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Amafel Bldg. Aguinaldo Highway, Dasmarinas, Cavite

College of Engineering and Architecture

Ramil Jr. M. Billones



• Original Survey = cadastral survey which creates land boundaries and marks them
for the first time

• Plat = A surveyed map of a town, section, or subdivision indicating the exact

locations and boundaries of individual properties, streets, easements, and public
recreation areas.

• Setback = Zoning restrictions on the amount of bare land required surrounding

improvements; the amount of space required between the lot line and the building

• Subdivision = Land that has been divided by the owner into individual parcels or
lots which have been grouped into blocks. These lots, together with streets, alleys,
parks, schools, planned commercial areas, and public utility easements, are
recorded on a plat

• Easement = areas of land owned by the property owner, but in which other parties,
such as utility companies, may have limited rights granted for a specific purpose.

• Right-of-way = a parcel of land granted by deed or easement for construction and

maintenance according to a designated use. This may include highways, streets,
canals, ditches, or other uses

• Latitude = A measure of relative position north or south on the Earth's surface,

measured in degrees from the equator, which has a latitude of 0%, with the poles
having a latitude of 90° north and south

• Longitude = is a geographic coordinate that specifies the east-west position of a

point on the Earth's surface
Amafel Bldg. Aguinaldo Highway, Dasmarinas, Cavite
College of Engineering and Architecture

• Prime Meridian = the longitude passes through the Royal Observatory, Greenwich,
England, establishes the position of zero degrees longitude.

• Mean Sea Level = is a measure of the average height of the ocean's surface (such as
the halfway point between the mean high tide and the mean low tide)

• Contour Lines = a line on a map joining points of equal height above or below sea

• Topographic Map = is a type of map characterized by large scale detail and

quantitative representation of relief

• TCT = Transfer Certificate of Title

• OCT = Original Certificate of Title

• Free-Patent = is a legitimate proof of ownership of public land in the Philippines

granted by the Philippine government. It is an agreement between the government
and the grantee that he or she is charged of developing the land within a specified
period of time.

• Cadastral Survey= creates or re-establishes, marks, and defines boundaries of

tracts of lands.

• Consolidation and Subdivision Survey = land survey of more than two contiguous
lots merging to form a single lot, and a single lot subdivided into two or more lots,

• CAD = Cadastral Survey

• Csd = subdivision survey of Cadastral Lot

• Psd = subdivision survey of a titled properties. All Psd surveys are conducted by a
Private Geodetic Engineer

• Bsd Is a subdivision survey on government titled properties conducted by a

Government Geodetic Engineer. If a private titled land is being surveyed by a
Government Geodetic Engineer thru court order, the resulting survey is a Bsd.

• Psu-is a survey on original land (not yet surveyed) by a private Geodetic Engineer.
This kind of survey will be used by titling thru judicial proceedings (means thru
court order).
Amafel Bldg. Aguinaldo Highway, Dasmarinas, Cavite
College of Engineering and Architecture

• FP - Free Patent survey by a Private Geodetic Engineer

• Map - it is a flat representation of earth's surface in paper

• Tie point-point one of the lot

• Surveying-science of making measurements to determine the relative position of

points and lines on the surface of the earth

• Relocation Survey - survey intended to verify the boundaries of the property. The
purpose of this is to ascertain whether or not there are encroachments.

• Tie Line-imaginary line connecting the known geographic position (say BLLM) to
the corner (point 1) of the titled property

• Subdivision survey - a survey to determine the boundaries of each lot in a

subdivision project

• Topographic plan - plan showing various elevations of the property

• Contour lines - lines in a topographic plan which indicate the elevation of the land
at various sections

• Subdivision - a tract of land, in general, subdivided into two or more lots

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