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Chapter 1


Rationale of the Study

(provides basis or background of the study, supported by other studies)

HOME: Times new roman, 12, justify, double (2) spacing, add space before, add space

after paragraph (except appendices; like letter, questionnaires)

PAGE LAYOUT: paper size (short/8.5 x 11 inches), custom margin top, bottom, right 1”,

left 1.5”

THE PROBLEM (separate page)

Statement of the Problem {sample rani ha}

This study will evaluate the level of awareness of Full Disclosure Policy of the

selected residents in Barangay Gipasakitan, Paasa City, in order to propose appropriate

awareness programs

Specifically, this study will seek answers to the following questions: (ang mga

sub problem maoy guide unsaon pag suwat sa ubang part sa research) atleast 3 specific

questions para dili ma generalized ang research nimo.

1. What is the demographic profile of the residents in terms of: (sample rani sila

depende if unsay relevant sa injo topic, if awareness so dapat kadtong relevant sa


1.1 Age

1.2 Gender

1.3 Civil status

1.4 Annual Income

1.5 Educational attainment

1.6 Number of household members

1.7 Number in the family earning for a living

1.8 Other sources of income

1.9 Other skills and job qualifications

1.10 Relatives in Government Units

2. How should the Full Disclosure Policy be implemented in the Barangay Level?

2.1 The Republic Act or the Basis of the Law (sample)

2.2 Protocol or operation (Sample)

2.2. others (specify)

3. If there is a low level of awareness, why are these occurring?

3.1. (factors affecting awareness or unawareness) (Based on Theory)

3.2. (factors affecting awareness or unawareness) (Based on Theory)

4. Based on the findings of the study, what appropriate intervention/s can be


Significance of the Study

(enumerate concerned parties, agency or departments nga mka benefit sa study)

(Short intro). This study is relevant for the concerned parties to gain additional

information that might be helpful for them.

Specifically, the following will benefit from the results of this case study:

City Council. They will learn from the problems, solutions and recommendations in this

paper that will help them in develop city ordinances and policies.

Other Local Government Units. They will be guided in the performance of their duties

and functions that specially affects and will help their constituents

Scope and Limitation

(Short intro about the topic in general)

The scope of this study will cover only . . . . . . . . .(unsa ray apil sa imo study, like

lugarr, specific factor, time or any limitation)

One ground of choosing . . . . . . .(rason nganu g pili nmu ni nga mga limitations or

scope)not based on opinion, back up by previous research, if any.

DEFINITION OF TERMS (separate page)

For better understanding and interpretation of this study, the following terms are

operationally defined.

(Enumerate ang mga relevant terms nga naa Makita sa problem and sub problem)

define gamit ang operational meaning or g unsa nmu pag gamit ang mga terms sa

inju research. If naa pay laing term nga dapat ibutang, pwede ra sa GLOSSARY,

priority dri ang naa sa problem and sub prob.

Age refers to the period of time the respondents . . .

Annual Income refers to cash received and receivables in a particular year for

goods or products sold and services rendered.


This section describes the organization of the final report. Describe below many

chapters the report will have and what each chapter will contain.

Chapter1-Introduction. This chapter will contain the rationales of the study,

statement of the problem, research questions and significance of the study and definition

of terms.

Chapter 2-Theoretical Framework. For this chapter, it will have the review of

related literature, theoretical framework, and conceptual framework.

Chapter 3-Research Methodology. This chapter contains research environment,

research respondents, research instruments, and research procedures.

Chapter 4-Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data. This chapter will

contain the findings of the study. It will have the results and discussion based on the

research questions.

Chapter 5-Summary, Findings, Conclusions, and Recommendations. This chapter

will provide the summary of the study, major findings, conclusions, and


Chapter 2 (separate page)


Review of Related Literature

This chapter presents review of literature related to awareness both in the global

and local contexts. This attempts to review references that will be useful in relation to

residents’ demographic information, the policy, awareness theory and reasons for

unawareness; that will lead to the formulation and proposal of a program or intervention.

Awareness (or unsa inju topic)

If mukuha kag idea from other sources like books, articles, journals from google

scholar (AYAW ANG GIKAN SA WIKIPEDIA) i cite (Brown & Mazur, 2003) then e

suwat pod sa bibliography ang reference (APA FORMAT)

According to Palil and Mustapha, 2011 (cited in Mas’ud et al 2015), . . . .. .

