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Republic of the Philippines


Moalboal, Campus
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Tel Nos. (032)4474-8196, 474-8104, 474-8383
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Name: Princess Nicole Lugtu

Course: MAED Administration and Supervision

1. What is DRR or Disaster Risk Reduction?

There is no such thing as a 'natural' disaster, only natural hazards.

Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) aims to reduce the damage caused by natural hazards like earthquakes,
floods, droughts, and cyclones, through an ethic of prevention. Disasters often follow natural hazards. A
disaster's severity depends on how much impact a hazard has on society and the environment. The scale
of the impact in turn depends on the choices we make for our lives and for our environment. These
choices relate to how we grow our food, where and how we build our homes, what kind of government
we have, how our financial system works and even what we teach in schools. Each decision and action
make us more vulnerable to disasters - or more resilient to them. Disaster risk reduction is the concept and
practice of reducing disaster risks through systematic efforts to analyse and reduce the causal factors of
disasters. Reducing exposure to hazards, lessening vulnerability of people and property, wise
management of land and the environment, and improving preparedness for adverse events are all
examples of disaster risk reduction.

2. State 10 things you should know about DRR.

1. In the year 2001-2010, it causes a trillion of damage.

2. It is called as natural hazard not disaster.
3. Disaster exposed inequalities
4. Managing Disasters
5. The approach taken to address one disaster may unexpectedly lead to further disaster.
6. Responds to local people
7. Creates positive change
8. caring about climate change
9. Accountable for changes
10. DRR is everyone’s business.
3. Mention the importance of DRR.

It helps us identify and map local capacities to cope with these hazards. Ultimately, the DRR
approach helps us conduct effective disaster response while reducing risks that similar disasters
will reoccur. It also ensures that our emergency response does no harm by replacing or
reinstating critical vulnerabilities. This enables us to design or adjust our activities so that people
and communities become safer and more disaster-resilient, as well as safeguarding efforts to
create and expand enabling conditions for sustainable poverty alleviation and development.

DRR approaches and tools will prevent relief work from rebuilding the vulnerabilities that made
people prone to similar disasters. DRR provides valuable insights into the underlying factors of
vulnerability to hazards and the features of those hazards. It helps us identify and map local
capacities to cope with these hazards. Ultimately, the DRR approach helps us conduct effective
disaster response while reducing risks that similar disasters will reoccur. It also ensures that our
emergency response does no harm by replacing or reinstating critical vulnerabilities.

In some cases, we can reduce the size of a disaster, its strength, or even how frequently it
occurs. In tandem with this, we can also make sure that those who are most exposed to these
hazards are able to better anticipate, survive, and recover.

4.Why DRR is important during and after emergencies?

A disaster risk reduction approach helps us consider our emergency response activities
considering existing and new disaster risks. This enables us to design or adjust our activities so
that people and communities become safer and more disaster-resilient, as well as safeguarding
efforts to create and expand enabling conditions for sustainable poverty alleviation and

DRR approaches and tools will prevent relief work from rebuilding the vulnerabilities that made
people prone to similar disasters. DRR provides valuable insights into the underlying factors of
vulnerability to hazards and the features of those hazards. It helps us identify and map local
capacities to cope with these hazards. Ultimately, the DRR approach helps us conduct effective
disaster response while reducing risks that similar disasters will reoccur. It also ensures that our
emergency response does no harm by replacing or reinstating critical vulnerabilities

5. How DRR importance to School Plant and Property Management

The safety of schools is important and DRR aims at reducing the vulnerability to, and
impact of disasters on schools. It prepares both teachers and students for potential disasters,
thereby reducing the impact of said disaster. The level of effective management of disaster might
be solely dependent on this plan.  school with adequate plan for disaster management, which was
prepared through a participatory technique and properly integrated into the policies and plans of
the community has major advantages over schools that don’t. The level of effective management
of disaster might be solely dependent on this plan.

The resilience of buildings is not all that is referred to when talking about disaster management;
other factors such as proper linkage with services like the fire service, police departments, health
posts, carrying on with education through temporary learning systems after the occurrence of a
disaster as well as the use of extracurricular activities and use of DRR to ensure a higher survival
potential for victims of natural disaster. The DRR is regarded as the most cost-effective method
of mitigating the impacts of a disaster.

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