Pagano Diet: The Regimen I Speak of Is Based On Six Principles

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Pagano Diet

The Regimen I speak of is based on six principles: 
1.     Internal Cleansing: Eliminating the toxins and poisons that have been accumu- lating,
particularly in the colon, for years. 
2.     Proper Diet and Nutrition: Concentrating on a high alkaline/low acid forming diet—the key, in
this approach, to the natural healing of psoriasis.
 3.     Specific Herb Teas: Taking Slippery Elm Bark Powder in the morning, or Omega-3 fish oil
and/or Flaxseed oil for the healing of the intestinal walls. Taking American Yellow Saffron Tea in the
evening to help flush out the system. (For variety you may substitute watermelon seed, mullein, or
chamomile tea for the saffron tea.)
4.     Adjustments of the Spine: Adjusting of the spine, particularly the 6th and 7th dorsal vertebrae;
as well as the 3rd cervical, 9th dorsal and 4th lumbar vertebrae, which will help rebuild thin intestinal
walls and improve eliminations by insuring proper nerve impulses to these visceral organs.
 5.     Natural External Applications: Applying primarily Hydrophilic Ointment or any good proven
moisturizer such as Aveeno Moisturizing Lotion, Vaseline
Intensive Care Lotion, Lubriderm, or Aquaphor, combined with an olive/peanut oil mix- ture, or castor
oil in the case of heavy lesions. Epsom salts and Dead Sea salts baths have also proven very helpful when
 6.     Right Thinking and Sound Emotions: Realizing it can be done because it has been done;
guarding against negative emotions which turn the blood acid, and concentrating on and practicing
positive emotions that turn the blood alkaline.  and/or arthritis.] 
7.     Juices: Buy a juicer and blender for making fresh fruit and vegetable juice. Drink ing freshly
made juice is one of the most effective measures to take for
good nutrition and internal cleansing. (See Dr. John's Jungle Brew on page.) 
8.     Water: It is impossible to overemphasize the importance of drinking plenty of pure water daily. In
addition to all other beverages, the recommended amount of water consumption is 6-8 glasses, unless
contraindicated due to some under- lying medical condition of the bladder or urinary tract.

70%-80%  of the Daily Diet      70%-

80% of the Daily Food Intake should be selected from the following, most of which are Alkal
ine formers:  
WATER: 6 to 8 glasses of pure water daily. 
LECITHIN: (granular) 1 tablespoon 3 times per day, 5 days per week. 
FRUIT: (Fresh preferred, frozen is permitted, packed in water in glass jars on occasion.)
Stewed fruits are highly recommended whenever possible. 
Allowed: Apples (cooked), Apricots, Most Berries, Cherries, Dates, Figs (unsulphured),
Grapes, Grapefruit, Lemons, Limes, Mango, Nectarines, Oranges, Papaya, Peaches, Pears,
Pineapple, Prunes (small), Raisins, Kiwi, etc. 
Permitted in lesser quantities are: Avocado, Cranberries, Currants, Large Prunes and Plums. 
Note: Raw Apples, Bananas and Melons are permitted provided they are eaten alone and
VEGETABLES: Vegetables should be consumed more than fruits. To 2 to 3 fruits per day, 5
to 6 vegetables should be eaten. (Daily intake should be 3 that grow above the ground to 1
that grows below the ground. Fresh preferred, frozen is permitted, packed in glass jars on
Allowed: Asparagus, Beets, Broccoli, Brussel Sprouts, Cabbage, Carrots,* Celery,* Cucumber
s, Garlic,* Lettuce* (Romaine in particular), Onions,* Olives, Parsnips, Scallions, Soy Beans, 
Spinach*, Sprouts*, String Beans, Squash, Sweet Potatoes, Watercress*. [Note: Those followe
d with (*) are particularly important.] 
Permitted in lesser quantities are: Corn (White Corn preferred), Dried Beans, Peas, Lentils,
Rhubarb and Mushrooms. Almonds, Chestnuts and Coconut are the only nuts that are
alkaline. Eating five to ten raw almonds a day is suggested. Filberts are permitted occasionally. 
JUICES: Daily fresh fruit/vegetable juice is recommended. A juicer and blender are the most
important appliances to own.

20%-30%  of the Daily diet  20%-

30% of the Daily Food Intake should be selected from the following, most of which are Acid 

GRAINS: All grains should be natural whole grain products such as: Breads, Muffins, Cereals
with very little, if any, preservatives or artificial sweeteners. Rice: Brown and/or Wild preferred.
No White Flour Products. 

MEATS: Fish (not shellfish) salt or fresh water (fresh or frozen). If canned, water or oil
packed is permitted. Fish is beneficial, but, dark-fleshed oily fish carries the most Omega-3
fatty acids which are highly desirable. Fowl (Poultry): Chicken, Turkey, Cornish Hen, Non-
fatty Wild Fowl. (All skin- less, white meat preferred) 
Lamb: Trimmed of all fat before cooking, well done, once or twice a week. 

