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A Real-Time Seizure Classification System Using Computer

Vision Techniques
Pavan Kumar Pothula Sriram Marisetty Madhav Rao
IIIT-Bangalore IIIT-Bangalore IIIT-Bangalore
Bangalore, India Bangalore, India Bangalore, India

ABSTRACT neuron clusters in the brain is attributed to abnormal and sudden

Epilepsy is one of the most common neurological disorders, af- behavioural changes in the patient. According to the World Health
fecting 50 million people worldwide. Despite the availability of Organization (WHO) report, more than 50 million people in the
numerous anti-epileptic drugs, it is often impossible to control the world are epileptic victims that make it a global neurological disor-
disease effectively. Lack of supervision and failure to provide urgent der [4]. A large number of epileptical patients are either diagnosed
medical care may be detrimental to the life of the patient. Hence incorrectly and subsequently treated with inappropriate medica-
a portable edge computing and seizure classification device to aid tions, or the patients have reached a stage where the treatment
medical staff and provide appropriate and timely treatment to the is ineffective [3]. Additionally, there is no conclusive evidence on
patients is desirable. Conventionally, seizure detection is considered the success of anti-epileptic drug treatment applied towards the
as a signal processing problem with electroencephalogram (EEG) recovery of epileptic patients [8].
as the primary source of a time-varying signal. The EEG signal There exists a vast literature in the field of epileptical seizure
acquisition system puts the patient under observation with a lot detection and prediction through EEG physiological signals [23].
of discomforts owing to a large number of physical connections of Generally, seizure events are studied and remotely diagnosed for
electrodes on the patient’s head. A video-based portable system not epileptical patients by closely observing bi-channel data including
only eliminates the physical connections and contacts to the patient video for detecting abnormal physicality and EEG signals to de-
but also has the capacity of monitoring a large group of patients in- tect the physiological abnormalities, also referred to in the medical
side a controlled care unit. This paper proposes a novel architecture community as Video-EEG signals [9]. However, the Video-EEG
for the detection and classification of facial seizures of type Gelastic facility is viable only for tertiary and super-speciality hospitals,
and Dacrystic, from the video data of the patient. The developed leaving the deprived socio-economic group towards a suppressed
two-layered architecture was deployed on a portable Jetson Nano quality of life [23]. Hence an economically viable and automated
board and an accuracy of 98.8% in detection and classification of solution that could be adopted for classifying seizure events is
Gelastic and Dacrystic seizures was obtained. The best inference needed. Convulsive seizures that are characterized by sudden mo-
latency of 13.6 seconds was characterized on the deployed board. tor events are highly prone to accidents causing fatal injuries [31].
Hence a wearable and compact form factor designed accelerometer
KEYWORDS device to continuously monitor epileptical patients was proposed
in [23]. Although the device is economically feasible and scalable,
Seizure Detection, Facial Emotion Recognition, Jetson Nano, Lo-
the device is sensitive to artifacts [7, 23] and throws false alarms, in
gistic Regression, SVM, Random Forest, Decision Tree, K Nearest
addition to the possibility of the device getting easily hampered [7].
Neighbors, Neural Network.
The options of wearable devices to measure EEG signals, electro-
ACM Reference Format: cardiography (ECG) signal [17], surface-electromyography signals
Pavan Kumar Pothula, Sriram Marisetty, and Madhav Rao. 2021. A Real- (sEMG) [7, 25, 32], electrodermal activity (EDA) [27], are commonly
Time Seizure Classification System Using Computer Vision Techniques. In
seen [18], however for all the above-stated signal acquisition sys-
Proceedings of ACM Conference (Conference’17). ACM, New York, NY, USA,
6 pages.
tem, mandates the patient to wear the scalp electrodes at all times,
leading to continuous calibration of the system under use by the pa-
1 INTRODUCTION tients, and added physical discomfort to the patients [6, 16, 19, 28].
