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Project Proposal

QR code-based in-hospital patient
identification system

1. Project Background and Description

2. Project Scope
3. Functional Requirements
4. Non-functional Requirements
5. Use case
6. Flowchart
7. Sequence diagrams
8. Relationship Diagram
9. Resource Management Plan
10.Risk Management Plan
11.Timeline and Schedule
13.Student Contributions


5. Use Case

6. Flowchart

7. Sequence Diagram

8. Relationship Diagram
1. Project Background and Description
The project's purpose is to develop a QR code-based patient identification system in
hospitals that will allow patients or receptionists to scan a QR code instead of taking
down all of a patient's personal information during their visit. This application is
extremely beneficial in hospitals. By implementing this system, a new means of verifying
patients' personal information such as their full name, date or birth, and address will be
implemented, replacing the present practice of orally checking these details over a
counter at the reception desk. Consider the following scenario: A patient is in critical
condition and has arrived at the hospital with limited time. They are unable to register; a
QR code can assist them by simply scanning it and the patient's complete information is
entered in the registration system. It notifies the user if there is a scarcity or an
overabundance of a resource. A handful of hospitals have already taken advantage of the
capabilities of QR Codes.
In addition, pharmaceutical businesses have begun to include QR Codes on the labels of
their medications in order to build confidence among their customers. With the
introduction of QR Codes in healthcare, healthcare providers, caregivers, and care
receivers will have an easier time communicating with one another while also increasing
transparency and information. The medical business has gradually come to terms with
technology in order to improve patient care, streamline operations, and shift the tectonic
plates of old ways of data storage and management. Traditionally, healthcare systems
have been developed using silted designs. This is changing. Patient information is not
consistent throughout the storage system, and in certain cases, it may not even be present
in another department at all. Additionally, QR codes are being used to prevent cyber-
crime, which poses the risk of having personal information compromised, as well as to
launch assaults on patients who are already in a vulnerable situation owing to their
medical condition, which necessitates their visit to a medical practice.
2. Project Scope
The project's scope includes developing and implementing a system that will allow
patients to enter their personal information in plain text using their smart phones or other
mobile devices, and the receptionist will be able to scan a QR Code generated by the
system and view all of the information without the need to share any personal
information verbally with the patient. The application will not be made publicly available
on the internet for the duration of this study. Demonstrations will be shown through the
use of a web browser on the PCs of the receptionists. The Chabot feature is given solely
for the purpose of simplifying data entering. Users must still double-check the records to
ensure that they are completely accurate before pressing the submit button. JavaScript or
C++ will be used in the development of the application.

3. Functional Requirements
 The system must feature data handling logic that validates, processes, and saves
data received from patients. The patient's data will be stored in the database,
which will also be stored in their QR code.
 Only administrators will have a complete access to the system.
 Users will be able to give their personal detail that create / modify / delete the
records in the product tables without having a direct access to the system
(database, server, etc.). It will depend on what type of user they are. The types of
users will be employee, patient, or administrator.
 Employee will be able to use the application using User Interface or a speech
recognition API with audio Chabot at their discretion.
 User will be able to use the application.
 The employee will have the option to manually edit the records written by the
prior to pressing the submit button.
 A submit button needs to be available and pressed before the information is stored
in the database and QR code. This will ensure that the data stored will be accurate
since it will only be pressed by the receptionists after careful review.
 QR code working is 100% safe or efficient working.
 Patients just need to scan his QR code to reentry in hospital to manage time
4. Non-Functional Requirement:
 The system should be accessible everywhere.
 The accuracy of the store information should not be lower than 95%.
 The system should not store any password-related cookies on the customer's
machine. Only authenticated management should have access to the system's
back-end servers.
 QR code excess able for any hospital if they used QR code system
 The response time of the system should not be more than 2 seconds.
 The system is 100% efficient and easy to use.
 The dependability of the separate components determines the overall project's
dependability. The system's major pillar of stability is the database backup, which
is regularly maintained and updated to reflect the most recent changes.
 The system's supporting modules shall be fully documented and simple to
5. Use Case

