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CHIN202 Assignment 2

Due date: Friday 10 September 2021

Weight: 22%

Length: Lessons 28 - 30 of Ne·N Practical Chinese Reader
• Answers to be handwritten in Chinese characters unless otherwise
• Where you are required to write pinyin, of course you must ensure
you add the correct tonemarks.
• Chinese characters must he hand-written rather than typed.
• Use double line-spacing to allow for corrections.

Spoken expression (1 C marks)

1. Record your answers onto a cass'ette tape or mp.3 files. To facilitate
marking, please supply a Chinese script of what you say.
l. 1 1fJ\ S't jLJ ri] !Jfil A~~ w.t a~-, ffr\J~ i.~ ;'~ f¥: @J ~ ?

Pronunciation and reading (5 marks)
2. Record on to a MP3 file(s) or cassette tape your reading of the
following conversation:

~ m: jJJj A ITT JX\, 1-fr)] t~' ill wt~. J¥:1Ji1 A s"J':Sz:: it; ~ =' ~D ~ {fjq~: x,X ~~* :JXl1-fr

)] 'f1~' {fj\ ·tE -~iJ 12), ~;f+f~Jl 0

B: 1fl\~rtaJ!2),/Gfi1N, f.§£1fl\iliJf.H~di~/f~~ili& (weifan, to violate)!iJ1JA

11{] JXl fa~ :J ,r~ 0

Criteria: accurate sounds; accurate tones; appropriate intonation and

phrasing; sounds realistic and .l~felike! .

Listening comprehension . (15, marks)
3. Complete four exercises from the Workbook:
3.1 Lesson 28, exercise 2, page 17 (5 questions; answer with A, B.• C or
,D) •

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3.2 Lesson 29, exercise 3, page 34 (5 questions; answer with Tor F)
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3 .3 Lesson 30,· exercise 5, page 49 (5 sente.nces, write in pinyin)

Grammar (20 marl<s)

4. Complete these four exercises from the Workbook. For each exercise,
as well as creating Chinese ~entences "[OU must also translate the
sentences you creat~ into English.
4.1 Fill in the blanks with the proper words given (1 0 marks)
4.1.1 rp r~A::$:~rHLf~ ~J§·, q 'W~5'r:ltJ., ;Jf1j-Jt o c~~. ®or ill)

• . 3
. .,--,.. ·-j_-:;-.~z:. B3
4.1.3 ~:t-t /...--.-.._ _ _ /Fl JFf:I}...,J~\'

( ·:::r f7..

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4 • 1• 6 J~z t·+~~
@l_ .'.J.:I:. -

4.1.9 flt-=~lj~u§Jtt~1J\~,
or J}.710

4.2 Make sentences with the word; and P.hrases given (10 rryarks)
4 . 2 . 1 ~fu B"J ~ Hm w~ 1fJ\ ~J"J El) 0- -if-t 1=l

P~, 8~ tg JJ~ ~1~J\8~ E~ :!_" ~· o~

4.2.2 ~A /f~'.'J> ft rruiil i1*
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Reading comprehension (10 marl<s)
5. Decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F) according to
the following passage.

~t:M;1±i:J:lfJl8if*J 2000 ~1¥8"JD5~J 0 791-r-Z,ny{~N~rftP)~? ~:79-S1~%50cT

t:tHl"J .AJ& ~ ~rHHJ~ ~ ~~- :+ 1J'J 0 1~ 1J'J m81 t!t +~--- ~9: ~ ~ .7f {~J iU ' ?JT l'.)Jl y{11& ~ t%~ 0

ti1~T~tJtr:iJ l2J 7 ~ A~B-JT o iU -Y*1~ l2JJ§, A 11Tf 8"J~tftJ¥JtlE~fJH~--·t'f,

~32~m+. ~~ATo~~T~m~~~Afi#~~~~E~~-, ~ili

~ --;r~ 1&~f 001* ~ 115· Z9J o i:J:l 00 iE *1 tiJf JL ~ t!t5fD [JH!t 81 tft ~ o ~ tft ~-¥ :Jl1~ ~A; Yf!J

~.& s"J o

a. i:J:l OO~tft*11&*1¥lffi ~o ( )

b.~~~mm~~~m-~W~7~A~~To ( )

(. *1-~fj"J~f}t*J 32 ~tJt+o ( r- --~-


( 1-- )

( F- )

Translation (20 marks)
6. Translate into Chinese, using the words given in the parentheses ..

6.1 Are Australian sw~ets better than Chinese sweets? Cf! ..... J .!:J,?

6.2 His sister is not as beautiful as you said . (~9:*f)

6.3 The Mid-Autumn Festival is not as bustling as the Spring Festival..


6.4 How could he love speaking so much? (:~,Z\)

6. 5 Could you please fill in the blanks with your name? C1fr __t, ~ 8 i'!~t-&

6.6 We should do some cleaning of the' study. (1E ..... .tJJ=n

6.7 There is a waiter standing in the room. (Irr.ti~)

6.8 On the table there is a birthday cake. (J]_Y:7filf)

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6.9 There are many ancient books lying neatly on the bookshelf. (~~

6.1 0 You should do revision care{ully.' (ffff~!ll~B3:L'fu)

<\ t'.JT\~1 )--1·;--; __1\~ 1f~--- 1~~

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i: Eb t!_ cq J:-~.b
--·-· I-~ .c-~ ~ L:_J
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Written expression(20 marl<'S)
7. Write a short article with the title of "ftl¥J~frf': Length: 150 - 200 tharacters.·
Criteria: comprehensible; appropriate; uses language recently
learnt; accurate grammar; accurate characters; hangs together
as a piece of writing; creative and interesting.

. ~~~~

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