflorescent substances are crystals.
Hygroscopic: Hygroscopic substances are called humectants.
Affinity for Water
Deliquescent: Deliquescent substances have a very high affinity for water.
Efflorescent: Efflorescent substances have no considerable affinity for water.
Hygroscopic: Hygroscopic substances have a less affinity for water.
Formation of a Solution
Deliquescent: Deliquescent substances form an aqueous solution by absorbing water
Efflorescent: Efflorescent substances do not form a solution.
Hygroscopic: Hygroscopic substances do not form a solution, but absorb water vapor.
Some compounds can absorb water vapor whereas some compounds can release water as
water vapor. This ability depends on the molecular structure of the compound and
environmental factors. According to this ability, substances can be divided into three
different groups as deliquescent substances, efflorescent substances, and hygroscopic
substances. Deliquescent substances form an aqueous solution by absorbing water vapor,
and efflorescent substances do not absorb water vapor whereas hygroscopic substances can
absorb water vapor but they do not form an aqueous solution. This is the basic difference
between deliquescent efflorescent and hygroscopic.

Water is an important solvent, so it's unsurprising that there is a term specifically

related to water absorption. A hygroscopic substance is able
to absorb or adsorb water from its surroundings. Typically, this occurs at or near
ordinary room temperature. Most hygroscopic materials are salts, but many other
materials display the property.
How it Works
When water vapor is absorbed, the water molecules are taken into the molecules
of the hygroscopic substance, often resulting in physical changes, such as
increased volume. Color, boiling point, temperature, and viscosity can also

In contrast, when water vapor is adsorbed, the water molecules remain on the
surface of the material.

Examples of Hygroscopic Materials

• Zinc chloride, sodium chloride, and sodium hydroxide crystals are
hygroscopic, as are silica gel, honey, nylon, and ethanol.
• Sulfuric acid is hygroscopic, not only when concentrated but also when
reduced down to a concentration of 10% v/v or even lower.
• Germinating seeds are hygroscopic. After seeds have dried, their outer
coating becomes hygroscopic and begins absorbing the moisture required
for germination. Some seeds have hygroscopic portions that cause the
shape of the seed to change when moisture is absorbed. The seed
of Hesperostipa comata twists and untwists, depending on its hydration
level, drilling the seed into the soil.
• Animals can also have characteristic hygroscopic properties. For example,
a species of lizard commonly called the thorny dragon has hygroscopic
grooves between its spines. Water (dew) condenses on the spines at night
and collects in the grooves. The lizard is then able to distribute water
across its skin by means of capillary action.

Hygroscopic vs. Hydroscopic

You might encounter the word "hydroscopic" used in place of "hygroscopic,"
however, while hydro- is a prefix meaning water, the word "hydroscopic" is a
misspelling and is incorrect.

A hydroscope is an instrument used to take deep-sea measurements. A device

called a hygroscope in the 1790s was an instrument used to measure humidity
levels. The modern name for such a device is a hygrometer.

Hygroscopy and Deliquescence

Hygroscopic and deliquescent materials are both able to absorb moisture from
the air. However, hygroscopy and deliquescence don't mean precisely the same
thing: Hygroscopic materials absorb moisture, while deliquescent materials
absorb moisture to the extent that the substance dissolves in water.

A hygroscopic material will become damp and may stick to itself or become caky,
while a deliquescent material will liquefy. Deliquescence may be considered an
extreme form of hygroscopy.

Hygroscopy vs. Capillary Action

While capillary action is another mechanism involving the uptake of water, it
differs from hygroscopy in that no absorption occurs in the process.

Storing Hygroscopic Materials

Hygroscopic chemicals require special care. Typically, they are stored in airtight
containers. They may also be maintained under kerosene, oil, or within a dry

Uses of Hygroscopic Materials

Hygroscopic substances are used to keep products dry or to remove water from
an area. They are commonly used in desiccators. Hygroscopic materials may be
added to products due to their ability to attract and hold moisture. These
substances are referred to as humectants. Examples of humectants used in food,
cosmetics, and drugs include salt, honey, ethanol, and sugar.

The Bottom Line

Hygroscopic and deliquescent materials and humectants are all able to absorb
moisture from the air. Generally, deliquescent materials are used as desiccants.
They dissolve in the water they absorb to yield a liquid solution. Most other
hygroscopic materials—which don't dissolve—are called humectants.

Deliquescence Definition

Table salt is hygroscopic and may be deliquescent at high temperature and
humidity. (Artem Beliaikin)
Deliquescence refers to the property of a substance to absorb water from the air
to dissolve itself and form an aqueous solution. Materials with this property are
termed deliquescent. Deliquescent materials are a class of hygroscopic
substances. Other types hygroscopic materials may absorb water, yet not
dissolve. In order to be deliquescent, a substance must both absorb a large
amount of water and be sufficiently soluble to dissolve in it.

Examples of Deliquescent Substances

Most deliquescent substances are salts. Examples include sodium hydroxide,
potassium hydroxide, ammonium chloride, gold(III) chloride, sodium nitrate, and
calcium chloride. While table salt or sodium chloride (NaCl) may be deliquescent
if the particles are small and the humidity is very high, salt is usually considered
to be hygroscopic.
Because of their affinity for water, deliquescent substances find use as
desiccants. They may be used to remove excess water from sulfuric and
phosphoric acids. In the chemical industry, deliquescent chemicals are used to
remove water from chemical reactions.

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