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GE4 3506


Studying is one of the most important aspects of humanity. According to the

Student Wellness Centre from the University of Saskatchewan, good study skills can

increase your confidence, competence, and self-esteem. They can also reduce

anxiety about test and deadlines. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, many individuals are

not allowed to get out of their homes and study. Student’s nowadays instead of books,

use modules which can be seen as prerecorded tasks students must do in and submit

within the given time frame.

However, not every student is capable of learning virtually, according to

Armanda Morin, (n.d.), there are some plausible factors that affect such learning. In

the midst of a pandemic, economic recession, and social unrest, the students’ lives

may have changed drastically since the day your school shut down. Stress and trauma

can interrupt cognitive processing, reduce student’s executive functioning skills, and

disrupt emotional regulation. Many families are grappling with financial worries, illness,

loss, homeless, and food security.

According to a study conducted by Mirna Fawaz (2020) “The sudden shift to

exclusive e-learning methods of instruction have produced anxiety and depression

symptoms among significant portions of the students due to the stressful load of

work required.” According to another research conducted by Griffin Wiles (2020),

students may experience increased fatigue, headaches, lack of motivation,

avoidance/procrastination, ineffective time management, and feelings of isolation due

to limited in-person socialization. This study aims to express the factors that affects

the students physical, emotional and mental health during e-learning in the midst of


Lack of Determination. According in Eberly Center, students may suffer from

physical, mental, or other personal problems that affect motivation. Students

nowadays experiencing lack of motivation, one reason is not every student has a

stable internet connection, they don’t own any kind of computers or laptop to work for

their projects and assignments, and also due to some stress they got from school, they

lack in determination.

Loss of Motivation. According to Jamk, Online learning requires more self-regulation,

intrinsic motivation and independence from the learner than the traditional classroom

education. Keller’s ARCS (attention, relevance, confidence, satisfaction) Model of

Motivation is a framework for learners to become and remain motivated. To motivate

learners, it is important to gain and keep the learners attention. Relevance is related

to the ability of the teacher to connect the accomplishment of learner learning to a

desired future goal. Confidence is teachers’ ability to instill in the learner the belief that

he/she can successfully handle taught subject. Satisfaction comes from learner’s

feeling of accomplishment.

Requires a good time management skills. According to elearning Industry, With

regular classroom learning, you have a specific place you need to be at a specific time.

But, learning online requires you to set aside some time on your own to study and go

through the lessons. This requires discipline and a real understanding about how to

wisely use your time throughout the day. The truth is that time is just like any other

finite resource. If you don’t learn how to manage your time wisely, you won’t be able

to get things done as efficiently as possible. You may miss out on meeting your goals,

fail to study often enough, and get too far behind on your lessons. Even if you don’t

have those specific problems, time management is also about helping you avoid stress

while juggling everything.

Need to be an active learner. According to University of Minnesota, Active learning

refers to a broad range of teaching strategies which engage students as active

participants in their learning during class time with their instructor. Typically, these

strategies involve some amount of students working together during class, but may

also involve individual work and/or reflection. These teaching approaches range from

short, simple activities like journal writing, problem solving and paired discussions, to

longer, involved activities or pedagogical frameworks like case studies, role plays, and

structured team-based learning.

Responsible for your own learning. According to Regent, Being able to manage

your studies outside the classroom will help to develop your independence. Planning

your studies will help you gain independence and freedom, using activities that work

for you and discarding those that don't. These skills will help to establish you as an

independent and capable thinker able to respond flexibly to a range of planned and

spontaneous situations.

Online class. Online class it is the cause of a pandemic, Covid-19 has lead us

to this kind of situation whereas limited people can go outside to buy essentials goods

and foods for the family. Because we have our technology, we used it as or it serve

us our classroom, or what we called online class.

Conceptual Framework • Lack of determination

• Loss of motivation
Online class • Requires good time
management skills
• Need to be an active
• Responsible for your own

Statement of the Problem

This study is to conducted to determine the "Factors in online class that affect the academic

performance on Freshmen BS. Social Work Students At University of Mindanao”

1. What is the level of Academic Performance in terms of online class?

2. What is the level of online class in terms of:

2.1. lack of determination

2.2. loss of motivation

3. Is there a significant difference between the academic performance and

online class?

4. Is there a significant relationship between the academic performance and

online class?

Hypotheses of the Study

The hypothesis was tested a 0.05 level of significance using appropriate

statistical tool.

HO1: There is no significant difference between the students among the factors

of online classes.


This study is quantitative research. The study will be using a correlational

Research. The target sample size is only 20 students which is a freshmen Social works

students who gave their perception on the Factors in Online class that affect the

academic performance.

In this study, the data was gathered by a survey. Factors in online class that

affect the academic performance of freshmen Social Work students contained five

indicators which is; lack of determination, loss of motivation, requires good time

management skills, need to be an active learner, and lastly the responsible for your

own learning. Each indicator has four statements with a total of 20 statements. The

instrument measured the level of academic performance of social work students, each

respond to the survey is multiplied by 4.


1. choose the right participant for the survey which is the freshmen social work


2. ask if they want to volunteer and answer the survey.

3. give them the link of survey you’ve created.

4. the researchers should collect the data from the respondents.

5. the researchers should analyze and interpret the data.




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