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Job Safety Analysis

Subcontractor : RENAISSANCE HEAVY INDUSTRIES JSA Title : JSA for Scaffolding Works

Supervisor In Charge : Hakan Can Gürsoy (Construction Chief) JSA No : JSA-RHI-ARZ-0-005

Ufuk Bilici – (Steel Structure Supr.)

JSA Date : 11.12.2020 Revision No. / Date : 00/00

Work Activity : Scaffolding Operations Next Revision Date :

1)Ümit Kaymak (HSE Chief) 4) 7)

2) Hakan Can Gürsoy – (Civil Works Chief) 5) 8)

Conducted By :

3) Ufuk Bilici (Steel Structure Supr) 6) 9)

Reviewed By : Hakan Can Gürsoy – (Civil Works Chief) Osman Türkkan - (Construction Manager)

Approved By : AP HSE Manager AP Construction Manager

S/No Job Steps (Task) Hazard Risk Control Measures Action By Remarks

 Prepare and Mobilize material and
1. Topping of Tubes and accessories
1.1 Do not place materials near access ways
Personnel to site thereby causing obstruction.
2. Un-authorized persons at site.
1.2 Do not stack materials too high or overload. Work Team Leader

1.3 Area shall be surrounded and putting up

Warning Signs.
2.1. Unauthorized persons shall not be allowed Inspector/Supr.
to work on scaffolding works and access to
the area.

 Manual handling of scaffolding 1. Slip, Trip & Fall from same level 1.1 Adequate stacking of materials. Scaffolding
2 Inspector/Supr.
materials. 2. Using hands 1.2 Housekeeping shall be a priority, walk and
3. Body movement work areas shall be kept free of scaffold
4. Falling objects materials and supplies.

2.1 Ensure all employees use proper PPE i.e.

helmet, safety glasses, gloves and safety

3.1 Employees shall use lifting technique's lift

with legs not their backs. Get help when
needed. Take regular rest

3.2 Reduce frequency of lifting or rotation to the


4.1 Pulley system shall be used for the material

movement to upper level.

 Scaffold Erection/ Dismantling 1. Unauthorized Entry 1.1 Barricade work area with white/red tape to Scaffolding
3 2. Falling from Height prevent unauthorized personnel entry. Inspector/Supr.
3. Non-qualified workers are not Incomplete Scaffold Tag(Red) to be placed
after the day’s work.
allowed to work
2.1 TBM/JSA shall be conducted to remind

S/No Job Steps (Task) Hazard Risk Control Measures Action By Remarks

4. Collapse of scaffolding scaffolders to put all scaffold accessories to a

small-contained basket or sack and avoid
putting on plat forms during erection.
2.2 No tools, scaffold materials and accessories
should be thrown from height. The use of
rope to lift or lower materials should be
implemented. Ensure that the rope is
properly secured before operation.
2.3 Use of ladders after completing the first lift(3
point contact should be maintained, Ladders
shall be secured at the top and bottom ) .
2.4 100% tie off. Scaffolders to secure Safety
Harness with 2 Lanyards and proper
anchorage points at all times.
2.5 Work at Height training required and harness
shall be inspected/color coded before use.
2.6 Install lifting apparatuses such as gin wheel
and hoisting rope.
2.7 Scaffolding hand tools shall be secured with
2.8 Toe boards, handrails, mid-rail, safety access
shall be installed as per the Air Products
2.9 Minimum of 3 secured planks as a working
platform during the erection of scaffold.

3. All scaffolds to be erected in accordance

with standards and Air Products procedures.

3.2 Certificate of the scaffolding materials shall

be provided before use.

3.3 Scaffold only to be erected by trained

scaffolders. It shall be monitored full time by
the supervisor.

4.1 Scaffolding tag shall be attached.

4.2 Drawing and statistic calculation shall be
submitted in case of Air Products request.
4.3 Ensure correct fixing of joints
4.4 Ensure the horizontality and verticality of the

S/No Job Steps (Task) Hazard Risk Control Measures Action By Remarks

4.5 Qualified and certified scaffolders to be

assigned for the scaffolding activities.
4.6 Ensure sufficient footing.
4.7 Brace correctly the elements to be installed
4.8 Ensure correct erection sequence
4.9 Ensure that materials conform to the
5. Isolate the erection area by proper Scaffolding
barricades and signage. Inspector/Supr. and
6. Preventive measure against electric shock Electrical Spr.
6.1 by grounding the scaffold.