Besides, the stigmatization associated with wearing the system in
Epilepsy is considered a neurological disease characterized by un-
ambulatory settings leads to other psychological problems [29].
usual and sudden motion patterns due to neural disorders occurring
In [26], EEG signals were used to discriminate between normal
at the focal zone in the brain region [15]. The unusual firing of the
and seizure status using energy and entropy as features, but the
Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or classification required 128 channels which is not a feasible solu-
classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed tion under ambulatory settings. Similarly, various other literature
for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation
on the first page. Copyrights for components of this work owned by others than ACM demonstrates the application of machine learning algorithms in-
must be honored. Abstracting with credit is permitted. To copy otherwise, or republish, cluding K-nearest neighbour classifier [30], Support vector machine
to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission and/or a (SVM) classifier [22], and Artificial neural network (ANN) [21] on
fee. Request permissions from
Conference’17, July 2017, Washington, DC, USA EEG signals.
© 2021 Association for Computing Machinery. A practical low-cost seizure classification system that eliminates
ACM ISBN 978-x-xxxx-xxxx-x/YY/MM. . . $15.00 the need for physical connections to the patient and additionally
monitors a large group of patients with a single device is desir- calculated for the extracted scores along with the 5-second video,
able for meeting today’s epileptology demands. Implementing a for 5 individual states, was supplied to the next level to classify
video-based seizure classification complies with the electrode-less the seizure behaviour. The overall architecture involving the FER
demands, and additionally makes the device more portable for usage model followed by a classifier model is shown in Figure 1. Different
among seizure patients in residential settings, and provides timely classifier models including machine learning (ML) algorithms and
alertness for any immediate treatment. The classification system deep neural networks (DNN) were investigated to evaluate the best
will also be useful in studying the seizure semiologies for the spe- fit to the architecture designed for the application. In this work,
cific patient. Few marker-based approaches for detecting seizures only two types of seizures involving Dacrystic and Gelastic seizures
using video recordings are proposed in the past, with markers at- were considered, since only these seizures show major components
tached at landmark points of a patient’s body and a camera along towards emotional changes which are captured in facial video.
with a commercial video-electroencephalogram (V-EEG) system is Additionally, a third class of No Seizure was also incorporated in
used to synchronously register EEG and video during seizures [33]. the proposed classifier model.
Another system utilizes coloured pyjamas to facilitate limb seg-
mentation and tracking, thus identifying the seizure [24]. However,
both these methods are sensitive to the wear and tear of the mate-
rial applied and remain non-scalable solution. Alternatively, facial
landmarks using mouth motions were also investigated for epilepsy
analysis recently [5]. A frontal and temporal lobe generated epilep-
sies were classified using infrared (IR) seizure videos envisioned for
diagnostic settings where EEG signals [20] are also available. Most
of these methods cater to seizure detection and does not attempt
seizure classification. This paper proposes an EEG-less automated
computer vision-based dual-level architecture design to classify
seizures involving Dacrystic and Gelastic ones. The proposed facial
emotion-dependent seizure classification method is designed for the
first time, as per the authors’ knowledge, and aims to incorporate
the emotional states of the patients during a seizure episode. The
proposed architecture was investigated towards implementing a
portable and edge computing device for hospital settings, where the
patient’s face is constantly monitored. The classification architec-
ture was deployed on a hardware board to validate the technique,
and the performance metrics were compared with GPU system

