The Strength

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Explain the weakness and strength of atomic model by (Score 20 )

a. Thomson
b. Rotherford
c. Bohr
2. Determine number of proton, neutron, and electron for (Score 20 )
a. Ar
b. K
3. Determine the electron configuration for (Score 20 )
a. Be
b. Mg
c. Ca
d. Ba
4. Arrange the atoms based on increasing electron affinity for N, O, and F (Score 20 )
5. Arrange the atoms based on increasing first energyionization for Na, Mg, K, and Ca.
(Score 20 )

Answer :
a. Thomson
The strength
• After the discovery of the electron by JJ Thomson, Thomson's atomic model was
composed is a refinement of Dalton's atomic model.
• Can explain that The atom consists of positively charged material and in which
electrons are scattered like raisins in raisin bread
The weakness
• Can’t explain the phenomena of alpha ray scattered in gold flat
b. Rutherford
The strength
• Rutherford found evidence that in atomic nuclei are positively charged, are
smaller than the size of the atom but the mass of the atom is almost entirely
derived from its core mass.
• Atomic nuclei consist of positively charged and is in the center of the atom and
the electrons move across the nucleus (such as planets in the solar system).
The weakness
• The inability to explain why the electron does not fall into¬ the nucleus due to
electrostatic attractive force on the electron core.
• According to Maxwell's theory, if the electron as a¬ nucleus around which
charged particles have opposite charges, the trajectory will spiral and will lose
power / energy in the form of radiation so that eventually fell into the core.
c. Bohr
The strength
• The atom consists of positively charged nucleus and the electrons circulating
around the negatively charged.
• Electrons circulating around atomic nuclei in certain orbits, known as a stationary
state of motion (fixed), hereinafter referred to as the main energy levels (electron
shells) are expressed by the main quantum number (n).
• During the electron is in a stationary trajectory, the energy will remain so that no
light is emitted.
• Electrons can only move from a lower trajectory stationary stationary to a higher
trajectory when absorbing energy. Conversely, if the electrons move from a
higher trajectory to the stationary lower the release of energy.
• In normal circumstances (without external influences), the electrons occupy the
lowest energy level (called the base level = ground state).
The weakness
• Just to explain the spectrum of the atom or ion containing one electron and not in
accordance with the spectrum of the electron atoms or ions lot.
• Unable to explain that atoms can form molecules through chemical bond.

2. a. 4180 K
b. 3199 Ar
Answer :
a. p= 18, n = 40-18 = 32, e = 18
b. p= 19, n = 39-19 = 20, e = 19

e. 3. a. Be
f. Mg
g. Ca
h. Ba

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