A Discussion On Fenestrations Testing: José Estrada, RRO, PE

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A Discussion on Fenestrations Testing

José Estrada, RRO, PE

JRS Engineering
12721 30th Ave. NE, 2nd Floor, Seattle, WA 98125
Phone: 206-728-2358 • E-mail: jestrada@jrsengineering.com

33rd rCI InternatIonal ConventIon and trade Show • MarCh 22-27, 2018 eStrada • 107
Standardized testing is a terrific way to validate the real-world performance of fenestra-
tion systems. When combined with a thorough quality assurance plan, testing an enclosure
system with a standardized procedure allows design and construction teams to control for
quality. With that said, testing should not be specified or performed without consideration
of the needs of a project. Sometimes, an industry standard doesn’t quite match the design
intent of an assembly. In these cases, testing should be adjusted accordingly. The speaker
will cover the mechanics of fenestration water testing and how to critically analyze a water
penetration test against a fenestration’s design intent. The presentation will include a review
of common fenestration testing protocols from ASTM and AAMA, and exploration of their
origins and intent. Discussion will also focus on the building science behind common fenes-
tration systems. The dialogue will tie testing and science together to highlight areas where
the two don’t align. The presentation’s conclusion will feature a discussion of what could be
revised in test procedures to provide better value to design and construction teams.

José Estrada, RRO, PE — JRS Engineering, Ltd., Seattle, WA

JOSÉ ESTRADA is a professional engineer in the state of Washington

and a Registered Roof Observer. With a decade of experience as an
enclosure consultant under his belt, Estrada has worked on projects
of various types and sizes throughout the United States, Canada, and
China, focusing primarily on the Pacific Northwest and California. His
project experience includes all phases of design through construction,
including involvement with field and lab fenestration testing.

108 • eStrada 33rd rCI InternatIonal ConventIon and trade Show • MarCh 22-27, 2018
A Discussion on Fenestrations Testing

ABSTRACT any water intrusion to the interior. Window pare different systems appropriately. These
Standardized testing is a terrific way test reports are often included in the record test standards have largely been developed
to validate the real-world performance of documents that are submitted after the by the American Society for Testing and
fenestration systems. When combined with building is complete and, understandably, Materials (ASTM) and further referenced by
a thorough quality assurance plan, testing owners tend to be sensitive to blemishes on the American Architectural Manufacturers
any enclosure system to a standardized this record that are the result of a string of Association (AAMA) to provide the baseline
procedure allows design and construction failed water leakage tests. Manufacturers, for how fenestration systems should be
teams to control quality on their project. on the other hand, supported by some tested throughout the progress of construc-
With that understanding, testing should aspects of common industry test standards, tion, from design and manufacturing, to
not be specified or performed without con- are perhaps held to a set of expectations installation, to post-construction.
sideration of the requirements of a project. that are different from what the owner These organizations typically build stan-
Sometimes, an industry standard doesn’t expects. Industry-set performance expecta- dards in a consensus approach in which
quite match the design intent of an assem- tions generally allow some water intrusion they invite input from the industry players,
bly. In these cases, the testing should be without failing the test. Designers are often including manufacturers and designers. In
adjusted accordingly. caught in the middle of this tug-of-war, hav- general, the intent of any test standard is
This paper aims to shine a light on the ing to answer to owners who do not want to ultimately to set a common stage on which
mechanics of fenestration water testing and see water on the interior of their window at different manufacturers can present their
guide the reader on how to critically analyze the design-specified conditions, while also product. In support of this goal, a test
a water penetration test when considering having to respond to manufacturers who standard typically isolates one component
the fenestration design intent. We do this say that these expectations are not consis- of that product and tests it against some
by first reviewing common fenestration test- tent with standard industry terms. measurable and consistent metric. The test
ing protocols from ASTM & AAMA. For the Situations such as this compel the standard should respect the basic way such
selected protocols, we explore their origin to entire team—each member with his or her products work and evolve as the technology
gain a better understanding of their origi- own unique perspective—to stand back for that product does. Of course, test stan-
nal intent. We then jump into the building and consider the larger picture. What is the dards should also be understood by those
science side of some common fenestration goal of this testing, anyway? How did we performing and interpreting the test. Each
systems. Finally, this paper ties the testing get here? What are we trying to achieve by test standard has limitations, sensitivities,
and science together to discuss areas where performing this test? This paper attempts and a fundamental goal; these should be
the two don’t align. We conclude with a to gather the different perspectives and tie considered during both testing and inter-
discussion on what might be revised in test them together. pretation of test results.
procedures to help the tests provide better The intent of this paper is to focus on
value to design and construction teams. SOME BACKGROUND fenestration water penetration testing, for
The building and construction industry which there are currently a handful of test
INTRODUCTION widely subscribes to the notion that build- standards that are widely in use today.
It is not uncommon for a group of ing enclosure-related failures, when they The idea for this paper stems from field
designers, owners, consultants, and con- happen, tend to occur at interfaces and discussions surrounding field water pen-
tractors to all be gathered at a construction penetrations. Indeed, the author’s anecdotal etration testing, but this paper will discuss
site staring anxiously at a drop of water on experience supports this idea, not to men- water penetration testing more conceptu-
a window frame during a field water pen- tion the bulk of industry records and case ally. Before we continue, the window test
etration resistance test, wondering where it studies that do the same. Perhaps the most methods, standards, and voluntary speci-
all went wrong. If the stage has been prop- well known types of enclosure failures relate fications that we will discuss are briefly
erly set, the interested parties will be on the to slow, concealed water intrusion at fenes- defined below:
same page with a consistent interpretation trations.1 The bulk of industry knowledge • ASTM E331 – Standard Test Method
of not only the test goals, but also the larger regarding window failures and their causes for Water Penetration of Exterior
project goals. Far too often, however, there leads designers and owners of new con- Windows, Skylights, Doors, and
arises some conflict that usually stems from struction projects to, rightly so, scrutinize Curtains Walls by Uniform Static Air
a discrepancy in expectations among the newly installed window systems. This scru- Pressure Difference
owners, designers, and fenestration manu- tiny is guided by a series of standardized • ASTM E547 – Standard Test Method for
facturers. test methods that are intended to hold all Water Penetration of Exterior Windows,
Owners often expect that the window window systems to the same basic criteria Skylights, Doors, and Curtain Walls by
will test to its specified pressure without such that designers and owners can com- Cyclic Static Air Pressure Difference