Demographic Characteristics

The demographic characteristics of the respondents have important functions in

this case study. These demographic characteristics will provide a better understanding of

the respondents included and will provide a good foundation for a detailed discussion of

the results based on the stipulated questions or sub-problems of the study. The

demographic characteristics included Age, Gender, Civil status, Annual Income,

Educational attainment, Number of household members, Number in the family earning

for a living , Other sources of income, Other skills and job qualifications. Kamo nay


Philippine full disclosure policy

Discuss relevant data sa law nga part sa study

Factors for Awareness

Unsa nga mga factors based sa theory ang mka affect sa awareness

Theoretical Framework

(Theory about sa topic/ sa awareness)

Figure 1. Theoretical Framework of the Study

Conceptual Framework

Based on the problem, the conceptual framework of the study is presented below.

The framework is composed of five (4) frames that will help evaluate the . . . .

The first frame contains the demographic profile of This will provide

the basic information of the respondents of this particular case study in terms of age,

gender, civil status, annual income, number of dependents, educational attainment,

number of household members, number in the family earning for a living, other sources

of income, other skills and job qualifications

The second frame represents how . . . .

The third frame represents .

The fourth and last frame represents the intervention that will be proposed. . .

Demographic profile:

Figure 2. The Conceptual Framework of the Study

Chapter 3 (separate page)


The research design of this paper will be (unsai design sa research, example case


To complete this case study; a combination of survey, interviews, focus group

discussion, documentation and data analyses will be used. A survey is an investigation

about the characteristics of a given population by means of collecting data from a sample

of that population and estimating their characteristics through the systematic use of

statistical methodology. It is a fixed set of questions that can be administered by paper

and pencil, as a Web form, or by an interviewer who follows a strict script. An interview

is a discussion, usually one-by-one between an interviewer and an individual, meant to

gather information on a specific set of topics. Focus group discussion is a type of

discussion accomplished in a group in which participants influence each other through

their answers to the ideas during the discussion (Mishra, 2016). Documentation is the

process of making a record or the capturing of some event or thing and put it into some

relatively permanent form so that the information will not be lost and can be retrieved

later. Data analysis is the process of systematically applying logical techniques to

describe, illustrate, and evaluate data.

Raw data will be collected from participants through survey and interview. After

the identification of problems and issues, analysis of the data will be done to provide

probable solutions to the issues and to propose appropriate interventions.

Research Environment

This research will be conducted in Maasin City, Southern Leyte. Maasin gained

the city status on August 10, 2000 by virtue of Republic Act 8796 and became the capital

of the province of Southern Leyte. It is located on 10.1333° N, 124.8500° E and

composed of seventy (70) barangays with a total land area of 82 sq. miles.

Southern Leyte

Figure 3. Map of Philippines (Source:

Figure 4. Map of Southern Leyte (Source:

Figure 5. Map of Maasin City (Source:

Research Respondents

The respondents of this study will be the

Research Instruments

Survey questionnaire (Appendix D) will be used to know the respondent’s

demographic profile

An interview protocol (Appendix D) will serve as a guide in the proper conduct of

the interview.

A discussion protocol (Appendix D) will serve as a guide in the proper conduct of

the focus group discussion. Initial findings based on the survey and interview will be

presented and individual suggestions will be tackled during the discussion. Any

additional proposal will be noted and discussed to find the appropriate intervention.

Research Procedures

Gathering of Data

Data will be collected through the use of survey questionnaire, a face to face

interview and a focus group discussion with the respondents. Before they fill up and

answer specific questions, a proper consent will be asked and they will sign an “informed

consent” to signify his or her involvement in the case study. The questionnaires will be

distributed and will be collected immediately after. Permission will be asked first before

the date, time and venue of the interview will be set. An interview protocol will be used

in the conduct of the interview proper. Necessary follow up questions will be asked to

clarify some information. If the respondent will allow, the interview will be audio

recorded as part of the documentation process. The date, time and venue will be set for

the focus group discussion. Letter of invitation will be sent to the respondents for their

participation. A guide will also be used in the conduct of discussion proper. Participant’s

ideas, answers and contributions during discussion will be documented and summarized

for further analysis.

