Sedimentary Rocks: Rocks From Rocky Fragments

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Sedimentary rocks

There are three kinds of sedimentary

rocks- rocks that form from rocky
fragments, rocks that form from
minerals when sea water dries up and
rocks that form from parts of living
Rocks from rocky fragments
Rocky fragments are produced by
weathering and form small particles
like sand grains, or even smaller. Over
long periods of time- thousands or
even millions of years- the layer’s
increases, the particles become
squashed together. In time, the
different particles become bound
together by the minerals that settle
between them and make firm rock.
Sandstone is a good example of
sedimentary rock formed in this way.
Other examples are rocks called
conglomerates made with pebbles,
shale made from a mixture of silt and
clay, and siltstones and mudstones.
Rocks from parts of living
The shells of ancient living things have
formed sediments that have turned to
rock. Limestone is formed from the
shells of the sea creatures such as
molluscs that collected at the bottom
of the sea. Chalk forms from the tiny
shells of protostists that lived in the

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