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Republic of the Philippines


Higher Education Regional Office VI (HERO VI)
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At the end of this module, you must have;
Analysis: Multiple
choice/critical thinking
a) Identified and discuss the underlying
concepts in aerobics through statement Abstraction: Presentation
analysis. of concepts and terms in
b) Created an aerobic exercise routine good for
30-45 minutes training for 4 weeks. Application: Group
c) Organized a group of 5-7 members of your exercise activity through
family to join you in performing the created Audio video presentation
aerobic exercise routine.
d) Recognized the importance of PPFT showing
evidence of weight loss through photograph
of before and after result.




At the end of this module, you must have;

a) Identified and discussed the different categories of aerobics and its benefits through research.
b) Identified and discussed the underlying concepts in aerobic exercise through statement analysis.
c) Created an aerobic exercise routine good for 30-45 minutes training for 4 weeks.
d) Organized a group of 5-7 family members to join you in performing the created aerobic exercise routine.
e) Recognized the importance of PPFT by showing evidence of weight loss through photograph of before
and after result.


This module aims introduce to you the importance of aerobic exercises. You will learn the various
categories and health benefits of aerobics that will help you achieve a strong and fitter healthy body.

Aerobic exercise conditions the cardiovascular system and improves performance in sports that
require endurance, such as running and jogging. By conditioning the cardiovascular system, aerobics
contribute to overall health and enhances the ability to use the oxygen. Regardless of age, weight or
athletic ability, aerobic exercise is good for you. Aerobic exercise is an activity that gets your blood
pumping and large muscle groups working. It is also known as cardiovascular activity. It has many benefits
no matter your age, as your body adapts to regular aerobic exercise you’ll get stronger and fitter.


Instruction: Research and write the meaning of each categories of aerobics. In your own understanding
write your insights about the benefits of aerobics for each category.


1. Floor Aerobics-

2. Step Aerobics-

3. Chair Aerobics-

4. Sports Aerobics-


Instruction: Answer the following questions. Read and analyse each item. Write the letter of the correct
answer on the space provided.

1. What is the most accurate way to figure out an athlete’s aerobic capacity? 1._______

a. How hard they are breathing.

b. Ask them- they know there body better than anyone else.
c. Expensive laboratory tests.
d. If they are only capable of talking in short sentences.
2. Why is it important to warm up before and stretch after the exercise? 2._______

a. Prevents injury and avoid stiffness.

b. Increases blood flow and speeds recovery.
c. Makes ligaments and tendons stronger.
d. Increases vitamin and mineral flow to tissues.
3. Which of the following best describes a physiological adaptation that results from 3. _______ aerobic
exercise training?

a. There is an increase in the maximum number of times the heart beats per minute.
b. The structure of the respiratory system is altered, causing beneficial changes in respiratory
c. The body is better able to produce energy fat stored as triglycerides.
d. There is an increase in the percentage of fast-twitch muscle fibers in the body.
4. Which of the following physiological changes is most likely to occur after several 4. _______

weeks of regular participation in cross-training activities such as swimming and jogging.

a. Improved ratio of high-density lipoproteins (HDLs) to low-density lipoproteins

b. Increased number of skeletal muscles
c. Decreased deposition of minerals into bone matrix
d. Increased length of long bones and decreased length of tendons attached to long bones
5. Vigorous cardiorespiratory fitness activities should be followed by cool-down and 5. ________

stretching activities in order to:

a. Trigger a final surge in metabolic rate before the body reverts to a resting state.
b. Prevent a sudden reduction in carbohydrates and glucose levels in the body.
c. Prevent muscle soreness and blood pooling in the extremities.
d. Trigger a decrease in the level of growth hormone in the body.
6. Changing one’s lifestyle requires? 6. _________

a. Awareness of factors that affect your health c. Both of the above

b. Behaviour modification d. Neither of the above
7. Which of these performances is powered aerobically? 7. _________

a. Triathlon c. Triple Jump

b. 100 sprint d. Shot put
8. What is the main benefit of aerobics? 8. _________

a. Decreases resting heart rate

b. Strengthens heart
c. Increases cardio-respiratory and cardio-vascular system outputs
d. All of these
9. What does aerobic refer to? 9. _________

