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JC Learning Lab

Sample Essay – Description

My Favorite Vacation Spot

Every summer seems to turn out the same--that is, every summer but this last one. I am always left

wanting more vacation time because I never enjoy where I end up staying or the amount of money I

have to spend to stay there. However, I now have a favorite spot, my hideaway from everyone.

My vacation covered the far reaches of the world. I crossed many borders, traveling farther than

any plane can reach in one day. I saw several different countries. During my vacation period,

consisting of only one week, I went from the Seine River in eastern France to the plains of the Serengeti,

from the highest peak of Mount Everest to the Sargasso Sea. I was in the lap of luxury with never a

single discomfort during my excursion.

Although I had the best of service, it did not cost one red cent. I always had plenty of money

because I never had to pay any travel expenses for my vacation. I was able to get some exercise into my

travel plans because I walked to and from my first destination. I was never late getting where I wanted to

go, and I did not have any problems with travel arrangements. I never had to wait in any lines, and the

people I met were always friendly and more than glad to help me with whatever I needed.

When in my hideaway, I was completely isolated from everyone else, but only to the extremities I

had set. I did not have to speak with anyone unless I chose to do so. Even though I did talk to several

people during my vacation, I was not overly talkative because I did not want to waste my valuable time

with idle chatter; after all, time is money when vacationing. However, I was so impressed with the

service I received that I have decided to make the trip at least once a month. Most vacations consume

both time and money, but I can afford to go to my hideaway in a moment's notice without a penny to my

Although I was restricted in how far I could travel during my vacation, it was only by the amount

of time it took me to read each book. The only other limitation was my imagination. The public library

is definitely the easiest and cheapest way to travel.

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