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- fusion welding procedure with oxy-fuel gas

- oxy-acetylene welding (O2 + C2H2)
- oxy-hydrogen welding (O2 + H2)

1.2.1. Procedure principle

- the surfaces to be welded and the welding material shall be heated and melted by means of a flame
produced by burning gas fuel.

1.2.2. Fields of application

- welding of steels, cast irons, copper, brass, zinc etc.

1.2.3. Types of flames

Fig. 1
a) Carbonizing (reducing) flame – excess of fuel gas (C2H2); sparks are produced. Carburation and
quenching take place.
b) Neutral flame – complete burning of fuel gas
c) Oxidizing flame – excess of oxygen. Produces foam. Burning and oxidation take place.

1.2.4. Oxyacetylene flame

- it is formed at the burner (burner nozzle) opening by burning the acetylene and oxygen mixture
- for the neutral flame (used during the welding) the mixture contains 1  1.2 partsO2 and one part
Nucleus (~700OC)
Highlight cone (~1500-2200 OC)
Primay flame (~3200 OC)

Torch Oxygen from air

Joint Secondary flame

Fig. 2
1.2.5. Temperature distribution in the flame

Nucleus Oxygen from air

Work area Flame

Fig. 4
1.2.6. Welding equipment

Fig. 5

a. Oxygen’s circuit
- source of oxygen: cylinders, cylinder batteries, O2 pipe
 Pressure reducer – connected to the cylinders to reduce the pressure.

Fig. 6
Symbol Oxygen
Letter symbol
Color symbol Blue
Cylinder connection R ¾ right
Hose connection 6.3 x R ¼ right
Acetylene Propane
Yellow Orange
Fixed stirrup W 21.8 x 1/14 left
8 x R 3/8 left 8 x R 3/8 left

Classification of pressure reducers:

- according to the gas effect at the reducer entrance:
- with direct effect, with reversed effect.
- according to the number of stages for the pressure reduction:
- with one stage, with two stages.
- according to the gas work pressure at the reducer exit:
- low pressure (<0.6 MPa) - welding
- medium pressure (0.6-1.5 MPa) – welding and cutting
- high pressure (1.5-3 MPa) - cutting
- according to the assured gas yield:
- low yield (3-5 m3/h at 1-1.5 MPa), high yield (50-100 m3/h at 1-1.5 MPa)
 Distribution hose – rubber, blue color
- P 10 – max. 1MPa (inner  10 mm), P 20 – max. 2MPa (inner  6.3 mm)
b. Fuel gas circuit
 acetylene generator or acetylene cylinder
 pressure reducer – connection to stirrup cylinder
 safety valve – prevents the flame from returning

Fig. 7
Classification of safety valves:
- according to the gas pressure:
- low pressure (< 0.02 MPa)
- medium pressure (0.02-0.15 MPa)
- according to the medium preventing the flame from returning:
- wet valves (with water)
- dry valves (porous material)
- according to the possibility of evacuating the shock wave:
- open valves – the pressure tube has access to the atmosphere
- closed valves – do not have a direct connection to the atmosphere
c. The welding torch

Fig. 8
1.2.7. Acetylene generators
- production of acetylene:
- through the reaction between carbide (technical calcium carbide) and water;
- through pit gas cracking.
Classification of generators:
- according to the system which brings the carbide into contact with water:
- carbide warmth in the water (carbide in the water)
- introducing water in the carbide:
- stationary generators
- small portable generators
- intermittent contact between the carbide and the water.
- according to the pressure of the produced acetylene:
- generators for producing acetylene at low pressure ranges (for one job)
- generators for producing acetylene at low pressure ranges (for small workshops)
- stationary generators for large enterprises.
- according to the apparatus size:
- according to the carbide load;
- according to the gas volume dissolved within an hour.

Fig. 9
1.3.8. Acetylene properties; comparison to other gases
 The acetylene – C2H2
- colorless gas with irritating ether odor (because of the impurities), toxic.
- the mixture acetylene-air explodes if C2H2 is within 3-65%
- the mixture acetylene-oxygen explodes if C2H2 is within 3-93%
 The methane – CH4
- contained in natural gases (94-99%)
- colorless gas, with specific irritating odor, toxic if one inhales it in large amounts
- the mixture air-methane is explosive only when the methane is in 6-15% volume proportion
 The propane (C3H8) and the butane (C4H10)
- in earth oil, in gases associated to earth oil (well gases) and in gases of subterranean deposits
- at 283.15 K the propane liquefies at 0.78 MPa, while the butane at 0.15 Mpa
Fuel gases properties (table 1)
Fuel gas Acetylene Methane Propane Butane
Properties C2H2 CH4 C3H8 C4H10
239K density (0.1 MPa), Kg/m3 1.09 0.72 1.88 2.52
Caloric efficiency (293K, 0.1 52800
MPa), KJ/m3 35600 87200 116500
Ignition air 578 623 783 798
temperature, K O2 562 613 763 783
Flame temperature in oxygen, K 3420-3573 2270-2470 2970-3270 2770-2870
Burning Air 131 87 32 39
rate, cm/s O2 1350 745 370 420
O2/gas ratio, Complete burning 2.5 -
mixture fuel In the burner 1.0÷1.3 1.5÷1.6 3.0÷3.5 -
Deposit and transportation Bottled at 1.9 Bottled at 1.5 Bottled at 1 MPa, Bottled at 1
method MPa, MPa, through through pipes MPa, through
generators, pipes pipes
through pipes
Fields of application All procedures Cutting, Cutting, joining, Cutting, joining,
of flame work joining, quenching, quenching,
welding coating, welding coating, welding
(S < 5 mm) (S < 5 mm) (S < 5 mm)