33rd rCI InternatIonal ConventIon and trade Show • MarCh 22-27, 2018 eStrada • 109
Dynamic Pressure,” in 20054
(Figure 1).
A few years after the
early glass jalousie win-
dows testing, a test method
was developed and used in
Norway that consisted of a
static air pressure difference
applied to one side of a win-
dow with a spray of water
applied to the exterior. Due
to the complicated nature of
the apparatus used in the
Norwegian testing, the test-
ing method was not practical
for large specimens.5 In the
United States, early pressure
chamber testing included an
apparatus that consisted of
a perforated pipe that poured
water onto the test specimen
from above, while a cham-
ber applied a pressure gra-
Figure 1 – Example of AAMA 501.1 dynamic test setup. dient across the specimen.
This test procedure was also
• ASTM E1105 – Standard Test Method test procedure in a 1952 published paper deemed impractical because the water
for Field Determination of Water that documents a “Study of Glass Jalousie application method was driven by gravity
Penetration of Installed Exterior Windows Under Hurricane Conditions.”2 This alone; thus, water could not easily wet the
Windows, Skylights, Doors, and study has since been referenced by multiple window portion under any projections.6
Curtain Walls, by Uniform or Cyclic publications as being the origin of regular At the end of the 1950s, the water spray
Static Air Pressure Difference standardized window testing in the industry. apparatus was modified to include spray
• AAMA 501.1 – Standard Test Method The test procedure in the glass jalousie win- nozzles that allowed water to cover the full
for Water Penetration of Windows, dows study consisted of a window specimen specimen during pressure chamber testing.
Curtain Walls, and Doors Using that was tested for water intrusion using This basic test procedure, including a pres-
Dynamic Pressure an aircraft propeller to generate wind with sure chamber with a water spray in a grid
• AAMA 502 – Voluntary Specification water injected into the air stream to simulate pattern, has gone on to form the foundation
for Field Testing of Newly Installed rain. The wind and water mix were intended for window testing across the industry.6
Fenestration Products to simulate wind-driven rain conditions that In 1967, ASTM first published this
• AAMA 503 – Voluntary Specification might be encountered during a hurricane basic procedure as a test standard, E331,
for Field Testing of Newly Installed event.3 A similar test method was ultimately 67T, Tentative Method of Test for Water
Storefronts, Curtain Walls, and included in the AAMA 501, Methods of Resistance of Windows by Uniform Static
Sloped Glazing Systems Test for Exterior Walls specification, and Air Pressure Differential. The standard was
was pulled out of this specification to form revised in 1970 to include curtainwall
SOME HISTORY a stand-alone test method, AAMA 501.1, systems and doors.7 The test procedure in
The University of Miami claims the Standard Test Method for Water Penetration ASTM E331 standardized several variables
earliest discoverable standardized window of Windows, Curtain Walls and Doors Using in the test method, including the rate of

