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Did something happen

Isn’t that just in your childhood to

celibacy? cause that?

Celibacy is a choice not to have sexual

relations, usually for a personal, There is no evidence to support
societal/cultural or religious reason. theories about upbringing or
Asexuals may identify as celibate as well as abuse affecting orientation.
asexual but they are not one and the same. Childhood assault or religious
restrictions are more likely to
cause an aversion or fear or sex
than to eliminate sexual attraction.
Have you
seen a
doctor? How do you know
you don’t like sex if
you’ve never had
Hormones are commonly mentioned it?
however not only do they not stop sexual
attraction but most asexuals have normal
or occasionally higher hormone levels.
Depression, another common accusation, Being asexual doesn’t mean
also does not eradicate attraction, only sexless or even sex-hating. Some
decrease libido; most people with asexuals do still enjoy physical
depression are not asexual. Asexuals stimulation, emotional closeness,
appear to be no more or less healthy than fulfilling a partner or creating
other groups. children. Some are curious.
Others are more than happy never
to try it at all.
Aren’t you
lonely without I thought asexuality was
a relationship? about amoebas…

Some, but not all, asexuals do still desire

the special emotional closeness, trust, While amoebas are referred to as
loving companionship and a unique bond asexual (or agamic), it should also be
that a partner can provide, they just don’t noted that heterosexual (two different
experience sexual attraction towards sexes e.g. mammals) and bisexual
their partners even if they do engage in (hermaphrodites e.g. snails or some
sexual acts for whatever reason. plants) are also methods of
reproduction. Languages often use the
same words for different meanings.

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