1.2.9. Handling and depositing gases

 The oxygen – is obtained by fractional air distillation
- transportation:
- liquid – with transfer containers
- gas – in cylinders
- the oxygen cylinder
When handling and depositing oxygen cylinders the following are taken into account:
- the use of checked cylinders;
- only trained personnel should handle them;
- cylinder protection against the heat and the solar radiation (the pressure increases  explosion
- to avoid forced consumption of the oxygen from the cylinders, transportation with a sleigh, in
horizontal position;
- during operation the cylinders will stand vertically and will be assured;
- the valve shall be kept out of reach of greasy substances (greasy substances in contact with O 2
cause the cylinder’s explosion);
- always check the cylinder’s tightness;
- before installing the pressure reducer the cylinder shall be purified (to eliminate water vapors and
- the cylinder shall not be used without pressure reducer;
- the valve shall be thawed with steam or warm water.
 The Acetylene
- is stored in buffer tanks under lower pressures than 0.15 MPa;
- it cannot be comprised because it becomes explosive under high pressures;
- the acetylene cylinder.
Acetylene bottling is based on:
- C2H2 is dissolved in liquids (especially in acetone), solubility depending on temperature and
- the vessel dimensions in which the C2H2 is comprised determines the possibility of explosive
dissociation. C2H2 does not explode under 2.5-3.0 MPa if it is comprised in vessels of capillary
dimensions. Thus there is a porous mass with fine pores in the cylinder.
An acetylene cylinder contains:
- 18-21 Kg porous mass (35-45% of the cylinder volume)
- 12 kg acetone
- 4 m3 dissolved C2H2
- bottling pressure 1.5-1.7 MPa (15-17 bar)
- maximum short time emptying debit is 1000 l/h. For a longer time the debit will be of 600-700
The cylinder bottling:
- introducing the porous mass
- introducing the acetone
- dissolving the C2H2 under max 1.7 MPa
- the solubility of C2H2 in acetone increases the pressure linearly
- the solubility of C2H2 falls with the temperature  the pressure increases
- the shocks lead to the compression of the porous mass and acetone shall cumulate in the holes
which are created
- it is dangerous to warm the cylinders (explosion danger) because the solubility of C 2H2 falls with
the temperature and as a consequence the pressure increases
- if the consume is over 2 m3/h or if the cylinder is not used in vertical position, acetone loses shall
1.2.10 Joint types
- butt joints
- fillet joints
The overlapped joints, angle or T must be avoided because the base metal surface shall overheat
 deformations.
1.2.11. Welding methods
a) The left-hand welding – mostly used method, Fig. 10.
- the verge (the weld metal) is moved, during the welding process, before the flame
- thickness values up to 3 mm are used.

Fig. 10 Fig. 11
- great heat losses;
- the melted material spreads easily;
- the penetration is more difficult.
Applications: thin sheets, vertical and overhead welding.

b) The back-hand welding, Fig. 11.

- the verge (the weld metal) is moved, during the welding process, behind the flame
- a small cooling rate;
- a better bath protection;
- a more concentrated heat transfer;
- a better penetration.
Disadvantage: not applicable for sheets thinner than 3mm.
1.2.13. Standards for weld materials EN 440
1.2.14. Applications and typical problems
 Welding of steels
a) Horizontal welding:
- Sheets up to 1.5 mm thick:
- without weld metal
- I joint with bordered edges.
- Sheets of 1-3 mm thickness:
- left-hand welding
- verge diameter: 2-3 mm
- I joint, distance: 0.25 x thickness.
- Sheets of 4-12 (15)mm thickness:
- back-hand welding
- V joint.
- Sheets over 12 (15) mm thickness:
- welding on both sides
- X joint.
b) Upwards welding:
- up to 6 mm – I joint
- over 6 mm – V or X joint
c) Horizontal-vertical welding:
- up to 5 mm - easily
- over 5 mm – several times
- the flame is oriented all the time towards the down side of the joint
d) Overhead welding
- forward welding – the welder stays so that his look shall fall on the weld line. The
metallic verge is placed before the torch.
Welding of cast irons
- the cast iron warmed at the melting temperature suddenly becomes fluid
- the weld is porous
- an oxide stratum appears on the surface, having a melting point higher than the cast iron’s
- cracks appear due to the low possibility of the cast iron to deform.
The welding:
- in horizontal position (due to the high fluidity of the cast iron)
- the flame is a little reducing (too much C2H2)
- heat welding or cold welding
 Welding of copper
- neutral flame
- preheating
- at high thickness values – metallurgical Cu verge
- at low thickness values – electrolytic Cu verge
- during the welding process - fluxes: borax, sodium chloride