1950s 1960s 1970s 1980s 1990s 2000s Present

University of Chamber ASTM E331 ASTM E1105 AAMA 501.1
Miami glass testing and E547 first published; established
jalousie developed published. AAMA 501 as stand-alone
windows in U.S. published. procedure.
standard and Europe.
testing. First chamber
test method
drafted in U.S.
Figure 2 – Timeline of test standards and voluntary specifications development.

110 • eStrada 33rd rCI InternatIonal ConventIon and trade Show • MarCh 22-27, 2018
Figure 3 – Example of ASTM E331 chamber test on curtainwall,
with chamber on interior side of specimen.

water spray to the exterior and the defini-

tion of water penetration. The test standard
included a pressurized chamber, which
applied a static pressure dif-
ferential across the speci-
Figure 4 – Example
men in an effort to simulate
of ASTM E331
wind conditions in a more
chamber test on
controlled and repeatable
window wall unit
manner than can be achieved
with chamber on
with a propeller in AAMA’s
exterior side of
dynamic test. In 1975, ASTM
followed up with an additional
test standard, E547, Test for
Water Penetration of Exterior
Windows, Curtain Walls, and
Doors by Cyclic Static Air
Pressure Differential, which
basically took the method in Figure 5 – Example
E331 and applied pressure to of ASTM E105
the chamber in cycles instead field chamber test
of consistently to simulate with chamber on
variable wind.16 interior of punch
ASTM E331 (static) and window specimen.
ASTM E547 (cyclical) were
developed to test new window products in field. See Figure 2. test method authors thought was
a laboratory setting but were found to be There are many numbers and test codes, reasonable to achieve full coverage
impractical by many users in a field set- which can get confusing, but the method of of the window specimen; ultimately,
ting. To address this, ASTM developed its test, in general, is similar across the board. the goal is full coverage to uncover
E1105 test method in 1986 as a way of Pressure chamber test methods basically any water leaks.8
standardizing window tests in the field: consist of the following components (Figures • Pressure Chamber: The test cham-
ASTM E1105, Standard Test Method for 3, 4, and 5): ber described in ASTM E331, a
Field Determination of Water Penetration of • Specimen: A window specimen lab-based procedure, was designed
Installed Exterior Windows, Curtain Walls, installed plumb into a rough open- to apply a positive pressure to the
and Doors by Uniform or Cyclic Air Pressure ing to a chamber. exterior of the window as may be
Difference. The E1105 test method carries • Water Spray: Applied to the speci- expected in a wind event. Since
forward definitions and procedures from men at a rate of five gallons per applying a chamber to the exterior of
both ASTM E331 and E547, and is now minute through a series of spray a building in the field is impractical,
what is referenced in several AAMA volun- nozzles set up in a grid pattern. The ASTM E1105, the field version of the
tary specifications that pertain to window magnitude of flow—five gallons per test, instructs that the test chamber
testing for new and existing windows in the minute—was based on what the is to be applied to the interior of the

