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Welcoming statement:

[Adviser POV]
Hello, good morning. Let me first have a technical check. Is my voice audible to you now?
Kindly type on our chatbox “Y” if your answer is yes, and “N” if my signal is choppy. [Thank
Allow me to introduce myself first.
[Brief intro about yourself PPT]
I welcome you to this Virtual Homeroom PTA Meeting, dear parents. I hope you are in a good
shape now. First and foremost, thank you for your presence in this meeting. So today, I called you
for the following agenda.
[Presentation of agenda PPT]
 Grading system
 Etc.
I will discuss to you now the details of each of the concerns mentioned.
To begin with the grading system, I’d like to inform you that since the opening of our classes in
the midst of pandemic a lot of changes have been implemented especially that we shifted from
physical classes into online classes. In that sense, we are now putting more emphasis on the
student’s outputs more than the usual quizzes and exams. Flashed on your screens now is the
grading system that we follow as the basis in grading your children.
[Present the grading system PPT]
Next, we go to the subject teachers. So I will introduce to you the respective teachers of the
different subjects of Grade 8 section Einstein. You can take note of their names and contacts so
that if ever your children have concerns in their subject matter, you can directly inquire to the
following teachers. Just make sure that we maintain proper etiquettes in communication.
[Present the subject teachers PPT]
Next, the online classroom rules. I’d like to include this in our agenda today because I would want
to collaborate with you as their parents in attending to the students especially that we are in a new
set-up of learning. This must be difficult for our students as well as to us, teachers, to have a
common ground and become confident in sharing ideas. Nevertheless, through these guiding rules
we can build discipline for an effective learning.
[Present the classroom rules PPT]
Next, the mental health and well-being towards asynchronous sessions. This goes particularly to
everyone in the class who deals with lists of requirements to be complied. I’d like to clear it out
to our parents that in as much as possible we don’t put too much pressure to our students in
demanding excessive school-works. Instead, we set our expectations in a minimal state and rather
extend more patience to the situations of each of them since this pandemic has limited the resources
of education to your children.
[Present a list of how to help the students to be mentally healthy PPT]
Next, modules and other asynchronous materials distribution. Actually, we had a prior meeting
with the department already about setting the schedules in distribution and collection of modules.
Just to arrive at an understanding with everybody, please be guided with these schedules.
[Present the schedule and place of module distribution PPT]
At this juncture, we will have an election of HRPTA officers. Parents, are you still there? Anybody
can start the nomination of officers. To cast your votes, just click the raise-hand button just like
the sample illustration presented on the screen now. If you are using mobile phone, please see the
photo on the left. If you are using computer, please see the photo on the right. My secretary will
be writing the names of the nominees that you will vote.
To get started, the nomination for president is now open.
Congratulations to our HRPTA President. The floor is now yours to continue the election. Right
after that, you can lead the planning of the HRPTA Projects. I will turn off my audio now, and will
be listening to your discussions. If approvals are needed, you can call for my attention. Go ahead,
Note: Provide a blank slide for the tallying of votes.

[HRPTA President POV]

[Planning of projects]
Thank you to the newly elected officers. Thank you to the President for leading the meeting.
At this moment, are there any other matters that you would like to raise? Any clarifications?
[Response: NONE]
I know you have a busy day ahead so I won’t be taking so much of your time. Since everything is
now clear and settled, meeting is now adjourned. Thank you again for your precious time. God
bless you all, and please stay safe. Have a good day!
This has been Ms. Fairyssa Bianca Orbeta, the class adviser of Grade 8-Einstein.
Bye everyone!

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