Treatment of Data

The data that will be gathered in this case study will be summarized, analyzed and

presented based the formulated research problems. The following will be used in this


1. Flowcharts will be used to present the process or activities involved

2. Tables will be used to present the survey results specially the demographic profile

3. Regression analysis is a statistical tool that investigates the relationships between


4. Content analysis will be used to analyze responses in the interviews. Through

content analysis; problems and issues will be determined.


(separate page APA format) mga studies and references nga g cite sa other parts sa

inju research

Books (sample sa APA format)

Banggawan, B. R. (2016). Business and Transfer Taxation (Laws, Principle and

Applications with Tax Remedies). Aurora Hill, Baguio City. Real Excellence


Yin, R. K. (2009). Case study research design and methods (4th ed.). USA: SAGE

Publications, Inc.

Journals (murag daghan2 ni dri XD)

Mishra, L. (2016). Focus Group Discussion in Qualitative Research. Techno

Learn, 6(1), 1.

Laws and other Regulations

Republic Act No. 9501: Magna Carta for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises

(MCMSMEs). (2008, May 23). An Act to Promote Entrepreneurship by

Strengthening Development and Assistance Programs to Micro, Small and

Medium Scale Enterprises, Amending for the Purpose Republic Act No. 6977, As

Amended, Otherwise Known as the “Magna Carta for Micro, Small and Medium

Enterprises” and for other Purposes.

Online Sources

Philippine Statistics Authority. Retrieved from world wide web.

aspbi-wholesale-and-retail-trade-repair, accessed May 15, 2017.

2015 MSME Statistics. (2015). Retrieved from world wide web.

workshop-on-market-access-for-smes-set. accessed May 15, 2017.

Other Sources

Abrugar, V. (2011, February 19). Business Taxes in the Philippines. Business

Retrieved from World Wide Web. in-the-

philippines/ . accessed May 24, 2017.




Saint Joseph College
Maasin City, Southern Leyte

Dear Sir/Ma’am:

My name is , a student of Sainth Joseph College and

currently doing a study entitled “Level of awareness of Full Disclosure Policy of the
selected residents in Barangay Gipasakitan, Paasa City” as my research for the degree
Bachelor of Science in Accountancy at the Saint Joseph College, Maasin City. The study
will evaluate the level of awareness of Full Disclosure Policy of the selected residents in
Barangay Gipasakitan, Paasa City to propose interventions.

I have identified you as a resident of . . . .. For this, I am hoping that you would be able to
participate in my study. I would like to ask your permission that I will be allowed to
collect your data that will be used in the research. Rest assured that all your information
will be treated with utmost respect and confidentiality.

Please allow me to make initial contact with you or your representative so I can further
discuss the details of my research. My contact number is 8-7000, and my email address is

I am looking forward to your positive response and favourable action on this study.

Sincerely yours,


Noted by:

Ivan Jake C. Gonzales


Invitation Letter for Focus Group Discussion



My name is , a student of Sainth Joseph College and

currently doing a study entitled “Level of awareness of Full Disclosure Policy of the
selected residents in Barangay Gipasakitan, Paasa City” as my research for the degree
Bachelor of Science in Accountancy at the Saint Joseph College, Maasin City. The study
will evaluate the level of awareness of Full Disclosure Policy of the selected residents in
Barangay Gipasakitan, Paasa City to propose interventions.

In relation to this, I would like to invite you to be a participant of a focus group

discussion on (date and time), at the (venue). It will be a presentation and discussion of
the initial findings and results based on the interviews and surveys. Proper protocol in the
conduct of the discussion and confidentiality of information shall be observed.

I am looking forward for your participation. Your inputs will be highly appreciated.
Thank you and God Bless!

Very truly yours,



In signing this document, I am giving my consent to be a participant of the

research that will be conducted by name of SJC, Philippines. I understand that will be
part of his or her study, and that it will focus on title
I understand that the interviews, surveys and focus group discussion will be
conducted in Maasin City. I also understand that the researcher may contact me for more
information in the future.
I understand that I was selected to participate in the study because (ikaw researcher ang
mg provide ug rason)
My participation in the interviews, surveys and focus group discussion is granted
freely. I have been informed that participation in the interviews is entirely voluntary and I
can refuse to answer any specific question. I have been told that my answers to questions
will be included in the research.
This study will benefit the (enumerate preha sa significance)
I understand that the results of this research will be given to me if I ask for them
and that the researcher is the person to contact if I have any questions about the study or
about my rights as a study participant.