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specimen with an applied vacuum. DISCUSSION ON ASTM E1105 ed to reproduce or simulate any given
• Time: Water is then applied using TEST STANDARD rain event.”8 Indeed, the author’s anecdotal
either static pressure for 15 minutes This field test standard has some spe- experience with field fenestration testing
or cyclic pressure with five-min- cific wording, as well as some notable ambi- suggests that the rate of water application
ute intervals. The authors of ASTM guities. For example, being strictly a test to a vertical window surface alone does not
E331 proposed that 15 minutes was procedure, ASTM E1105 does not specify a usually govern, since water is shed quickly
a sufficient time period to exhibit minimum test pressure (though both ASTM from the surface and does not typically
weaknesses in the fenestration sys- E331 and E547, the lab equivalents, do). accumulate sufficient volume to generate
tem.7 The test pressure, which one can argue is enough hydrostatic pressure on the exterior
a design requirement rather than a proce- of the fenestration to make a significant
Although the ASTM E331 standard has dural item, is left up to the industry in the impact. The number, 5 gal/hour/sq. ft., is
been updated four times since its creation, field and could be the subject of a paper on merely a target.
the basic components of the test method its own. Instead, the standard specifies how Time is also defined in the test stan-
have not changed. Indeed, the procedure to achieve a pressure differential. Given the dard: 15 minutes continuous in Procedure
in ASTM E331 is now so standard that it is origin of the test, it is safe to assume that A (static), and at least 15 minutes of pres-
used widely in test methods and voluntary the intent of the test is, and has always sure difference total in Procedure B (cycli-
specifications throughout the industry. been, to provide a standardized method of cal). The 15-minute duration of spray was
The ASTM E1105 standard has also testing that can be performed at various included in the initial ASTM E331-70 defi-
been updated several times over the years, levels of intensity. Specifically, the intensity nition of “water leakage” and has since car-
but much like the E331 standard, the of the pressure chamber test is determined ried forward to some degree in the ASTM
basics of E1105 have remained the same. by the pressure differential applied to the E1105 standard. The duration of spray—
For the purpose of this paper, the author chamber. The pressure differential is the much like the rate of water application—is
intends to discuss ASTM E1105 specifically, key variable; all else being equal, different intended to provide enough time to allow a
as it is the standard usually followed during windows will test to different pressure dif- discontinuity or leak to present itself and is
field fenestration tests and the document ferentials. This approach is consistent with not necessarily intended to be representa-
that is often scrutinized when a field failure standard scientific method, in which a lim- tive of real-world rain conditions.7
occurs. ited number of variables are monitored and Along with defining the test procedure,
controlled in a repeatable test. including specifics on water spray and
On the other hand, the test procedure method of achieving pressure differential,
is clear on the rate of water spray to be the test method defines a series of terms
applied to the test speci- and definitions. One notable definition that
men—a rate of five gallons is included is for the term “water penetra-
per hour per square foot. tion,” which the standard defines as:
Since this is very clearly
called out in the ASTM 3.2.3 water penetration, n—penetra-
test, it is sometimes scru- tion of water beyond a plane parallel
tinized during testing as to the glazing (the vertical plane)
having a more significant intersecting the innermost projec-
impact on the perfor- tion of the test specimen, not includ-
mance of the specimen ing interior trim and hardware,
than the ASTM E1105 under the specified conditions of air
authors intended. Some pressure difference across the speci-
observers have attempted men. For products with non-planar
to convert the spray rate surfaces (domes, vaults, pyramids,
in this standard to inch- etc.) the plane defining water pen-
es per hours of rainfall. etration is the plane defined by the
ASTM, in their non-man- inner most edges of the unit frame.8
datory information note
“X1., Spray Rack Rate,” Based on this definition, at any given
indicate that “the purpose specified test pressure, water can enter the
of the water-spray system test chamber and remain on the window
is to wet the specimen specimen. If that water does not overflow
uniformly for the purpose the “innermost vertical plane” of the speci-
of evaluating water resis- men, the water intrusion is not considered
Figure 6 – Example of ASTM E1105 “water penetration” tance. There is no evi- “water penetration” (Figure 6). Though the
plane overlain on window shop drain. Water to the dence that the developers test is very specific on the definition of water
exterior of this plane does not constitute water of Test Methods E1105, penetration, it is ambiguous on allowable
penetration per the standard. E331, and E547, intend- quantity.