The proposed architecture consists of two levels with the first layer
designed as a feature extraction layer that recognizes the patient’s
emotion through the facial emotion recognition (FER) model [10–
14], and the other layer was designed with an inference model
to classify the seizure type. The sudden change in emotions of
the patient is exploited as feature vectors to classify the type of
seizure attack for epileptic patients. The continuous streaming of
data acquired from a camera is fed to the edge computing board,
where the proposed architecture is deployed for faster inferencing.
The edge computing board maintains a stack, in which 5-second
real-time video frames capturing the face of the epileptical patient
is stored and the same is pushed to the designed model in a single
batch to detect any changes in emotion and subsequently classify
the seizure events of the patient under investigation. Concurrently,
the stack is refilled with the next batch of 5-second video frames
that are captured at a rate of 30 frames per second (fps). These
frames are given to a FER model which is built on Ekman’s FACS
(Facial Action Coding System) [1, 2]. The FER model extracts the Figure 1: Schematic showing the flow of the proposed two-
patient’s emotion in each frame into 5 basic emotions: Fear, Anger, level architecture design for seizure classification.
Happy, Sad , and Neutral by defining intensity scores for each of
the 5 states ranging between 0 to 1. A feature vector with a mean
3 EXPERIMENTS AND RESULTS 3.2 Classifier model
3.1 Data Collection and FER Preprocessing The preprocessed FER-based dataset consisting of 7500 vectors,
was split in the ratio of 80:20 for training and testing purposes.
The seizure videos of patients, that are publicly available on the link
Logistic regression, Support vector machine (SVM) with 3 different were considered for developing and verifying
kernels, K nearest neighbors (KNN), Decision Tree, Random Forest
the architecture design. The videos showing Dacrystic and Gelastic
(RF), and Neural Network (NN) with 7 layers were investigated
seizures were found for 4 patients, which were used for training
as a classification model for the architecture design. The training
the ML and DNN models. For training the model, each video was
data was split into 5 parts and a cross-validation technique was
split into small videos of 5-second duration. Each 5-second video
employed for tuning the parameters for each technique, in which 4
was examined visually, and one among the 3 labels namely, No
parts out of 5 parts of data were used for training the model, and
seizure, Gelastic seizure, and Dacrystic seizure were assigned for the
5-second short videos. Few short videos which did not depict the the 5𝑡ℎ part was used for testing the trained model, and the values
characteristics were ignored during the manual sorting process. of the parameters were configured to yield maximum accuracy on
The whole data set was broken down into 3 classes of 5-second the validation data set. In this way, the test data set was completely
videos. All the labelled 5-second videos were sent to the pre-trained isolated from the training and tuning process. Post parameters
FER model and the corresponding 7 emotion scores were extracted tuning, the model was trained on the training dataset without any
for each frame in the 5-second timed videos. The obtained FER cross-validation, and finally, the model was tested on 20% dataset
vector for each frame consists of 7 scores ranging between 0 and for reporting accuracy’s. The score of 5 emotions from the above
1; a score each for the following emotions: fear, anger, happy, sad, preprocessed FER data was given as an input to the multi-class
disgust, surprise, and neutral. Each frame in the 5-second videos logistic regression model. The logistic regression model showcased
was additionally annotated and the labels were added in the vector the best accuracy of 79.6% in classifying three classes including
representation of FER data. The overall size of the dataset obtained Dacrystic seizure, Gelastic seizure, and No seizure, when the C
for Gelastic, Dacrystic, and No seizure classes were 1592, 1737, and parameter was configured to 3000. A KNN classifier with 5 emotions
2469 respectively. Since the size of the dataset for each class was from preprocessed FER dataset as inputs were implemented to
not the same, an oversampling approach was considered to make map the emotion data with that of the 3 classes, which yielded a
the sizes of the classes equal without losing any information. The classification accuracy of 88.1%. Similarly, the SVM classifier model
mean and variance for each emotion in a class were calculated and with the best C parameter configured to 3000 was designed to give
additional data was fitted while retaining the earlier mean and vari- a maximum classification accuracy of 92.7%. Three different kernels
ance for individual states, and the process was repeated for each including linear, poly, and radial basis function (RBF) were used for
class, thereby extending the dataset to 2500 size for each of the 3 training data and the accuracies generated by each kernel were
classes. The FER model was evaluated with a correlation matrix, noted as shown in the Table 1. The table shows that the RBF kernel
generated for classifying 7 emotions as shown in Figure 2. The offered better classification accuracy when compared with the other
correlation matrix shows that the pair of emotions: angry-disgust, two kernels. Decision Tree classifier with depth configured to 15
sad-disgust, and sad-surprise were highly correlated, showing corre- was applied to the FER dataset. The depth of 15 showed maximum
lation coefficients of 0.94, 0.91, 0.98 respectively. Hence to digress classifier accuracy of 96.4%. Random Forest estimator with the
the correlation between the emotions, the emotional states of dis- FER vector as input, and the number of estimators configured to
gust, and surprise were removed from each of the dataset vectors to 60, was implemented for classifying three seizure classes, which
lessen the computational redundancy. reported classifier accuracy of 98.8%. A 7 layer neural network
(NN) was designed with 4 fully connected layers including input
and output and rectified linear unit (ReLU) was applied post each
layer. FER vector dataset consisting of five emotion scores were
taken as inputs to the NN, and outputs were mapped to the 3
classes with 2000 epochs, to provide an accuracy of 96.3%. Logistic
Regression, KNN, SVM with 3 kernels, Decision Tree, RF, and NN
with 7 layers were used to train the FER data and the classifier
accuracy’s reported on the test dataset are summarized in the table 1.
Among all the classifier models investigated, the RF model showed
maximum accuracy. The NN showed slightly lower accuracy which
is attributed to a smaller training dataset. In the future, with more
publicly available datasets, the NN implementation is likely to yield
better accuracy. However, both the Decision tree and NN rendered
accuracy close to the RF model.

