Quiz 1

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1. What is your understanding about Performance Management?

What I understood regarding performance management is that it is a continuous process of identifying,

measuring, and developing performance in organizations by linking each individual’s performance and
objectives to the organization’s overall mission and goals.

2. Explain and enumerate the contributions of Performance Management in the organization.

1. There is an increase in motivation to succeed.

Receiving feedback on one's performance boosts one's drive to do better in the future. Knowing how one is
doing and appreciating one's past achievements provide the fuel for future achievements.

2. Self-esteem improves.
Receiving performance reviews satisfies a fundamental need to be noticed and valued at work. As a result,
workers' self-esteem is likely to rise.

3. Managers learn more from their subordinates.

The appraisal's direct superiors and other managers gain fresh insights into the individual being
appraised. A manager's ability to gain new insights into a person's success and personality can aid in the
development of a relationship with that individual. Supervisors also gain a greater understanding of each
employee's contribution to the business.

4. The work description and requirements have been explained.

The role of the individual being appraised should be more clearly described and explained. Employees, in
other words, gain a greater understanding of the actions and outcomes expected in their particular job.
Employees also gain a greater understanding of what it takes to be a high-performing individual.

5. Self-awareness and growth are improved.

As they move through the framework, the learners are likely to gain a greater understanding of themselves
and the types of development activities that would be beneficial to them. Participants gain a greater
understanding of their strengths and limitations, which may aid in the planning of potential career paths.

6. Personnel decisions are more necessary and equitable.

Performance management systems have accurate performance data that can be used to make personnel
decisions including merit increase, promotions and transfers, as well as terminations. In general, a
performance management system aids in the distribution of incentives in a reasonable and credible

7. The organization's objectives are stated clearly.

This is a contribution to the communication of what the unit and the organization are about, as well as how
organizational expectations are communicated to the unit and individual employees.

8. Employees become more proficient.

Employee efficiency is enhanced, which is an obvious contribution. Furthermore, by establishing
developmental strategies, there is a strong basis for developing and enhancing workers.

9. There is more litigation defense.

Data obtained by performance management systems can be used to document regulatory enforcement.
When there are no performance management programs in place, unfair performance assessments are
more likely, increasing the risk of litigation.

10.There is a clearer and faster distinction between good and bad performers.
Performance management systems make it easier to identify good and bad performers. They also push
managers to confront and resolve performance issues in a timely manner.

11.Supervisors' perspectives on results are more explicitly articulated.

Managers may express their performance judgments to their subordinates using performance
management systems. As a result, managers must be more accountable about how they address
performance goals and offer input.

12.Organizational transformation is facilitated.

Organizational transformation can be aided by using performance management programs. If this new
organizational direction has been developed, performance management is used to align the organizational
culture with the organization's priorities and objectives in order to facilitate progress.

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