 Welding of brass (Cu-Zn alloy)

- zinc (melting point at 419C) evaporates at 900C out of which white fume of ZnO results (toxic)
- brass melts at approx. 900C
- flux to prevent Zn from evaporating (borax, boric acid, Zn chloride), which melts at 900C but
remains liquid up to 1500C
- the flame is a little oxydant
 Welding of bronze
- like the welding with Cu
- neutral flame
 Welding of zinc
- left-hand welding with flame a little reducing
- the flux must:
- not produce smoke;
- dissolve the Zn oxide;
- prevent the Zn evaporation;
- not leave stains on the weld surface;
- be easily removable.
- the flow used: 60% salmiac (ammonium chloride) + 40% ZnO
 Welding of lead
- is accomplished with gas masks because very toxic vapors result from it
 Welding of nickel
- preparation as for Cu
- back-hand welding
1.2.15. Measures for the work safety technique
 Acetylene cylinders
- they are kept in vertical position
- during transportation they are horizontally placed on special wooden supports
- they must be protected against hits so that the porous mass should not fall at the cylinder’s bottom
and so that gaps should not appear in the cylinder  explosion danger
- they must not be warmed above 30-40C  raising the pressure of C2H2  explosion
- the tightness is to be checked (C2H2 leaks lead to explosions)
 Oxygen cylinders
- the cylinders shall be checked
- they must be carefully manipulated
- they must be protected against shocks and hits (the coat will be worn out especially in winter)
- transportation in horizontal position
- protection against the heat and the solar beams so that internal overpressure should not be created
- the valve shall be lubricated because of the inflammation danger  explosion because of the
- the cylinder shall be opened after having installed the reducer
 Acetylene generators
- in a close chamber, in which welding works are accomplished, each kg of carbide load requires a
surface of at least 4 m2 and a volume of at least 10 m3.
- the distances between the generator and an open flame must be over 3 m and the one between two
generators, over 6m.
- the chamber with the generator must not have inflammable walls and the doors must be open
towards outside.
- the workshop for welding must be very well ventilated (even in winter). If there is no permanent
ventilation and only one torch is used, the air is ventilated after each two-hour work.
Ventilation is necessary because:
- the torch flame consumes also the surrounding air oxygen – for each m 3 of C2H2 1.5 m3 O2 from
the air is consumed
- the connections, the taps, the valves are not perfectly tight
- when there is 2.8% C2H2 in the air the mixture exploits from the torch flame
- when the stable generators are installed in a separate chamber, a brief ventilation is required
- the chamber shall be ventilated also after having renewed the carbide load
- it is forbidden to place the generator in places without light, cellars, basements
- the chambers shall be illuminated electrically with bulbs outside the windows. The switches are
also outside the chamber.
- one shall not enter the chambers with the generator or carbide and oxygen deposits having lamps,
ember, lit cigars etc.
The generators may explode from the following causes:
- oxygen penetrates into the generator
- dis-adjustment, by hitting, of the nozzles, injectors etc
- cleaning without precaution
- if the thawing process, where there is air, is accomplished with open flame
- insufficient cooling water in the generator
- lack of water in the safety water valve
 Welder protection
- the protection of the eyes against the luminous radiation and material splashes is assured by
protection glasses with green or gray glass
- when welding with preheating (cast irons, copper) asbestos gloves and aprons are used
- gas masks are used when welding light metals and alloys which develop toxic vapors at the
welding temperature (Zn, Pb, brass, Bz).


1. Why is only acetylene used as gas for oxy-acetylene welding?

2. Which is the quantity of C2H2 that can be taken out of a cylinder for a long time?
3. Why is the quantity of C2H2 that can be taken out of cylinders limited?
4. What happens when welding steel tubes with a flame containing C2H2 in excess?
5. What are the consequences when the distance between the flame cone and the bath is very big?
6. Which are the characteristics of the left-hand welding?
7. Which are the disadvantages of the back-hand welding?
8. What happens in winter with the quantity of C2H2 that can be taken out of cold cylinders?
9. How is the C2H2 cylinder thawed?
10. Is it allowed to thaw C2H2 cylinders over 30-40C? Why?
11. Should the oxygen cylinder be lubricated before installing the reducer? Why?
12. Is it recommended that oxygen cylinders be used only if they are warmed during welding? Why?
13. Which is the C2H2 percentage in the air that causes the oxyacetylene flame to explode?
14. What happens in winter, if, because of the frost, the acetylene generator is thawed with open
15. What are the welder’s eyes protected with against the luminous radiation?
What are the materials during the welding of which the welder must wear masks against gases? Why?

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