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Activity 2

1. What activities are expected for NSTP 1?

I expect that NSTP will go through a Common Module phase that will include topics such as
citizenship training, drug education, disaster awareness, readiness, and management,
environmental preservation, and other national security problems.

I also expect that even with our limited resources, we will be able to serve the people of the
partner community in which we are immersed. We can at least give assistance in the domains
of health, environment, education, and entrepreneurship through the little initiatives created in
this program.

2. What are some suggested activities for NSTP?

The NSTP-CWTS offers a community immersion program.Reading Training Service [LTS] - A

program component that trains students to teach literacy and numeracy skills to
schoolchildren, out-of-school youth, and other sectors of society that require their services.

3. What is all about NSTP 1?

The National Service Training Program (NSTP) program sought to increase youth civic
consciousness and defense preparation by instilling the principles of service and patriotism
while receiving training in any of its three program components, which were particularly
designed to increase the youth's active commitment to the public welfare.

It is a program meant to help young people develop their physical, moral, spiritual, intellectual,
and social well-being, as well as to promote defense preparation and service ethics while they
are enrolled in one of the program's three components. Its many components are specifically
designed to increase the active participation of adolescents to the general welfare.

4. What is the relevance of national service training 1 NSTP?

The relevance of National Service Training 1 NSTP is to improve students' civic consciousness
"by fostering the virtues of service and patriotism" while undertaking Civic Welfare Training
Service (CWTS). The goal of this program is to acknowledge the importance of youth in nation-
building, raise awareness among youth, and enhance their physical, moral, spiritual,
intellectual, and social well-being. It will instill patriotism and nationalism in the youth and
encourage their engagement in public and civic activities.

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