112 • eStrada 33rd rCI InternatIonal ConventIon and trade Show • MarCh 22-27, 2018
Additionally, the standard defines a fail-
ure criterion as:

…water penetration in accordance

with 3.2.3 [definition of water pen-
etration]. Failure also occurs when-
ever water penetrates through the
perimeter frame of the test speci-
men. Water contained within
drained flashing, gutters, and sills is
not considered failure.8

The challenge with these definitions

is that, depending on their interpretation,
they may not always align with the expec-
tations of designers, specifiers, and the end
users of the windows, and may conflict with
building science-based design objectives,
discussed further in this paper (Figure 7).
Following research on the origins of the
test standards and their wording, the origin
of the definition for water penetration was
not clear to the author. One may be able
to surmise that it might have something to Figure 7 – Example of water collecting on mullion during an ASTM E1105 field
do with the very early standardized testing test. White dashed line shows innermost vertical plane of specimen. Per ASTM
of glass jalousie windows at the University E1105, this did not constitute water penetration or a failure.
of Miami, which intrinsically don’t have a
water or air control layer (more on these ASTM E1105 (as well as E331 and E547) tains a definition similar to that in ASTM
later). If a definition for water penetration ultimately allows the designer and speci- E1105 and E331.17
must be global enough to work for both a fier some room for modification, if needed, The different interpretations and defini-
jalousie window on the one hand, and a to align with their project goals, indicating tions of water penetration, water leakage,
unitized curtainwall on the other, then this that the failure criteria is as defined “unless and fail criteria in the standards compel
might be the right definition. otherwise specified.”18,13,16 the industry to take another look at these
Or, perhaps a different reasoning for The AAMA501.1 test method (the propel- standards and consider whether a global
this definition might be how the authors ler test) has a similar, though slightly more change may be in order. The definition of
thought the test should be applied. For specific, definition of water penetration water intrusion is simply perceived by some
example, the authors may have intended (called “water leakage” in the test method), in the design community as being “too lax,”
this to be a “limit states” test—a test to defining it as: and as a result, designers and specifiers are
bring the specimen to near ultimate loads frequently applying more stringent defini-
under which some leakage, if contained, …any uncontrolled water that tions in their project specifications,9 which
would be considered reasonable perfor- appears on any normally exposed in turn often leads to contention when
mance. Perhaps, when the test standard interior surfaces, that is not con- manufacturers don’t fully understand the
was developed following early testing in tained or drained back to the exte- idiosyncrasies of a project specification and
Florida that simulated hurricane condi- rior, or that can cause damage to bid their product based on standard AAMA
tions, the mindset of the authors may have adjacent materials or finishes. Water or ASTM definitions.
been that the window, under such condi- contained within drained flashings,
tions, should be allowed to leak and cap- gutters, and sills is not considered THE BUILDING SCIENCE
ture water to some degree—thinking that water leakage. The collection of up In 1967, when ASTM E331 was first
the window would seldom be exposed to to 15 ml (1/2 oz) of water in a 15-min- being developed and published, the field of
such intense weather events and would not ute test period on top of an interior building science was still very much in its
leak under normal conditions. Surely, it is stop or stool integral with the system infancy. The National Institute of Building
reasonable to say that the window should shall not be considered water leak- Sciences (NIBS) was founded in 1974, with
have some design pressure under which age.15 a mission to connect the U.S. govern-
no water intrusion should occur, and some ment with the private sector in an effort to
limited state during which a finite amount This definition is mostly adopted by the “improve the built world.”10 In Canada, the
of controlled water leakage may be reason- AAMA 503 voluntary specification (which Canada Housing and Mortgage Corporation
able to anticipate. is intended for curtainwalls),18 while the (CHMC), founded in the 1940s to house
Whatever the origin of the wording, AAMA 502 voluntary specification main- war veterans returning home from World

