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The central character of Americas colorful ranching heritage is the cowboy. The American cowboy has played an important part in American culture and history. The cowboy influence is embeddeg in stories, songs, legends, movies, art and fashion. Although the cowboy is generally considered an American icon, the traditional cowboy actually comes from a Hispanic tradition, which originated in Central Mexico, known as “charro." At the end of the Civil War, many soldiers had no home, and no place to go. They started driftir 1B to the West. Cowboys roamed and worked throughout the Wild West. To many, this term means guns, cattle, horses and gunfights. It was a rugged country with few amenities and a lot of danger. The Western territories were appealing to the adventurous, and they were open and untamed. Many of these men only owned what they could carry on horseback. Ranchers hired these hard- working men as ranch hands. The ranch hands tended to the herd and did work around the ranch When the time came to sell the beef, the ranch hands would round up the herd from the open prairie and drive the cattle miles to market. Popular stories about the cowboys depicted them as rustlers or professional gunfighters. While this is true in some cases, the average American cowboy was often lonely, lived in harsh conditions, and was frequently exposed to danger. Despite this, the cowboys always kept their sense of humor and joked about everything. They did not make much money and enjoyed the simple way of life. Tough as nails, but generous and hospitable, these were the true Wild West American cowboys The cowboy was the embodiment of independence. They rode horses. They sang songs. Their horses did tricks and their guns were shiny. They became American heroes. Being 2 cowboy is certainly not a thing of the past. Throughout the U.S., you will find cowbos working on ranches and farms. They are responsible for feeding the livestock and tending *° injuries. They also move the livestock to different pasture locations. In addition, cowboys repair fences, maintain ranch equipment, and perform other odd jobs around the ranch. Glossary: Ranching-dgbsJmBeogmd> - Heritage-290330@MgeBo, (%9@Q0G09 Cowboy-afiyjdb0 Embedded-89%fiyeq@o Drifting-oosB@sorsbeadoor gow@or@goeP> — Roam-deagbsyyGeBs, byHoowO Rugged- “ib finGdobpertien 4 ‘Amenities-bgmbsy%gero 30Gmdg00 [ Untamed-dmgjngobog%gb9e70 eee pee JGebOd brAGO a pepicted-oetieeege _ us ‘average-bsdyjo% oo 393-55 Posed to wox9G3 a 0 ba gGarbol | T enjoyed To h- Igo , - [Generous 9c Rowe, Iwbgo Seen i [embodiment-gobbobogGgd0_ ps ——____| Livestock-306 Tending to -BG)6go obavob dye, gH Vocabulary Exercises A 1s —— il and rocky place, not even; not easy to travel over; an important part of the history, traditions and qualities that a country or society has had for many years; aul “ not changed, controlled or influenced by anyone; left in a natural or wild state; aaa someone who steals farm animals such as sheep, cows, or horses; 5. aman who rides a horse and whose job is to take care of cattle in the western bs parts of the US; 6._pastuce land covered with grass that is suitable for feeding animals on; Tbospitebie a feature that makes a place pleasant, comfortable or easy to live in; Lath a slow steady movement from one place to another; 9.1ysstack animals such as cows, sheep, and pigs that are kept on farms; 40. to get pleasure from something; 1.'a kind person giving or willing to give freely; 12. Peaccre a large flat area in central North America covered with grass and farmland but without trees; to show something in a picture or a story; 13_depicl 14 the aa the meat from a cow; A. average B. rugged C. embedded ‘A, hospitable E. prairie F. rustlers G. enjoying H. tending to |. drift K depict % embodiment beef 1. No one noticed that the boat had begunto__{__ out to sea. 2. The local people are very O_o strangers. 3. He was shot dead trying to stop cattle fr, raiding a farm. 4. My fish was delicious but Charles’ had almost no flavour. 5.Heisthe of the young successful businessman, 6. The countryside around here is very 7. Her paintings) the lives of ordinary people in the last century. 8. Ambulance crews were __}\ the injured. 9. The North American _F was once the world’s largest grassland. 10. Time passes so quickly when you're__@-__ yourself. 11. These attitudes are deeply __C. in our society. learn about one and a half thousand pounds a month, 12.0n _ 1, Thanks for a great evenin, reallyenjoyed/embedded it. 2. He is the very{heritage/embodiment of kindness. 3. The marble has a smooth, shiny/averagesurface. 4. Cupid is usually@epicted/rugged as a winged boy with a bow and arrow. 5. It was tough /generousiof you to lend me the money. 6. He was so angry, he was like a Gntamed/tending beast. 7. Shet@xposedyroamed around the country for a year, working in bars and restaurants, 8. They admired the rugged/tough beauty of the coastline. 9. Gmenities7embodiment include a gym, a pool, and a jacuz ; 10. You'll need some fairlytough/untamed footwear to go walking up mountains. 1. Our conversation from one subject to-another. ~ A. embedded —‘@opnjoyed Cosriftea D. rustled 2. People in England often have roast __and Yorkshire pudding for lunch on Sundays. ) beef B. cowboy C. heritage D. embodiment 3. Some fields are planted with crops for several years, and then returned to__for the cattle. (As heritage pasture C. prairie D. ranching 4, “About 75% of the population of the Gambia depends on crops and ___for its livelihood. A. tending B. tough Shwestck D. average 5. You could be yourself to unnecessary Tisks when driving alone. exposing @)embodiment C. ranching D. enjoying 6. They consider the building to be an important part of region's A. roaming B. heritage (posing rustling 7. You have to be to be successful in life, A. rugged B. untamed ex iny ©B) tough He thanked Patricia for being such a jostess. hospitable B. tough C. average D. embedded fe council has some spare cash, which it proposes to spend on public a A. livestock B. ranching C.roam D,Jamenities 10. The number ofspectators at football matches was lower than last season. A. rugged (B,average C-untamed D. enjoyed 11. He was shot dead trying to stop cattle ga faiding a farm. A. drifters B. feeding (Qtustlers D. tending 12.4 job was to look after cattle, but they are often shown in dangerous situations and especially having fights with Native Americans. A. generous ®eowboy’s C. hospitable D. pastures

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