3.3 Designed architecture on Edge device

The above-proposed machine learning and NN models, along with
Figure 2: FER model generated a correlation matrix for the preprocessed FER model design were developed and trained on
complete dataset. a GPU machine. The proposed two-levelled architecture design
the Decision tree is considered a more appropriate model for time-
critical seizure classification under residential hospital settings. FER
followed by the Decision Tree model was further validated with
5 second duration video, captured at 30 fps on the same edge device,
where the inferencing for the overall 5 second video was achieved
in 13.6 seconds. A delay of 13.6 s for a running 5-second video on
an edge device for two levelled architecture design involving FER
and Decision Tree model adequately serves the purpose of rapid
classification for patients undergoing seizure attacks in real-time
scenarios, where the seizure classification can be configured to
render results at every other 14𝑡ℎ second. The real-time outcome
with FER scores for three different temporal instances is shown
in the Figure 4, after running through the Decision Tree classifier

Table 2: Average inference time reported for processing a

single frame in a real-time video.

Figure 3: Schematic showing the 7-layer neural network Model Edge device GPU (in
model with FER data as the input layer, 3 ReLU layers, 2 hid- (in ms) ms)
den layers, and 3 seizure states as outputs.
Logistic Regression 500.2 31.9
K Nearest Neighbors ( 𝐾 = 1 ) 514.2 33.7
Table 1: Classification accuracy’s for the various model in- linear Kernel 463.8 30.1
vestigated. SVM poly Kernel 479.8 29.6
RBF Kernel 488.6 30.8
Model Accuracy (%) Neural Network 537.9 34.1
Decision Tree ( 𝑑𝑒𝑝𝑡ℎ = 15 ) 519.6 32.2
Logistic Regression 79.6
Random Forest ( 𝑒𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑎𝑡𝑜𝑟𝑠 = 60 ) 609.5 41.2
K Nearest Neighbors (𝐾 = 1) 88.1
linear Kernel 80.3
Support Vector Machine poly kernel 89.3
RBF kernel 92.7 Table 3: Average inference time reported to process a 5-
Neural Network 96.3 second video.
Decision Tree (𝑑𝑒𝑝𝑡ℎ = 15) 96.4
Random Forest (𝑒𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑎𝑡𝑜𝑟𝑠 = 60) 98.8 Model Edge device GPU (in sec-
(in seconds) onds)
Decision Tree ( 𝑑𝑒𝑝𝑡ℎ = 15 ) 13.6 2.42
including the FER model and classifier model were deployed on
an edge device. NVIDIA Jetson Nano B01 board with fast video
processor was considered the best edge device to validate the pro-
posed architecture for real-life scenarios. One portable camera with
a capability of 30 fps was interfaced to Jetson Nano board, and 4 CONCLUSIONS
GEFORCE RTX 2080 SUPER GPU machine each, and the average The proposed real-time seizure classification architecture is a step
latency time to process one frame in a live stream video acquired by towards achieving a contactless classification system on a patient. 8
the portable camera was reported in the table 2. Table 2 shows that different models including machine learning techniques and a neu-
the Jetson Nano board takes around 14 times more processing time ral network were investigated and classifier accuracy was compared
to yield an inference, compared to the GPU. RF model that showed showing the highest accuracy for RF, Neural network, and Decision
the highest accuracy among the 8 models, concedes significantly Tree methods. The edge computing device on average showed a 2fps
more processing time compared to that of other models. SVM with inferencing rate, however, the 5-second video frames as a batch ren-
linear kernel offers faster results among the models but has a clas- dered the classification results with a delay of 13.6 seconds, which is
sification accuracy of only 80.3%. Decision Tree and NN classifiers considered an adequate real-time performance on a portable device.
yielded better performance than the RF model with comparable The classification accuracy especially for the neural network model
accuracy. In general, the edge computing device is able to gener- is likely to be elevated by having larger seizure video datasets. FER
ate the inference results in 500 to 600 ms using either of Decision model followed by RF technique is suitable for classifying seizure
Tree, RF, or NN in the proposed two levelled architecture design types for epileptical patients. The video-based real-time seizure clas-
including the preprocessing FER model. Hence, FER followed by sification method using the existing FER method and ML technique
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