Note: The above listed meats are never to be fried. No more than 4 to 6 oz. is permitted at a
serving, once a day, unless the person has a heavy work load or is very large in stature. 

DAIRY: Only Low Fat/Low Sodium products are permitted: Skim or Low Fat Milk, Cheese,
Buttermilk, Yogurt, etc. (No Ice Cream, Cream Toppings or Whole Milk Products). Do not
have Citrus Fruits or Citrus Juices with Dairy products or Cereals at the same
meal. Note: In cases of Eczema, substitute Goat's Milk & Soy Milk. 
Butter (unsalted): is permitted but only occasionally and in very sparing amounts. (Even
though it is a saturated fat, a little butter is better than margarine and other hydrogenated
Eggs: are permitted, 2 to 4 per week, prepared any way but fried. Always buy "organic."

OILS: Permitted: Olive oil, Canola, Safflower, Soy Bean, Sunflower, Sesame and occasionally
Peanut. One teaspoon of Olive oil three times per day is suggested for most patients unless
there is a gallbladder problem.      It is important to adhere to the 70-80% / 20-30% food
selection in order to maintain a proper acid/alkaline balance. If this is too difficult, at least try
to consume as much as possible from the 70%-80% list.  

1.     Almost all saturated fats, such as: Red Meats (except Lamb), Beef, Pork, Veal,  Sweetbre
ads, etc.; Processed meats: Sausage, Salami, Bologna, Frankfurters, Hamburgers;
Hydrogenated products: Margarine. 
2.     The  Nightshades:  Tomatoes (& Tomato Sauces and products), Tobacco (smoking),
Eggplant, Peppers (all types), White Potatoes, Paprika. Avoid hot spices of all kinds. 
3.     Shellfish: Lobster, Shrimp, Clams, Crabs, etc., and sauces made with shellfish. 
4.     Junk food: Soda (diet & regular), Sweets, Candy & Pastries, Chocolate (and all  product
s made with chocolate), Potato Chips, French Fries, etc. 
5.     Yeast  or yeast  laden foods, if there is  an underlying yeast infection (Candidiasis); or
gluten in cases of Celiac disease. 
6.     Miscellaneous: All Fried Foods, Pizza, Alcohol (& Beer), Sugary Cereals, Wine or Grai
n Vinegar, Pickled and Smoked Foods, Hot Spices, Gravies, Palm Oil, and too many Starches.  

Note: In every case of psoriatic arthritis, avoid Citrus Fruit, Strawberries and adding Salt to
foods. Salt in particular should be avoided at all costs. The salt (sodium) found naturally in
the daily diet is quite adequate. Success or failure depend largely on what you avoid.

•Almonds, raw 
•Bottled spring water 
•Gelatine, unflavored 
•Olive oil 
•Lecithin (granular) 
 Pantry Items  
•Apple cider vinegar 
•Beans, canned 
•Beans, dried 
•Canola oil 
•Seltzer water 
•Salmon, canned 
•Sardines, canned, unsalted 
•Tuna, canned, white albacore 
 Cereals, Flour, Grains, Pasta, Rice  
•Bran, Wheat Germ 
•Brown and Wild Rice 
•Fat-free Whole Wheat Crackers 
•Flour (whole wheat or other whole grain flours) 
•Oatmeal and any gluten-free cereal 
•Quinoa, Amaranth, Millet, Spelt 
•Jerusalem artichoke, Dreamfield's pastas 
•Vegetable pastas other than tomato 
•Wheat grain bread and rolls 
Herb Teas • American yellow saffron* (or substitute watermelon seed, mullein or chamomile,
green or oolong) • Slippery elm bark powder* (or substitute Omega-3 fish oils, or Flaxseed

Spices, Herbs and Seasonings

•Basil, sweet (dried) 
•Bay leaf 
•Black or white pepper, ground 
•Cinnamon, ground 
•Dill weed, dried 
•Garlic powder 
•Parsley, dried 
•Sage, dried 
•Sea salt 
•Thyme, dried 
•Vegetable seasoning blend
Food Items To Purchase As Needed

Fresh Vegetables 
•Romaine lettuce 
•Sweet potatoes 
 Fruits and Fruit Products
•All fresh fruits 
•Dried fruits (unsulphured) 
•Frozen fruit 
•Jelly or preserves 
•Products sweetened with fruit juice 
 Dairy Products  All should be no fat or low fat   
•Buttermilk (light) 
•Cheese, white 
•Cottage cheese 
•Goat's milk 
•Milk (skim or 1%) 
•Yogurt, plain 
 Meat, Poultry, Eggs  
•Wild fowl 
 Fresh fish fillets, assorted varieties, particularly dark-fleshed (see list in 
"Fish" section)  
Vegetarian Protein Products
•Textured vegetable proteins 

Vegetables: The Builders of the Body

Alkaline Forming Vegetables—Enjoy!   

