Group 1 MLS 1D Activity 1.5 GE

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University of San Agustin

College of Health and Allied Medical Professions

Medical Laboratory Science Program

GE 1: Science, Technology, and Society

Module 1: Activity 1.5 - Ancient Materials and Modern Version

Members: Class: MLS 1-D

Apresto, Miles Mathew G.
Apud, Alyssa Jobelle A.
Arsioga, Trixy G.
Balbiran, Azyl Dyxie V.
Bayotas, Danica C.
Brasales, Lex G.

Science and technology evolved through time as dictated by the needs of society. Some of the
past inventions are no longer relevant as society continues to change. A paradigm shift is
crucial for the development of science and technology for a better society. Consequently,
paradigm shift dictates new tools or inventions

Direction: The materials mentioned are no longer used in our current times. Give reasons
why. Look for one alternative (Modern Version).

Ancient Materials Modern Version Reason/s

Sundial Clock There are some instances the sun is not visible during
(Example) cloudy and rainy days, which hamper the purpose of the

Ziggurat Churches The structure of Ziggurats is not dependable and becomes

unstable and may collapse when faced with disastrous
storms. Another reason on why Ziggurats are no longer
used is because the religion that used it during those times
have disbanded throughout the course of history.
Moreover, due to its historical relevance, Ziggurats are
now being preserved and used as historical sites.

Hieroglyphics Pictograph With the progression of time also came the progression of
the writing system. Since each civilization before had
their own form of writing, misunderstanding between
cultures were bound to happen. Hieroglyphs proved to be
difficult to understand and read. As such, a unified system
had to be made such as the English writing system that
most people of the world are aware of. Moreover, the
growing idea of Christianity in the past paved the way for
Egyptians to abandon their way of writing in symbols and
triangular shapes in order to store information. Nowadays,
hieroglyphs serve as historical piece of information that
University of San Agustin
College of Health and Allied Medical Professions
Medical Laboratory Science Program

GE 1: Science, Technology, and Society

are found engraved on monuments and inside of pyramids
and other archaeological discoveries pertaining to ancient

Clepsydra Stopwatch or In order to maintain the accuracy of the clepsydra,

Clock constant water pressure had to be maintained. Change in
water pressure would affect the outcome on how time
would be measured. Moreover, the clepsydra had to be in
sync with the sundial and had to be adjusted in a constant
manner. The use of the clepsydra faded as time passed by
because technology such as the stopwatch and the digital
stopwatches on phones made it easier and more reliable
for us to make measurements of time.

“Bangang Coffins Human beings evolve with time. With that also came the
Manunggol” evolution of cultures, society and practices. One of these
practices are the burial practices that we observe to bury
our dead. The Bangang Manunggol or Manunggul Jar was
said to be used to bury the dead in the Neolithic period in
the Philippines. The reason on why it is no longer used in
modern times is because the beliefs, such as that the two
human figures on sailboats on top of the lid of the jar
meant the journey to the afterlife, connected to the
practice became irrelevant as time passed. As time passed
and cultures changing due to interactions with other
cultures, its relevance faded. Moreover, with the
technology and practices present today, doing a jar burial
isn’t considered as a norm anymore to most people.

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