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War II, didn’t start to focus on the per- other hand, are often intended to be more Water
formance of building enclosures until the stable, controlled, and less variable. In Control of bulk water is important for
late 1970s. Indeed, the CMHC credits the order to separate these environments and longevity of the building structure. Because
1990s as being the “new era of building enclose a space, we need to control the vari- of the nature of most building materials,
science,” in which the building enclosure ables. These variables, which are addressed water is responsible for much of the dam-
became a big part of the conversation as by the enclosure, include air and its com- age associated with a building enclosure
it pertains to building performance.11 The ponent parts: water, heat, harm (people failure. Uncontrolled water intrusion is also
Roof Consultant’s Institute (RCI) joined the and impact), fire, and sound. Sometimes, often responsible for deterioration of interior
picture in 1983, focusing first on roofing, the enclosure even acts as structure while air quality. Because of the fluid nature of
and growing into the international group simultaneously controlling these variables. water, the water barrier must be continu-
we know today, whose mission now incorpo- For the purpose of this discussion, we will ous, though it does not need to be continu-
rates the full building enclosure.12 focus on the separation of environments ously sealed. Redundancy and containment
The standards, not having changed necessary to control weather—specifically are important for water control, as well as
significantly, have remained largely idle air, water, thermal, and vapor variables. lapping and shedding. Liquid water is often
through substantial changes and leaps of In this regard, when designing a build- carried within moving air, in the form of
knowledge in the building industry. This is ing enclosure, the building science pro- wind-driven rain, so even though a water
not to say that the standard must change for fessional focuses on what are known as barrier does not necessarily need to be air
the sake of change itself. What the author “control layers.” Basically, these are defined tight to be waterproof, one must consider
suggests is that the building enclosure dis- boundaries in the building enclosure that the location and detailing of both the water
cipline has experienced a paradigm shift work together to separate the exterior envi- and air barriers together when designing for
since the 1990s, and the route of normal ronment from the interior environment. water control.
science is to revisit practices as paradigms These control layers are continuous around
change. The gains in knowledge of fenestra- the full enclosure and can be traced from Thermal
tion design and manufacturing that have the walls, to the roofs, to the floors. They The energy we feel as temperature is
largely developed alongside the gains in the are also closely related to each other, as held largely in the bulk gasses of air. So, a
building science discipline compel the stan- you will read below. When considering well-designed and constructed air barrier
dards to adjust such that they fit into the one of the control layers, we must always is usually the first step for thermal control
larger picture and remain relevant. remember to step back and consider how it across the building enclosure. The building
Fundamentally, the intent of a building relates to the others, and how it relates to enclosure is intended to keep occupants
enclosure system is to separate environ- the larger building system. at a comfortable temperature despite the
ments. The exterior environment is uncon- The primary control layers that a build- cold or heat outside. To do this, a thermal
trolled, and has conditions that can be ing science professional reviews are air, insulation system, used to control heat
widely variable. Interior conditions, on the water, thermal, and vapor. exchange across the enclosure, is neces-
sary in addition to an air barrier. Heat is
Air transferred primarily in three ways: con-
Air is a mix of gasses, vection (movement of fluids—addressed by
consisting mostly of gas- the air barrier and thermal insulation),
eous nitrogen and oxygen conduction (through solids—addressed by
and other trace gasses, thermal breaks and through thermal insu-
such as carbon dioxide lation), and radiation (through space itself—
and gaseous water (water addressed by reflective coatings). In order
vapor). The energy that for the thermal enclosure to be effective, it
we feel in the environ- needs to be continuous.
ment as temperature is
contained within the bulk Vapor
mixture of these gasses; Water vapor (gaseous water) is a special
so, in order to main- trace gas within the mix of gasses that
tain a controlled interior make up air. Water vapor is unique in that
environment, it is first it ties the water, air, and thermal control
important to control the layers of the enclosure together. Consider
exchange of this gas mix- that water gas molecules are much smaller
ture. Because of the fluid than the rest of the molecules in bulk air;
nature of air, air barri- as a result, water vapor can diffuse through
ers must be continuously some materials that would otherwise be
sealed, much like a bal- impermeable to bulk air. The ability of air
loon needs to be continu- to hold water vapor is a function of the air’s
Figure 8 – Building science control layers overlain onto ously sealed to prevent its temperature; more heat means more energy
a typical curtainwall assembly. air from escaping. and thus more water vapor. We experi-

