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Lesson Plan

Course: Principles of Management (MGT201) Class: BBA (2nd Semester)

Lecture 2
First Session Lecture: 75 minutes
The objectives of this lecture are:

 To learn about the history of sociology

 To define the core sociological concepts, theories and macro and micro level perspectives
 To know about the founders of sociology and their contributions

Lecture Slides:
The lecture slides will cover the following:

1. The Founders of sociology

a) August Comte – Social static and social dynamic, Law of human development, and
b) Emile Durkheim - Rules of sociological methods, Division of labor and Social solidarity
c) Herbert Spencer - The law of social evolution and Laissez-faire
d) Karl Marx – Dialectical materialism and Class conflict
e) Max Weber - Sociology of religion and Protestant ethic and the spirit of capitalism

Reference Book / Reading

Book: Sociology: A Down-to-Earth Approach by Henslin, James M. (2011), Prentice Hall.
(Latest Edition)
“Essentials of Sociology”, Brinkerhoff, D. B. (2008) Belmont, CA: Thomson/Wadsworth.
(Latest Edition)
Read: Chapter 1 (pp. 8-16)

Additional resources:

PPT: SOCI_Lecture02.ppt (Available in folder IULMS)

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Second Session Class Activities: 75 minutes
 Activity: Presentation on Assigned Topic
 Procedure: For this session presentations has been decided in order to improve interpersonal
and communication skills of students. Therefore at the first hand, teacher will divide the whole
class into 12 groups and each group will be consisting of 5 team members. Once the class will
divide into groups, they will be assigned the different topics from the covered material. The list of
different topics with reference to the specific group has been listed below. At this point in time
tutor is supposed to give five minutes to all the teams so they can prepare themselves before they
are called out to present in front of the entire class.

Group Number Assigned Topic

Group No.1 Difference between individual problem and
social problem
Group No.2 C. Wright Mills concept of sociological
Group No.3 Relationship of Sociology with other social
Group No.4 Definition and meaning of sociology
Group No.5 Individual problem and social problem
Group No.6 Origin and development of sociology
Group No.7 August Comte – Social static and social
dynamic, Law of human development, and
Group No.8 Emile Durkheim - Rules of sociological
methods, Division of labor and Social
Group No.9 Herbert Spencer - The law of social evolution
and Laissez-faire
Group No.10 Karl Marx – Dialectical materialism and Class
Group No.11 Max Weber - Sociology of religion and
Protestant ethic and the spirit of capitalism
Group No.12 Sociology As A Science

 Total Groups: 12 and each group would be consist of 5 members

 Time Allocation: 5 Minutes will be allocated to each group in order to present on assigned

 Marks Allocation: 10 Marks

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 Grading Rubric:
0–3 3–6 6–8 8 – 10
Poor Average Good Excellent
 Group is not  Group  Group members  Group members are
being able to members are are being being confident enough
speak up being confident enough to speak up about the
confidently. confident to speak up about assigned topic.
 Concepts enough to the assigned topic.  Concepts about the
about the speak up  Concepts about assigned topic are very
assigned about the the assigned topics well defined by group
topic are not assigned are somewhat members.
clear. topic. clear.  Coordination among
 Coordination  Concepts  Coordination team members is really
among team about the among team good.
members is assigned members is very
also very topic are not poor yet.
week. clear.
 Coordination
among team
members is
also very

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