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Valorant Guides

Valorant Mechanics for Beginners

Sova Line Ups Haven

Sova Line Ups Split

Sova Line Ups Bind

Valorant Viper Attack Lineups + 1 Defense Lineup

Valorant Mechanics for
Spray Patterns
When you point your crosshair in one location and don't move your mouse when spraying the

bullets will go above your crosshair.

Video 1: Uncontrolled Spray

To compensate you should pull your crosshair in the opposite direction of the spray pattern. Each

gun has a different spray pattern. I recommend you learn the first 10 bullets of the high tier guns

such as the Spectre, Phantom, and Vandal.

Video 2: Controlled Spray

Movement & Shooting

You don't want to shoot while your character is running. This is what happens.

Video 3: Extreme Inaccuracy when running and shooting

Instead if you want to avoid getting shot while being accurate at the same time... you should

move, pause, shoot, move, pause, shoot in bursts as shown below.

Video 4: Move, Pause, Then Shoot in Bursts

Alternatively, you can walk or crouchwalking while shooting with good accuracy.

Video 5: Walking While Shooting

Shooting at Apex of A D A D Movement

When you shoot at the moment you change directions it will be very accurate. I call this shooting
at the "apex" of your left right movement.

Video 6: Shooting at the Apex of A D A D Movement

Peeking Techniques
Watch Adren's Video as he explains the "proper way" to peek very well. Here is the link:

After you learned how to peek the Adren way, snapping to corners. You may want to combine it

with the A D peek for common spots players normally play. You usually want to peek like this if

you're a solo player with no teammates. If you have teammates who can trade you then snapping

to a corner style is ideal.

You want to peek purely with A and D as much as possible. Peeking with WA and WD makes you

an easier target because it brings you closer to them.

Video 7: Adren's Peek + A D Peek (Aka NiKo Peek)

Video 7 below is an example of a pro CS:GO player applying these concepts.

Video 8: How this CS GO Faze NiKo Peeks by Ron Rambo Kim

Aim at Head Height All the Time

It's always best to place your cross hair at head height at all times even when no one is around.

That way you'd only have to focus on moving the mouse left and right instead of up down left right

to readjust your aim if someone comes at you. Make it a habit and you'll win more fights!

One tip if you don't know where head height is at, is to look at a team mate. Head height is the
same across all distances on a flat plane. So you can use your team mates head as reference. The

only time you should aim for body shots is if you have an Operator.

Video 9: Head Height is the same across all distances on flat plane!

Mouse Acceleration Turn it Off!

First off, disable mouse acceleration By unchecking "Enhance pointer precision." That way if you

move 30cm in one direction fast or slow your cross hair will still move the same distance instead of

a varying distance.. Mouse acceleration will definitely throw your aim off because it's

unpredictable. It's usually under control panel > mouse > pointer options.

Choosing a Mouse Sensitivity & Calculations

Try to choose a mouse sensitivity where it takes 1 swipe to do a 180. Somewhere between 25cm /

360 up 55cm / 360. There is a calculator here than can help:

My sensitivity personally is 52cm / 360. My mouse is set at 800 DPI.

In order to achieve that sensitivity in CS:GO I have to set a sensitivity of 1.

In order to achieve the same sensitivity in Valorant I divide CS:GO sensitivity by 3.181818.

New research, indicates that this number may be closer to 3.3735 instead of 3.181818.

So my 30cm / 360 in Valorant is 0.314.

This may not be comfortable for you so choose a sensitivity between 25-55 cm / 360. Lower

sensitivity, that is more than 55cm doesn't hurt if you're comfortable with it, but anything below

25cm/360 is too high sensitivity for this kind of game. If you want to learn more about mouse

sensitivity and aim trainers check out Aimer7's guide it is more comprehensive than what I cover

Sova Line Ups Haven

Recon Arrow to C At Spawn (3 Bars)

Pile of leaves on right side of spawn. Pick 2nd leaf from left closest to wall and aim at tip of leaf.

Then aim at 4th corner from top of mountain. 3 Bars not full charge!

God Arrow to A (1 Bars)

Notice diamond touches dark wood shadow. Notice 1st bar line aligns with wooden beam.

God Arrow To C (2 Bars)

Mid to B Site 1 (1 Bounce, Full Bars)

Mid to B Site 2 (1 Bounce, Full Bars)

Mid From Mid Spawn Barrier (1 Bounce, Full Bars)

Double Doors (Full Bars)

Long A To A Link (1 Bounce, 2 Bars)

A Link to A Retake (1 Bar)

God Retake C (1 Bounce, Full Bars)

Long A to T Spawn Flank (1 Bar)

Stand on triangle patch of sand aim at light bulb.
Sova Line Ups Split

God Arrow Outside B Garage to Heaven (2 Bounces, Full Bars)

Use the 3rd white bar line it up against the right most pipe. Shoot slightly below 2nd power line.

