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Antoni, Jenevell V.

E007 Teaching Arts in Elementary Grades

• What do you think are the challenges of teaching arts in the Philippines? Give at least 5 and
explain it thoroughly (one by one) why it affects the creative growth of Filipino children.

• Lack of Support
As all we know, most of the local artist do not receive a good salary even if their art comes
with passion. Knowing Filipino family, they are more favor on the work that has bigger salary for
the improvement of their lifestyle. Once the child shows his admiration and interest on art some
parents or even their peers were telling them to choose new interest or passion that is more
financially beneficial to everyone even if their wants and interest were not aligned to it. And how
do the children get the motivation drive to explore arts if the main group of people that they
need do not support them. How can the educators be able to teach the children if their students
were lacking of support and motivation to work on it?
• Work Field Stereotyping
Because of some people who discriminate the chosen work field of a person some of the
students tend to have more negative outlook in terms of art. They tend to forget the pushing
drive to strive and explore new things around them. When the students have a negative outlook
on this kind of field, they may have a hard time studying art subjects.
• Lack of Materials

In other country, teaching or learning art has supported with different art materials from
schools or donations. Grade 3 students who studies art receives a lot or working materials and
has experienced doing portraits where they experienced the nearing materials that the artist is
using. While in our country, children do not receive any material support from everyone unless
they bought it themselves. It is hard to teach something that is not even close to something that
we are teaching. Teaching art is both discussion and application, if we are lacking of materials
how can the students learn deeply. It can affect them because they are lacking of knowledge on
how the art really works.

• Lack of Teaching Tools

In real life, educators who is teaching on a private schools or university only has the ability
to access a wide-range teaching strategy on arts. They have the materials and tools that allows
them to show their students how art really works. While in public schools, only teachers that has
the ability to donate be able to do that and for the rest, only the teacher’s imagination works. It
is just more wondrous to believe that despite of the struggle that teachers and students were
experiencing Filipino artist were still booming and improving time to time.
• Lack of Attention
On the honest perspective, we can see that DepEd were only giving their full support and
attention on the other subjects such as Science, Math, English, and etc. Mostly, subject art is on
the last list of priority. As they are only giving their attention to other subjects, students may also
be affected especially if their environment were not seen doing arts with whole heartedly.

• What can you suggest/s that will help the art education community in the Philippines based
on the struggles that you have mentioned above?

On the challenges that I have mentioned above, their common factor or phrase is “Lack of
Support”. As an adults, parents, or family we should have given the full support on art industry
so that children who love doing artistic products can pursue their dream without doubt. While
the field of art has been recognized more and given more attention, art education will follow
and will improve the system that they are lacking to. Supporting artist and supporting this field
will result so much development on the art education where the students can be enlightened
on how the arts can change their life and creativeness. Also, DepEd should also give full
attention so that educators would have tools that able for them to teach wondrously.

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