a. The absence of oxygen

b. How your body uses oxygen
c. With little available oxygen
d. No answer is correct
10. Which physical activity is not an aerobic exercise? 10._________

a. Jogging c. Yoga
b. Hip-Hop Dancing d. Jump roping

Aerobic exercise not only improves fitness, it also has known benefits for both physical and emotional
health. Aerobic exercise is any activity that stimulates your heart rate and breathing to increase but not so much
that you can’t sustain the activity for more than a few minutes. Aerobic means “with oxygen” and aerobic means
“without oxygen.” Anaerobic exercise is the type where you get out of breath in just a few moments, like when you
lift weights for improving strength, when you sprint, or when you climb a long flight of stairs. Types of aerobic
exercise are aerobic dance, bicycling, fitness walking, rope skipping, running, jogging, stair climbing, swimming,
Zumba, hiking and Tae bo.


Instruction: Create your own personalized aerobic dance routine using the basic aerobic dance steps good for 30-45
minutes training per day for 4 weeks. Dance routine must include warm-up, heart of work out and cool down. In
accordance to your course (Teacher Education) shoot a video of yourself executing your dance acting as a dance
instructor, If not an education student assume that you are a vlogger, use background music to make it fun and
lively. You can also call members of your family to dance with you.

Here are some general guidelines to follow:

1. Before doing the aerobic dance routine, take a photo of your “BEFORE” whole body appearance, after the 4
week training take a photo of your “AFTER” whole body appearance for evidence purposes.

2. Label/edit your individual videos with your complete name, course and section.

3. Wear a proper work out attire, revealing tank tops or crop tops for girls are prohibited to avoid obscenity, Tee
shirt is well recommended; make sure to wear rubber shoes.

4. When executing the dance steps, be sure to execute properly to avoid misconduct during performance.

5. Make sure to keep hydrated drink an ample amount of water and after the exercise.

6. Enjoy what you are doing; remember to accomplish your goal: Encourage people to engage and commit to life-
long physical fitness activity for a healthy well-being.
RUBRICS 5 4 3 2

Performed an original and Performed an original and Performed a harmonious Did not perform an
harmonious dance pattern harmonious dance pattern dance pattern without original and harmonious
portraying the purpose of the without portraying the portraying the purpose of dance pattern portraying
exercise dance routine. purpose of the exercise the exercise dance routine the purpose of the
dance routine. at times. exercise dance routine.
4 3 2

Well prepared, mastered all Mastered all the dance

MASTERY Performed with some A lot of mistakes in
the dance steps with steps but with some
mistakes and having a doing the step
confidence and able to mistakes in step
hard time memorizing the sequence.
sequence the steps from own sequence.
step sequence.
memory. 2

Executed the dance exercise Executed the dance exercise Executed the dance exercise Executed the dance
routine with alertness and full routine with alertness and routine with alertness and exercise routine with
out performance with full out performance with full out performance with alertness and full out
excellent energy. just enough energy. little effort. performance without
5 4 3

Performed the exercises Performed the exercises Performed the exercises Performed the exercises
OVERALL with mere confidence with confidence without confidence
with confidence conveying
PERFROMANCE the purpose of exercises. conveying the purpose of conveying the purpose of distorting the purpose
exercises. exercises at times. of exercises.
4 3 2


DIRECTIONS: Determine whether the following statements are true or false. Analyze the statement and write your
answer on the space provided.

1. The aerobic process involves the presence of oxygen to produce energy from food. 1. ________


2. Aerobic exercise is a physical exercise that provides cardiovascular conditioning. 2. ________


3. An organ that permits blood to circulate and transport nutrients, such as the lungs, 3. ________

is part of the 3cardiovascular system.


4. The decrease in energy and endurance is a major drawback of any aerobic exercise. 4. ________


5. A fitness program that combines Latin and international music is called Zumba. 5.________


6. Indoor cycling is a vigorous cardiovascular workout that is perform on a moving bike. 6. ________


7. Running and jogging are forms of aerobic exercise. 7. ________


8. Fast-paced workouts, like sprinting and weightlifting, are examples of aerobic exercise. 8. ________


9. Aerobic exercise lessen the risk of developing medical conditions, including diabetes and obesity. 9. ____


10. Vigorous-intensity activities will push the body a little further and will require a higher 10. _______

amount of effort.


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