A. 2. Benefits of The Project: 1.3 Problem Statement

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3 Problem statement

Considering of an image representing of frame taken from video screen, automatic face detection is a
particularly complex task that’s involves detection as well as location of faces in a cluttered background
followed by normalization. The human face is a very challenging pattern to detect, because while its
anatomy is rigid enough so that all faces have the same structure, at the same time there are a lot of
environmental and personal factors affecting facial appearance. the main problem of face detection of
large variability of the real time image due to pose , illumination condition , facial expression ,use of
cosmetics , difference of hair styles , presence of glasses ,beard ,etc. image of the same person taken at
different time , may sometimes exhibit more variability due to aforementioned factor , then image of
different individual due to gander , race , age and individual variations (extra personal variations).

1.4 Previous Work

1.7 Scope the Project (Abstract):

Computational model of face detection, in particular are interesting because they are contribute to
theoretical insights but also to practical application. Computer that detects faces could be applied to avoid
verity of problems, including criminal identification, security system, image and film processing, and
human computer interaction. e.g., the ability to model a particular face and distinguish from a large
number of face models would make it possible to vastly improve criminal identification .detecting face in
photographs, for instance, is anybody problem in automatic color film development; since the affect of
many enhancement and nice detection technique depend at a particular content. That is mostly used in
security systems and can be compared to other biometrics such as fingerprint or eye recognition system.

A. 2. Benefits of the Project

Our face recognition system detects multiple faces in real time videos accurately.
Our face detection system detects whether a face in a video stream belongs to a real human or is a
photo. This detection system stored only the best quality face template into database.
3.1 Functional Specification

Face detection is a two-step procedure, first the faces are identified from the whole image. After this a
face detection procedure estimates the scale and position of the faces. . Faces are usually moving in real-
time videos. Face segment will get by calculating the moving area. A specific type of motion on faces is
blinking. Those blinking patterns detect the presence of a face.

3.1.1 Functions Performed

It detects human faces by analyzing the features of the human face i.e. location of the nose and
eyes; and the area surrounding the check bones. Camera will detects the human facial features
individually and match the input images of all users in a database and finding the best match.

3.1.2 Limitations and Restrictions

Two cameras are required for this purpose because it performs much better in face detection.

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