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1. A 45.

2. C 46. A
3. E 47. B
4. A 48. B
5. A 49. B
6. B 50. C
7. E 51. C
8. B 52. B
9. A 53. A
10. C 54. A
11. D 55. A
12. C 56. C
13. A 57. C
14. A 58. F
15. A 59. D
16. A 60. C
17. B 61. A
18. A 62. A
19. E 63. E
20. D 64. A
21. C 65. A
22. B 66. D
23. B 23. A 67. C
24. A 68. C
25. A 69. B
26. C 70. A
27. B 71. B
28. C 72. A
29. A 73. D
30. B 74. A
31. C 75. B
32. C 76. B
33. D 77. A
34. C 78. C
35. E/J 79. D
36. B 80. A
37. A 81. A
38. D 82. A
39. C 83. A
40. A 84. C
41. D 85. D
42. D
43. B
44. C
1. If the Commission on higher education would plan dissolved history subject in all
academics institution, public and private, I would not agree about it. it is because
through history, we can learn how past societies, systems, ideologies, governments,
cultures and technologies were built, history Subjects help us develop a better
understanding of the world also to ourselves. In history which aims to learned the
ideas of philosophy and ideology by understanding the Philippines the stray.
2. Bonifacio was a Filipino revolutionary leader also called The Father of the
Philippines revolutionary. In other hands Rizal is our national hero of the Philippines
also a Filipino nationalist during the tail end of the Spanish colonial period of the
Philippines. If I would to replace Rizal as a national hero by Bonifacio what would be
my reason. My reason would be Andres Bonifacio is the founder of the katipunan
which who lead the KKK to fight against the The Spanish.
3. If I would to replace the name of our country, it will be based on Islam/Muslim name
it is because Islam is the first Religion who discover the country. RAJA ISLAND if I
will replace it the name of our country.

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