114 • eStrada 33rd rCI InternatIonal ConventIon and trade Show • MarCh 22-27, 2018
ence the water vapor in the air as humidity. While water vapor can diffuse
through materials that the rest of bulk air cannot, it usually does so quite
slowly. Bulk air movement, on the other hand, can carry water vapor across
an enclosure much more effectively than diffusion alone. So, a continuous air
barrier remains important in control of water vapor—but a well-placed vapor
retarder is also important.
In general, these four primary control layers need to translate at all
interfaces, including at fenestrations, to make an effective enclosure system.
Figure 8 applies these control layers to a typical fenestration system.
Different types of fenestration systems treat the various control layers dif-
ferently, but in general, there are three ways to construct a fenestration sys-
tem.14 For the purpose of this paper, we have assumed that all the fenestration
systems discussed are designed with an air barrier in mind, as required for
conformance with most commercial energy and building codes.
• Face Sealed – Face-sealed systems have no plan for water within the
outermost surface of the system. All seals and gaskets in a face-sealed
system are assumed to be perfectly tight. In a face-sealed system, no
water should enter the system, as there is usually no means to drain
the water back to the exterior.
• Concealed Barrier – In a concealed barrier system, the primary water
and air control layers are concealed by some cladding component. The
cladding component is not necessarily intended to drain and manage
water; it simply covers the underlying layers and conceals them.
• Rainscreen – A rainscreen system employs a two-stage approach to
managing water. There is an exterior water-shedding surface that is
Figure 9 – Example of face-sealed fenestration
mostly continuous with intermittent weeps; a concealed, protected,
system. Notice the water control boundary. The
and vented drainage cavity; and a backup water-control boundary
design intent is for 100% of water to stop at exterior
beyond which no water is intended to pass to the interior.
In each case, there
is a defined plane for all
the discussed control
layers. We will highlight
the defined water-control
boundary, beyond which
the design intent is for
no water to be permit-
ted. Refer to graphics in
Figures 9, 10, and 11 for
examples of how the water
control boundary looks in
each type of fenestration.

When considering the
building science side of the
equation, one finds a clear
disconnect between the
industry-adopted defini-
tions of water penetration
in the standards and the
design intent as described
in building science fun-
damentals, which include Figure 10 – Example of concealed barrier Figure 11 – Example of rainscreen fenestration
a water control boundary fenestration system. Notice that water control design. Notice exterior water-shedding surface,
that is often not planar. boundary is partially protected, but there is not drained cavity, and interior water control
The scientific method a defined water-shedding plane. boundary beyond which water is not permitted.

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requires repeatable tests with controlled what it should be: What, specifically, is the managed through the rainscreen principle,
and limited variables that test a specifictest standard trying to prove or disprove? which is increasingly the method of design
item to prove or disprove a hypothesis. Ultimately, the test standards referenced in for enclosure components. Fundamentally,
Each fenestration design and assembly this paper are a validation of the water con- the water control layer actually consists of
can ultimately be seen as a hypothesis of trol boundary for the fenestration system. multiple layers: a water-shedding layer, a
performance. It’s important to understand Consider again the definition of water drainage space, and a boundary of water-
what the intent of the test is, or consider
penetration in the referenced test stan- tightness beyond which water is not permit-
dards. When looking at ted to pass at the specified design pressure
the various boundaries of difference.
the water control for dif- Consider Figure 13, which shows a typi-
ferent fenestration sys- cal operable casement window. This figure
tems, as is done in Figures illustrates one example of a fenestration
9-10, it is evident that the system allowing water to bypass the outer-
water control boundary as most plane in such a way that it is contained
defined by the building sci- within drained gutters that are intended to
ence doesn’t align with the take and discharge water. Building science
boundary used to trigger fundamentals acknowledge that it is nearly
the term “water penetra- impossible for water to not bypass the out-
tion” as defined by the fen- ermost plane of any system. This is why
estration system test stan- internal drains and gutters are fairly stan-
dard (Figures 12 and 13). dard practice in many fenestration systems.
The author notes that Allowing water to bypass the secondary
control layers are not nec- water control boundary—even if that water
essarily absolute. The air is contained on the frame of the window
control layer, for example, inboard of the water penetration boundary
does not stop all air from defined by ASTM—would defeat the design
passing in an uncontrolled intent of the system. Water inboard of that
manner; rather, it limits secondary water control boundary is simply
the rate of air penetration not planned for, and thus, not intended to
Figure 12 – Water control boundary as defined by
to a manageable level. This drain or be discharged in any way. Allowing
building science compared with “water penetration”
is similarly the case for the water to bypass that line without constitut-
boundary as defined by ASTM E1105.
building enclosure thermal ing a failure simply because the water is
and the vapor control lay- inboard of the innermost vertical plane of
ers; these do not neces- the specimen, does not acknowledge the
sarily completely stop the design intent of such a system.
passage of energy or vapor, Looking at the adjacent building enclo-
respectively. Rather, they sure components, such a definition that
reduce the uncontrolled allows water to bypass the boundary of
passage to a manageable watertightness at the specified pressure
level. One may argue that difference would simply not suffice. The fen-
the water control layer is estration, being an extension of the building
no different and that some enclosure, is often subject to the same rigor
water intrusion onto the and performance expectation. It is with
window, provided that it this perspective that the building enclosure
is controlled and man- designer comes to the table.
ageable, is sufficient for Consider the face-sealed fenestration
performance. While this system in Figure 9 and the concealed bar-
is a fair conclusion, the rier fenestration system in Figure 10, which
author suggests that liquid I’ve shown again in Figure 14 with the
water control in the build- “water penetration” boundary as defined
ing enclosure is special. by the test standard. While these two fen-
It is fair to say that some estration design approaches do not employ
water passage inboard of a rainscreen principle, they, by design, also
the outer face of the fenes- do not allow for the passage of liquid water
tration system is usually inboard of their water-control boundary. In
Figure 13 – Water control boundary as defined by inevitable. Indeed, building these designs, water intrusion into the win-
building science compared with “water penetration” enclosure design allows for dow beyond that boundary would constitute
boundary as defined by ASTM E1105. water to be controlled and a failure of the design intent, even though

