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Ronel M.


Exposition on Psalm 85, 4

- This excerpt is telling us the holiness of man. The Holy Father created us and sanctified
us, therefore, we have received the holiness. Though sometimes we are in doubt if we
have the right to say that we are holy because of our sins, always keep in mind that
because we have received the grace of baptism and forgiveness of sins, we are holy then.
As a faithful member of Christ, we must depend on God's providence and mercy and not
on our own efforts alone, because from these, we become holy. We are holy because God
sanctified us, not because we earned and endowed it.

Contra litteras Petiliani II, 240- 243

- This excerpt talks about man's sinfulness: the sinfulness of the minister and the receiver.
Indeed, we are all endowed to sin, no exception. Since we are endowed to commit sin, we
are then urged to pray for one another. Prayer is made for all of us. Priests are sinners too,
that is why we are urge to pray for one another. Hence, we should learn humility so that
we may not fall and rise again from sinful acts.

Contra litteras Petiliani II, 240- 243

- This excerpt talks about the validity of the sacraments. Augustine replied some words to
Petilian, which he said, “what means are to be found for cleansing one who receives
baptism when the conscience of the giver is polluted, without the knowledge of him who
is to receive the sacrament at his hands?” Augustine talking the example of man
sacrificing to God that is a man with pure heart that wants to receive the sacrament will
receive the sacrament from God.
Tractates on the First Epistle of John 5, 10-11
- This excerpt is talking about the sacrament of Augustine looked on the earliest times
wherer the apostles received the Holy Spirit and they spoke with tongues. Now, it is a
different situation because we can’t speak with tongues. Augustine, took the example of a
water of the sacrament which betokens the Spirit of God. Though we looked at the water
visible, it is alreeady a spirit of God that washes away our sins done in the soul.

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