•Acorn Squash* 
•Alfalfa Sprouts* 
•Artichoke (including Jerusalem [sunchoke]) 
•Bamboo Shoots 
•Beet Greens 
•Broccoli Rabe* 
•Brussels Sprouts 
•Butternut Squash* 
•Chicory Greens* 
•Collard Greens 
•Endive (French) 
•Green Beans 
•Green Peas 
•Hubbard Squash* 
•Lotus Root 
•Lettuce* (particularly Romaine) 
•Mustard Greens 
•Mung Bean 
•Rutabaga (Yellow Turnip) 
•Salsify (Oyster Plant) 
•Sea Kelp 
•Shiitake Mushroom 
•Sea Weed 
•Soy Beans 
•String Beans 
•Summer Squash* 
•Sweet Potato* 
•Turnip Greens* 
•Water Chestnuts 
•Winter Squash* 
* Most desirable

Acid Forming Vegetables—Eat sparingly!  

•Corn (White preferred) 
•Dried Beans & Peas 
 Keep in Mind: Fresh vegetables are preferred; frozen are permitted; canned (with the
exception of beans) are generally prohibited. More vegetables than fruits should be part of the
daily diet, especially in cases of eczema.  

Dr. John's "3/1" Super Salad      The ideal combination of raw salads is to combine three
vegetables that grow 
above the ground to one that grows below the ground. As an aid to the chef, I have formed a
chart showing, at a glance, many of the vegetables that grow above and below the ground.
The recipes are as simple as they can be:  
For a Small Salad: combine six vegetables that grow above the ground, with two 
that grow below. Toss and serve with olive oil, lemon juice and a splash of apple cider
For a Large Salad: combine twelve vegetables that grow above the ground, with four that
grow below. Toss and serve with olive oil, lemon juice and a splash of apple cider
vinegar.      Observe the following (vegetables  which are prohibited have not been listed): 
•Beans (soy, lentils, peas) 
•Brussels Sprouts 
•Lettuce (all types) 
•Jerusalem Artichoke (Sunchoke) 
•Oyster Plant (Salsify, Goatsbeard) 
•Sweet Potatoes 
      From this you can glean the most nutritious, tasty tossed salad possible.

The Nightshades* —  Avoid!   
•Tomatoes—Raw and cooked, and all tomato preparations and sauces, such 
as spaghetti sauce, pizza, ketchup, barbecue sauce, taco sauce, hot sauce, etc.
•Peppers—All varieties, except black 
•Potatoes—All varieties, including white, red, new, russet, Idaho, etc. 
•Tobacco—Chewing, smoking or even secondary smoke 
Note: Sweet potatoes and yams are NOT nightshades, are very nutritious, and are highly
recommended on the psoriasis and eczema diet.

Fruits: The Cleansers Of The Body

Alkaline Forming Fruits—Enjoy!  
•Apples (especially red or golden delicious) 
•Avocado (sparingly) 
•Bananas (sparingly eaten alone) 
•Melons (all varieties eaten alone) 
•Prunes (Small) 

* Citrus (to be avoided in cases of eczema and/or psoriatic arthritis)  

Acid Forming Fruits—Eat sparingly!  

•Large Prunes 
 Keep in Mind: Dried fruits such as figs, dates, raisins, apricots, peaches, etc., make ideal
snacks. Frozen fruit (unsweetened) is permitted. Stewed fruits are highly recommended.
Remember, fruits constitute sweets for the body in the form of fructose, which is still a form
of sugar and therefore should not be overdone. To every 2-3 fruits taken per day, 4-5
vegetables (especially green, leafy vegetables) should be taken.
Fruits And Combinations To Avoid!  
•Strawberries often cause an adverse reaction with some people. If you are 
one of them, avoid strawberries.
•Do not combine citrus fruits or their juices with dairy products or cereals at 
the same meal. 
•Do not combine raw apples, bananas, and melons (all varieties) with any 
other foods, although they may be eaten alone as a snack between meals. (Cooked apples
may be eaten at any time and as often as desired.) 
•Citrus fruits and their juices are to be avoided in cases of psoriatic arthritis 
and eczema. (Refer to list of citrus on previous page.) 
•Avocados are to be avoided if there is also an underlying condition of gout. 

Meats to Enjoy & Avoid

•Cold water 
•Fresh water 
•Salt water 
•White flesh 
•Dark, oily flesh 
•Cornish hens 
•Non-fat wild fowl 

 Veal Sweetbreads Shellfish  
•Clams, etc.
All Processed meats  

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