____________________ ______________________
Date Respondent’s Signature

____________________ ______________________
Date Researcher’s Signature


(ang pattern same sa injung sub problem)

Survey Questionnaire


Instruction: Please answer this questionnaire to the best of your knowledge. Kindly place
a check mark “” in the appropriate box that represents your response and write down
correct information on the space provided. Rest assured that your responses will be
treated with outmost confidentiality.

I. Respondent’s Information

1. Gender
 Male
 Female

2. Age
 ≤ 25
 26 - 35
 36 - 45
 46 - 55
 Above 56

3. Civil status
 Single
 Married
 Separated
 Widowed

4. Annual income

 P30, 000 - P70, 000

 P70, 001 - P140, 000
 P140, 001 - P250, 000
 P250, 001 - P500, 000
 Others (please specify): _______________

5. Educational Attainment
High School
 Bachelor’s degree
Master’s degree
 Doctorate (PhD)

6. Number of household members: ______________________________________

7. Number in the family earning for a living: _____________________________

8. Other sources of income: ____________________________________________

II. (if unsa sa inju sub problem)

Instruction: Choose the responses from the statements below by encircling the rate that
best describe the

5 – highest
1 -lowest

(Mga questions) 5 4 3 2 1

III. Relate sa sub problem 3
Kindly place a check mark “” in the appropriate box that represents your response

Strongly Agree Somewhat Don’t know Somewhat Disagree Strongly

Agree Agree Disagree Disagree


Phase 1: Before the Interview. The researcher will consult the participation of the

respondent in the case study. The date, time and venue of the interview will be set.

Phase 2: Actual Interview. The respondent will be informed of the terms of the

interview and asked to sign the informed consent (Appendix C)

Introduction: Good day. I’m

Your participation in the interview is entirely voluntary and you can refuse to

answer any specific question. Rest assured that I will treat your answers as confidential.

I will not include any information that could identify you in any of my reports. Before we

proceed, do you have any questions about the study?

Interview proper: The following primary and probing questions were used as guide for

the interview.

Guide Questions:

Closing: Thank you very much for your participation and for sharing your views. It

helped me a lot. Closing prayer.


Phase 1: Before the Focus Group Discussion. A letter of invitation (Appendix B) will

be sent to the participants a week before to inform them about the date, time

and venue of the Focus Group Discussion (FGD).

Phase 2: Actual Focus Group Discussion. The terms and objectives of the discussion be

explained to the participants for their proper guidance. The participants will be to

sign the informed consent (Appendix C). Copies of handouts and necessary

materials will be distributed to the participants.

Prayer: The facilitator will lead the prayer.

Introduction: Thank you very much for coming. I’m . I am now gathering data for my

thesis entitled “ . The entire discussion will be recorded. Your participation is

purely voluntary and you can refuse to answer any specific question. However, I

encourage everyone to speak and participate. Rest assured that I will treat your

identity as confidential. I will not include any information that could identify my

participants in my paper.

Focus Group Discussion proper:

The facilitator will discuss the initial findings of the study based on the survey and


1. What can you say about the initial findings of the study?

Are the findings unusual?

If yes, what makes it unusual?

2. Is there a major issue that were omitted in the initial findings?

How can we respond to that particular issue?

The facilitator will discuss the recommendations of the study suggested by the

respondents during the conduct of the interview. Comments, insights, opinions

and additional ideas will be noted and will be discussed.

Closing: Thank you very much for your participation and for sharing your views. It

helped me a lot. If in case I have further questions and clarifications, can I get

back to you in another time?

2x2 Face only, white
background, recent (6 mos APPENDIX E
or less)
Pwede ra selfie bsta formal,
yaw palabi filter, pass sa name
anang face app address
Mobile number:
Email address:
Other personal info kamo nay puno




 Sample JPIA

I hereby certify that the above information are true and correct.



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