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1. These terms and conditions are pertaining to ‘AGRASAR 2K21 FAREWELL

PARTY’ hereinafter referred to as the ‘event’.
2. The event is strictly an unofficial party for and by the students of Faculty of
Commerce, Banaras Hindu University, who choose to be a part of the same and shall
hereinafter be referred to as the ‘participants’ .
3. The event is set to take place on 1st September 2021 between 12:00 hours and 18:00
hours at Maheshwari Bhawan, Mehmoorganj Manduadih road, Varanasi. The date
and/or time is tentative and can be changed if the need so arises. The same shall be
intimated through WhatsApp.
4. The participants shall collectively be the organizers of the event and under no
circumstance shall an individual or a group of individuals (not comprising of all the
participants) be deemed as the organizer(s) of the event.
5. The participants, while agreeing to these terms and conditions, also agree to
entrusting Mr. Aniket Gupta (Mobile Number: 6393069346) as the treasurer, the
representative and for matters including and limited to the signatures to be performed
on bills/receipts which bear his name as the representative for the purpose of the
transactions made in respect of the event, the signatory, on behalf of the participants.
6. Mr. Aniket Gupta, for the purpose of the event, shall not have any monetary liability
on personal and individual level. All participants, including Mr. Aniket Gupta, shall
jointly be liable in case a liability of aforementioned nature arises. Mr. Aniket Gupta
shall however be personally and individually liable to maintain transparency of each
and every transaction so performed on behalf of the participants.
7. The personal safety of the participants is ensured by way of hiring bouncers from
outside but the same, however, is not guaranteed by this fact.
8. It is a matter of fact that the world is going through the Covid-19 pandemic and the
possibility of getting infected with the coronavirus in a public gathering cannot be
negated in toto. The participants must ensure the safety of themselves and of others
as well by wearing proper masks and maintaining hygiene.
9. In case a person/persons get infected with the coronavirus during the event, only and
only the person/persons so infected shall be liable for the same. No one else is to be
blamed for such a mishappening.
10. The total per-head expenditure is estimated to be Rs. 500/- which is subject to change
in case of increase/decrease in the expenditure. After the initial payment of Rs. 500,
any deficit shall be paid to the treasurer and any excess shall be returned by the
treasurer. Once any payment is made to the venue/service provider, no claim of
return from any participant who paid any amount shall be entertained.
11. If under any circumstances, the event is cancelled on the part either of the
government by way of regulations or the organizers for any reason, the advance
payment made to anyone in respect of the event shall not be returned to the
participants, provided such advance payment was made on non-returnable terms. In
case, however, the payments made were returnable, the same shall be returned within
three to five days of receiving the payment back from the venue/service provider.
12. In case any issue arises out of or related to the event or within the purview of these
terms and conditions, the same shall be dealt with under the jurisdiction of the
District Court, Varanasi.

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