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Numbers and numeration

1 9
3× ÷
2 15
1. Simplify 3 5
4+ × 4
4 6
2. A basket contains 120 fruits. If 80 % are oranges and the remaining are mangoes, how many mangoes are in the basket?
3. 20 Exercise books cost ₦ 315.00. How much does 85 similar ones cost?
4 5
4. Find the product of 2 11 and the reciprocal of the sum of −3 and 6 .
5. Evaluate the following and leave your answer in standard form √ ( 8.49 ×107 ) −( 0.03 ×108 )
6. Express 1001.011two in base ten.
7. Evaluate 11001two ×1011 two and give your in base ten.
8. Oil flows through a pipe at a rate of 40 m3 / s. How long will it take to fill a tank of volume 1.2 ×105 m3 ?
9. Calculate the compound interest on ₦ 800 000.00 for 3 years at 8 % per annum.
10. Andrew bought a computer costing ₦ 150 000. How much will the same computer cost in 3 years time if the rate of inflation
is 12 % per annum.

11. An article is priced at ₦ 80 000.00+VAT at 5 %. Calculate the total cost of the article.
12. A worker’s annual income is ₦ 180 000 out of which ₦ 20 000 is tax free. Find the worker’s income tax if the rate is 10 %.
13. What percentage of 750 is 250?
14. The Avogadro’s number is 602 300 000 000000 000 000 000. Express this in standard form.
15. A brother and sister share out their collection of 5000 stamps in the ratio 5 :3. The brother then shares his stamps with
two other friends in the ratio 3 :1:1, keeping most for himself. How many stamps do each of his friends receive?
16. A large drum, when full, contains260 kg of oil of density 0.9 g/cm3. What mass of petrol, of density 0.84 g /cm3, can be
contained in the drum?
17. A map is drawn to a scale of 1 ¿50 000 . Calculate the length of a road which appears as 3 cm long on the map.
18. A student gets a grant of ₦ 3 600 000 a year. Assuming her grant is increased by 7 % each year, what will her grant be in
four years time?
19. To get the next number in a sequence you double the previous number and subtract two. The fifth number in the
sequence is 50. Find the first number.
20. On a map of scale 1 :20 000 the area of a forest is 50 cm2 . On another map the area of the forest is 8 cm2. Find the scale of
the second map.
Numbers and numeration 2

1. Round off 19 949 098 to the nearest thousand.

2. A large drum, when full, contains 260 kg of oil of density 0.9 g/cm3. What mass of petrol, of density 0.84 g/
cm3, can be contained in the drum?

3. Round off 207.904 to 2 significant figures.

4. To get the next number in a sequence you double the previous number and subtract two. The fifth
number in the sequence is 50. Find the first number.

5. A worker’s annual income is N 180 000.00 out of which N 20 000.00 is tax free. Find the worker’s income
tax if the rate is 10%.

6. What percentage of 750 is 250?

7. An article is priced at N 80 000.00 + VAT at 5%. Calculate the total cost of the article.

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