Variation of Outside B Garage To Heaven (1 Bar)

God Bugged Reveal of CT Spawn from B Site (1 Bounce, Full Bars)

Same idea aim for the slit except do one bounce.

Tspawn to A Checks Elbow But Not Close Right (Full Bars)

Line up to edge of gravel box. Aim as shown.

Tspawn to A Checks Most But Not Elbow (Full Bars)

Line up to edge of gravel box. Aim as shown. Dark rectangle next to billboard.

Bugged Arrow From T Spawn To Mid (1 Bar)

Line up to dark spot on concrete.

Cheese T-Spawn to A-Ramp for Ult (1 Bar)

B Retake From CT Side of Heaven (1 Bounce, 2 Bars)

Notes line up till wall edge dissapears then aim on top of the red thing.

God Bugged Retake from Heaven (Full Bars)

Very easy just aim for the slit of the sliding window doesn't matter where you are at heaven.

Another Retake B From Heaven (Full Bars)

Literally aim just above the circled B Symbol.

A Corner to Recon T Spawn (1 Bar)

First diamond's bottom tip touches top of the corner building

Sova Line Ups Bind
Cheese Arrow Cat (3 Or Full Bars)

B To A Exit (2 Bars)

Use tip of arrow on to cover box on top of roof.

Short to Cat (1 Bounce, Full Bars)

Short To Top of A Haven (1 Bar)

Line up to corner of newspaper. Then aim where 2nd wire and leaf intersect.

Long B Flank From B Site (Full Bars)

Line up first bar with wooden beam.

B Defense To Long Recon (0 Bars)

Cover top of window with first knuckle.

A Site To Showers Flank (1 Bar)

No precision Required. Just aim up and to left of 01 building line.

A Site to Short (1Bounce, Full Bars)

CT To A Retake (1 Bounce, 2 Bars)

CT To B Retake (1 Bounce, Full Bars)

Valorant Viper Attack
Lineups + 1 Defense Lineup

Map: Bind
A Site: Showers Smoke, Poison, Wall

Photo 1: Mollys

Photo 2: Smoke

Photo 3: Wall

Video: Outside Showers to A Site. Smoke, Mollys, Wall & Final Result

A Site: Short Push Setup

For the wall use the mini map to make sure it reaches the corner. For the smoke line up with the

bricks then throw in the point show in the video.

Video: A Site Short Push Setup

A Site: Smoking Heaven from Showers

Line up with the towers and bricks as shown in the video. Then throw smoke at the antenna seen

thru the ceiling of showers.

Video: Smoking A Site Heaven from Showers

B Site: Hookah Wall & Smoke
To position... line up with the wall until you see it disappear and you only see the security camera

shown in the video. The wall is straight forward just aim at the general location in the video and

check the mini map to make sure it can get across.

The smoke is harder to execute because it depends on jump timing. You want to jump first then

throw q before you reach the apex of your jump.

Video: B Site Hookah Wall & Smoke

Map: Split
A Site: Walling off both Ramp and Heaven
Video: Split A Site Walling off Ramp & Heaven

1. Position yourself so that the leafs of the tree on the right hit the shadow edges of the building.

2. Then point your crosshair along the 3rd line of the skyscraper building.

3. Finally, move your cursor along that third line until you see that the wall will reach heaven on

the mini map.

4. Then launch your wall.

B Site: Smoke Heaven, Molly Wooden Shed, And Wall

Video: B Site Wall, Smoke, and Molly

1. Line up in the corner near the garbage can until you can't move.

2. Shoot your wall on the 2nd wooden bar from the left of the roof's edge.

3. Shoot your smoke on the edge in the middle of the 3rd and 4th wooden bars from the left.
4. Shoot your molly by imagining a 90 degree triangle between the first bar and the angled bar.

Map: Haven
C Site: Smoke, Wall, Mollys
Photo: Make sure you hold crouch... C Molly #1

Photo: Make sure you hold crouch... C Molly #2

Video: C Smoke, C Wall, 2x C Molly Together

A Site: Wall, Smoke 2x Molly

I'm not even going to bother explaining this one because I can't do it consistently either. See Video


Video: A Site - Wall, Smoke, 2x Molly

Bind Short A Defense 1 Way Smoke


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