6. Flow Diagram
Scan the code with any conventional QR Code reader to acquire emergency contact
information, but scanning the code with the QR Code Identity Tag mobile application
retrieves and reveals additional information that would otherwise be unavailable. This
allows emergency medical personnel to deliver better medical care to patients who are
more informed. Authentication is required in order to get the additional information,
which may be in the form of personal health records (PHRs). The illustration below
illustrates how a QR code is scanned and how simple or detailed information may be
retrieved using the code.
7. Sequence Diagram
The process flow of the user/patient is depicted in the graphic below. Patients will
register (if they do not already have an account) and place orders for the queue at the
specified hospital through the use of the website. Patients will be responsible for entering
their own information into the provided form, and they will be given a QR code to use for
arrival verification.
8. Relationship Database Diagram:
It is utilized for data storage on the server and is accessible through this database.
Furthermore, this database serves as one of the supporting systems for the hospital's
queuing system, as well as for the database workflow.
9. Resource Management Plan:
Resources needed for the project:
 A relational database is a great option for storing patient’s information,
information about personal detail and disease. This type of database stores data in
tables and provides an efficient way of storing and accessing structured
information in QR code. MySQL relational database management system is one
of the best ways of connecting databases to the software and provides advanced
features like data security, on-demand scalability and high performance. There are
lots of free and open source localhost databases like XAMPP (also provides
apache localhost server) that could be used for this project.
 We use the Jersey RESTful Web services in Java open source framework. Our
RESTful API resource is the health data that users can edit and read. The REST
API was created for ease of use, as well as the ability to automate and link with
other Electronic Health Record systems in the future. The API gives users access
to their health data and allows them to make changes to it. To access and edit a
QR code resource, the unified resource identifier (URI) is used.
 In order to create a functional application, it is better to use an effective
integrated development environment with a large range of advanced tools for
testing and visualizing the development process. Android Studio got our attention
as possibly the best web app development ide that runs on windows, MacOS and
Linux and supports a lot of programming languages like Java, Kotlin, C++, etc.
with variety of extensions for all these languages
 Alpha testing identifies the tests that were run to check that our solution worked
as expected. To answer these issues, we begin by developing a set of questions
concerning the implementation and discussing the actions that will be taken on
our program. Finally, we create a table with a series of test cases, run the test, and
indicate whether or not the test case passes.
10. Risk Management Plan:
Risks are inevitable in every web development project. In order to get ahead of them a
risk management plan should be developed. Listed below are some potential risk that
may come during or after the completion of this project.
 Identify Risks: Risks are identified both at the beginning and during the project.
While many issues are classified as "known dangers," others may require further
examination. Make a risk identification checklist tailored to the project type to
detect potential dangers. Interviews with all stakeholders, as well as specialists in
the industry, can help us do so. Many threats can be divided into broad categories
(technical or organizational) and subclasses (technology, interfaces, performance,
logistics, budget, and so on). Create a risk repository, which you may share with
everyone you questioned, to maintain track of any known hazards discovered
during the identification process.
 Map out Impact Versus Likelihood: The risk's qualitative and quantitative
impact, such as the likelihood of the risk occurring vs. the impact it would have
on your project, will be analyzed in the next phase and laid out in a matrix or
spreadsheet. This will be accomplished by assigning a risk likelihood score,
which will range from low to high. We'll then map out your risk effect and
provide a score to each component on a scale of low to high. This will tell you
how likely the risk is to affect the project's success and how quickly you'll need to
 Plan Risk Responses: The three main objectives in risk response planning are to
remove risk and to limit both the risk's impact on the project and its occurrence.
Doing so usually comes at a cost, either in terms of time or money. So, before we
start working on your risk management strategy, we'll need to know exactly how
much time, money, and scope we'll have.
 Assign an Owner to the Risk: Each risk will also require the assignment of a
risk owner. We'll need to be more precise than the project manager, which is often
the default. In the matrix, list the owners of each risk so that no one is confused
about who will be in charge of implementing the reaction if the risk happens, and
so that owners can respond fast. Before implementing, make sure to document the
precise answer and have it authorized by all stakeholders. You'll have a record of
the problem and its remedies to review after the project is completed.
 Understand Triggers: This can happen with or without a risk of the project
being seriously harmed, and it's especially common around project milestones as
a means of tracking progress. Consider reclassifying any existing dangers if this is
the case. Even if certain triggers haven't been satisfied, it's a good idea to come up
with a backup plan as the project continues. After all, after the project has
progressed to a certain stage, the criteria for a particular risk may no longer be
 Make a Backup Plan: Consider the risk impact and probability matrix to be a
living document that is always changing. We must establish a contingency plan as
part of our approach because the classification of these risks can change at any
time during the project. Contingency planning includes identifying new risks as
the project progresses and reevaluating existing risks to see whether any
conditions for those risks have been met. A slight revision to your contingency
plan is required whenever a risk is reclassified.
 Measure Risk Threshold: Measuring risk thresholds requires evaluating whether
risks are excessively high and consulting with stakeholders to evaluate whether
the project is worth continuing in terms of time, money, or scope. Consider
dangers with a "very high" or multiple "high" ratings, and consult with the
leadership team and stakeholders to evaluate if the project is in jeopardy of
failing. Risks that have above the danger threshold require additional attention.
11. Timeline and Schedule
The development of the application will commence using the following schedule:
 2 Week
Project planning begins and a proposal will be submitted
 2 Week
The creation of a portfolio containing the system design and an analysis of the
projects requirements will begin.
 3 Week
The team will complete the creation of the previously mentioned portfolio. The
team will then move onto the creation of a presentation that will be used to share
their proposal.
 2 Week
The project portfolio will be submitted for assessment. The team will share their
oral presentation with their peers.
 4 Week
At the beginning of week 10 the team will begin development of the application.
By the end of week 12 the project will be at least 80% complete in preparation for
the beginning of NEF3002
Gant Chart
12. Conclusion:
Medication errors must be reduced, patients' safety must be improved, and clinical
procedures must be performed more accurately in order to reduce public healthcare
expenditures while simultaneously improving the quality of public healthcare. Automatic
patient authentication systems have the potential to have a positive impact on these
aspects, as well as to improve access to and delivery of public health care. In the
healthcare industry, we have established a QR Code Identity Tag system. The QR Code
Identity Tag allows for quick and easy access to critical medical information. When the
QR code is scanned, general patient information, such as the patient's name, address, and
emergency contact information, is displayed on the screen. Because QR codes are the
most feasible and cost-effective alternative means of automating patient authentication
capabilities in public healthcare facilities with limited finances, we chose them. There are
certain flaws in the system, to be sure. First and foremost, this application is only
compatible with computers in hospitals. Applications for other operating systems, as well
as mobile applications, will be created in the not too distant future. It will be expanded to
provide support for a number of other languages. In the event that other languages are
supported, further usability studies will be conducted using the SUS questionnaire that
has been translated into those languages.
13. Students Contribution
 Student1
 Student2
 Student3
14. References
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