Elizabet Desi Astuti (1911031034) Dan Tristan Lizikri Maulana (1951031020) - Tugas Pertemuan Ke 3 AKM1 (Chapter 4) - 16 Oktober 2020

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AM oe Noma & Riaobek Desi Astute) (igiio3i024 ) " . Tristan \yaike\ Maulana (i9s!3t0a0) Jurnsun—§ ST Riauntonsy Tnnogat § Sumo, 6 Cer 20an 7 — 4 Twops os Cwper 4 : ; 7 7 S.] G44 (R165) Le Wiel Company Jarome Srorement, For the year ended December 31, a0¥e | | Soles revenue (yup a? E310, ow Gove of _gpods sa ‘ {140,008} Gres post VIO: 000 Salting and adminstorive ecgenses’ ” (2.000) z Fe [is 120 000 OXner income ond expense Gain on sole ok Plant assets [30,00 + Ancome From oVerations [1,00 —> OT SMrerest _ ExRNK © vo) Yroome Crom continuing operations 1 VA4r000, Lass on discottinued ofereatots (12,000). Nee income 1 x3200, =? Cb) = Brocortion 40 non -controlling Interest 1 (Ao. .000): 5 Tek income orcributatle 4> contilling shareholders 920m > (c) Necinwme 1 192,000 Unrealized gain on qvallotle for sale Minoncial assets | 1000 + Comprenensive income £ Ma oo — TA) 1 J Nek income € 12a, 000 Devidends declared and paid 5 000 — Retained earings Vecember 31, aol VE yal oo —» (e). Dipindai dengan CamScanner ‘a [e a5 Wie) WESSTER CONANT Tycome Storement, Tar Xhe Yeor Ended Decanber 3, 205 (in Aowsands except earings pet Share) Sales l Tee ee Gosk of gends sd 1 (63,57). Grass profit. IL 221930 Selina, expenses: [ Sales commissions. EU. 980) Vege. of sales. equigment 1 (e.4g0) i a rons portation out 1 {acb90) 1 £17150) [Raminskrotive expenses: { 1 7 Og fee's’ Salariet 1 (Ay oo) [Ter of ofice Guin onl eugene (>. Dee | (EG) (a 0) 190 a | Diher come and expense [ { 1 ‘Rental revense LN Troe _grom. Perortons ‘ | A Wneerest, engense L el ‘Vrcome’ Vexore \ncome kan 32,990 Witonie tac 8 | 7 ot 0, 80 Tek Ancome } 1 I ce yn Fornnnns per capttal share | Deb | t (Eigiiv 40556) <2 0, bat 620822 20196 Dipindai dengan CamScanner s[e4-— Qe) PARNEVIK CORP. — Mnome _ Statement — For kne Year Ended Decomber Bl, 2015 ~ Sales Revenue i Sales h € 180/000 Lass s Soles Yekums ond allnoances EAS (0D NeS_discqunts [A500 | (AG roo) Tek _sales revenue | LV, 085,000 Cos of gods. sd | (Ga\ ox) Gress profit | AloA (000 Selling, exgenses (194 00) t Raministrative ond opneral exvenses (ar ip00)-g (agit 000) i (131000 | | Cher Wome ond Exgene i T {Loss frum _\mpaie ment of unk assets (120 .000) Wrest revenue [ Terood | BA wo) Ancome from operations sf 139,000 | Wwerest_ergense eps | (C0 «e00) Wicome Weqore Income cnx | tT 19 000 Sneome ux (€79.000 +24) = ae AO | t ‘2b , 660) Tet_income | 52,140 Yearning ger Shore eau op,060)? of [£052 20,504 PELs Caxputorcan)) + Be @ . Dipindai dengan CamScanner -[e4-8 (PW a a ESQ Cost of gpoks SA T Oba m0) Gross progit _ | 280.000 Logs» Remnnnsttorwe expenses ; (oo 000) Sallwng_engensies (80,000) Discontirmed operations Tost [__(Adrooo), Ancome before \neome tox mar nome tux CE 60.000 x 30) Wie) Nek _Inome £42 000 —_] Yo) Aneome bexore vncome tax (€ 60.000 + € 40.000) T€_ {00,000 = Wneome Lax CE 100,000 x 30) (30: 000) = Frcom — From_continuing operations Loco ArsconBrmed operarrons , Yess opplicale | Wome eux of © 12.000 [a8 1000) Nex income £40.00 Eacnvnag Yer Shore Tnchme som continuing operations (£70.00 % 20,000) | € 3:50 Loss on discon ANued operitions net of tax (40) | Ver _\awme Ce 42.00 * 20,000) | £210 | 5. [EA QW) GAERTNER COR? - ‘Vuerme Setement ond Comprehensive nome Antement Foc Khe Tear Ended December 31, a015 Sales T€17 00 000 Core of gpnds sod — Cao 000) Gross_ yore ‘AGO 000 Saliny “ond oAiniswraRIve expenses | Gav 000) Vek lncme Abo . 000 Wek Antome © tho 000 Unrealized holding goin 15 (000 + Comprehensive income £ 115.000 ‘ Dipindai dengan CamScanner

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