 Working on Scaffold by Users 1. Collapse of Scaffold Structure 1. Workers to confirm that Scaffold Platforms Scaffolding
4 2. Un-anticipated Scaffold have “Scaffold Safe for Use” Tag (Green). Inspector/Supr.
Modification Users not to overload working platform with
materials overloaded

2.1 Only certified scaffolders and SV are allowed

to modify the scaffolds.
2.2 Scaffolding shall be inspected by scaffold
inspector before handover to the user and
scaffolding inspector shall be filed.

 Mobile Scaffold 1. Improper Assembly 1.1 A qualified person must design scaffolds. Scaffolding
5 Improper Use Qualified means one who, by possession of a Inspector/Supr.
2. Falls recognized degree, certificate, or
professional standing, or who by extensive
knowledge, training, and experience, has
successfully demonstrated his ability to solve
or resolve problems related to the subject
matter, the work, or the project.
1.2 Scaffolds must be used and inspected in
accordance with the manufacturer’s
instruction for each specific model and type
of scaffold being used.
1.3 Competent person must conduct pre-use
inspections and the scaffold competent

S/No Job Steps (Task) Hazard Risk Control Measures Action By Remarks

person must sign the scaffold tag.

2.1 All wheels equipped with locking devices

must be locked prior to climbing, all bolts
and nuts must be tight, and all cotter pins
must be in place and secured before use.
2.2 When working off scaffolds that are four ft.
or more above a walking/working surface,
fall protection or OSHA compliant handrails
are required.
2.3 Trap Door Access should be kept open during
not in used to provide 3 points contact.

6 Adverse Weather Condition  Rain 1. All activities at height should be stopped in Work foreman/ Work
 Strong wind adverse weather condition. 18 mph can team leader
 Thunderstorm, lighting strike effect balance so this speed limit will be the
 Heat stroke /exhaustion and maximum for work at height.
ultra violet rays. 2. Stop work when weather doesn’t permit. If
there is pure lighting or thunderstorm the
work at height activities shall be stopped.
3. Weather station availability
4. Apply Heat Stress Program.

7 Housekeeping  Unsafe materials left at site 1. Proper manual handling method and waste 1. Work foreman
( tripping hazard ) management procedure shall be full 2. Work team leader
2. To carry out housekeeping before/after the

1. PPE shall be worn at all times

2. Full body harness must be worn at 1.8 meter and more. AP fall protection procedure 25-010521 shall be referred for further details.
3. Mobile phone is strictly forbidden on work at height activities.
4. The duty shall be mentioned on the tag.
5. Set up barricades around work area and display warning signs
6. All equipment inspected by Helios / Air Products must have a valid inspection stickers attached on the equipment
7. All PTW and supporting permits must be valid before any works begins

8. All jobs must be closely supervised and contractor’s PTW HOLDER must be on site at all times
9. Valid vehicle entry permit is required for entering into restricted area.
10. On hearing fire alarm siren, stop all works, machinery & source of ignition and walk on foot to the nearest muster point
11. Vehicle to exit immediately to designated parking area after delivery of material
12. No eating and resting on site. Use designated eating and resting area
13. Maintain good housekeeping daily at all the work places
14. Tool box talk specific on work instruction and briefing on hazards and control measures to be conducted before start of work
15. Ensure a permanent supervision and HSE monitoring during work execution.
16. WMS & RA shall be respected during the activities and communicated to all involved person.
17. Disease Control Plan shall be followed to take necessary precautions on Covid 19.
a. Two (2) meter social distancing shall be provided and enforced by the supervisors/foreman or line managers to the persons-in any work area.
b. All line managers, supervisors, foreman shall follow and monitor the Covid 19 precautions i.e. social distance, wearing of mask and/or face visors.
c. Spitting on site will not be tolerated and any person seen to be spitting at site will be immediately removed from the work site.

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