116 • eStrada 33rd rCI InternatIonal ConventIon and trade Show • MarCh 22-27, 2018
it may not constitute a failure by letter of the water control bound-
the standard. This approaches the heart of ary. Understanding how
the misalignment in expectations and the the specific fenestration
origin of much contention during interpre- was tested in the lab will
tation of field test results. The standard has provide a more realistic
a set criterion of failure that is based on a performance expectation
definition of water penetration that does not that the manufacturer
match the design-side definition of water will be more likely to
penetration. The boundaries defined by the honor in the field.
building science design community simply 2. Define the expected
do not match the boundaries established by performance clearly
ASTM in the late 1960s. Until these bound- in your project specifi-
aries agree, there will remain a potential cation, including a rea-
for misunderstanding, unmet expectations, sonable and appropriate
and contention in our industry. pressure difference that
the fenestration system
THE PATH FORWARD must (and can) meet in
ASTM does not purport to be a steady- the lab and in the field,
state organization, where, once a standard a specific definition of
is published it is held indefinitely. Indeed, water penetration that
ASTM invites the industry to comment on respects the fenestration
its standards and provide feedback and design intent and the
criticism as may be appropriate with the boundary of watertight-
changing times. To this point, ASTM has ness, and criteria for a
already been considering draft edits to failure that also respects
the definition of water penetration as is the design intent for the
described in ASTM WK27894, which was specific fenestration.
initiated in 2010, is still in draft form, and 3. Consult with your fen-
states that “The current definition of water estration manufac-
penetration in E1105—as well as E331 and turer, window install-
E547—does not align with end user expec- er, and owner early in
tations when associated with service wind design and construction
loads. This work item will provide a revision to relay the project per-
to more accurately align the definition of formance expectations.
water penetration with end user expecta- The project performance
tions.” Being a consensus organization, expectations should be
changes often take time while the commit- set amongst the owner,
tee considers the perspectives of various design team, and window
players and considers potential unforeseen manufacturer prior to
impacts from any changes. any testing. It may be the
In the interim, designers, specifiers, and case that under test con-
owners may consider a few steps that can ditions, a limited amount
be taken to mitigate the potential for misun- of water in the test defi-
derstanding and contention as they relate nitions is acceptable to
to window water penetration performance an owner if there are
testing in the lab and field. Some possible trade-offs with cost and
steps are included below: the expectation is set.
1. Request and read the test reports Keep in mind that while
from the fenestration manufacturer, a current owner may
and inquire what water penetra- accept the performance Figure 14 – Water control boundary as defined
tion test was performed in the lab, of a fenestration for a cost by building science compared with “water
what the specific results were, and savings, a future owner penetration” boundary as defined by ASTM
how the test was performed. Even (if the building gets sold) E1105 on face-sealed (top) and concealed barrier
though the ASTM lab test proce- may not accept such per- (bottom) fenestration.
dure defines water penetration the formance criteria.
way it does, many manufacturers
test their windows such that no On the larger industry scale, a revision opinion. The definition of water penetration
water intrusion occurs inboard of to the ASTM standard is due, in the author’s in the referenced standard and subsequent

33rd rCI InternatIonal ConventIon and trade Show • MarCh 22-27, 2018 eStrada • 117
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118 • eStrada 33rd rCI InternatIonal ConventIon and trade Show • MarCh 22-27, 2018

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